Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

By MyLadyOfStories

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(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... More

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
The Wedding Part 3
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Find the Babies
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Girls Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time

Burnt and Lost

378 23 10
By MyLadyOfStories


Sitting up in bed, I looked around, my hearts pounding in my chest as it felt like they were being glued back together, though half the pieces were being replaced. "Doctor!" I sobbed, realising what had happened, and wondering why I was still here. 

My husband, the man I loved, he was gone, and now I was alone. 

But I had died. I had felt my hearts stop in my chest and the world grow dark as I watched them cast his empty shell out into the water, my daughter staring in horror at the astronaut. 

She took me home. She took me home to the Fall of Arcadia, telling me how sorry she was, and how much she loved me. That one little spark of love left inside me. That mothers love that told me that I needed to be here for her. Melody...

This place...  It wasn't my home any more. I had lived here when I was Alice. Alice bloody Pond, the girl who had been weak, and lost and alone. I hated it.

There was no one else here, it was night outside, meaning that Marcus was probably gone, so I quickly packed a small back, just of the things I needed, money, tooth brush, a few photo's of Amy and Rory, then left. But I didn't want to leave this place standing.

I put a small device in front of Marc's door, meaning that his room would be protected, before throwing oil and lighter fluid everywhere in the building, starting the fire just as I walked out, running desperately through the midnight streets of London, people around me either drunk or half way there as they jeered at me, a few overly drunken guys tripping me as I ran past, making me fall to the ground, landing hard but pushing myself round, seeing red as I glared at the men.

"You want to play rough?" I asked them, purring the words as I clenched my hands into fists, glad that they still worked enough to do that. "I can play rough, because my husband died today, and then my daughter brought me back from the dead. It's safe to say I don't mind a fight." 

My eyes flashed gold and the drunks stared in horror at me, my nails on my feet turning from the pale blue of loss to the burning red of rage. "Guys, she's some sorta demon, run!" They all turned and legged it, stumbling over each other as they ran, leaving me alone in the street again.

I liked that. I liked that feeling of power and respect that I got when they were scared. But right now, I needed to find someone, someone I could talk to. And the only person I could think about was Janie. My Sarah Jane. 

Running again, I managed to keep going at a sprint, running the 20 miles to Ealing in 10 minutes as the sun started to come up, people coming out and getting their papers, walking their dogs, staring in wonder at the girl who was running barefoot through London, a bag on her back and snail trails of tears down her face. Bannerman Road was nearly empty only a few people there as I rounded the corner, seeing Gita, Rani's mum taking out the bins.

"Phina? Oh, my Lord, Rani! Rani, wake up, you need to come out here now!" She shouted, going to cross the road and stop me, but I easily skidded around her, making for the front door of number 13 as Rani herself came out. "Rani, I, I, I don't know, but you need to talk to her, tell her..." I didn't catch the rest, running through the front door at speed as Luke came out, not stopping, just making for the Attic.

"Rani, call Clyde, I can do it!" He shouted, while I just made it up the stairs and through the battered wooden door into... Into a room full of boxes, and covers, everything in a varying state of being packed away, a group photo of us all at the wedding still on the wall, though some others were gone. 

"Janie?" I whispered, my hearts breaking again as it hit me, and I collapsed onto the ground, suddenly not being able to stop the room from spinning. 

Then Luke was in the room too, still in his pyjamas as he sat next to me on the floor. "Sera? Seraphina, it's alright... I'm sorry, we, we couldn't get hold of you..."

"How?" Was all that I could ask, looking around at the room that was still so full of her, full of my best friend for over 700 years. "How did she die?"

Wrapping my arms around me, I rested into the boy, someone I could see getting on so well with Jenny if she'd lived. "Cancer. She didn't tell anyone she had it, but... She left messages for us all on Mr Smith. We've all watched ours, but there was one for you, as well as a box."

Looking at Luke, her amazing son, I thought about the fact that he was just adopted, that he was never even supposed to be activated, but he was. And Sarah Jane took him in, like there was nothing wrong with that and loved him unconditionally. He was a perfect son, and this must be hitting him so hard...

