As Easy As Murder

By whosmj13

239 0 0

Woooo, another story I probably won't finish! <3 "Loving you is as easy as murder." Wild and spontaneous... More

Hey :)-Authors note.
1. lost
2- heaven is a food court
3. running too fast
4-Bad things come to those who hate
5. summer allergies
6-Leave it to me
7. Linger
8. stoop to my level
9. give me my breath back
10. Hate and homicide
11. Loretta vs. the library
12. prince repulsive
13. who is averen?
14. relive
15. the real horror
17. curls, girls, and pearls
18. watch and learn the wrong thing
19. You shop here? I don't.
20. creatures of many kind
21. petunias for the funeral
22. home sweet home
23. crashed and lashed
24. pardon?
25. minerals and mental stability
26. sleet and love
27. detesting and resting
Heart Sinks And Ball Drops
29. Oops
30. Bowling with hearts
31- Ulterior Underwater
32. On and on and off
33. I plead gulticont
34. Please don't be my valentine
35. not my birthday blues
36. girls cry out

16. koriiiiiiii

6 0 0
By whosmj13

11pm, and I'm in the doorway of Kori's dorm. I forgot to come earlier and went out. He texted me like 100 times. I was forced to give him my number because he insisted that we had to be able to share our ideas about the case at all times. Loretta thinks it's an excuse to talk to me. 

I'm waiting for him to let me in. I can hear him arguing with someone over the phone in French. It sounds heated, his usually calm voice having gained a raspy edge, laced with anger. I don't know what he's saying, but I can bet you there's at least one swear word in there. 

"Pue importe maman, je reussis mes cours, tu ne peux etre content de ca? Eh Bien,  baise moi si c'est mon probleme. Oh woohoo, Matt a sauve une vie, ouasis, c'est un medecin. C'est ce qu'il fait. Au revoir. Er arrete de m'appeler dans le seul but de me faire la lecon." He finishes the call, sounding irate. I feel the fear of whoever was on the other line.

I wonder who Matt is. 

The door opens to reveal a fuming Kori, phone still in hand. Anthony is sprawled across one of the beds, kicking his feet and flipping through a Guinness world record book. I walk past Kori, not saying a word in fear of being cussed out and potentially beheaded. 

I sit down on the floor where we usually sit, opening up the kit, and taking out the pieces we need, recalling where we left off. Kori is sitting so far across the room, we're practically in different continents. 

"So, we were investigating the victims boyfriend?" He mutters, anger still lingering on his tongue, brows still furrowed with lines between them, hands jammed in his pockets so hard they could go through them. He's in a denim jacket and he's lost the guyliner I last saw him in, which is a bit of a dissapointment. 

I nod, and take out Larry's profile. "Yeah, he was supposedly asleep at the time of the happening, which checks out being it was only around 5am." 

We start to go through our usual bickering, but Kori is even more hotheaded then normal, and keeps trying one-up me, doubting my knowledge every other second. I sigh, continuing to work and hoping Mr. Grump will settle down. 

"You don't have to be so close-minded. We have to compromise a bit here. I know you've made up your mind that this guy is lying, but there's no concrete proof, see-" 

"Just shut up!" He scoffs and shuffles the same stack of paper for the 9th time, his beige sweater vest coming up a bit to reveal his happy trail, and I get a glimpse of some abs. It's not what I expected. You wouldn't think someone like Kori would spend even a second in the gym. Maybe genetics are at play here. And why am I thinking about the source of his abs? Lord help me. 

"Don't get your thong in a twist," I scoff back, messing up his stack of papers to grab one I didn't even need just to spite him. 


"You heard me." I read over the paper, the parents description of the victim. Outgoing, bubbly, and extremely social. Popular amongst the boys. Huh. 

He shakes his head, wiping off the lenses of his glasses with a handkerchief. "I'm sorry, If you can't tell, I'm having a bad day." 

"Really? I thought you started menopause." 

He shakes his head, and I thought I see the smallest hint of a smile on his pale pink lips, which look softer then you'd expect. There Is a tube of Burt's Bees on the dresser. I think about him applying it, and my cheeks warm up a bit. I look away. 

We continue to work, with the ocassional name-calling as usual, and the occasional wander of my mind. I wonder if his is staying put. I swore I never would, but I'm afraid I'm starting to care what he thinks of me. It's pathetic. 

I look down at my baggy shirt. For the first time in years, I think about my appearance. I consider hiring a professional face-slapper to snap me out of it. Anyone know a good one? 

"Koriiii?" Anthony has become bored of his book, and has now decided instead of entertaining himself, he needs to interrupt our work. 

