The Jedi, the Elite & the Sla...

By Nomad118

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In the year 2023, the concept of "gender equality" was no more. With the appearance of the mysterious dimensi... More

Kestis Detective Agency
7th Unit
Conrad Kestis' Girlfriends
Chapter 1, Part 1: The Jedi Knight, the Elite Chief...
Chapter 1, Part 2: ...& the Heroic Slave. Yuuki's Awakening!
May the 4th Special Chapter: Conrad's Special Surprise!!!
Chapter 3: Remembrance...
Chapter 4: Hunt for the Holocron
Chapter 5: Attack of the Bounty Hunters
Chapter 6: The Aegis Awakens!
Chapter 7: The Mato Exhibition Match!
Chapter 8: Second Round! The Duel between the Jedi and the Sith!
Chapter 9: Leaders' Counterattacks!
Chapter 10: The Secrets of the Moon
Chapter 11: The Xianzhou Luofu
Chapter 12 - The Hunt for the Spider and the Scattered Memories

Chapter 2: The Pros, the Pro Caretaker & the Rookie

169 8 25
By Nomad118

Kestis Detective Agency

It has been quite a busy day at Kestis Detective Agency. Most jobs Conrad and his team were involved in were missing pet cases; Kappa statue replica mishaps which now became an attraction in Ijincho; Not to mention having a lot of pain in the ass to confiscate unlicensed alien weapons from Jeebs.

Conrad was sitting at his desk, solving a complicated metal wire puzzle with the Force. Kin noticed this when he was in the middle of reading mangas.

Kin: Are you solving puzzles with the Force...? Why not just use your hands?

Conrad: Master Yoda taught me "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind."

Ratchet: Isn't Yoda, the old little green dude, dead already?

Conrad: *grin* You don't know the half of it, Ratchet. Jedi Masters still exist in mysterious ways...

Conrad just answered with an enigmatic grin, leaving his buddies, Ratchet and Kin sharing a glance, confused as they decided to take that as an answer. The duo literally had no idea what happened since they only heard half of the info about the Jedi.

Ratchet & Kin: Ooookay...

Ratchet: Anyway, leaving Conrad solving the puzzle with the Force aside. How's our ex-recruit Yuuki doing?

Kin: Hmm...


Before any of them answered, a phone rang on Conrad's desk, yet the Jedi had his hands full trying to solve the puzzles with the Force. So, Kin took the initiative and answered the call.

Kin: Hello. Kestis Detective Agency. This is Conrad's partner Kin speaking!

Kyouka: Kin, is that you?

Kin: Woah! Kyouka! Never thought we got a call from you! So how are the arrangements?

Kyouka: Everything is sorted out. I talked to the principal and Yuuki's parents. There's no need to worry about Yuuki going to his school, now that he's officially our dorm's caretaker.

Kin: Oh! That's great! Then Yuuki's officially graduated from High School!

Kyouka: *giggle* Something like that.

In this sort of predicament, Ratchet asked R2 about this.

Ratchet: How did Kyouka manage to convince Yuuki's parent and the school principal?

R2: *beeping*

Clank: Yes, I believe R2 is right. The Mato Defense Force has higher authority.

Ratchet: Good point.

Kin: Anyway! How is Yuuki doing with his new job as the dorm's caretaker?

Kyouka: I would say it's pretty well for him. I admit, he really does have talents as a caretaker.

As their conversations on the phone happened, Conrad had a hunch in his mind. The Jedi Detective had a feeling that Yuuki felt uncomfortable being a chore boy (despite Kyouka's slave being praised for his skills by the 7th Unit members) and wanted to go help exterminate a Shuuki. That boy's frustration over chore duties reminded the Jedi of the first Karate Kid movie that he watched.

He gently put down the puzzles and asked his buddy.

Conrad: Kin. Phone, please?

Kin: Oh, here you go!

Kin hands the phone to Conrad at his request and talks to Kyouka.

Conrad: Hey, Kyouka. It's me again!

Kyouka: Hello, Conrad. I assume you want to tell me something?

Conrad: Yeah. I sensed a slight disturbance in the Force, telling me that Yuuki might complain about being a caretaker and tried to argue. If you watched the first Karate Kid movie, you know what I'm talking about.

Kyouka: *joking tone* What's that? Got something to tell me and my slave, Mr. Wise Man?

Her joking remark made Conrad laugh amusingly at that before he happily retorts.

Conrad: He might indeed complain that he can't go to battle, but he needs to be patient since you need him to fight the Shuuki.

Kyouka: That's true. *knowingly* And what if he misbehaves?

Conrad: *grins* Let's say you're gonna discipline him by "twist him off". Think you can handle that?

Kyouka: ... I never thought about that. I'll give it a try. Thanks, Conrad.

Conrad: Anytime, Kyouka. I might visit your dorm to see what's up.

Kyouka: Okay. See you soon, Conrad.

Conrad: You too, Kyouka.

Their conversation ended with their phones respectfully hanging up, ending their call. His friends are wondering about the conversations between him and Kyouka.

Clank: Conrad, what topic did you and Miss Uzen were talking about?

Conrad: Oh, you know. If Yuuki ever complains or gets out of line, I advised Kyouka to discipline her slave by "twisting him off".

Kin: *fanboying* From the famous movie, The Karate Kid?

Conrad: Yep! That's the one, Kin.

Kin: Cool! When I first watched the movie, not only The Karate Kid but also three sequels as well Cobra Kai, I've been trying out with sweet ass moves!

Kin gushed over, can't resist the urge to fanboying over one of his favorite movies, showing off his "Karate" skills with a battle cry of "hwat cha!". This act left Ratchet and Clank laughing sheepishly while Conrad and R2 were unsurprised. Kin kept showing off his karate moves, only accidentally knocking down a glassed vase after a flying kick, leaving Conrad infuriated.

Conrad: Kin!!!

Kin: ... It wasn't me. It was a bird.

*Ding! Dong!*

The sound of a doorbell broke the comically awkward scene, leaving Kin spared from Conrad's wrath.

Kin: Oh, thank goodness! Conrad, weren't you expecting some clients?

Conrad: Could be. *shrugged* Possibly not the IPC trying to negotiate with me or the planet again...

Conrad remarked with a tiresome tone, having a lot of pain in the neck dealing with the IPCs. Well, the IPCs are not evil, but they're just a greedy, money-grubbing conglomerate. He brushed off that topic when they heard a doorbell ring again. This prompted Conrad to head to the door and look through the door viewer to see who it was, just in case. Peeking from the door viewer, he saw a 15-year-old, brown-haired middle school kid with a meek attitude.

Haruto: Um, Hello? Is this.... Kestis Detective Agency?

The boss of the agency moved away from the door viewer and opened the door. Something tells him that

Conrad: Yes, who's askin'?

Haruto: Oh good! I come to the right place.

Conrad: Okay, what do you need me to do? Like, investigate someone you suspect or a missing pet? Something strange has happened, or...

Haruto: Actually, that's not the reason why I'm here. I'm not here to hire you guys. I'm here to apply for this job.