"I'm so sorry, Luke..." I muttered, hugging him. "I know how much she meant to you."

Luke smiled a little, pulling me to my feet. "Come on, there's someone she would have wanted you to meet, Sera." I let him guide me into his old room, now bright yellow with flowers instead of dinosaurs, and there was a girl in there getting dressed. "Sky, this is Seraphina, the Writer? Mum told you about her, remember?"

Sky was amazing. She was absolutely gorgeous with electric blue eyes and long brown curls. "Phina, right? Mum said you were her best friend, and that if I ever got to meet you then I had to be nice, because you were going through a hard time."

"Well, I am really not having the best of days, that's for sure..." I whispered, scared that if I went any louder the tears in my eyes would fall, but I bent down next to the little girl and hugged her. "But I know how hard this must be for you, Sky."

She hugged me back, hiding her own face in my hair, sniffing back tears herself. "I miss her. I don't understand why she didn't tell us..."

"I know little one, I know. But sometimes... Sometimes people do what they do to try and protect us." I explained to her, thinking about how the Doctor never told me he was going to die, but he brought me along to watch. "They do what they think is best, little Sky. And I'm so sorry that this happened at all..."

There was a creak in the doorway, and Clyde and Rani came in, and they both looked close to tears as I got to my feet. "Phina..." Rani whispered, rushing forwards and hugging me tight, sobbing into me, while Clyde just stood there kicking the wooden floor boards. 

"Rani..." I smiled weakly, still fighting my own tears as I pulled back, wiping her eyes and kissing her forehead. "Rani the brave and the beautiful. She would be so proud of you, no matter what she did. You're going to make an amazing journalist, and you should find a friend of mine, Marcus. He can help you." 

Next I turned to Clyde, hugging him as well. "Clyde, the Joker in the pack. I still have all those drawings you did of me, my Lovely. Of me and... of me and the Doctor. I can see the future, and I have seen how many of your drawings end up in museums. How many editions of the Alien Busting School Kids have been published. You're going to get everything you deserve."

Now to Luke. "Luke, the genetically engineered boy genius. You do so much for this planet. Defence shields, terraformers, water filtration systems. You are the one who discovers that there is so much out there for the human race. Do what you were made to do. Be brilliant." Now I looked at them all at once. "Each of you are amazing. You need to stick together and keep defending this tiny little planet, and making friends along the way. But I need you all to promise me something."

"Anything, Phi. You know that." Rani said quietly, looking right at me as she sat on Sky's bed with her. 

Good. "Then you need to pretend I'm dead. Because that's what everyone needs to think. T, the D, d, Doctor. He's dead. Really, properly dead this time and I don't know what to do. But, I, I died too. My hearts broke. I don't know why I came back, but I want people to still think I died."

"It's something that happens when you've been together a long time." Luke said softly, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. "Heartbreak syndrome. But we can keep your secret as long as you come back and visit, because knowing you you're going far and wide to keep doing what you do."

Smiling a little, I nodded. "It's a deal. I'll keep coming back for you guys, so you know I'm safe. And you all have to stay together, and be best friends for eternity."


They all went off to do their respective things for the day, and I went back into the Attic, looking around at where my best friend used to work, live, and save the planet. 

There were so many things in here that I loved, all the photo's, things that I sent her and things she'd collected during her time with us. Even a photo of her and Starfall, that I slipped into my bag to keep. The kids didn't know who she was, they wouldn't miss it.

A couple of things had been post it noted to be given to me as well, so I took all of those too, thinking it probably best. "Mistress Phina, your body is radiating high levels of both low serotonin and severe rage. Best you consult the Master."

"If only I could, K9." I muttered, scratching the metal dog behind the ears. "He died yesterday. He was shot by our daughter, not that she wanted to. Oh, K9... I'm so alone... Amy and Rory think I'm dead, I just burnt down the only other home I had, and I just want him to come up behind me and kiss my neck like he always does, how he always knew how to calm me down, stop the rage, or the pain..."

