By AhnzuDeLeon

32.5K 1.2K 152

AU story of Sam and Mon who were destined to be together, can they prove that the promise of 'til death do us... More

Chapter 1: A Big Surprise
Chapter 2: A Wounded Heart
Chapter 3: Overly Protected
Chapter 4: Mom's Forever Baby
Chapter 5: The Suitor
Chapter 6: Reconciliation
Chapter 7: Beautiful Stranger
Chapter 8: The Unforunate Events
Chapter 9: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 10: Father's Girl
Chapter 11: Coping Up
Chapter 12: Six Months Later
Chapter 13: Serendipity
Chapter 14: Destined Strangers
Chapter 15: For a New Beginning
Chapter 16: Blossoming Sparks
Chapter 17: She is Mine
Chapter 18: The Woman in the Photo
Chapter 19: My Princess
Chapter 20: Love is Not a Priority
Chapter 21: Is She Real?
Chapter 22: Whispers of Envy
Chapter 23: Growing Reservation
Chapter 24: Distrust and Loyalty
Chapter 25: Foe or Friend
Chapter 26: Remorseful Heart
Chapter 27: Doubt, Fear and Forgiveness
Chapter 28: First Month
Chapter 29: Echoes of the Dream
Chapter 30: Clutch of Love
Chapter 31: Navigating Obedience's Depths
Chapter 32: Ghost from the Past
Chapter 34: Embrace of Solace
Chapter 35: Yearning for Redemption
Chapter 36: Nightmare's Grip
Chapter 37: Under the Influence
Chapter 38: Serendipitous Encounter
Chapter 39: Paths to Reunion
Chapter 40: Awaiting the Perfect Moment
Chapter 41: A Birthday to Remember
Chapter 42: Deception's Crash
Chapter 43: Love's Dark Descent
Chapter 44: Broken Blueprint
Chapter 45: Inferno of Fury
Chapter 46: Dawn's Delight
Chapter 47: Winning Dad's Heart
Chapter 48: Grateful Bonds
Chapter 49: Creeping Shadows
Chapter 50: Veiled Secrets
Chapter 51: Fragile Horizon
Chapter 52: Eternal Promise
Chapter 53: The Unfinished Business
Chapter 54: Shattered Realities
Chapter 55: Uncertainties
Chapter 56: The Dawn of Dread
Chapter 57: Lost Connection
Chapter 58: The Weight of Remorse
Chapter 59: Rage of the Truth
Chapter 60: The Promise
Chapter 61: Whispers of the Subconscious
Chapter 62: In the Storm's Embrace
Chapter 63: Fulfilling Wishes
Chapter 64: Granting Serenity
Chapter 65: One Last Time
Chapter 66: Time's Farewell
Chapter 67: Alone in Solitude
Chapter 68: Always by Your Side
Final Chapter: I Will Always Be, Where You Are
Special Part: Until Forever

Chapter 33: Shattered Trust

419 27 4
By AhnzuDeLeon

Kirk's grip tightened on Sam's arm, his expression filled with urgency as he tried to stop her from walking away. But Sam forcefully broke free from his grasp, her eyes blazing with anger and betrayal.

"Talk?" Sam repeated incredulously, her voice laced with frustration. "I trusted you, Kirk. I thought you were my friend."

Her words hung heavy in the air as she leveled a accusing gaze at him. "Was this your plan all along?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. "To control my life and dictate who I can be with?"

Kirk's response was swift, his tone defensive. "I only wanted to protect you," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "I don't want anyone to hurt you."

Sam's anger flared at his words, her voice rising in indignation. "Who are you to decide who can and can't be in my life?" she shot back, her fists clenched at her sides. "I won't let you or anyone else control me."

Kirk's words hit Sam like a punch to the gut, his accusation ringing in her ears like a damning verdict. "Why are you pushing yourself to someone who sees you as second best?" he demanded, his voice edged with frustration and concern.

Sam's heart clenched at the implication, her mind reeling with disbelief. "What are you assuming, Kirk?" she shot back, her voice tinged with hurt and indignation. "That Mon will hurt me?"

Kirk's response was swift and cutting. "Yes, because Mon will," he insisted, his tone resolute. "Based on everything you've told me, it's only a matter of time before she breaks your heart."

Kirk's words hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of the trust that had been broken between them. "Every time you confided in me about Mon, it hurt," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse.

Sam's heart ached at the realization of Kirk's deception, her sense of betrayal deepening with each passing moment. "I can't believe I trusted you," she murmured bitterly, her voice tinged with disappointment. "You used my own words against me to sow doubt in my mind."

A bitter chuckle escaped Sam's lips as the truth dawned on her. "That's why you always knew what to say," she realized, her voice thick with sorrow. "To manipulate me into doubting my relationship with Mon."

Kirk's apology fell on deaf ears as Sam recoiled from his embrace, her heart heavy with grief and anger. "You did it because you loved me?" she repeated incredulously, her eyes blazing with fury. "Love doesn't manipulate or control, Kirk. It's supposed to uplift and support."

With a heavy heart, Sam turned away from Kirk, her decision final. "This is where our friendship ends," she declared firmly, her voice ringing with resolve as she walked away.

But as they turned, their eyes fell upon Mon standing there, tears streaming down her cheeks. In that moment, the weight of their fractured relationships hung heavy in the air, leaving them all grappling with the consequences of their actions.

Sam's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with Mon, her shock palpable in the air between them. "Mon..." she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to process the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her.