This left Conrad and his groups dumbfounded at a sudden predicament. A 15-year-old kid wants to apply for a job? Here at the detective agency?

Conrad: ...What?

Kin: What?

R2: *beep*

Clank: Yes, I agree with you. Hey, Ratchet. R2, and I are heading to the hangar room to make sure this young man doesn't see us.

Ratchet: Alright. Careful, you two.

Clank nodded and R2-D2 beeped agreeingly before the duo discreetly went to the hangar room. But the sound drew Haruto's attention.

Haruto: What was that?

Conrad: *shook* Nothing important. But... *skeptical* You wanted to apply for this job? To be part of the PI?

Haruto: Yes! That's what I wanted to be! To discover Earth's greatest mysteries!!!

Conrad: Ahhhhhhhh....

Okay, this is getting a bit awkward. Feeling skeptical about this, Conrad glanced at his two alien friends in disguise, giving him unsure looks. Ultimately, he relented as he addressed Haruto.

Conrad: Okay..... Maybe we could come inside and we can talk about it.

Haruto: Right!

The awkward atmosphere has simmered down, for now. Conrad welcomed the potential recruit to the building, he sat on the sofa while Haruto sat on a client sofa, ready to begin the interview. Conrad checked the dossier the boy had given him.

Conrad: So your name is.... Haruto Kitano, right?

Haruto: *nodded* That's right.

Ratchet: Wait, Kitano? Are you related to the owner of the Noodle Shop? Which is considered the most popular restaurant that has all types of noodle cuisines, from around the world?

Haruto: Yes, that's right. She's my mother of course.

Conrad: Huh, good to know. Question: Why did you apply with us, here at the agency?

Haruto: Well, ever since my dad went missing... My mom has been working so hard, and sacrificing so much that she has to support me. I always suspect there's always weird and unnatural things happening, not only in the city but also our world as well. I wanted to prove these things exist.

Conrad: ...Hmm... so you think you believe in aliens...? Myths...? And supernaturals...? Is that what you're saying?

Haruto: Yes! That's what I'm saying! You guys deal with some occult, sci-fi, and supernatural stuff, right?

Conrad glanced at his friends, who stood to his left, and discretely reminded themselves what they've dealt with so far: The Mato Mishap which involves the victims being dragged to Mato or the Shuuki entered the Human World that brought menace to that world; Kin helps the alien wife having a labor while Conrad asked questions with the alien immigrant what was going on before the duo found out there was an alien bug arrived in Japan; Last, but not least, Conrad, Kyouka, and Kin dealt with the nasty Edgard the Bug and retrieved the Arquilian Galaxy.

Conrad: Anyway, Haruto. How old are you?

Haruto: Oh! I'm sixteen sir.

Conrad: Sixteen?

Haruto: Yes, sir.

Conrad observed Haruto's physical age, carefully. Judging from the youthful age on the boy's face, it's safe for the Jedi to assume that he's a middle schooler. Conrad stared with deadpanned eyes at Haruto and remarks.

Conrad: *deadpanned* Kid, you're lying. You're basically a middle schooler.

Haruto: Urk! H...How did you...?

Conrad: You can't fool me with those lies of yours, kid. I can already tell you're only a second-year middle schooler.

Haruto: Actually, I'm going to be in the third year.... soon!

Conrad: ....Stop lying, Haruto. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

Haruto: Please! Let me join! I can help! I can just... like... be your assistant!

Though Conrad was against it, part of him did want to bring in that kid when he sensed a Force within him. Yet, knowing he's too young to get involved with bizarre cases like the aliens, the Mato Mishap, and the Shuuki, he honestly can't put that kid in danger.

Conrad: I'm sorry, kid, but I have to respectfully decline.

Haruto: But....

Conrad: *sternly* Don't but me, young man. You have no idea what you're getting into.

Haruto: ...

Haruto couldn't say anything, only bit his lower lip out of sadness and frustration.

Conrad: Kin.... Please guide our guest away. It seems like the job interview is over.

Kin noticed a sad and disheartened expression in Haruto's mood. This kid shows promise, but his friend was right, that middle schooler has no idea what he's dealing with.

Kin: Sorry, kid. This interview is over. Come on, I'll show you the way.

Haruto: *sniff* Okay...

A saddened Haruto got up from the sofa and allowed Kin to escort him to the main entrance. Though Conrad knew it was for the best, he felt like he pushed that kid away from his dream. He sighed as he pressed his tented hands on his forehead, trying to reflect on this predicament.

Conrad: *sigh* What have I gotten myself into...?

Ratchet: Conrad, you sure about this? That kid shows some promise.

Conrad: *sigh* Believe me, Ratchet. I know. But judging from what I've seen in that kid, he's inexperienced...

Ratchet: You're right. But don't you think you're a bit harsh on him?

Conrad: I get what you're saying... Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go visit the 7th Unit with R2.

To ease off his conflicted thoughts, Conrad leaves from his sofa and heads into the secret hangar, leaving Ratchet alone. By the time Kin arrived about five seconds later, his buddy was already gone and only Ratchet stood there. The two shared a concerned glance regarding this.

Ratchet: How's the kid?

Kin: Well, he's fine... But you know, I can't help feeling Conrad is right. The kid is young, he doesn't know what he got himself into, like involving in our battle. Honestly, I feel like bad for the kid.

Ratchet: So do I, buddy. So do I.

Haruto's side

His day has gone from worse to disaster, his attempt to apply for his job at the PI agency failed. Haruto was walking back home in a sulking mood after the failed job interview.

Haruto: *thought* Man.... What am I supposed to do? I can't just abandon my dream and leave the Agency.... That guy... He's so cool! He's so strong, brave, smart, and fast too!

As he contemplated this, he couldn't help but admire his hero and future mentor, and how he handles the fight against aliens like the giant brain thing in a mech suit. He recounted Mr. Lucas' words that were etched into his heart and memory before he thought out loud.

Haruto: Mr. Lucas is right! I can't give up! I need to go back there and tell them what I saw a few days ago! Wait! if their reaction is stunned... does that mean they're gonna wipe my memory?! Or make me disappear from society?! Oh god! What am I suppos-

His abrupt thoughts were interrupted when he noticed something curious.

Haruto: What's this?

He started to walk to the backdoor which seemed to be open.

Haruto: A door? Who could-... Wait... If I remember correctly... This leads me back to the Agency!

Yet he stopped himself when his conscience of reason kicked in before he made a move.

Haruto: No! Haruto! Don't! This is breaking in! You're better than this! Maybe going to take a little peek is enough.

This was his chance that he couldn't slip away, so he sneaked himself through the back door. After Haruto entered through the backdoor that led him back to the Agency, he finally entered the main room.

Haruto: So this is the main room....

Ratchet: *voice* So what do you want to do now?

Kin: *voice* I was thinking we might get some noodles, you know. After meeting that kid, thinking about noodles kinda makes me hungry.

Ratchet: *voice* Hmm... Same.

Haruto: *whisper quietly* Oh shoot! They're coming! Where am I supposed to hide?

