From Gotham with Love (Male O...

By DanteUchiha420

31.8K 867 144

It takes a certain kind of person to live in Gotham City. Though many were born and raised, many others had e... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1: Second Chances PT: 1
Chapter 2: Second Chances PT: 2
Chapter 3: Second Chances PT: 3
Chapter 4: New Roommates PT: 1
Chapter 5: New Roommates PT: 2
Chapter 6: New Roommates PT: 3
Chapter 7: New Roommates PT: 4
Chapter 8: New Roommates PT: 5
Chapter 9: Assault on Arkham PT:1
Chapter 10: Assault on Arkham PT: 2
Chapter 11: Assault on Arkham PT: 3
Chapter 12: Assault on Arkham PT: 4
Chapter 13: Pillow Talk PT: 1 (πŸ‹ Harley πŸ‹)
Chapter 14: Pillow Talk PT: 2 (πŸ‹IvyπŸ‹)
Chapter 15: Under The Red Hood PT:1
Chapter 16: Under The Red Hood PT: 2
Chapter 17: Under The Red Hood PT: 3
Chapter 18: Under The Red Hood PT: 4
Chapter 19: Pillow Talk PT: 3 (πŸ‹ Blackfire πŸ‹)
Chapter 20: Snakes in the Grass PT: 1
Chapter 21: Snakes in the Grass PT: 2
Chapter 22: Snakes in the Grass PT: 3
Chapter 23: Grind Time PT: 1
Chapter 24: Grind Time PT: 2
Chapter 26: Pillow Talk PT: 5 (πŸ‹ Harley + Ivy πŸ‹)
Chapter 27: Guardian Rising PT:1
Chapter 28: Guardian Rising PT: 2
Chapter 29: Guardian Rising PT: 3
Chapter 30: Guardian Rising PT: 4
Chapter 31: Guardian Rising PT: 5
Chapter 32: Guardian Rising PT: 6
Chapter 33: Guardian Rising PT: 7
Chapter 34: Guardian Rising PT: 8

Chapter 25: Pillow Talk PT: 4 (πŸ‹ Jinx πŸ‹)

438 11 1
By DanteUchiha420

It was needless to say that after the mini concert I was given the next few days off. What was me needing to recover and Cleo having to put in a truck order to stock back up on booze. However everyone was a bit surprised that I brought someone else home with me.
"So what can ya do?!"
Harley explained with excitement.

Leslie held her hands about a footlong apart as she channeled electricity in between them.
"I'm basically living energy at this point. I can distort electromagnetic fields, manipulate electrons in the air and focus them as you see me doing now, I can also travel within the electric currents running through power lines, phone cords, and so on. I can also mess with the electric impulses within people's minds."

Ivy then glanced over at me with a slight smile before turning her attention back to her.
"So Leslie, would you happen to have an alias?"
She asked, Leslie smiling in delight as she channeled a bit more electricity which caused a brief power surge.

"They call me Livewire!! And don't none of you forget it, hahaha!!"
She laughed before turning off the light show.

Caitlin then pursed her lips as she took a moment to think.
"Wait, if you're basically living energy then why would you need to eat and drink anything? I don't know it just seems like if that was the case then you could just drain electricity from any power source to sustain yourself."

Leslie grimaced when Caitlin said this.
"Let's just say that motherfucker Strange didn't just experiment with Venom for Waller."

When she said this everyone was shocked, pun intended of course.
"How did you..."
Jinx asked in surprise before she trailed off.

"Remember when I said that I can travel along electric currents? Doing so allows me hear and see pretty much everything within a certain distance. I just so happened to be tuning in just before you and that clown played Rock Em Sock Em all through Arkham. I couldn't stick around to help out other than with the subdermal explosives. Otherwise I would have gotten thrown right back in a cell once the show had ended."
Komand'r then decided to let her know of a couple things.

"We've worked with Batman in recent past for a couple of different reasons."
When she said this she looked like she felt as if she'd been stabbed.

She roared.

"My friend was killed by Joker, brought back to life by an ancient order of Assassins who want to burn the world down so they can save it. He was the one that went on a rampage and killed a whole bunch of mobsters a little while back. They also took the other girl that was living here against her will."
Once again Leslie was shocked.