"Mistress, you are suffering with sever loss and depression, suggest seeing your physician." He told me, wagging his tail as he got closer. "This condition can result in severe mood swings, loss of appetite, fatigue and can lead to death."

Sighing, I got to my feet again, the bare floorboards rubbing against the hard skin on the bottom of my feet, my nails a dark yellow, meaning I was scared. "I am dead, K9. I died yesterday and I came back as someone else. Mr Smith, I need you."

Without his fanfare, he came out of the wall, looking right at me. "Seraphina, I was not aware that you had come. I am greatly sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, Mr Smith. I was told there were videos for everyone, I want to see the one for the Doctor first. He's dead, he can't watch it himself, so I want to see." I sniffed, wiping my eyes and hugging my arms around myself. "Play it please, Mr Smith."

"Very well, Seraphina."

His background disappeared and an image of Janie appeared, looking so much older and more tired than I had ever seen her. "Doctor. I don't think that either you or Phi are ever going to see me again now, not with the time limit the proper doctors gave me." She sniffed, wiping her eyes, and I could see how red rimmed they were. "I got the diagnosis today. Pancreatic. Inoperable and they don't think chemo will do anything. So, I have 3 months to live.

"I know what you're thinking, why am I doing videos instead of telling them, but I'm just too scared, Doctor." Janie lowered her face a little, wiping hair out of her eyes. "All those things I've done, with you and Phi and Harry and Starfall... All of that, and never once was a really scared. But now... I'm dying, Doctor. And I would love to see you and Seraphina one last time, but I know that it's not likely. I just wanted to make sure I could say goodbye to you, and say that no matter what, the time I spent with you was one of the best times of my life. I love you Doctor, and I hope you get to see this."

And then the video ended, and Mr Smith came back into view while I bit my lip, trying so hard not to cry. "Seraphina, what happened to you? Your body is changing at a rapid rate, your mammary glands are currently still healing after childbirth, your cardiovascular system is compromised, and your reproductive organs are irreparably damaged, as well as arthritis in your hands, and you appear to be suffering from a severe depression."

"I lost a baby and a husband, Mr Smith. I lost my daughter as a baby and then got her back as an adult, who then shot dead her father." I whispered, looking down at the tattoos on my wrists, For Rory, Jenny, Melody, and then touching the one on the back of my neck, the Doctor's and my names entwined in Gallifreyan there. "I'm alone."

There was silence from Mr Smith then, and  I moved back, sitting on the steps where I used to with her after Peter, and after I broke up with the Doctor, just living my life on Earth for a while. How stupid was I? I missed the chance to have more time with him, more time with  the man I loved and stupidly let go to his death by the hand of our daughter.

Oh, my Melody... I needed to find her, to tell her I wasn't dead. She brought me back, made that part of my hearts that loved her drive the rest of it into life again, meaning I literally lived for her. I just hoped that she was alright, that they didn't hurt her.

"Mistress Phina, you should watch the next video, Mistress Sarah Jane worked hard on it." K9 told me, seeing that I was lost in my head again, something that should not happen. "And then I will tell you the location of the box she has bequeathed to you."

Nodding, I looked back up at the giant super computer. "Yeah, OK, Mr Smith. C, can I see my video now please?"

"Oh course, Seraphina."

The screen went back to a video of Janie, though this time she was looking a little better. "Phina... I'm wanting to be able to see you, to tell you what was happening, but your phone was out of range, even with the Universal Roaming and Mr Smith boosting the signal. But I guess the Universe doesn't want you to see me before I die. I have cancer, and it's terminal, Phi. There are so many things I wanted to do still. I wanted to see one last planet, I wanted to see you and the Doctor have a baby together, to see you just be happy together. I wanted to maybe find someone of my own, see Sky finish school. Oh, Sky is beautiful, isn't she...

