It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

8.4K 835 130

Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... More



139 17 0
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

Jennie needs to go back to the room for the joint and take the pills just in case. Deciding to do two things at the same time, she invites Eunchae to talk there.

Eunchae sits down on the empty bed opposite Jennie.

-You didn't eat it?- Her gaze falls on the chocolates that she brought not so long ago.

-I don't eat sweets that often, but I'll definitely do it.- Jennie replies, noticing the pills next to the chocolates that she forgot to put away. She needed to get Eunchae to say everything she wanted to say faster, and then go about her business.

There is silence in the room. Jennie makes herself comfortable on the bed, climbing on it with her feet and leaning back on the pillow pressed against the back:

-I don't want to rush you, but...

-Yes, I'm... thinking where to start. Actually, it's not that difficult. I had a friend in junior high. We often walked together. My mom liked him. There were popular girls and boys, there were those who were offended, and there were us. We were not offended. But no one needed us either. He was ordinary, nothing special. Then high school. It turned out that he was handsome. I hadn't even thought about it before. I'm used to. I admitted that he had changed. Even over the summer, he got prettier. I haven't changed, which is what I was. But suddenly he was needed. The girls needed him, the boys needed him. His life began to change, but mine did not. I was glad that everything was going so well for him. I even gave him space. Until there was so much of him that I disappeared altogether. He was letting me know that his life was different now. He became uninterested in walking with me. I started talking to someone too. With the girls. I didn't really like them. I liked the others. People like you. But they... they were always whining. They always have studies in their head. They're always talking nonsense, like they're ten years old. Then, the next year, a new boy came to our class. I really liked him. Riki became friends with him. They became good friends. I think that boy was my first love. I didn't bother him. This is the first time I've asked him for something. I wanted him to introduce me. She wanted us to go out together. Yuta would definitely like me. I knew that. I once listened in class to what he was interested in, how he spoke. About different things. We would have been friends. He could have loved me. I asked Riki.

The girl falls silent, and Jennie thinks further. Apparently, Eunchae overestimates herself too much. And knowing what teenagers can be like, it's not hard to guess how it all could have ended: she probably got hurt for such stupidity and naivety. And then Eunchae probably punished them, because it's not for nothing that she became famous for being crazy. That's why everyone avoids her. From what Jennie hears, Eunchae doesn't seem crazy or weird to her. Quite a normal girl, and her story is quite normal, though certainly cruel ahead.

-I asked him to. In general, he agreed. He invited me to their party. We had a good time. Yuta liked me. He paid a lot of attention to me...

Jennie thinks she jumped to conclusions. Obviously, Eunchae clearly didn't understand something or doesn't understand it.

-At some point, posts started appearing on Twitter. There were posts from Riki too. Our photos with signatures. Very nasty signatures. Yuta assured me that he had nothing to do with it. It turned out to be Riki. He was jealous because his friend was spending a lot of time with me.

"Classic", Jennie thinks, trying not to sigh and give away the opinion that Eunchae behaved like a naive fool.

-... They laughed at me at school. No one believed me. I didn't have a childhood friend anymore. I hated him for it. Then... I snuck into Yuta's house: I had to talk to him because he asked me not to talk to Riki at school, saying that it would only make it worse for the two of us. I believed him. But he was in the room with Yunjin. They were kissing. They saw me. They were amused. I ran away from there. I realized that everything was a lie. Then rumors began to circulate around the school. Nasty things about me. I was bullied, and my mom took me away. I spent a year at home. Doctors came to us. At school, they thought I was in a mental hospital. That's a lie. It's all a lie. I know it was over when I returned, and they didn't say anything else because they were banned, because they could be punished for bullying and similar behavior. There were rumors that I threatened them with a knife. I don't want you to think that. I felt bad. I didn't threaten anyone. There was simply no stopping them. Everyone says what they want, spreading false gossip. And it's no better here...- Eunchae seems to stop.

-What's wrong here?- Jennie clarifies, staring at the girl intently.- Maybe someone said something like that, but I assure you, no one here offends you.

-I was very angry with Sana. I admit, Jennie, I wanted to hurt her, but... when I fell and she fell... you could hear everyone whispering that I did it on purpose. You know, I think that thoughts somehow come true. Maybe they're right, because I wanted to hurt her, and then I fell on her.

-No one thinks so.- Jennie says, understanding what she's talking about. It's just a joke. She once joked about it herself.

-I don't seem to you like the others you're friends with, but there's just something going on around me. I really wish it hadn't happened, that everything had been different. Would you have been friends with me then, or even...

