Younger | Station 19

By ashlee_romanoff

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follows the life of Aria Bishop. The youngest of the Bishop family. Andy Herrera x fem OC Slow burn All credi... More

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thirty nine

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By ashlee_romanoff

*Aria's p.o.v*

It was the next morning, and I woke up exhausted. I fell asleep around 3 in the morning. I looked at the clock and it reads '6:30'. I got up and put some workout clothes on. Once I had everything on, I went out on a run. 

*a couple hours later*

After I finished my workout, I made my way to the station. I changed into my uniform when I heard someone crying. I looked out at the corner and saw Maya crying.

Me: Are you crying?

Maya: *shakes her head* No.

Me: Then what's in your eyes?

Maya: *turns around with puffy eyes* I said I wasn't crying, and I meant it. 

She walks over to me and puts a black band over my badge.

Me: You don't need to feel embarrassed about this. We're all a little messed up over Ripley. And plus I'm your sister, you can cry in front of me anytime. You want me to grab you a tissue?

Maya: Nope.

Me: You gonna grab one yourself?

Maya: Negative, cause I don't need one.

Me: I think you do.

Maya: No, I don't, because I'm not crying.

Me: Do you want to talk about this?

Maya: Absolutely not.

Me: But you always want to talk.

Dean walks in talking on the phone. Once he hung up, he put on his uniform and walked over to us.

Dean: Bishop, you okay?

Maya: Don't forget this. Okay. *sighs and walks away*

We all get out of the locker room and went inside the beanery. We're all sitting around the table eating and Dean is watching the news about the wildfire going on in California.

Dean: Look at that. Not even 10% contained. I hope the winds don't shift.

Andy: Just got word. California's requesting supplies. This one's gonna get worse before it gets better. We'll organize shipments for Seattle departments to take down to L.A. 

Ben: it's like bad on top of bad, you know? First, Ripley dies, and now this. Seems like we all could have used a little pause. Hey, how's Vic?

Maya: Uh, she split without saying goodbye this morning.

Ben: How are you doing?

Maya: *sniffling* Just my allergies are acting up.

Andy: Has anybody heard from Vic today?

Vic: Morning! You guys seeing these wildfires? This thing just won't stop. *looks at all of us with a smile* Yeah. Okay. Okay, go on. Get all your staring out of your system, and then let's move on. Okay? Grieving Little Arm Candy's in the house. Drinking coffee. Ready to move forward. We all good now? Great. Okay. Back to your regularly scheduled programs, please.

Dean: Hey. You sure you want to be here?

Vic: I didn't come to work today cause I didn't want to be here, so...

Travis: How about I take you back home? To Maya and Andy's, or if you want a change of scenery, come stay with me.

Vic: Why? Cause I shouldn't go home home? Back to the place I spent so much time with him? Back to the bed we shared? You don't want me sleeping in that? Sorry. Sorry. That was- That was not fair. I'd love to come crash after shift, but right now, I'm working, so...

Jack: Vic. We'll all cover for you. If you have other stuff you need to be focused on-

Vic: You know, it's not a big deal. Jennifer's handling all the funeral arrangements and everything, so...

Travis: You don't want to be involved in that, or-

Vic: Not really. I mean, what does it matter? It's not gonna bring him back.  And I'm not going to the funeral anyway, so...Miller, you mind passing me that syrup?

Dean: Yeah.

Vic: Thank you.

Travis: Vic you have- you have to go to the funeral.

Vic: No I don't. 

Travis: Yes, you do. You can't just skip it.

Vic: Yeah, I can. And I will. Uh, why hasn't Sullivan called for lineup yet?

Andy: I'm, um, covering for him today. 

Vic: Sweet. Okay, so, we should just...start with chores then, huh?

We all finished up our breakfast and headed down to the barn. We all help each other pack up the things that we're gonna send back to LA. I watch as Andy and Ben leave with the Aid Car to go to a call. I kept on putting some more supplies in bags and whenever I finished with a bag, I put it to the side. I finished packing up some more bags and I headed upstairs into the beanery to help Maya with some other supplies.

We're sitting at the dining table and I could hear Maya sniffling again. I looked up at her and she's crying. 

Me: Are you really still crying?

Maya: I can't control it.

Me: Wouldn't hurt to try.