Alarmed by the voices of Ratchet and Kin, Haruto desperately searched for a place where to hide. Noticing the storage room, the middle schooler took the opportunity to hide inside, avoiding detection.

Haruto: Thank goodness...

He place his hand on the mop, unaware that he unintentionally pulled down like a lever, making a sound of the clink, causing Haruto to express a look of confusion.


Haruto: Huh?

It was then the closet he was hiding immediately elevated down fast as if it were like an elevator! That boy screamed for his dear life!



The room reached its destination. The back door where Haruto was leaning opened like an elevator, prompting him to fall down and land on his back, feeling dizzy as he confessed to either God or Buddha.

Haruto: God... Buddha... I don't dream about noodles... I love space... Huh?

Haruto snapped himself out of the daze, stood back up on his feet, and exited the secret elevator.

Haruto: *gasp* Oh... my god... shut the front door...

To his super astonishment... he found himself in what appeared to be a large secret hangar...

A/N: The Millennium Falcon won't debut until Season 2.

This place was filled with technologies that were out of this world, starfighters, and three-in-one combinable jets that were currently in development.

Haruto: Oh... My... STARS!

He couldn't help but fanboying, with his eyes flashing star-shapes, at the sight of advanced technologies and the starfighters from outer space. Haruto wanders around aimlessly, admiring weapons, techs, and vehicles. He even took a glimpse of two different starfighters that were parked in the hangar bay.

One is the size of a car with folded wings...

Another is a large, sleek starfighter with a long nose and its folded wings...

Haruto: Oh my goodness! Real-life starfighters! A spaceship seems to be combined in one! Laser weapons! And some cool technologies! I was right! Our home was not the only one! This is the best day of my life!

He wanders around the area, before noticing a disk-like device laid on the table. He approached the nearby device and examine it.

Haruto: What's this?

Suddenly, it activated, making Haruto startled a bit, and nearly dropped the device. It popped up a holo-photo, showing a young Conrad smiling, who was carried in the arms of an older man in a robe with a smile on that older man's face. Haruto wonders who that man is...

Haruto: Is this... the detective's father?

Conrad: *voice* R2, Clank what's the progress of the Eagles?

Haruto: *jolts* Oh no! He's coming!

With no time to wander around when he heard Conrad's voice, Haruto tried to find another hiding spot. Luckily, he noticed a black 2020 Lexus RC F.

Without a second thought, he opened the trunk and hid himself in it without being seen.

Back to the Crew

Conrad, R2, and Clank arrived in the secret hangar, heading to the black RC F where Haruto was.

R2: *beeps about the progress of Eagles*

Conrad: So Eagle Gamma's mechanism still needs to get it stabilized, right?

Clank: That is correct, Conrad. Here are some parts that we need to work on before we can test it.

Clank taps his finger on the iPad tablet before showing it to Conrad, who examines the holograms of the jets projected from the datapad.

Conrad: Hmm... Heatray lasers for Alpha... Volcannon and optional armament installation for Beta... Guyner cannon, tracking missiles, and cooling missiles for Gamma... Alright, see if you can get it done, even if it's a slow progress. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Clank: Much appreciate it, Conrad.

Conrad: *nods* Let's go, R2. We can't keep Kyouka waiting and miss how Yuuki's doing in his new job.

R2: *beeping and whistle*

With the discussion on the Eagle Project done, Conrad and R2 head to the RC F. He brought out his car keys and pressed the switch, opening the RC F's doors. The passenger seat on the left side quickly shifted into an empty area, and the ramp emerged, allowing R2 to roll into the shotgun seat before Conrad embarks on his main driver seat by the right.

Conrad: Let's go.

He starts the car by pressing the START ignition button. The car drove off and headed toward the portal before the ramp emerged from the ground, allowing that car to enter through the portal.

7th Unit Dorm

Yuuki: Alright, it's sparkling! A job well done feels great!

Here we are at the 7th Unit Dorm in Mato, where Yuuki put his back into cleaning that dorm, sparkling as a whistle. He couldn't help but feel prouder than that, but he looked out despondently at Mato's stormy landscape.

Yuuki: Except considering this place, I don't feel much refreshed... huh?

A noise outside of the barrier caught his attention. Suddenly, a Shuuki emerged from the ground and tried to attack Yuuki.

Yuuki: AAAAH!!!

Instead, the barrier blocked and disintegrated the Shuuki. It was a close shave for Yuuki, for a second he was gonna be squashed.

Yuuki: Th...They appear even this close to the dorm?

Nei: Are you okay, caretaker?

Yuuki looked behind and saw his senpai Nei arrive in the dorm before the former assured her.

Yuuki: Th...Thanks to the barrier, yeah.

Nei: The 7th Unit is located at Mato's Southwestern Gate. So lots of monsters pop up!

Yuuki: Southwestern Gate...?

Nei: Okay, you see.

It was then Nei enlightens Yuuki with lessons about Mato. She informed him that Mato is a different dimension around the size of Tokyo. She showed him the map of the territories in Mato, each unit assigned in eight directions, save for one in the middle.

Nei: So Mato is divided into eight sections, and each Mato Defense Force is assigned one.

Yuuki: Hm...? *smiles* You're a big help, Ookawamura-san. I'm still pretty much clueless about Mato.

Nei: *cheerfully* Nei is your senpai, after all!

???: Hey.

Another female voice drew their attention and saw the irritably Vice-Chief Himari. Nei happily went back to the dorm as Himari irritably ordered Yuuki.

Himari: What are you chattering around for, Yuuki Wakura? Go make preparations for lunch, and don't forget to make a portion for Chief as well. She's arriving soon.

Yuuki: *sheepishly* Is the caretaker even in charge of the food?

Himari: In Mato, yes. And you should be grateful.

She remarked before poking at Yuuki as she irritably remarked.

Himari: A man like you is allowed to be at the same place as us, and eat the same thing as us. The Chief is showing you compassion!

Yuuki: *thought sheepishly* My standing is so low...!

He sheepishly listens to Himari's subtle rant, feeling like he's been talked down to by women again. Seems like her attitude to Yuuki didn't change a bit, but she'll warm up eventually. With no time to waste, Yuuki was in the kitchen, showing off his impressive cooking skills when he cooked fried rice.

Yuuki: But at housework... I get all revved up!!! Huooooooooo!

A sudden jolt stopped Yuuki briefly as he looked around, sensing as if someone was staring at him.

Yuuki: A stare... am I just imagining it?

Unaware, a certain spunky member of the 7th Unit shrunk into a smaller size, watching over Yuuki as if she was showing interest in him.

Later on, Kyouka finally returns to the dorm. Yet, she stood by the entrance, waiting for a certain Jedi Detective to visit the dorm.

Kyouka: He should be here by now...

Luckily, her eyes did not deceive her, she spotted a familiar black car approaching her. Kyouka couldn't help but smirk, knowing that he was coming. She watched a black RC F enter the garage route that's within the barrier's boundary. With that vehicle parked and doors opened, disembarked from the car were Conrad and R2-D2. Kyouka smiled after that.

Kyouka: You're finally here.

