Godzilla: rise of evil

By Nwoliver2

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After his battle with MechaGodzilla and team-up with Kong. Godzilla descends into the ocean only to pass out... More

The awakening
Living nightmares
Wake up call part 1
Wake up call part 2
Stone truths
Arendelle's new protecter
Knifehead, Leatherback, and Otachi, oh my!
You think yourself a god? Let me remind you who I am
A date with Elsa
Fire and ice
Mutual conversations
Meeting Zilla
Meeting Malifcent
A deal with the devil
The truth of Zilla
Author's note
Meeting the Strikers
A striking problem
Battle with the strikers part 1
Battle with the strikers part 2
Battle with the strikers part 3
Hero problems
Rise of the mutos
Mechagodzilla vs Ghidorah
Date night
Meeting Moana and Kong too
Growth spurts
Two kings walk into a bar
Two kings share a drink
Rise of the guardians
Author's note
A shattering truth part 1
A Confession
Rise of Ghidorah

A shattering truth part 2

124 3 0
By Nwoliver2

Godzilla, Mothra, and Anguirus all looked shocked at what had appeared in front of them. Kong looked confused and Zilla on the other hand wanted to fight!

"I'm sorry, a what!?" Kong asked confused. "A Gorosuarus! They're incredible powerful titans that I thought were extinct!!" Godzilla exclaimed in reply. "We can take him!" Zilla said, getting poised for action. "Um, Zilla I wouldn't recommend that!" Mothra replied. "Why not?" He asked. "Because Gorosaurus are incredibly powerful and fast, even Godzilla would have trouble with them." Anguirus said to his iguana like friend.

"So they're dangerous." Kong said. "Extremely." Godzilla said back. "Then why is it just standing there?" The ape asked and Godzilla had to admit, he didn't really know.

The Gorosaurus who has made his presence known for a while was now standing completely still, like a statue. Not even blinking. Just staring, directly at Zilla.

"Guys, why is it looking at me?" Zilla asked a little confused. "Whatever it is, we can't wait around. Either we try fighting this thing or reasoning with it." Godzilla said to the group. "Doesn't look like it wants to do much talking." Kong responded. "Then there's only one thing left to do!" Zilla said rushing at the creature. "Zilla wait!!" Angurius called out, but it was too late. Zilla had rushed head first into battle.

Charging at the ginormous creature before him, Zilla leaped in the air with the intent of pouncing on his opponent.
But the Gorosuarus had other plans. Standing on its tail like a kangaroo, it brought its two powerful hind legs up and with a swift motion kicked Zilla away from him, sending the giant iguana crashing to the ground.

"Ow. That hurt." Zilla muttered under his breath. Godzilla, Kong, and Anguirus all charged at the Gorosuarus while Mothra flew up above.

The Gorosuarus however was faster than expected. It leaped out of Godzilla's way and jumped over the lizard king and landed right on Kong. Using its long prehensile tail, it wrapped around Kong's leg and threw him right at Godzilla, sending them both down with a crash.

Anguirus once again charged at Gorosaurus as Mothra shot a web blast at him. Anguirus jumped into the air and curled himself into a spiky ball coming right down on top of the speedy lizard. However, Gorosaurus ducked out of the way of Mothra's web blast and used his momentum to spin around and tail whip the spiky Kaiju, sending him right into Mothra.

Zilla got his baring back and leaped into action, charging at Gorosaurus and while biting and swiping at him with his long talons. The creature dodged all of Zilla's attacks and ducked directly under the titan iguana before coming up behind him and biting his tail, swinging him away into a bunch of trees. "Ow...again" Zilla grunted in pain.

Godzilla had enough by this point and charged up his atomic breath, firing directly at Gorosuarus, who dodged the incoming attack by slipping away from the trajectory of the beam. "Ok, I remember them being fast, but not this fast." Godzilla said in shock. Kong jumped up with a large boulder in his hand and prepared to crash it down on Gorosuarus's head. Gorosaurus tail whipped Kong and sent him flying.

"Oh come on!!" Kong exclaimed annoyed at how this fight is going. "Goji, I'm sensing some magical enhancements. It could explain why he's so much faster and stronger than the rest of us." Mothra said to her friend. "Then we need to make it so he doesn't move around as much. I have an idea! Zilla dig as big of a hole as you can and dig it deep enough so that the tar I can sense underneath us bubbles to the surface. The rest of us will buy time." Godzilla said to the rest of the Guardians.

"Godzilla, whatever your planning better work!" Anguirus said. "Hopefully it will." Godzilla said as he and his team got ready for a fight while Zilla slipped away to dig a large hole underground.


Elsa and the others walked along side the entire kingdom as they visited the magical field. Everyone got there just in time, because the flowers were starting to bloom. The way the ceremony worked is that everyone would wander around the vast field that went on for miles until they found their parents.

