The Flash(s)

By Kaliani3281

1K 77 0


Main Character Overview
Part 1(S1)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11(S2)
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27(S3)
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44(SPICY)
Part 45

Part 38

6 1 0
By Kaliani3281

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1414

Date posted : 5.1.24


"Thea?" Barry was standing there. 

I was back in my office at CCPD. I was back to my own time. "Barry." I talked quietly. 

He stumbled his words but rushed over to me. "Thea, I- how- did he hurt you, where did he go?" he was scared for me. 

I shushed him trying to calm him down. "I'm fine." 

"Savitar he took you for like a second and now your back?" He questioned me "I'm confused did he just drop you back off?" 

"Barry." I got stern with my words "He took me to the future, I was in the future for two days" 

He got quiet, his questioned finally shushed. 

"He hurt me a little but I'm fine." I admitted not wanting him to worry. 

He looked at me silently. 

"But hey, I figured out that lightning can hurt him" I smiled at him 

He nodded agreeing with me "That's amazing, did you learn anything else?" 

I bite my lip, telling myself not to bring up my death. "Nope, that's it." I think to myself and start talking again "I gotta get to work, as do you so I'm gonna get started." I walk around to my side of the desk and sit down logging into my computer. I had a lot to do. 

When lunch came around so did Julian. "Oh you guy's are finally here." 

I scoffed and set my eyes on him. "We have been here all morning, where have you been?" 

He looked at Barry then me. He didn't answer my question but set his things down and started helping me, taking some of the files next to me. Again it got quiet, nothing big happened it was just a normal day at work.

Cold air ran up my arm, and I jolted up. I fell asleep, I looked around the room. I was still in my office, Barry was looking at me from his desk. "I thought I heard you sleeping" He smiled and got back to work "I was going to wake you once I was done" 

It was dark outside, night time. "Barry why did you let me fall asleep?" 

He typed some things in his computer "You were tired" I saw him shrug.

"How long have I been out?" I asked him rubbing my eyes

He sighed "Ever sense Julian left, which was like an hour ago." 

"Barry" I groaned, I stretched my arms above my head.

He looked at me "Yes?" I never understood how he was always wide awake. 

I looked at my pile of papers, but they were gone. "Um what happened to my little pile, I know I still had a bunch to do." 

He hummed "I might have taken them" He talked quiet. 

I straightened my back resting on my chair "I thought I told you to stop doing that." 

I heard him laugh a little, and start cleaning up his desk. "I still have a little bit to do but I got most of it done" 

I watched him stand up and grab his bag, throwing it over his shoulder. I did the same, getting my stuff together "Well thanks Barr" 

He smiled "Of course, are you ready to go?" 

I stood to my feet "Yup, I'm going straight to bed when we get home." 

He started to run and I followed him, going straight to the apartment. I was so excited for bed. 


I jumped up and looked at the clock. 3:23am. My phone was going crazy. I reached over and tapped it on, there was a robbery. I shook Barry up and he was so annoyed that people would do this at three in the morning. 

"Come on Barry" I stood up and stopped the loud blaring. 

He stood up with me and quickly put on his suit. "Let's just get this over with" 

I ran and got into my suit as well "I'll met you there" I rubbed my eye mask, wanting to just fall back asleep. 

He nodded and I ran out of the room, following the directions on my phone. When I got to the bank, there was a group of people. They all wore black, and they all had weapons. Those didn't scare me. "Okay guys, who's idea was it to rob a bank at three in the morning?" I stood watching them. 

A lot of them jumped when they heard me, like they weren't expecting me to be there. No one talked, they looked at each other and started firing the guns at me. Ugh. I slowed time and walked up to them taking their guns away and cuffing them.

"You should know bullets don't work on speed steers." I had cuffed them but one, he had a gun at me. He must've hid it because already took his regular one. "Come on?" I asked 

He held the gun at me still, and shot it at me. I caught it and it caused some sort of explosion. I was flung at the wall, and when I hit it I felt pain erupt all over my back. It hurt. Before I could tell what was happening Barry was with me. "Thea?! Thea?!" He was quiet, looking at me from above. His arms were holding my head off the ground. 

I looked at him dizzy, "I- I'm okay" I lied and looked over, making sure Barry got to the robbers. Which he did, they were all cuffed and sitting. 

"You are not okay, you look like your going to pass out." He rubbed my forearm, trying to keep me awake with him.  

I pulled myself up, sitting now. "I'm fine.." I rubbed my head, looking at my hand seeing the blood. "Oh, hey Flash" I showed him my hand. 

He gasped and looked at the police cars pulling up at the bank. "Come on" He got me to my feet and picked me up taking me to S.T.A.R labs.

I was extremely dizzy, my back was killing me but my fingers worried Barry. It looked like I had lost like three of them from the explosion. He set me in the med bay, Caitlin and Cisco rushed in both in their pjs. Quiet the site to see. 

"Oh god what happened?" Caitlin quickly pulled on some gloves and looked at me. 

I looked at Barry for him to explain but he stayed quiet "Um well I caught a bullet and it exploded, so" I sighed looking at my hand "It isn't that bad" 

Her eyes widened and she carefully examined my hand "So you have all your fingers, but you have like a chunk of skin missing from the finger in which you caught the bullet with." 

I rolled my eyes "So just a scratch?" 

She scoffed and Cisco laughed watching next to Barry. "No, more like a chunk of skin your missing" She repeated what she had said earlier. 

"But you feel fine?" Cisco asked sipping on his coffee. 

I nodded "Yup other than tired, I am completely fine."  

"I just have to clean this up and wrap it and you should be good to go." She pulled out her cleaning thingies and I looked at Barry. 

"I am hungry, do you know what's open right now?" I ask

I see a smile rise on his face "Um what sounds good?" 

"Umm pizza" I answer almost immediately. 

He laughs and runs off. But it isn't long before he is back. "I got your favorite" He holds out the pizza box for me to look inside. 

I look inside the box, but before I can say anything. I hear H.R wells down the hall, he's singing tapping the walls with it.I look at him through the door and when he sees me he rushes in a looks at everyone "Looks like I wasn't invited, also I heard some like alarm and it sounded like stupid loud." He looked at my hand "Oh gosh I'm gonna pass.." 

I watched him fall, and Barry rushed to pick him up. "Great just another thing to deal with" 

*After Thea and Barry got back home*

"Are you sure your okay?" His arms were wrapped around mine, trying his best not to mess with my hurt hand. 

I nodded "Yes Barr I'm okay."

He kissed my cheek "Okay, get some sleep then we have to be up for work tomorrow" 

I snuggled him humming "Goodnight" 

"Goodnight" He answered whispering behind my ear.

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