R2: *beeps*

Conrad: Sorry we're late, Kyouka. I was busy with a job interview with someone who wanted to be hired at my agency.

Kyouka: Wait, you had a job interview with someone else in your agency? Oh my~ Don't tell me you're jealous that I snatched your ex-employee away from you?

Her teasing remark made Conrad chuckle again, never ceased to share a wonderful sense of humor with their friends.

Conrad: *chuckles* Nothing like that, Kyouka. And I already told you, it's fine. Yuuki made his choice and I have no right to rob you and your slave of that choice.

Kyouka: *giggles* Good point. Yuuki might be in for a surprise when you introduce R2 to him.

R2: *beeps and whistles*

Conrad: Alright, let's go. Let's see how Yuuki is doing.

Kyouka: I'll be happy to show you the way.

And with that, Kyouka leads Conrad and R2 to the 7th Unit Dorm for lunchtime, even though R2 only drinks motor oil.

Lunchtime in the Dining Room

The 7th Unit members were having a meal with their guests Conrad and R2 (though R2 can't eat but drink motor oil), they enjoyed the taste of the meal Yuuki cooked for them so far.

Shushu: Mmmmmm! Your meal is sooo delicious, caretaker!

Conrad: I admit, this meal is really good! No wonder you're really good with housework Yuuki.

Kyouka: I'm not overly picky about food, but it's good that the nutritional value was taken into consideration.

Himari: *reluctantly* ...I... I'll have seconds...

Nei: Please teach Nei how to cook, too!

Kyouka: Then I'll also leave you in charge of the dishes and cleaning baths.

Himari: And also cleaning the vacant rooms.

Yuuki: *salutes* Roger!

Praised by this, Yuuki jubilantly saluted for a moment, at least until Conrad sensed a bit of trouble from Yuuki; who was immediately frustrated that they gave him additional chores. Yuuki ran his hands through his hair in a frenzy and frustration, which both Conrad and Kyouka noticed.

Yuuki: *thought* Wait, no!! I want to be popluar, but I'll end up being a handyman like this!!

Conrad: *thought* There he goes again. Still complaining about his role as the dorm's caretaker.

R2: *beep*

Yuuki: Yeah.... You're right... I... wait! A robot?! Where did the robot come from?! I didn't see a robot coming here!

The astromech becomes offended at the caretaker's remark. He brought out a shock prod, letting out sparks on Yuuki's leg!

Yuuki: Ow! Wait, is it because I called you a robot?

Artoo was offended again and he prodded once more on Yuuki's leg.

Yuuki: OW!! My leg! What was that for?

Conrad: Yuuki, this is R2-D2. He's an astromech droid and my inseparable companion. FYI, he's a droid, not a robot. There's a difference between droids and robots.

Yuuki: But I can tell "he's" a robot-OW!!!

The 7th Unit and Conrad watched Yuuki wince once more after R2 stings him on Yuuki's leg. This scene left Himari hummed smugly, Shushu laughed humorously, and Nei laughed sheepishly.

Conrad: He prefers to be called a droid, Yuuki. R2 can be offended too easily if you call him that.

R2: *beeps furiously*

Conrad: Whoa! Language, R2! There's an 11-year-old girl in there!

Kyouka: He's right. Mind your language, for our sake, will you?

Yuuki: Wait, what's he saying? He doesn't say anything bad to me?

Yuuki cast his sheepish glimpse at the 7th Unit and Conrad's uneasy expressions. Needless to say, he's just clueless at R2's speech.

Yuuki: ...Right?

Conrad: Trust me... You really don't wanna know about anything...

Yuuki ultimately puts the droid debacle aside and makes a compelling argument with Kyouka about his duties.

Yuuki: *clear throat* Excuse me, Kyouka-san? We had discussed about me assisting you out in the field, but I feel like doing chores is my main responsibility nowadays...

Kyouka: I'll use you when you're needed.

Conrad: You can't complain over this, Yuuki. There are times we won't see them for over a week.

Kyouka: Until that time comes, you're free to concentrate on your housekeeping tasks.

Yuuki: No, I--WAAH!!!


Before he can complain any further, Himari holds a sword that has grown from her arm up to his neck, intimidating him to stop his complaining.

Himari: I know you're not stupid enough to complain about Chief's orders. Right?

Yuuki: *thought* Her arm turns into a sword, too?!

Kyouka pats Himari's shoulder to ease her while Conrad gently holds her blade with just his palm to ease the tension, making the Vice-Chief glance at her superior and her guest.

Conrad: Easy, Himari. There's no need to go extreme.

Kyouka: This is an all-girls dorm. I have no doubt that some of you are uncomfortable with a male caretaker. But he's a skilled housekeeper, and he's essential for my ability.

Conrad: Though I understand you don't like him, Himari, try and treat him kindly, please?

And with that, Himari put her blade away from Yuuki's neck, even though she did that out of reluctance.

Yuuki: Thank you...

Himari: *sternly* Don't thank me. Thank him.

Conrad: But...

Suddenly, Yuuki felt a super chilling, threatening atmosphere from both Conrad and Kyouka - who exchanged glances at each other and nodded before addressing them about her slave.

Conrad: If he ever steps out of line, such as misbehavior or tendency to screw it up...

Kyouka: ...It'll be my duty as his master to twist it off. Understood?

7th Unit Members: *sweatdrop* Understood.

R2: *beeps and whistles smugly*

R2 made smugly beeps and whistles at Yuuki facin irony, Conrad shot an assertive stare at his droid.

Conrad: R2, be nice.

R2: *beeps and whistles*

Nei: Ah!

Suddenly, Nei acted strangely when her ability Promise kicked in, leading Conrad and Kyouka to question her if she see something. Yuuki was left confused until Shushu answered him.

Shushu: Nei is a clairvoyant. It's a really amazing and rare ability!

Yuuki: *thought* Clairvoyant!?

Nei: Ah... Uh...

Though Yuuki finds Nei's ability surprising, her tendency to stumble around with her eyes closed gives Yuuki a weird feeling with his dry glance.

Yuuki: *thought* She looks like someone who just washed their face and is looking for a towel.

Conrad: It's normal for her to do that, Yuuki. You're talking to the 7th Unit's scouting specialist.

R2: *beeps*

Yuuki: *deadpanned* I somehow don't understand what your "droid" was saying...

It was for a brief moment and Nei suddenly detected a gate by the north and informed them.

Nei: *gasp* A gate has appeared! 5 km north!

Kyouka: Time to go! We'll need three vehicles! Conrad, you and R2 can join us if you want!

Conrad: *smirk* I had a feeling you might say that!

Yuuki: Oooh, finally!

Timeskip. Kyouka's Office.

Long story short, they examined the gate, eliminated the Shuuki and the gate was gone. The next thing they faced outside the 7th Unit Dorm was an army of Shuuki, merged into a giant variant. Luckily they're no match for Conrad, Kyouka, and her slave Yuuki when they pulverized that giant Shuuki.

But that's not important. What's important is that Kyouka and Conrad are at her office. They're seated on the lounges and have a serious meeting. From the looks of their reaction to bizarre cases that involved either aliens or Shuukis, both their jobs would soon collide.