"Kristoff, come on!!" Anna exclaimed as she and Kristoff hopped off of the carriage they took led by Sven the trusty reindeer and she dragged him away to see their relatives. Anna personally was very interested in finding out what Kristoff's parents were like and with the magical bloom, everyone could see the relatives of the past. But first she wanted to see her parents.

"Wow, so this is the Starfield you were telling me about." Moana said looking amazed at the people communing with their past ancestors. Their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Some were even visiting friends who had recently passed away. The magic of the Starfield flowers was really coming into play.

"Yep. It's quite special isn't it?" Elsa responded with a light hearted question, curious to see what moana thought of it all. "It's..... It's incredible!!" Moana exclaimed. "Come on, I want to show you something." Elsa said taking her hand and leading her away.

"Elsa, where are we going?" The islander asked. Elsa just smiled and continued to drag her along. "I wanna take you to meet my parents." She said to her friend.

The two girls walked off to find Anna and Kristoff to join them in meeting Anna and Elsa's parents.


Godzilla and the rest of the guardians were having one heck of a time. Mothra had blinded Gorosuarus, leaving enough time for Anguirus to roll up in a ball as Godzilla used his massive tail to tail whip the spiky titan and send him flying straight towards Gorosuarus. 

However, Gorosuarus's tail hit Anguirus at just the right time sending him directly towards Kong where he hit the mighty ape directly in the chest and the two landed with a crash. Godzilla fired his atomic breath, however missed completely as Gorosuarus just dodged the beam. Mothra fired several web shots at him, but the zigzagging lizard didn't want to be trapped.

"Guys, this isn't working!" Kong exclaimed. "And Elsa is going to kill us for being late, so just keep giving all you got!" Godzilla shouted.

Meanwhile Zilla was digging the hole and actually had a lot of success. It was a massive hole big enough to hold a titan of Gorosuarus's size. However, Zilla could smell a sticky, black substance coming from underneath the soil. Tar.
"Godzilla was right." Zilla muttered.

Kong jumped up into the air with a large tree in his hand. He broke the massive tree, which was really the size of a beer bottle to him, over Gorosaurus's head, but Gorosaurus just bit his arm and tossed him into the air. Lucky Mothra caught him and sent him down while Gorosaurus chased Anguirus.

"Godzilla, over here!" The large iguana shouted, attracting the attention of the lizard king. "Did you finish it?" Godzilla asked. "Yep, and the tar underneath us is flowing freely. What now?" Zilla asked.

"Now you get clear." Godzilla said as Zilla ran to get out of his way. Gorosuarus had managed to pin Anguirus with one foot and looked to be going in for the kill.

Seeing this Godzilla's back started to warble and glow bright blue. He let out a massive display of light as several blue thin atomic beams shot from his dorsal spines in various directions, attracting the massive lizard's attention, allowing Anguirus to escape. Gorosuarus let out a roar and charged directly at Godzilla. However this is exactly what Godzilla wanted. Once his display was over he got into a fighting stance and at the very last second, once the lizard was close enough, Godzilla got underneath him and with a fluid movement threw him over his back and straight into the tar.

Gorosuarus struggled to move, but Mothra flew over head and shot several webs, trapping the colossal beast even further. Now having a clear shot, Godzilla fired his atomic breath with as much energy as he could muster and hit Gorosuarus dead center. The tar ended up being lit on fire as well as a huge explosion of flames coming for the hole Gorosuarus was trapped in was seen for miles before the fire died down a bit.

Surrounding the pit Zilla had dug. The Guardians watched as Gorosuarus burned alive within it in agony and suffering, roaring and growling with pain and misery. Still clawing to survive it let out one last roar of anguish before finally dying like it should have a long time ago.

The group of titans stood around the flaming pit like it was a campfire. Watching the display with horror written in their eyes. "Mothra, you said he was magically enhanced, right?" Godzilla said, a wave of sadness evident in his voice.
"Yes goji." Mothra mumbled, if she was physically capable of crying, right now would be a floodgate of tears.
"Somehow I get the feeling that this titan wasn't doing this out of free will. It was forced. I don't if it was Maleficent or someone else. But one way or another, this will be avenged." Godzilla said, his tone dangerously dark and filled with anger. All the others just nodded and then stood around the fire for a second longer before deciding to find Elsa and the rest of the humans.


"Wow, Elsa! Your mom is so beautiful." Moana exclaimed. Even though they couldn't talk back, Elsa was still grateful that she could see them, but it still wasn't comparable to actually seeing them in real life and talking with them. God she missed them so much.