Jennie frowns, waiting for the sequel... It bothers her a little that she thinks of it herself.

-You might like me. You like Rose, but she's evil. She's hurting. I'm not hurting anyone. It's just that bad things are happening to me. That's why I look like this in your eyes: they tell you. I believe that you don't believe in it, that you can understand everything yourself. You'll understand, and everything can work out.

Jennie sighs heavily. She can say whatever she thinks, but she won't do it. She doesn't want to enter into a discussion with her, or argue with her, much less agree. Maybe Eunchae is right, and the circumstances and actions of other people make her so strange. But that doesn't change the fact that Eunchae is eccentric and imagines something. It's a little scary. And anyway... any reasonable person would understand how he differs from someone else. Eunchae clearly doesn't understand the difference between her and Rose. This is absurd.

-Thank you for sharing your story with me. But I didn't think anything bad about you without it. I think you should put all this in the past. There are bad people, but you can meet those who won't do that.

-I've already met this person.- Eunchae smiles, and Jennie refrains from commenting again.

The door suddenly swings open, and Rose doesn't even just enter the room, but rather bursts in.

-What the fuck?- The first thing the girl says, quickly closing the distance with Eunchae.- Get out of here. Quickly!- She shouts, and Jennie jumps to her feet. Rose bis clearly not in the mood, and that's an understatement. It's better for Eunchae to get out of here and quickly, but she continues to sit, and her gaze seems too calm for the person being shouted at.

-Eunchae, please.- Jennie asks with a look.

-Not "please", but get out of here. Have you been with her all this time? Here?

-We talked. I had to tell Jennie something. That's what friends do. Don't shout, we all know what you're like here.

-Get out.- Roseanne takes a step towards her, but Jennie quickly stands up, blocking her way.

-Rosie, calm down, she's already leaving.- Kim hugs the blonde, hugging her tightly.- Don't shout.

-Yes, Rose, otherwise everyone will hear and find out what you are like.

-Oh, get out of here already.- Rose adds more quietly, following the girl with her eyes.- What the hell?- She says loudly to Jennie as the door closes behind Eunchae.- I can't, I'm shaking all over! Where are the pills?

-Calm down.- Jennie answers softly, at least she's trying. She needs to control herself so as not to provoke an already nervous girl even more.- I have an idea.

-Jennie, I told you not to leave them in the room.- Rose notices the pills lying on the bedside table.- What the fuck are they doing here again? You leave my pills in a prominent place, but you hide your joints.- She hisses.

-Can you listen to me?- Jennie grabs Rose's hand and pulls her towards herself, not letting her take the pills.

-Listen.- Rose pulls her hand out of the brown-haired girl's grip. She looks at it in silence for a while, and then slowly exhales, after which she sits down on the bed.- Jennie, I apologize too much. I've never apologized so much in my life as I have to you in the last few days. You're right, I know you were right. I feel really shitty when I don't take pills. I'm really ready to help you, or rather, help myself... damn, I... I won't be able to explain to you how I feel. I can't just say no. I can't stand this condition. Thoughts... all kinds of shit come into my head. Inside, everything seems to be shaking with irritation. And in an hour it's even worse, and in two what? It's not heroin, I don't know... Should I just put up with it? I've been fighting aggression and the desire to smash something or beat someone all my life, but this... It's fucking beyond me. And you... the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I... I don't think I can.

Jennie hasn't been breathing all this time. Rose says this very quickly, and it is clear that she has something else to say, but as if there are not enough words. Rose is so verbose for the first time. And even though Jennie wasn't addicted to anything, she can understand how her girlfriend feels.

-You know, I could be a total bitch and send you to the hospital.- Jennie begins her speech with a sentence that has been spinning in her head for a long time, and she thought about how best to say it so that it doesn't sound crazy, but in the end decides that it's better to be direct, no matter how it sounds. Rose's face stretches, and her eyebrows move to the bridge of her nose, and although Jennie pauses, Rose is silent, ready to listen further.- I know that would be the best way out. You're in your senior year, you've almost recovered, and only the pills don't let you realize it. Fuck, Rose, you could have gone straight back to the team. I'm sure the doctors would have helped you in these six weeks.- She squats down in front of the blonde.- I could have reported without any fear of you reporting me. You probably would never want to see me again, but whatever, I'm flying to Europe anyway. I mean, I would do it for you to get help. And the price of that is that I would be here without you. And... I've been thinking about it. Fuck, I care about you. I'm not threatening you, I just want to tell you that I'm not a doctor, and you won't get rid of this without firm decisions. We're going to fight like this every time I try not to give you what you want. You're taking it out on me, and damn, I hate it. Just help me.- Jennie says the last sentence in a pleading voice, looking insinuatingly into the eyes opposite.- I have an idea.