Conrad: I'm guessing there's more reason why you brought me here, Kyouka...

Kyouka: That's right.... That's not the only reason why I call you here, Kestis....

She pulled out her folder and placed it down on the table, sliding it to Conrad's side.

Conrad: What is this? Is it about our research on peaches?

Kyouka: Not exactly. Take a look.

Judging from the grim expression in her eyes, he could assume this was something very bad. Without a second thought, he picked up the folder and looked through it, only leaving the Jedi startled with a shocking gasp at the sight of the reports he read and the photos he had seen so far.

Conrad: Bullshit... this can't be... now of all times...?

Kyouka: Exactly... When me and my squad were searching for the last squad were at... Not every single one of them escaped.... Leaving no evidence of what happened, their bodies seem to have suffered from heart attacks or choking. We only have a few pieces of evidence; Their bodies seem to be cut off and sliced with no blood coming out of them.... We suspect this might be connected to you... Conrad...

Conrad: ...Yeah... This might be connected to the Jedi Order that I affiliate with... Our faction's ancient enemy... the Sith.

Kyouka: The Sith...?

Conrad: *nods* The Sith are a group of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Driven by their emotions, including hate, anger, and greed, they're known to be deceptive and obsessed with gaining power no matter the cost.

Kyouka: I see... You're telling me that... The Sith are driven by negative emotions that fall to the dark side and might lose themselves to be corrupted, am I correct?

Conrad: Yes, like that. Kyouka, why didn't you show these to everyone?

Kyouka: *raised eyebrow* Would you believe me to expect the other Chiefs of the Squad to see our claims if they see us crazy?

Conrad: .... Good point.

Kyouka: What's the plan now?

Conrad: ...

He brainstormed for a moment until he concluded on what to do, then slammed the folders on the table and exchanged serious expressions with Kyouka.

Conrad: We're going to investigate what happened when the last squad was attacked. To find out the truth.

Later... Conrad, Kyouka, Himari, and Nei are going to get to the bottom of the mystery behind the unnamed Mato Defence Force's squad's death. The girls prepped overnight bags and placed them in the military Jeep. While Conrad was having a serious conversation with R2.

R2: *beeping and whistling, indicating he's not happy*

Conrad: Don't worry, R2. It's only just a day. I'll come back after me, Kyouka, and her team investigate the case.

R2 wasn't happy, at all. His master Conrad planned to investigate the area with Kyouka and her teammates, Himari and Nei,

R2: *whistles disappointedly*

Conrad: Cheer up, buddy. And don't forget, behave yourself in the dorm, alright?

Kyouka: Conrad, are you finished yet? We need to go!

Conrad: In a minute!

Conrad shouted at Kyouka before he assured R2.

Conrad: I gotta go, so be nice to Yuuki, alright?

R2: *beeps reluctantly*

Conrad: I'll take that as a yes. Yuuki! Shushu! Look after R2 for me, will ya?

Shushu: Leave it to me! Me and Artoo are going have so much fun! I'm going to defeat you again since last time you defeat me!

Shushu raised her fist with burning determination to which R2 beeps back.

R2: *beeps and whistles with heated determination*

Yuuki: *dismayed* Great... Not only me and Shushu-chan are the only ones staying at the dorm... but that... "droid" is also staying...? As if it's bad enough, she took an incriminating photo of me on purpose... I'm not a pervert...

What Yuuki didn't realize was that Shushu only bluffed, literally. In truth, she found Yuuki an object of her affection, and that's why she used pieces of "evidence" as a ruse to get closer to Kyouka's slave.

Conrad: I'll see you guys later when we return from our investigation. Take care of yourself and look after Artoo.

Shushu: Leave it to me, Conrad!

Yuuki: Hai! Conrad sen-... I mean Conrad!

Conrad nodded before hopping on the jeep. Himari turned the vehicle's ignition and drove off, leaving Yuuki, Shushu and R2-D2 alone in the dormitory.

Yuuki felt awkward in this tense and weird atmosphere. None of them broke a silence. So he decided to break the awkward silence.

Yuuki: So... What do we do now?

Shushu: Well... Artoo! This time I won't lose! I managed the way to defeat you!

Yuuki: Wait, R2 beat you?! And he's good at video games?! I don't believe it!

R2: *beeping and whistling at her and him*

Shushu: Believe it or not, chore boy. R2 show of his unbelievable skill... *translate R2 to Yuuki*

Next, to Yuuki's surprise, Shushu can translate what R2 is saying.

Shushu: And don't get cocky huh? *smirk* I'll show you who's the cocky one!

Yuuki: I.... I... have a bad feeling about this....

Shushu's Room

After Conrad left with Kyouka, Himari, and Nei... Shushu herself, Yuuki and Artoo are in her room. And what happens next...


To Yuuki's complete and utter shock, he watched Shushu challenge R2 to a game of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Shushu played as Incineroar and R2 played as R.O.B. in a one-on-one battle. Yet, only lost to an astromech droid, again! How many times? I'd say 23 times!

And at that point... Yuuki is right.... It does not end well.... as he watched Shushu laid down on her bed in childish frustration.


Yuuki: No way! You kidding me?!

R2: *beeps and whistles smugly*

Shushu: *pouts* No fair! How did I keep losing to my little astro-droid that came from outer space, who is very far far far far far away from our home planet?! How is this droid so good at video games?! What's your secret R2?!

R2: *beeps and whistles smugly*

Shushu: *pouted* You're so mean R2.

Yuuki: Wow... he managed to defeat her... wait. How come Kyouka, you and the others understand him?

Shushu: Oh! Conrad gave us a translation book to understand how R2 and astromechs talk.

This compelling statement left Yuuki speechless and only utters one word of question.

Yuuki: ...Huh...?

Shushu: Here! Let me get one for you so you can understand and talk to R2!

To his utter shock, Shushu brought him a HUGE book of manual, a manual on how to translate and understand the astro-droid's speech pattern. Yuuki found himself weighted by not just the book, but also the time how to understand R2's speech pattern.

Yuuki: *dread* ...I have a feeling this doesn't go so well for me...

R2: *beep and whistle*

Yuuki: I still have no idea what you're saying...

He paused himself for a moment and realized...

Yuuki: Wait, R2! Think you can help me defeat Shushu? I really need her to delete the photo.

R2: .... *beeping and whistling rudely*

Shushu: *gasped* R2! Don't say that to Yuuki! That's rude!

Yuuki: Wait, what's he saying?

Shushu: .... You don't want to know.

Shushu nervously retorted to Yuuki with a sense of dread before her attitude flipped from 180 degrees to her usual cheerful self.

Shushu: *grins deviously* So! You want R2 to challenge me for you?

This jolted Yuuki's mind from within with a sense of dread. Look's like she's onto him! Busted!

Yuuki: *thought* Shit! She knows!!!

Shushu: But before that... massage my shoulder.

Yuuki: Huh? Massage your shoulder?!

A few minutes later.... Reluctantly, Yuuki did just that, massaging Shushu's saggy shoulders.