"I know." She said, a tear streaking down her cheek. Seeing Elsa shed a tear Moana brushed a drop away from her eye. "Thanks." The ice queen said. "Anytime." The islander responded.

Kristoff and Anna just smiled as they watched the display of kindness between the two girls.

"Look, it's the titans!" Somebody had shouted. This caught Elsa's attention as she smiled widely. "They made it!" She exclaimed, running up to the looming forms in the distance with Moana, Anna, and Kristoff running after her, eager to see their ginormous friends themselves.

"Look Sven, Mothra is here! Mothra is here!" Olaf said as he ran after his friends with his usual gleeful smile on his face.
Sven ran up behind him and using his antlers, hosted the snowman on his back. "Aw thanks Sven, you're the best." Olaf said to which Sven the reindeer replied with an appreciative moan as they caught up with the others.

Elsa and the rest of Arendelle stopped and looked up at the titans entering the Starfield with smiles on their faces. However, those smiles quickly faded once they noticed the wounds and battle scars covering their friends, and the depressed looks on their face. "Godzilla." Elsa quietly gasped. Zilla flopped down in exhaustion on the field of grass, causing the small people next to him to get sent a couple feet in the air. And with a sad expression written on his features, Anna's concern for him went through the roof. "Zilla!!" Anna shouted as she and Kristoff ran up to their adopted son.

Kong gently sat himself down on the ground and yawned heavily. "Kong!" Moana ran up to him. "Are you okay?" She asked in fear that something was wrong. "Yeah, I'm okay, just tired." Kong said as Moana climbed up onto his hand and he lifted her to his eye level.

Godzilla set Mothra down gently and Olaf ran up to her. "Mothra, are you Okay!?" Olaf asked worried. Sven just groaned which was also in concern. The moth goddess just chuckled at Olaf's display of concern, feeling a bit special that he ran up to her first. " I'm fine, my sweet little snowman." She said, making Olaf give a bit of a shy grin.

Anguirus set himself down next to Zilla. "You did good today kid." He said in admiration of the young titan. "Thanks.....old man." Zilla smirked and Anguirus just chuckled resting his head on his legs.

Anna and Kristoff just rested their hands on Zilla's muzzle to show him that they were there for him no matter what.

"Godzilla, what happened to you!?" Elsa exclaimed, showing her immeasurable concern for her king and his friends.
"I'm fine Elsa, we just encountered a titan stronger than anything we've ever faced. He was fast too." He said, but not telling her about the magical aspect of it. They didn't know if it was Maleficent or not, and Godzilla had a strong sense that if she heard that there was magic involved, Elsa would immediately blame Maleficent for the controlling of the creature. And they didn't know enough about her to first of all challenge her on anything, and secondly if she's even capable enough to do so to something as powerful and big as a titan.

"Did you defeat him?" Elsa asked. Godzilla gave a smile and lowered his hand down to Elsa's level. The ice Queen climbed on and braced herself as Godzilla lifted her up. Looking down at the woman in front of him, Godzilla felt butterfly's in his stomach. "I would never let anything hurt you Elsa, I don't care how powerful our future threats may be. I will hunt them down and I won't rest until you and your kingdom are out of danger." The lizard king spoke.

Elsa felt honored by his words, and feeling a blush on her cheeks she gave a wide smiled. Grateful for the important words and his own invincible dedication to her kingdom.

"Godzilla, can I ask you something?" Elsa asked. Nervous like never before, she didn't know if he was going to reject this or not, I mean for god sakes he's a literal god. An ancient titan who has lived for millions and millions of years.
"Of course, you can ask me anything." Godzilla said with a comforting tone.

Elsa took a deep a breath. "Godzilla, I've known you for a while now. And I think I may be moving a bit too fast with this but...will you...marry me?" The blonde asked the all mighty king before her. Godzilla was taken aback, he shocked, conflicted, and quite possibly....bamboozled. Elsa could see the shock in his eyes. Knowing that he would reject her, she started to cry, before he said something completely unexpected.

"Yes...Yes...YES! Absolutely!" Godzilla exclaimed in amazement. Elsa smiled so big that her face almost broke, but she didn't care. Godzilla leaned in and Elsa embraced his muzzle with the tighter of all hugs, right before giving his scaly face a quick kiss. "I love you." She said, not wanting to hide it a second longer. "I love you too, so much." He replied.
Elsa felt like her heart was going to explode.

"Hey, what's the big deal guys?" Anguirus asked. "Yeah, what's up?" Zilla also asked. Elsa and Godzilla looked at each other. The look in Godzilla's eyes told her it was up to her what she wanted to them. "We'll tell you guys later." She said giving a grateful smile to her king, one he happily returned.