Maya: I am trying, but I can't shut it off.

Me: Debatable. 

Maya: And I hate that I can't shut it off because I am not a person who cries. I suck my feeling up, I stuff em down, I embrace the pain, but today, I just- I can't make it stop. So can you just stop making me feel bad about it?

Me: I'm not trying to make you feel bad-

Maya: Well, you are.

Me: It's just a bit distracting.

Maya: Oh, my god!

Dean: Anemones.

We look up at Dean with a confused face not knowing what he just said.

Maya: What did he just say?

Me: What?

Dean: You two are sea anemones.

Me: We're not enemies.

Dean: I-I know. I said sea anemones. Shady, little underwater invertebrates, and you got your tentacles waving all over the place.

I look at Maya still confused and she finally looked back at me with the same confused face.

Maya: What is he talking about?

Me: I have no idea.

Dean: Squishy, freaky sea predators. When you strike, nobody ever sees it coming. But when you feel threatened, you close yourselves off into these tiny, little balls so that nobody can touch you. And the only time you come out is to strike each other. *points at the both of us* You two got together in a fishbowl. And now you're wading through the open sea. So no wonder you're having trouble right now. No wonder you can't figure it out. No wonder you keep stinging each other.

Maya: I hate to say this, but I think he's starting to make sense.

Dean: Maya, do you want to know why you're crying? It's because you're sad. There doesn't have to be any other reason. You're sad today. We all are. You just so happen to be wearing it all over your face. And Aria, you're not really annoyed with her for crying. You're in a garbage mood because...the chief went down, and it's hard. It's a tough one. We all thought he was invincible, and he wasn't. And it's probably stirring up some stuff. So just take that in. Let's sway in this current and not fight it. And appreciate the fact that you two are still here today. And you have each other.

I looked at Maya and we made eye contact for a bit.

Me: I don't know where all that sea creature stuff came from, but, uh...surprisingly helpful, man. Thank you.

Dean: You're welcome. It all came from Nikki. She's really observant and communicative, and somehow, it is rubbing off on me.

Maya: *voice breaking* She sounds really amazing.

Dean: She is. Blow your nose.

Me: You finally went on that first date, huh?

Dean: Uh, we had plans, but I kinda cancelled because grief isn't sexy.

Maya: *blows nose loudly* Wait, then why are we taking relationship advice from him?

Dean: Because I am right. Here. *grabs a tissue* Blow your nose. Again.

I watch as she blows her nose loudly again and I chuckle a bit. 

*the next day*

We're all in the locker room, getting ready for the funeral. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure my outfit was okay and when I finished I sat down on one of the benches. 

Dean: Any update on Vic?

Ben: Afraid not.

Jack: She's really not coming?

Travis walks out of the locker room and we all sighed watching him walk away. I tried to follow him, but I just let him go. Instead, I walked to the lobby and I stayed sitting at the desk. I see Vic running down quickly until someone stopped her.

Man: Excuse me? Are you Victoria Hughes?

Vic: What? I'm sorry, can I- can I help you?

Man: It's- It's probably weird that I, uh- Dr. Bailey told me what you look like- And I'm so sorry for your loss.

Vic: I'm s- Who- Who are you?

Man: I'm Levi. I'm a-a doctor at Grey-Sloan. I was, uh, with Chief Ripley when he collapsed. We were both at the flower shop that day. The day that he was going to see you. And I wanted to give these to you. They're the same ones that he picked out. N-Not the same same, but, uh...anyway. He wanted them to say...he was ready to spend the rest of his life with you. So, I guess I...I thought that you might like to see them. *hands Vic the flowers*

Vic: Thank you.

Levi: Uh, I-I, um- I really need to get back to the hospital, but it was really nice to meet you. And I-I'm really sorry.

I watch as he walks out of the station and I watch Vic. I watch as she hugs the flowers and I stood up from where I was sitting. She went over to me and she fell into my arms.

Me: It's okay. I'm here.

I could feel her shaking in my arms and sobbing her eyes out. A couples minutes had passed, and she looked up at me.

Vic: I-I'll go. To the funeral. I'll go.

Me: O-okay. Let's get you ready.