Shushu: Ahhh! That feels fantastic... Perfect for soothing my achy muscles after an intense training session... Ow-Ow-Ow... Oh yeah... Right there...

Yuuki: *thought* Why am I letting her walk all over me?! I've gotta put my foot down once and for all! With or without R2's help!

Shushu: Ow-Ow-Ow... Oh yeah... Right there...  Oof, that's sore!

Though he became increasingly frustrated and readied himself to tell her off, he refrained as he got a view from his vantage point.

Yuuki: *thought* O-Or I could keep it up for a little longer...

Shushu: Hey, how'd you get so good at shoulder massages?

Yuuki was surprised when Shushu asked him that question, so he honestly commented about his skills.

Yuuki: I used to give them to my big sister, so I had lots of practice.

Shushu: So you got a big sister, too?

Yuuki: What about you, Shushu-chan?

It was then that Shushu told Yuuki her story, R2 didn't mind at all when he just standing there. She was the youngest of the three sisters in her family, grew up without a father, and went to all-girls schools in her entire life, likely it was the main reason why she never talked to a guy before. It wasn't until she and the 7th Unit met Conrad and his teams.

And what's more interesting for her is when she met Yuuki, her curiosity peaked, watching his every move.

Shushu: And then I decided to turn you into my slave 'cause it seemed like fun!

Yuuki: Do you realize how crazy that sounds?!

Shushu: Maybe so... But having fun is what matters most, in my opinion. That's why I moved to Mato. I was lookin' for excitement.

Yuuki: *thought* Come to think of it, Kin did tell me she's a thrill-seeker. *thought end* That's your reason? Even though you could die?

Shushu: Sure! Slayin' Shuuki is a blast! It's like I'm the protagonist of an adventure manga!

The massage session was done after Shushu told Yuuki about her personal life.

Shushu: Ahhhh! My shoulders feel so much better... Now let's play a fighting game!

Yuuki: O-Okay... But you should know... I'm pretty good at video games.

Shushu: Then why don't we spice things up? Loser has to strip off a piece of their clothing.

R2: *beeps with deadpanned tone*

Yuuki: What?! But...

Shushu: Obviously, slaves don't have the right to refuse...

Shushu grinned deviously as she gave a game controller to Yuuki, leaving the latter confident that he could beat her since R2 had beaten her many times.

Yuuki: F-Fine, bring it on! *thought* And I'll make her apologize!

R2: *beeps and whistles*

Not wanting to get involved with such foolish indecency, R2 left Shushu's room and wandered off inside the Dorm, she and Yuuki remained in this room.

As the astromech minding his own business, humming and wandering around the dormitory. He checked outside the building to see the barrier surrounding the area, made sure it's stable so that Shuuki could not enter the base. Though, before he could leave.


Suddenly R2 turns his attention, hearing the sound of a ringtone. R2 pops out a small radar dish on his head, searching where the source is coming from. He examined it thoroughly until he found where it was coming from... Conrad's car trunk.

At Shushu's Room

What happened between Yuuki and Shushu in the end? Shushu ends up beating him in several rounds of Street Fighter, forcing him to strip down to his underwear. Despite Yuuki giving her caution, Shushu laughs this off and grows to giant size, then sits on Yuuki and torments him before finally removing his underwear. When she does...

Shushu: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my god! I can't believe what I'm seeing, it's so small and adorable!

After she took off Yuuki's last piece of clothing, she saw the size of his "family jewel" unable to control her laugh, leaving poor Yuuki feeling embarrassed and flustered at the same time.

Yuuki: Please, stop looking at it!

Shushu: *smiles* Look at your face! You look so adorable and cute when you get flustered and embarrassed.

The laughter and embarrassment ensue after Yuuki's constant losses to Shushu and suffered a penalty game...


Their mishaps were interrupted when a panicked voice startled the two.

Yuuki: What was that?

Shushu: It sounds like R2.... looks like he's calling for us.

With no time to waste, Yuuki (who now only wears his towel) and Shushu went to the spot where R2 screamed. And when they reached R2 by the garage, to their surprise, they found an intruder, a 15-year-old boy who was spotted by an astro-droid.

???: *sheepishly* Uhhh... Hello...?

Shushu: WHO are you?! How did you get in Conrad's car?!

???: Well, funny story... I....

He didn't get a chance when fell down face fault, feeling a loss of strength and tired as he collapsed to the ground, prompting Yuuki and Shushu to check on him.

Yuuki: Woah, there! You okay, kid? Come on, say something!


That rumbling growl from the boy's stomach drew their attention, realizing that the stowaway had been in the trunk for about a day without any meals.

Shushu: I'm guessing he must've stayed in the trunk for a whole day and hasn't eaten anything....

R2: *beeps in agreement*

Half an hour later in the Dining Room

Half an hour later, the stowaway gobbled down every meal Yuuki cooked for them. Shushu stared in surprise when she had never seen any boy like him being a big eater. Needless to say, he felt satisfied that he's able to enjoy a decent meal.

???: So delicious.... Oh, thank God or Buddha for this wonderful meal...!!!

Shushu: Right?! Yuuki is not only our chef but also our caretaker!

Yuuki: That's right... but Oi!

???: You, caretaker? But.... Why are you naked and wearing a towel?

Yuuki: *deadpanned* It's a long story... Anyway, who are you and why are you hiding in the trunk?

Shushu: Yeah and what brings you here to Mato?

It was then the stowaway boy finally introduced himself to Yuuki and Shushu.

Haruto: Well, my name is Haruto Kitano. I'm a sci-fi and space lover who tried to follow the detective. I supposed a man like him has a close relationship with the squad unit.

Yuuki: Kitano? Wait... are you related to the Noodle Lady owner who owns the Noodle Shop?!

Shushu: That's right! I love that place! It's considered the number 1 restaurant with all the best noodles across Asia!

Haruto: Yeah! I'm pretty sure you guys know that place too! Can't believe my mother's noodle shop is famous here...

As the conversation continued, he heard a beep and noticed an astro-droid, staring at him.

Haruto: Woah! Is that a robot?!

Shushu: Uhhh... you shouldn't call him that, Kitano-kun. He prefers to be called a droid.

Haruto: Why not?

R2: *beeping and whistle*

Haruto: What do you mean Earthling like me can't understand you? *frown*

Haruto's understanding of the droid's speech pattern made two human Earthlings let out surprised looks on their faces and R2 felt stunned as well, if he had an expression, that is.

The young boy notices their reactions before he asked.

Haruto: What?

Shushu: Wait, you can understand R2?!

Haruto nodded before Shushu asked.

Shushu: How?!

Haruto: Well, I used to be part of the robotics club and computer club until I got kicked out. Of course, I can understand R2's speech pattern when I did the coding pattern. I can't believe a rob- I mean droid have their own language pattern to communicate! Nice to meet you, R2!

Haruto smiles at the approaching droid as he greets his new friend, and R2 greets him back with a beep.

R2: *beep in happiness greeted Haruto*

Yuuki: Haruto... how old are you?

Haruto: Well... to tell you the truth... I'm 15 years old.