Kori ignores him, focused. 







"K-k-k-kor ri-ri-ri-ri-ri?" 

This went on for 10 minutes. I point to our work as a gentle reminder, but it doesn't seem to get the point across, infact he gives me thumbs up and a 'good job'. 

I was silently waiting for Kori to finally answer the chucky-resembling species just to shut him up, but he doesn't, apparently practicing the Supernanny technique where you ignore them until they realize you won't respond. I don't think that works on adults. 

7 'KORIIII's' later he finally caves, head snapping up, fire practically visible in his pupils. He sits up, shooting lazers into Anthony's green eyes, hands clenching into fists, the heart that spikes that jealousy in me having faded, and I feel an odd sense of relief. "What, Anthony?" 

"Can you drive me to the convienence store?" 

The amount of frustration radiating through Kori's veins is enough to kill someone with the touch of his pinky finger. There seem to be two Kori's. The decent human being, and the no-rules-apply jerk who, if he god to heaven, would instead of thanking God, start a debate with him. 

"" Is all he says, the two letters fuled with enough contentment that I thought he may telepathically send Anthony flying through the wall. 

Anthony, bless his soul, didn't take the hint. "Pleaseeee? We're out of snacks, and I am in dire need of Funions." 

Kori sighs, "You can't take yourself?" 

He shakes his head, "I don't have a license." 

"Why?" Kori utters, then immediately regrets his sentence, recalling the fact that Kori could win the Guinness world record for longest ramble, potentionally still going on about the same thing into his next lifetime. 

"Oh, well that's a good one, see-" 

"Let's go." 

I smirk at Kori, wiggling my eyebrows. He just shoots me a death glare, and Anthony jumps up and does a jump so high he about hit the ceiling. I get my stuff together and turn to leave the dorm, throwing up a peice sign, but Kori pulls me right back over by the arm, a devilish smile on his face. 

One thing to note about Kori: When he smiles, it's never just because he's happy. 

"Hey, Anthony, how about we bring Averen with us?" 

Anthony nods excitedly, starting on about what the best snacks our and desribing his tier list of best chips. 

I rub my temples, and Kori is just giving me the most shit-eating grin. He leans in, whispering in my ear, "If I have to deal with this, so do you." 

"What? No wa-" 

"I'll buy you a slushy." 

I think about it, and decide it's worth it. Besides, it'll be a good story to relay to Etti. 

So there we went, out of the dorm to the elevator, down the floors, arriving to the lobby, and into Kori's sleek black Mustang. I sit in the passenger. Kori's car is so much nicer than mine, and I feel a sense of relief knowing that he doesn't know what I drive. Not that I don't adore my bug, and that it isn't my baby, but sometimes I don't feel like broadcasting that my car is suited for Keebler elves. 

The streetlights illuminate the roads, the night sky too cloudy for stars to be visible, only a handful of shining dots between the gloom. Anthony is talking about his political beliefs. Kori is firmly gripping the wheel, staring straight ahead. 

"Sooo.." I bounce my leg. 

He ignores me. Blatantly. 

I nod my head, chewing my lip again. I notice that the car infront of our's has the license plat #1ASS-HVR. I point it out. "Look." I snicker. He doesn't laugh. His mouth doesn't even twitch. 

Tough crowd. 

We pull into the  now familiar 711 parking lot and get out, Anthony running ahead of us like an energetic dog, and we following behind like two cats. Upon entering the store, I pick up a few different candy's for Loretta. She still couldn't get her medicine refilled due to a shortage, so she's had to survive her head-attacks with a bottle of tylenol that she's had since the ice age. I decide maybe some of her favorite candy's will cheer her up and get her to stop snapping at me. Today she almost started throwing things because there was a hole in her sock and her toe was cold. 

Anthony is running like a kid in a candy store, and in a way he is. Kori is standing there, arms tightly crossed. I look over, and it's the same surfer dude cashier. I look at him for a minute, realizing he has attractive features. There's a large tattoo across the majority of his neck. I ponder it's meaning, and Kori snaps his fingers. 

"Stop checking him out." 

I smirk. "Why, you jealous?" 

"No, it's creepy." 

I just snort, not buying it for a second. 

We look back over at Anthony, who is doing some bizarre, exremely fast dance to the song blasting over the speakers. A slow song. Riddle me that. I guess there's some people you just can't understand, and Anthony is top of the list. I think for a moment. Maybe he's different then how we perceive him. Maybe his intelligence is just beyong our comprehension, so we don't see it. 