Turning to Kirk with a steely resolve, Mon's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Leave her alone," she commanded, her tone unwavering as she stood her ground beside Sam, a pillar of strength in the face of adversity.

Kirk's expression softened briefly, a flicker of remorse crossing his features as he met Mon's unwavering gaze. Without a word, he turned and walked away, leaving Mon and Sam alone in the wake of their shattered friendship.

As the echoes of Kirk's departure faded into the distance, Sam and Mon stood facing each other, the weight of their emotions hanging heavy in the air. In that moment, they both knew that their relationship had been irrevocably changed, forever altered by the events that had unfolded before them.

As Sam enveloped Mon in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the familiarity of their touch, Mon's body tensed beneath her touch. Breaking free from the embrace, Mon stepped back, her eyes clouded with a mixture of pain and uncertainty.

With each step, Mon tried to distance herself from the turmoil raging within her, her heart torn between conflicting emotions. Sam watched in silence, her own heart heavy with regret as she realized the depth of the hurt she had caused.

"Mon, please," Sam pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion as she reached out to stop her.

The air crackled with tension as Sam and Mon stood facing each other, their voices laced with frustration and hurt.

Mon's words cut through the silence like a knife, her tone tinged with bitterness as she confronted Sam's lack of trust. "You don't trust me, do you?" she accused, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

Sam's heart sank at the accusation, the weight of Mon's words hitting her like a punch to the gut. "I do trust you, Mon," she protested, her voice trembling with emotion. "I just... I have doubts sometimes."

But Mon shook her head, her expression hardened with resolve. "Doubts?" she repeated incredulously, her voice rising with frustration. "If you truly trusted me, you wouldn't have doubts."

Sam's anxiety bubbled to the surface, her voice strained with the weight of her insecurities. "Do you really love me, Mon?" she asked, her words tinged with desperation.

Mon's response was immediate, her tone firm and unwavering. "Yes, Sam, I do," she affirmed, her gaze steady as she met Sam's eyes. "But you're letting your insecurities cloud your judgment. You're not seeing the truth."

Sam's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of Mon's words crushing her with their truth. Sam's anxiety reached a fever pitch as she grappled with Mon's impassioned words. "Can you blame me?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "After everything I've heard, how can I trust that your love is real?"

Mon's anger flared at Sam's admission, her frustration boiling over as she confronted Sam's lack of faith in their relationship. "You never believe in me," she accused, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. "You always choose to believe other people over me."

The tension in the room reached a boiling point as Mon and Sam stood face to face, their voices echoing with the weight of unspoken truths and unresolved tensions.

"Why did you confide in him?" Mon demanded, her voice edged with a mixture of hurt and anger. "You know how he feels about you, and yet you still chose to tell him everything."

Sam's throat tightened with guilt as she struggled to find the right words to explain herself. "I thought I could trust him," she admitted, her voice faltering under Mon's piercing gaze. "I didn't realize..."

But Mon's expression hardened, her eyes blazing with righteous indignation. "You didn't realize?" she repeated incredulously, her voice rising with frustration. "You didn't realize that he would use it against me?"

The air crackled with tension as Mon and Sam engaged in a heated argument, their voices rising in a crescendo of accusation and defense.

"Kirk has been poisoning your mind against me," Mon declared, her tone laced with frustration and hurt. "He's making you doubt my intentions, making me out to be the villain in our relationship."

But Sam shook her head vehemently, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I don't believe that," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation. "I trust you, Mon. It's just..."

Mon's expression softened slightly, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "It's just what, Sam?" she pressed, her voice softened with concern.

Sam hesitated, her resolve crumbling under Mon's unwavering gaze. "I'm just... scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Scared that history will repeat itself, that I'll be left heartbroken all over again."

Mon's expression softened, her features softened with empathy and concern as Sam revealed the depths of her past trauma. Shock and curiosity mingled on her face, her eyes widening with the weight of Sam's confession.

"I had no idea," Mon murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why didn't you tell me,"

The tension grew thicker as Sam and Mon engaged in a tense argument, their voices laced with frustration and hurt.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to relive that trauma," Sam confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "That incident almost took my life, Mon. I couldn't bear to bring it up again."

But Mon's expression hardened, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Not everyone will hurt you, Sam," she retorted, her voice laced with frustration. "But you choose to doubt me, despite everything I've done to show you my love."

"Mon," Sam pleaded

"I can't do this anymore, Sam," Mon whispered, her voice filled with exhaustion. "I'm tired of constantly trying to prove myself and my love to you, only for you to believe others over me."

Sam's heart sank as the finality of Mon's words washed over her, her chest tightening with the fear of losing the love she held so dear. "Please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.

Tears streamed down Sam's cheeks as she reached out to Mon, her voice choked with emotion. "I ended things with Kirk, Mon," she confessed, her words barely above a whisper. "Please, don't leave me. I'll do anything to make things right."

But Mon's resolve remained steadfast, her eyes filled with sorrow as she gently pulled away from Sam's grasp. "I can't do this anymore, Sam," she replied, her voice filled with weariness. "I'm tired of constantly having to prove myself to you."

Sam's heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched Mon walk away, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air. "I understand," she whispered, her voice trembling with regret. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Mon. I'll always love you."

As Mon disappeared from view, Sam was left alone with the echoes of their failed love, knowing that she had let her doubts and insecurities destroy the one relationship that had ever truly mattered to her. And as she sank to her knees, the weight of her regret threatened to consume her, leaving her to grapple with the painful realization that some mistakes could never be undone.

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