"Damn, that's a nasty sound bite to swallow all at once... I'm sorry."
She shifted while standing in place as she put her hands in her pockets.
"But since you just said that you know Batman then I can't stick around. I don't know how you can with the fact that there's listening devices all over the building. Oh and before you ask, it's sort of my thing when it comes to this kind of stuff."

"I should have fucking knew it..."
I growled.

"Where are you going?"
Jinx asked as she skipped backwards.

"I'm going to have a little chat with our dear old Dark Knight."
I replied.

"Wait a minute, you all know who he is don't you?!"
Leslie exclaimed.

"Yeah, we sorta found out when Larissa got taken by the League of Assassins."
Harley explained while Leslie made an oh face.
"If I had ta guess, I would say they also know who he is seeing as how their boss wanted him to be his successor."

"Just be careful Bumgorf."
Komand'r says as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"No guarantees love."
I smiled and winked at her before walking out the door.

When I had walked up to the front gate I buzzed the intercom, Alfred being the one to answer.
"Good evening Master Hoechlin, Master Bruce is currently out on his nightly patrol. If you would like you are more than welcome to wait."

"Much appreciated Alfred."
I say as the gate slowly opened up.

Once I made my way up to the door Alfred stood sideways and gestured for me to come inside.
"Please come on in sir, I have a kettle on the stove if you would like some tea. Would you have a preference by chance?"
He asked as I took a quick moment to think.

"Do you have Gun Powder Green or Red Zinger?"
Alfred simply held up a finger.
"I believe we do."
Once the tea had been prepared, Alfred brought it out as I sat in the dining room.
"There you are, may I inquire as to the reason behind your visit today sir?"

"I would like to have a chat with Bruce about bugging my apartment with listening devices. A friend of mine noticed they were hidden all through the building and as I'm sure you can gather, Bruce probably doesn't understand the definition of privacy."
Alfred had chuckled as he handed me my cup of tea.

"On the contrary he is one of the most if not the most reclusive and reserved person on the planet."
Alfred said.
"While I understand your irritation, Master Bruce doesn't do these things without there being a legitimate reason for him to do so."

"What exactly is his reasoning behind this?"
I asked.

"The long and complicated answer is that his persona isn't the only thing that came about that night when his parents were killed. He also realized that some things are simply outside of most people's control as they do not have the means to do just that. He has a contingency for every back up contingency you see. Having said that, when he sees an unknown variable he takes added precautions in the possible event that said variable becomes something that would need to be dealt with by incapacitating or neutralizing them."
As Alfred explained all this I happily sipped on my tea and listened.

"I mean I can understand that, but on the other hand I sleep with more than one of them. It's just one of those things you know?"
I asked as Alfred nodded.

"I do, but I also can't say that I have had more than one woman sent on me at once the way you do."
He replied with a slight grin.
"With all that being said though I will pass your message along to Master Bruce once he returns."

"Alright, thanks for the tea Alfred. It was pretty good."
I said as I got up to leave.

"If it means anything to you, he mutes the listening devices when you're about to fornicate."
When I looked back at him I gave him a quizzical look.

"Does he still have Batgirl watch us from a distance?"
I asked as he sighed.

"And Robin."
He admitted.

"Those poor virgin eyes."
I groaned as I shook my head.
"Anyway, catch you later Alfred."

After I had gotten back to my place I had helped Ivy prepare dinner for everyone as I told everyone about the conversation I had with Batman's Assistant.
"Has he taken more than one of you at once yet?"
Leslie asked the others, causing them all to blush.
"I'll take that one as a no."

As soon as she said this I immediately began to think about Harley sitting on Komand'r's face as Ivy eats her out while I take Ivy from behind. I also began to grow a bit heavier south of the border and put those thoughts away until later on.
"Alright, dinner is now officially served!"
I say as I pulled 6 Pseudo Pork Roasts out of the oven.

"Holy shit."
Leslie muttered.
"What can't you do?"

"I can cook, play acoustic and electric guitar, sing, dance, I know my way around cars and bikes..."
Harley had then decided to interrupt me mid sentence.

"You're also stubborn."
She said.

"A total geek that likes Marvel, Video games, Anime, My Little Pony..."
Ivy added.

"You're also one of the coolest people I've ever met."
Caitlin added with a pun to top things off.