Later that night, everyone walked around the field, and the guardians were very carful not to step on anybody.
Moana got to see Kong's parents, Anna, Kristoff didn't get to see Zilla relatives because he had no memories of them, and he didn't care because to him, Anna and Kristoff were his parents. Something that made their hearts burst with joy.
Mothra and Olaf met Mothra's little brother Battra. "He died in the titan war with Ghidorah, I had to kill him because he sided with our enemies." Mothra said sadly. "I'm...so sorry Mothra." Olaf said sincerely. "It's fine my little snowman. Besides, he made his choice, and in the end he betrayed us all." She said coldly. "Come on Olaf, let's go for a fly." Mothra said as she took off with Olaf on her back. "Oh yay!! Wait, where are we going?" Olaf asked with a happy tone, genuinely curious about her plans. "Anywhere you want." Mothra said happily, when she was with Olaf, she felt happy, she just couldn't explain it.

Anguirus looked around and saw his little brothers. "Hey guys, long time no see." He said sadly. " I know I can't talk to you guys, but I really miss you. Last time we saw each I was a jerk to each and every one of you. Something I regret...so, so much. I'm sorry, sorry that I didn't retreat against the Destroyer titans when Ghidorah came for our nest, sorry that I yelled and called you cowards for wanting to leave, and sorry that I was too weak to save you. I'm sorry for that most of all." He said to his kin. Anguirus looked at each of them and their faces, somehow he knew, they heard him and that forgave him. He was their brother, and that hasn't changed, nor will it ever.

"You know, I'm sure they forgive you." Kristoff said walking up to the spiky kaiju. "Thanks human....kristoff, right?"Angurius said turning to look down at the human before him. "Yep, and your Angurius?" Kristoff asked.
"That would be me." The armadillo titan replied to the human with a smirk. The two of them looked at Angurius's brothers for a spilt second before....their eyes shot up in shock as they quickly turned around to face each other.
"Crap!!!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"Hey Godzilla, where is your family?" Elsa asked. "They'll be here." Godzilla said. "I get the strange suspicion that they'll find me." He said to Elsa, and sure enough there they were. Dozens of other Gojias. Some just as tall as Godzilla, others not so much. But they all looked similar to Godzilla. "Godzilla, you have memories about every member of your kind?" Elsa had asked. "Yes, there were never very many of us to begin with. Anyways, when Ghidorah came down, he managed to convince my little brother Minilla to join him in exchange for power." The kaiju said to Elsa who just looked confused. "Why would your little brother join Ghidorah of all titans?" She asked.

"Minilla was different from the rest of us, weaker, smaller, and he had deformities that made him less than pleasant to look at. It never mattered to me, but the others always teased him and made fun of him, treated him like an outcast." Godzilla said sadly, to which Elsa gasped. She knew what that feeling was like. "And worst part is, I never stood up for him. I wanted him to do that himself.  So when Ghidorah told him of a special, extremely rare crystal from the stars and how to find it, he didn't wast anytime. And once he did find it, it merged with him, giving him power beyond anything I've ever seen. Even Ghidorah was scared of him." The titan confessed, and knowing that there was more, Elsa let him continue.

"He turned into a monster of our own making. He came to our nest and slaughtered us all, all except me. I barely survived, and despite all our power combined, we only managed to lock him away in a secret location. Worst part is, we all loved him, despite the teasing and everything else, we loved him. We only wanted to make him stronger. We loved him Elsa. He was our baby brother, and that made it all the more heart breaking when he went had to fight him. When he killed us. If...I-if I had just..." Godzilla couldn't finish that sentence, it was far too heartbreaking for him.

Elsa gasped at his words, at his story. She shed tears for him and his family. "Godzilla, I'm so sorry...I had no idea." The ice queen comforted him. "I didn't want to come here, I knew the memory would be too much." Godzilla said, trickles of tears going down his face. "It's okay Godzilla, everything is okay now." Elsa comforted him, trying to resist crying herself.


"Your majesty, MechaGodzilla has finally come back to conciseness." A minion said to the witch Maleficent.
"Thank you dear, leave the throne room at once!" Maleficent ordered firmly. Obeying without hesitation, the minion left leaving her alone to speak to MechaGodzilla from his den outside the castle thanks to their connection.

"Well my queen, I think it's time." MechaGodzilla said to which Maleficent laughed evilly. "Very well dear, let's begin." She said darkly.

Changing an unknown language, the room filled with green smoke. From that green smoke appeared no other than Hans of the southern Isles. "Where am I!" He shouted looking around at the dark room before him resting his eyes on Maleficent. "Who are you? What is this place?" He asked disgusted by the cracking old castle.

"Greetings my dear, Hans of the southern Isles I presume?" Maleficent inquired. "Yes, and you are?" He asked the horned witch. "I am a new friend, but you can call me....Maleficent." She chuckled darkly.

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