I stood up and I held my hand out to her. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I led her to the locker room and we went into a bunk and Andy, Maya, and I stayed in the room with her while she got ready. I watch as she struggles buttoning up her top, so I went towards her and buttoned it up. Maya hands her a tie and we watched as her hands start to shake. Maya quickly went over to her and tied the tie for her. Andy holds out her coat for her so that she could easily put her arms through. 

Vic: *voice breaking* My badge. Where's my badge?

Me: hey, hey.

Maya hands me her badge and I carefully put it on her coat. 

Andy: One bleeder at a time.

Once everyone got ready we went to the service. When we made our way to the reception, we got into our seats. I sat beside Maya and Andy sat on her other side. We all stood up as everyone walked down the aisle carrying Ripley. We all look at Vic who's walking with Jennifer and she looked at all of us. I gave her a reassuring smile and a nod to let her know that it was okay. She tried to walk to us, but Jennifer stopped her from leaving. We all sat back down after the song playing was over.

Chaplain: And if, while on duty, I must answer death's call, bless with your protecting hand my family, one and all.

The Chaplain nods her head at Captain Sullivan and we watched as he stood up and made his way to deliver his eulogy. 

Sullivan: I have been thinking a lot about what to say today. Chief Ripley was a boss to most of us in this room. We looked up to him. We respected him. As Chief, he gave everything to this department. As Lucas, he gave even more to those he loved outside it. *looks up at the ceiling* To me, Lucas was a true friend. We really saw each other. We understood each other. Strengths and flaws. We fought. We made up- thankfully, not too late. Sometimes you connect with a person, and you can't always explain it. 

I feel Maya looking at me and I smiled at her.

Sullivan: Over distance and time and impossible obstacles, you still find a way to each other. It's so rare to meet someone who connects with you that way. Someone who makes you want to face your fears head-on, eyes open. And it's so hard to say goodbye to them when they go. My last conversation with Luke, he told me not to say goodbye to him. Instead, I said, "We're good." I want to reiterate that now. *looks over at where the Chief was* We miss you, Luke. We wish you didn't leave us so soon. But since you did, since you had's all good. We're all good. You were so good. 

He sits back down and I see Travis and Pruitt standing up. They make their way to the front and I closed my eyes as I feel tears coming down. I felt someone's hands grab mine and I opened my eyes to see that it was Maya. I looked over at her and she's giving me a reassuring smile. 

Pruitt: When a firefighter dies, the toll of the bell represents their last alarm. The end of their duties. The bell rings to say their shift is over. They are going home. 

Travis walks towards the bell and he starts to ring it. The ringing stops after Travis had rung it five times. 

*after the funeral*

After the funeral had ended, everyone went to the bar. We're all gathered around while Pruitt was talking about his memory.

Pruitt: I first met Ripley on his, uh, second call as a rookie. Told him to grab that "left-handed halligan." Fire must've been out for at least 30 minutes, before he realized that it didn't exist. To Chief Ripley. 

We all held up our beers and honored the Chief. I went over to the bar and left the others alone to socialize a bit. I didn't realize that I was drinking a bunch until I looked over at Ben who was sitting beside me and watching me. 

Ben: Okay. I'm calling it. Let's get you home. 

Me: But it's so early. Hey. * I call the bartender over* Two more of these. 

Ben: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. None for me. I-I got to get home to Miranda, you know? I can give you a ride or call you one.

Me: I don't know. I've got, uh, some mistakes to make tonight, Warren.

Ben: Yeah.

Me: But, uh, I'll get a cab. Don't worry. Go home. *I take another shot*

Ben: Alright. 

Me: Yeah, yeah. See you later.

I watch as someone approaches the bar. I look over at him and got a weird vibe.

Man: I'll take a beer. I'm Jeremy.

Me: Aria *I squint my eyes at him*

Jeremy: I know. 

Me: You do?

Jeremy: Yeah, you're the one who's friends with Ripley's little side hustle. Hughes, right? She looked wrecked at that ceremony. Come on. Give me the scoop.

I scoffed and shook my head. 

Me: You need to stop talking right now. *I stood up from the stool*

Jeremy: Oh, don't tell me you're getting a piece of that, too.

I looked at him and the next thing I knew I just punched him in the face. He tries to fight back, but I stopped him from hitting me and I punch him even more. 

Author's Note:

Anyways hope y'all like this 😜. If there's any mistakes, I didn't proof read it before I published it sooooo.

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