"She's part of the Flesh Kind, and she has this amazing ability with electricity. When I first adopted her, Mr Smith refused to come out because she blew his fuse. I love my children Phi, just like you loved Star and I really want to be there for them but now I can't..." Janie crumpled then, tears falling down her cheeks as she hid her face. "I'm so scared... I don't want this, I don't feel ready to die, because they still need me. Luke, Sky, Clyde and Rani... They're not ready to do this alone, Phina. I know that you and the Doctor are too busy to stay forever, but please, just check in on them? Answer the phone if they call? I don't want them to have no life because of this, because I got them so far into saving the planet that they feel like nothing else matters.

"Seraphina, I have named you Sky's guardian for when I go, and I know you can't always be there, but make sure Luke remembers to clean up... God... Phina, please, please just stay happy. I couldn't bare it if something happened. If you and the Doctor broke up, or if you lost another baby... No matter what, just remember me, remember the best of times with us, my hen night, your hen night, when you ate all of those Chilli's... You're my best friend, Seraphina, and please remember that. Remember how much I love you and that no matter what, you are amazing and kind, and the best person in the  Universe.  I love you, Phi... So... Goodbye, and have an fantastic life." Sarah Jane broke back down into tears as the video ended, and that's when I couldn't hold it any more.

Crying myself, I curled into a tight ball on the creaking wooden floor, shaking as I tried desperately to stop crying, to get up and keep going like she wanted me to. But I  couldn't. The two people I had known the longest out of everyone, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith, were dead. And now I just didn't know what to do with my life any more, whether I should find Amy and Rory, tell them I survived through my daughters love, or if I should stay with Luke and Sky, be their Aunt Phina or something.

But then there was the more tempting offer. 

Kovarian called me a Sarani. And Sarani were bounty hunters, assassins. They were able to do amazing things, and they were never caught. That's what I was going to do. I was going to go out into the stars, and keep going. But I would do it my way, using my rage and strength to kill the creatures, Nemonites, Daleks, Cybermen and Surphians. I could do it.

"Mistress Phina, the box Mistress Sarah Jane left to you is currently in the black box vault." K9 told me as I slowly sat up, wiping hair from my eyes as I looked around the Attic with the gizmos and alien gadgetry all in varying stages of being taken down and packed up. "The code is the location of the UNIT base where you and her first met."

"The one in Snowdon? 53.0685° N, 4.0762° W, so 53, 6, 85, 4, 76 and 2. Janie likes long safe combos, obviously." I muttered, opening it and taking out a large black box, a small hand print lock on the surface. "Well, looks like Janie met some Gerai. These things are expensive."

I placed my hand lightly on the surface and the top slid aside, showing a collection of photo's and things, as well as a pair of black leather boots, with a note saying 'I know how badly you wanted them... ;)'. There was also some gloves, her car keys, because lets face it, the Nissan Fiago was adorable, and a half face mask, that also doubled as a breather, a gas mask and in severe conditions, and oxygen tube. She just gave me everything I'd need to do what I wanted.

Quickly putting them on, and brushing out my hair so it hid my tattoo, I looked at myself fully in the front camera on Mr Smith, seeing how I looked completely anonymous, apart from my eyes. 

"Seraphina, after doing a full body scan, it appears that you are at least half Sarani now. Your Time Lord genes are mimicking them to the point of changing your biology. You will still be able to regenerate, but I do not think that you will ever lose that part of you. You are half Time Lord, half Sarani." 

I smiled at that, glad to be told. "Good. I don't think I'd ever want to go back to being her. Sera. From now on, I'm the Demon, Bounty Hunter. I'll write a note for the kids, I need to drive to Cardiff."

K9 made to go after me. "Mistress, Cardiff is the location of Torchwood 4, and if your aim is to remain unknown, going to see Jack Harkness is not a very wise decision."

"Which is why I'm not going to see him, I'm going to steal my Vortex Manipulator back, Lovely. Tell them I'll be back in a month to check on them."

And then I left, ready to start my new life. Sera the Saviour was gone. Phina the Demon was here now.

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