"You're also very well endowed."
Jinx muttered aloud.

"You've kicked Joker's ass twice."
Harley continued.

"And you welcomed me into your home when you didn't have to after I had only just arrived here on earth."
Leslie rolled her eyes as she held a ball of electricity in her hand.

"I get it he's a catch!! Can we fucking eat already I'm starving!"
She exclaimed as I pulled out a few bottles of Chardonnay.

"White Wines go good with Pork, drink up ladies."
I said as I poured their glasses.
"Also there's no need to worry about breaking the bank on this meal. Between what I got from work and Ivy's paycheck, bills and rent are payed through the next few months!"

Everyone smiled joyfully when they heard this as we clinked glasses.
"To new friends!"
Komand'r exclaimed.

"To busting one's ass on the daily!"
Jinx added.

"Here here!!"
Harley yelled out before we all took our first of many drinks.

We didn't stop at the Pork Roasts and Chardonnay. We also ended up ordering some Mongolian Pizzas from Fong's as well as some noodles, Egg rolls, and Crab Rangoon. During dinner we also had started to get know Leslie. Once she was the host for her own talk show. Heavily inspired by the rebels and metal heads of old, she was always talking on her show about how people are having their freedoms taken away from them and that if you wanted to do something it was your right to do as you please so long as it didn't involve anything horrible or illegal. Funny enough she ended up doing a whole bunch of things that fit the bill;

Attempted mass murder and actual murder in the 2nd degree, Blackmail, Destruction of property, Theft, Kidnapping, and so on.
"The boyscout with the red sheet around his neck had gotten struck by lightning. When all that energy was channeled through him and hit me, boom!!"
She held a ball of electricity in her hand that even caused a couple of lights to flicker.
"At first I used my powers just to get what I wanted, just as a lot of people would. The reason why I even started my talk show was because I used to be that weird and nerdy emo girl that liked all forms of rock music. No one wanted to listen to me when I wanted or needed them to the most..."
She trailed of for a moment in thought and fell silent.
"So I decided to say to hell with it all and everyone, so long as I got what I wanted and to put on a show while doing it, that was all that mattered... Because at least then people would see... hear me... and wouldn't fuck with me when they saw what I could do."

Jinx was the first to break the silence as she rested her hand on Leslie's shoulder.
"Believe me when I say that you are one of the least quiet people around. Also just look at all of us. Misfits, outcasts, black sheep one and all. We welcome those who are messed up like us and accept each other regardless of our pasts. Isn't that right Damien?"

I couldn't help but smile widely.
"Damn straight, for people like us our door is always open. You also won't have to worry about Batman or any capes showing up to take you back, none of us will let that happen. So where's your stuff stashed?"

Leslie had forced herself to not shed tears even though you could tell from her expression that she wanted to so very badly. But I could also understand why she wasn't doing so, seeing as how she had only met the lot of us not even 6 hours ago.
"Come on, we can come with you to grab your stuff."
Jinx encouraged before she glanced at me.
"As you can see this model of a man is also your handy dandy pack mule that speaks four languages."

"I speak 3; English, Spanish, and French."
I corrected as Jinx shook her head. A split second later I understood the joke as did everyone else.
"Ah, I see... well then I don't know about the rest of you but I think I'm gonna call it."

3rd POV.....
As Damien went off to go and get ready for bed, a couple of the ladies were still giggling over how Damien reacted. Harley and Ivy being those two as Komand'r simply had a lustful grin and look in her eyes.
"He's pent up."
She said as she bit her lip.
"I can smell it."

"Ooookay sista, give him some time. If he wants to he'll let it be known."
Harley said as she kept Komand'r from floating off in his direction.

"He's exhausted, just let the man rest."
Ivy said as she combined all the roaches together.

"I second that motion."
Caitlin said.
"He's just been going full steam ahead lately with everything. Hasn't stopped for any length of time to fully recover from anything. Not to mention this new gang that started hitting the streets after Jason killed most of Gotham's old crime families and the other Gang Leaders."

"What's that got to do with Damien?"
Jinx asked as she stuck out her pinky and took a sip of her tea.

"He first ran into them right when Jason came back to Gotham, which was also when they arrived at the same time. The second time he ran into them was on the bus when he protected that old man and everyone else. He didn't tell you about the third time....."
Caitlin trailed off as she went back to what happened a few nights ago.