Rose silently looks away, thinking about what she heard. Jennie is waiting.

-What's the idea?- The blonde asks almost inaudibly, still looking away.

-I can give you half a pill in the middle of the day every day, and in the morning and evening you will smoke weed.

Rose quickly turns to her:

-Oh, wow.- She starts laughing.- And for how long will it help, if it helps? For half an hour?- Rose gets up.- I'm fucking touched by your speech. It's so... cool.- She comes close to the girl, and then pushes her chest with her palms.- You're threatening me. Did you think I wouldn't understand? For me? I trusted you. It's something personal. What right do you have to threaten me?

-I didn't threaten you. I said it would be better that way, but I didn't tell you it would be like this.

-You know, I can just tell you to fuck off, take my pills, and you have no right to report me. Your action will be selfish.

-Shut up.- Jennie hisses, instantly filled with anger.

-Or what? Are you, the person with the bag of drugs under the bed, telling me how to do the right thing?

-Are you completely stupid?- Jennie takes a step forward.- It doesn't hurt me. I'm just worried, but I already understand that it's in vain! Do whatever you want. Take your fucking pills and deal with it yourself!

-It was none of your business in the first place! Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.- Rose takes the pills from the bedside table and quickly goes to her bed.

-Volleyball is worth it, isn't it Rose? Although you don't give a shit about it, since you're putting everything on the line in order to calm down now.

-It's worth everything.- The blonde shouts without turning around - And certainly this is more important than your concern! Go talk to your crazy friend instead. Maybe you can have sex here while I'm gone? You don't care who you're with, the main thing is variety.

Jennie crosses the room in a flash and grabs Rose by the collar of her T-shirt, pulling at herself, the fabric cracking in her hands:

-What a bitch you are.

-What did she tell you, huh? Did she tell you how she threw Sana down the stairs?- Rose doesn't try to escape from the girl's arms — on the contrary, she approaches her face.- Maybe she told you how she was bullied at school because she imagined that a guy was in love with her? How did she stab his girlfriend with scissors?- Jennie relaxes her hands, and Rose, using this, pulls out the fabric, and then pushes the brown-haired girl away from herself.- Talk to whoever you want, I don't give a fuck.

-If you take a pill now, I won't talk to you anymore.- Jennie says calmly as the blonde opens the bottle.

She tries to immediately forget all the shit that her girlfriend said and check how important she really is to Rose, despite the words spoken out of anger.

-It's going to be over now.- Jennie adds.

Rose throws away the cork from the bottle, chuckles and takes a pill. She takes it in her palm, and then boldly brings it to her mouth, but immediately freezes, lowering her hand down:

-Damn, how mean of you. I hate you.- She forcefully puts the mineral water on the bedside table, and it splashes.- My God!- She growls through her teeth, clutching the pill in her fist and closing her eyes.

-Do you think I have sex with everyone?- Kim asks dryly, not going to let everything down after that.- Do you think I'd even fuck Eunchae? That's what you think of me, isn't it?

-No.- Rose answers aggressively and stands up. She approaches Jennie and wraps her hands around her face.- I need this pill. I'm angry. I'm thinking about shit, Jennie.

-How angry are you?- Jennie tilts her head to the side, studying her roommate's angry face.- Show me how angry you are.

Rose grabs her by the hair and squeezes her in her hand. Jennie lets her do it. The blonde reaches out to her and kisses her.

-Okay.- Jennie pushes her away.- I don't want to kiss you right now, much less fuck you. You have three options, Rose.- Jennie looks into the angry eyes opposite, which stare at her unkindly and intently.- The first option: you tell me that you will continue to take pills. I put up with it because... Because this is your life and your business. The second option is that we agree on when and in what amount you will drink them, and you do everything to stick to it. As in the first option, I will be with you. Apparently, it's important for you to have me around, as it is for me. I want this. And the third option. It looks like the second one. We're making a deal. You're violating what we agreed on. You're snapping at me again. You demand something without listening or trying to hear me at all. And you're going to fuck off with your pills. Choose.

-Weed won't help, Jennie.- Park closes her eyes.- It doesn't matter, I choose the second one.

-We can try. Let's go.

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