He picks up a whoopie cushion, "Haha." He starts squeezing it, laughing at every fart noise like it's the best comedy set he's ever heard. 

Yeah, maybe not. 

We eventually meneuver over to the check out. Kori gets his wallet out, and I too reach for mine. Anthony is staring at himself in the security moniter, watching himself dance, absolutely enthralled. At least he's easy to please. 

I'm about to get one of the deviders and place my items behind it, but Kori takes the candy out of my hands, placing it over his items and paying for both of ours. I blink, eyes widening. Did he just do a good deed? Pinch me, I'm dreaming. 

I slip into a daze, watching as he inserts his hard, smiling like an idiot. I stay like this for a minute. Suddenly all the colors in the 711 look more vibrant, and I feel like joining Anthony in his secutiry monitor dance. 

Until. "What are you smiling at?" 

Oh well, it was nice well it lasted. 


I push open the door of our dorm, 711 bag in hand to reveal a life support Loretta. She is laid across the house, cold rag on her head, arms crossed over her chest like she's casket ready. 

I snort, and she huffs. "It's not funny." 

I just raises my eyebrows and sit down at the end of the couch by her feet. I throw the bag of candy at her. It lands on her chest and she startled, sitting up. She glares at me, then opens the bag, smiling when she's greeted by her favorite snacks. She picks up the bag of sourpatch kids, looking at it with such joy I swear I could've seen a happy tear down her eye. I mean she was seriously looking at it like a mother to her newborn. 

"Thanks. You're the best." She hugs me so tight I see stars, then lays back down, opening the bag and shoving like 5 sourpatch kids into her mouth. 

"What do I owe you?" She mumbles, words muffled by the gummy. 

"Nothing, Kori paid." 

Her eyes practically pop out her head, lighting up as much as firworks. She claps her hands together. I roll my eyes, knowing this was coming. She stands up, starting to perform an Irish jig, mouth still stuffed with candy. 

"You're going to choke, calm down." I rub my temples, and she switches to a step-dance, and I start wonder where she learned to do this. She laughs, falling back onto the couch. 

Once she's swallowed, she sqeauls so loudly and high-pitched she probably communicated with a bat somewhere. "THIS IS MODERN DAY SHAKESPEARE, AV! KORIO AND AVIET!"

"Did you just wish death on me?" I raise an eyebrow. 

She groans, "You're missing the point. He's so into you." 

I don't mention him not liking me staring at the cashier, fearing I'll send Loretta into some sort of excitment overload shock. 

I roll my eyes, waving her off and heading into the bathroom to take a shower. 

Standing Infront of the foggy mirror, stringy wet hair laying all wrong over my shoulders, holding up my towel with one arm and scrubbing off the remaining eyeliner the shower missed with a wipe with the other, I can't help but wonder if she's right. And I don't know whether or not I want her to be. 

My phone rings. Everytime it does I'm reminded of making a fool of myself in criminology. I'ce changed my ringtone 3 times and it still doesn't help. It's Dad. 

"Hey kiddo!" He chirps, the sound of a frying pan sizzling in the background. "Mom's Endo appointment went well today, and she made a big sale." 

I smile, making a 'YES' gesture. "Woo, that's great. So, about that cat, you gonna let her get it?" 

"I think I'll have too. Your poor mother is wasting away without someone to care for. She's taking it out on me. I wasn't aloud to put my own work boots and helmet on this morning." 

I laugh, "Well, I wouldn't complain. I'd love to come home to a new little furball." 

"Guess we're off to the shelter. I think we'll get a senior kitty though." 

"That's good." It warms my heart, and I feel excited to meet the new addition. "Just hope I'm not getting replaced." 

"You won't be. Unless the cat will go golfing with me, then you should be worried." 

I laugh. All through my childhood dad asked me to go golfing. And all through my childhood I said no. There is nothing entertaining to me about standing in awkward position, holding a club, and hitting a small white ball through an obstacle course while a bunch of my dad's friends cheer so hard their beer belly's bounce. 

"Bye Dad, Love you." 

"Wait," He stops me from hanging up. "Any boys I need to worry about?" 

Uh-oh. Is there? I don't want to think about this right now. Kori isn't anything yet, but what if he becomes something? I haven't brought a guy home since my ex, and I don't know If I can. My previously thawing heart seems to re-freeze and I need to hang up ASAP. 

"No, no, haha, oh what's that Loretta? Oh, okay. Etti needs me, gotta go, see you in a few weeks, bye!" 

I slam the phone down on the counter, breathing heavily, kori's smile flashing in my head. 

Am In love? 

Or is love in me? 

Or is love on me like a bee?


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