"While most of you were out, either at work or wherever... Damien came in looking like hell which isn't new, but he looked like he just went twelve rounds with a raging bull. His knuckles and face were swollen and covered in blood. Multiple contusions on his chest, back, legs, etcetera. When I walked in I found him on the floor about to pass out..."

"Damien, what the hell happened to you?!!"
She said as she rushed to his side and dropped to her knees.

When she rolled him over she saw the very sight that she had just described.
"*Coughs Blood* Mother fuckin....argh!!"

"Who did this to you?!"
She asked again as he sat up while fighting the pain.

"Wannabe little shits.... tried to kidnap a little girl... There was *coughs* about uh... few to several dozen... Heh, just... couldn't help myself.."
After Caitlin helped him up and cleaned his wounds he looked her in the eye.
"Please...don't tell the others... I don't want them to worry about me anymore that what any of you have already."

"After that I took some of the stuff you used on him last time and used my powers to help reduce the swelling."
After Caitlin had finished telling them all this everyone had a mixture of thoughts and emotions swirling around in their heads.

"He thought it would have been better after finding out how we all went through what we did to be who we are..."
Harley muttered as she looked towards the closed bedroom door.
"He didn't want us to worry about him after he spent all this time worrying about us."

"Remind me to smack the shit out of him later!"
Ivy snapped.

"It's just like Bumgorf to do something like that."
Komand'r said with a hushed tone.

"Damn...the guy is more hardcore than I thought, not saying that he wasn't before but still."
Leslie added.

"I got this one ladies."
Jinx said as she finished her tea and cartwheeled her way past Leslie towards the bedroom.

"He needs to rest Jinx... Even after I said what I just did."
Ivy said as she used her vines to block Jinx's path.

"Oh relax big red, I'm not gonna drain his pimp juice or anything."
She smiled back at everyone in a way that made it seem like she was going to do just that. But despite her better judgement, she allowed Jinx to pass and head into the dark bedroom.

Damien POV.....
It couldn't have been long by the time I was stirred awake. When I rolled over to see who had gotten into bed with me, Jinx was laying there wearing a neon pink single strap tank top, black panties, and knee high socks which were a mix of the two colors.
She whispered.

I whispered back, only for her to roll me on to my back and straddle my waist.
"Jinx what are you..."
I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence as she placed her finger on my lips.

"Shhhh big man, and just relax. As much as I would like too I'm not gonna have you fuck my brains out like a wild animal."
She then began tugging at the bottom of my shirt as gestured for me to take it off.
"Between work, training, and what happened with that gang kidnapping the little girl the other night, you've gotta be really tense."
I immediately figured that Caitlin had told everyone what happened and while I felt bad, Jinx's smile never faded.
"I'm just here to help alleviate it, now roll over like a good boy."

I did as she instructed me to as she moved the pillow off to the side. She then proceeded to massage my neck and ever so slowly work her way down to my shoulders.
"Mmm, I'm guessing that Komand'r gave you some tips on how else you could use those hands huh?"

Jinx giggled in a sultry tone before leaning forward and nibbling on my ear in a way that sent a pleasurable shiver downy spine.
"~Hehehe, you have no idea.~"
I then felt her start using her powers on me in way like how she had when we first met.

Only this time when her energy spread through my body I felt my body relax in a way that made it seem like my muscles had turned into Jello.
"Ohhhhh fuck that feels amazing."
I moaned into the mattress as she worked her way down to my lower back.

"I thought you might have been tense but jeez, you have a lot of knots down here."
She said as she worked her magic. Once she had massaged the backside of my legs she tapped me on the shoulder.
"Roll over for me one more time would you?"
When I did so she noticed the massive bulge in my shorts.
"Hehe, someone's excited."

"How can I not be?"
I asked her as she shifted her hips forward and started to grind her clit against my cock through our clothes.

"I can feel you pulsating."
She whimpered while biting her lip as she massaged my chest.
"~Mmm, I could really go for a taste but I said I wasn't going too...~"

Upon hearing her say this I moved my hips with hers as I placed my hands on her waist.
"You say you want just a taste right? So go ahead and taste me."