Yuuki: You're 15 years old?!

Shushu: Then what are you doing here in Mato?! It's too dangerous to be in this place!

Haruto: I know... I wanted to repay him...

Yuuki & Shushu: WHO?

Haruto: The detective swordsman....

The trio contemplated what Haruto commented, and figured out who he was referring to...

Shushu: Wait... is he talking about....

Yuuki: Don't tell me... Conrad saved you?

Haruto: That's right. He made my dream come true. Proving there was an alien here on Earth.

That left the trio stoked and dumbfounded as they exchanged glances before setting their gazes at Haruto.

Shushu: Hang on... you actually show him... the reason to join.... is that you want to prove aliens exist?

Haruto: That' right.... Wait, you knew?

Shushu: Who in the 7th Unit wouldn't?! Conrad-kun was caught in a Mato Mishap two years ago and met our Chief! What happens next is when our chief alongside the six Chiefs from six different Units, 1st and 10th Units aside, are recruited by the MIB for their training. And out of all seven Chiefs, Kyouka and the 6th Unit Chief are the only ones who passed the test while the rest are neuralyzed!

Haruto: Eh?! Really?! Mato squads know about this?!

Shushu: Only the 7th and 6th Units! While the rest are not aware of it.

Yuuki: Wait... That explains why Kyouka-san knew Conrad and Kin, right?

R2: *beeps in agreement*

Shushu: *serious tone* We're gonna have to wipe your memories.

Haruto: What?!

Yuuki: Eh?! Shushu?!

Shushu: We know the rules here, we have to wipe the civilians' memories of their encounter with the aliens!

Shushu brought out what appeared to be a new model for a standard-issue Neuralyzer. Courtesy of MiB, of course.

Shushu: Sorry kid. This is for your own safety.

She brought out her Ray-Ban sunglasses and put them on before she attempted to neuralyze Haruto. But Yuuki got in the way and tried to stop her from doing that.

Yuuki: Shushu, you don't have to do this!

Shushu: Yuuki, get out of way! This is for his own good! He can't be involved in this!

Yuuki: But...

Haruto: If you guys are trying to wipe my memories... but... I want all of you to listen.

His words got their attention before Haruto told him the full story of his life.

Haruto: Ever since I was kid, my dad loves looking at stars and seeing space, and so do I. My dream was to explore and meet another world, proving our planet isn't only one specimen... My dad disappeared when I was eight... I didn't fit in... Every day I was ridiculed, bullied, and treated like an outcast by my peers... Seeing me as delusional, and crazy. They mocked my dream, telling me I should give up and take over my mom's shop.... I wanted to learn and meet new worlds so people could understand me!

Yuuki, Shushu and R2 couldn't help but feel sympathy for that middle schooler as Haruto continued his story.

Haruto: Until he... he came to my life! Changing my life, proving I can reach my dream! I wanted to repay him by helping him and meet new aliens to learn! He rejected me, saying I'm too young for my age, but I won't give up! Even if you wipe my memory... I will find a way to convince them to let me join!

Everyone stares in awe as Haruto makes his own speech. Shushu feels conflicted, knowing the kid has a good heart but the MIB's policy is that he can't know about this, otherwise his life is in danger...

However... hearing the sound of sobs and crying made the trio turn to where it was coming from. It was Yuuki! He was crying in tears after listening to Haruto's story.

Shushu: Eh? Yuuki-kun... you crying?

Yuuki: Haruto...

Yuuki goes to Haruto and grabs his hands in understanding.

Yuuki: I understand how you feel!

Haruto: Eh?!

Yuuki: I too was an outcast... being bossed around since men can't have abilities from Mato Peaches... I wanted to find someplace where I am needed...

Haruto: Wait, you do? Then you're not so different you and I...?

Yuuki: Of course, we're not! When I got caught up in a Mato Mishap and was rescued by Kyouka-san and became her slave not long ago... This is my chance to prove myself to be a hero in Mato!!!

Haruto: Yuuki...

Yuuki sat up and faced Shushu with a peaceful means.

Yuuki: Shushu! Please! Don't wipe Haruto's memory! I can see him he has potential and fire in his eyes!

Shushu: Yuuki... *conflicted frown* I'm sorry... I can't... you know the rules... You're one of our squad and Haruto isn't. He's a civilian...

Yuuki: But....

Shushu: Please...


Shushu's attempt to neuralyze was immediately interrupted, the four hear a loud booming sound and rush out to see an approaching giant Shuuki attacking the dorm.


Haruto: A giant Shuuki!?

Yuuki: An attack... Just as Kyouka-san, Conrad and the others are out, of all times!

Haruto: What are we supposed to do now?!

Without a second thought, Shushu rushed to the action and ordered the trio.

Shushu: You three wait here!

Yuuki: Hey!

Haruto: Wha...?

Shushu: Boys are weak! You have to stay still!

With that, Shushu heads outside of the dorm to confront a giant Shuuki, leaving Haruto freaked out and worried at the same time.

Haruto: Okay! What are you supposed to do taking large Shuuki by yourself?! It's suicide!

R2: *beeping in confirm*

Haruto: Wait.... She's going to... what?!

R2's words are true, Shushu's going to take on the giant Shuuki with her ability from the Peach Blessing.

Shushu: Trying to win through size? That's a good strategy. Unfortunately, I can go even higher than that. Have a taste of my Peach ability...

Shushu leaps into action with an Ultraman signature rising pose and activates her ability Paradigm Shift to grow as large as the giant Shuuki. Haruto was beyond surprised when he saw Shushu grow into a 40-meter-tall giantess.

Haruto: Did she grow into a giant?! That's some reference I saw from the Ultraman series!

Yuuki: No way! She grew into a giant!

Shushu: *grin* Ehehe, how do you like that, boys? This is my Peach's power. Paradigm Shift!

Boys: Wow....

Shushu: Artoo. Get those boys to safety. I can handle that giant Shuuki. Quick and easy.

R2: *beeps in agreement but concerned for Shushu*

Unaware by Shushu, a large swarm of Shuuki lay in wait behind the mountain, finding an opportunity to strike her down.

Shushu: *smirk* Let's go!

A giant Shuuki hurls its large fist at Shushu, she swayed and grappled it.

Shushu: Is that all ya got? Take this!

Shushu slammed the beast down once, creating tremendous air pressure that nearly blew the trio away.

Shushu: And... woosh!

Next, the trio watches as she swings that beast, fast enough to send that Shuuki hurling in the air...

Shushu: Bam!

Then she jumps up and grows big again, knocking it down with just one punch, hurtling the beast to the ground.

Shushu: Followed by... another kick!

Finally, she delivers a final blow with a flying kick, eliminating that giant Shuuki. Both Yuuki and Haruto are speechless at the sight of this fight.

Yuuki: That was awesome!

Haruto: I know, right?

She then shrinks back to 40 meters, stretching her arms as she comments.

Shushu: Man, turning into a giant sure is exhausting...

R2: *beeping and whistling with a warning* WAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shushu: Huh? GAAAH!!!!