As soon as I said this she used her powers to rip all of our clothes off. Leaving nothing in between her and I while she sped up.
"Maybe I'll just tease you for a little while."

I wasn't in the mood for that, so I grabbed and flipped her around to where she was now on her back as I pinned her wrists down.
"Maybe I'll just do to you what you did to me back in Black Mask's car."
I shot back before making my way down below the belt.

Once I spread her already wet lips and flicked my tongue across her clit she immediately arced her back as she pressed her hands to the back of my head.
"~Oh my....fucking God *Gasp*!! Ohhhh yes please don't stop, that...feels too fucking good Damien!!~"
As she continued to moan and scream I grabbed her wrists once more as I snaked my tongue deep into her soaking wet pussy.
She tasted like something fruity but also smelled of something else as well. I only continued to wiggle my tongue around inside of her as she then wrapped her legs around my head, unwilling to let me go when her walls began to tighten up.
"~I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm cumming!!!~"
She screamed as I felt her explode in my mouth.

After she had came down my throat I flipped her around and forced her face down into the mattress. Naturally she stuck her ass high in the air for me and shook it around withy cock between her cheeks. As she looked back at me she gave me an evil and mischievous look. That look had said all that I needed to know as I lined my cock up and immediately started to make her cheeks clap.
"Goddamn, if things had gone down differently when we first met I would have pounded your little pussy right then and there!"

As I thrusted harder she did the same when she kept throwing herself back on me. Gripping the sheets so tightly as she bit into them, I glided in and out of her like a missile. She even continued to use her powers in a way that made us feel more sensitive to one another's touch.
"~Ohh fock I wanted this sooo badly, fuck me harder Daddy D, destroy me however you want ahhhh!!!~"

The next thing that happened was that my inner demon took over. Making me to be sure the girls in the other room heard us as well as the neighbors. The only sounds that were made were by me making her scream like a banshee while I continuously went balls deep at a rate that caused her whole body to go limp, yet she kept begging me to not let up in the slightest.
"Your my good little cum bucket aren't you my little Minx?"
I asked her before giving both of her cheeks a hard slap.

"~Ahh ahh ahh, yes Daddy yes I'm your good little cum bucket!!~"
She shouted as she came once more at the same time as I did.

But even when I came once inside her I wasn't finished as I reached forward and wrapped both of my hands around her throat and continued to pound her. After awhile my balls tightened up once more and just like before I dumped my load deep inside her. After my cum had poured out of her I stood up and folded her in half like a lawn chair before I started pounding her from the top down. It had gotten to the point where she started to lose herself as I did amidst the pleasure. So much so that when she came for the fuck I don't even know how many times at this point that the lights in the room had burst just as she did. But when I pulled out and she saw that I was still as hard as a rock her eyes widened.
"Turn around, now."
I demanded.

She happily did so and from there I rammed my cock into her ass, causing her to scream in a mix of pain and pleasure as I stretched out her back door.
"~Oh my fuck!!!!~"
She squealed while grabbed her hits and gave her a kiss at the same time.

Just when I felt my balls tighten up once more I reached underneath her legs I held her up as I continued to fuck her in the ass. I was more backed up than what I had thought because even when I had came 5 times I was still going strong. But this last round would be my last for the night.
"Take every last drop little Minx!!"
Once I had exploded in her bowls for the last time I felt the last bit of my stamina leave my body as I collapsed on the bed next to her.

"Damn...they.... were not... kidding when they... said... you were a monster..."
She said between breaths as she pushed herself over to where we were face to face.

I gasped.
"I'm... pretty sure...that...was...a literal gallon...I shot...into you..."

As our eyes met I noticed that hers hadn't ceased glowing. When our lips met I felt another surge like what I had when we first started. Her tongue swirling against mine felt like bolts of electricity. But as we were too exhausted to get out of bed, we said to hell with it as I quickly took the sheets off and just shared the blanket with her. We cuddled up to each other, wrapping our limbs around one another before we answered the call to finally go to sleep.

Hey hey everybody, hope all you dirty minded bastiches enjoyed this lemon as there is another that immediately follows.

Not gonna spoil the detes with the next one though so you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves.

But before you go, don't forget to smash that like button like how our boy did with Jinx's cheeks as you leave a comment and with your friends and followers on any and all social media!!!

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