Shushu noticed too late, she was suddenly attacked from behind by another giant Shuuki, sending her crash to the ground before she got back up. She shot a glare at that giant Shuuki for their underhanded tactics.

Shushu: So there was another one hiding nearby... Sneaky...

To make matters even worse, several more smaller Shuuki merge with it, making it even larger.

Shushu: Haaah!? Always keepin' me on my toes!

However, that giant Shuuki managed to land a nick on her, overwhelming the Demon Hunter.

Shushu: *thought* On second thought... this might actually be bad.

The boys knew they couldn't just sit around and do nothing, feeling the urge to help Shushu. R2 got a bright idea in mind as he flew his way to the garage with his rocket boosters.

Yuuki: She's in trouble!

Haruto: Yuuki, look!

Yuuki looks to where Haruto pointing at, revealing more Shuuki are coming in. These armies starting to overwhelm Shushu, and was about to approach the base.

Yuuki: Shit! More of them coming in and heading to the base!

Haruto: We have to do something!

Both boys tried to do something as they were about to step in, but were only stopped by R2 who blocked their way.

Haruto: R2, what are you doing?! Shushu needs our help!

R2: *beeps*

R2 activates the homing beacon, calling in Conrad's car as it drives itself before stopping next to the trio.

Haruto: Wait what are you doing?

Yuuki: Yeah, I thought you tried to stop us and make you listen to our reason why we help. But why did you summon Conrad's car?

R2: *beeping*

Haruto: Wait... check the side-view mirror...?

Confused at first, but desperate times comes for desperate measures. Haruto pulled the side-view mirror to see what happened next...

Haruto & Yuuki: Holy shit!

...To the boys' surprise, it revealed hidden caches of weapons, developed by the MiB.

Haruto: Whoa....

Haruto pulls out a Pantherian Disintegrator from the hidden weapon's cache. He delicately inspected it before glancing at R2 and asked him.

Haruto: Are you letting me use this?

R2: *hum*

Haruto: Why?

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Haruto: .... *smiles* Thanks R2. For believing in me.

R2: *beep and whistle with No Problem tone*

Yuuki: So... Does that mean R2 let us help Shushu and fight the Shuuki?

Haruto couldn't say anything, but from the looks of it, R2 did need their help. The boy smiled with eagerness and determination.

Haruto: Yeah! You bet, Yuuki!

Yuuki: Haruto, how much experience you've got with weapons?

Haruto: Well, I usually play airsoft games...

Yuuki: That's more than enough! You take care of it while I'll find a way to transform myself!

Haruto: Wait... WHAT!?

He didn't have time to answer Haruto as he rushed back inside the dorm, remembering how he turned into his Slave Form via Kyouka and her ability.

Yuuki: Just give me more time and I'll handle the rest!

Haruto: ...Okay... What was that about?

R2: *beeps in confusion before beeping seriously*

R2 was confused at first, but his tone becomes serious as he points his servo at the incoming Shuuki

Haruto: You're right, there's no time for waste. You can do this Haruto, miss ShuShui needs our help. Let's go, Artoo!

R2: *beeps with confidence*

As the duo rushed into the battle, the latter aimed at the Shuuki who were trespassing in the Dormitory. The Haruto fired his rifle, eliminating the monster from entering the base.

At Shushu's Side

The muscle/giantess member of the team struggled to have multiple Shuukis on her and had trouble fighting back against a giant Shuuki that was now bigger than her.

Shushu tried to sweep the Shuuki off of her, noticing the giant Shuuki hurl a blow at her, prompting her to block that attack with her arms crossed before stumbled backward by a recoil after being hit.

Shushu: Damn! I can't keep barely losing my strength... If I die here... I won't protect Yuuki, R2 and Haruto.... I can't lose...

As more Shuukis keep coming and climbing on her, trouble focus facing the Shuukis. Suddenly one of the Shuuki was obliterated by a laser blast, surprising Shushu.

Shushu: What?

???: Shushu-san!

She turned her head in a certain direction, seeing a familiar boy holding a shiny silver gun in his grip. Aiming to fire on the Shuuki, eliminating them from Shushu's body

Shushu: Haruto?!

Haruto: I can't just stand there and do nothing! I wanna help!

He kept firing lasers at many Shuuki climbing on Shushu's giant body. Haruto quickly managed to evade with a strafe, avoiding getting hit by one of the Shuuki.

As Shushu watched with a surprised expression, not only the 15-year-old kid loved sci-fi but was also good at guns and evasive maneuvers. She noticed one of Shuuki attempting to lunge at him.

Shushu: Haruto, look out!

Haruto reacted to Shushu's words as the boy turned around, seeing one of Shuuki lunge at him closely, only ended up getting burned to death instead.

The duo turned their gaze at a certain individual who saved him.... it was R2-D2!

Haruto/Shushu: R2!

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Inside the Dorm

Yuuki found the alternative. He deduces that, since he kisses Kyouka to transform, perhaps kissing her clothing will work as well. He tried kissing her glove and, although he does not transform, he feels as if he was about to. He then tries kissing Kyouka's shirt and his leg briefly transforms.

Yuuki: If a shirt gets me close...

There's one more thing he needs to forcefully trigger his transformation, Yuuki goes to the locker room and finds Kyouka's locker, which has Kyouka's boots inside. To his dismay, he might find it a bit out of line...

Yuuki: *thought*...Well, maybe this would be over the line... as a person. *shook* I can't give up yet.... I need to find a way to transform again. So I can help R2, Shushu and Haruto.... If her boots are the trigger I need...

He didn't have much time to think when a rumbling and Shushu's scream, echoed to Yuuki's ears. Yuuki took one of her boots and went outside, only to notice Shushu was overwhelmed by a giant Shuuki while Haruto and R2 holding the front line to defend the base against the Shuuki.

Yuuki: .....!!!! *thought* This ain't the time to be indecisive!! I want to be a hero! I have to ACT! And if licking her boots makes my dream come true, then I'm in!

With no time to waste, Yuuki faced Kyouka's boot he was holding and licked it...


...forcefully triggering his transformation!

At the Crime Scene

Meanwhile... at a far distance away from the base... Conrad's with the 7th Unit to investigate the mystery behind the unnamed squad's death which was caused by unknown means. He's in his detective mode when he becomes serious at work.

Kyouka: Find anything?

Conrad: Hmm...

Conrad examines the corpses of the slain members of the Mato Defense Force before sensing an echo. Judging from the pieces of photographic evidence, evidently, from the plasma cuts and the choke on the victims' necks, it proves that the Sith are involved in the incident.

Conrad: No sign of the attackers just yet, but from the photographic evidence you've shown me, it's no doubt the Sith are involved.

Himari: Conrad, are you sure about that? The Sith are involved in this? Kin said the Jedi hadn't come here to Earth, for like, thousands of years ago, and so were the Sith.

Conrad: I'm not sure.... Everyone in the Galaxies was thinking Jedi and Sith are just fairy tales... It's beyond that... Whatever it is... *Serious tone* This might be the toughest challenge for us...

Nei: *trembling* C-C-Conrad.... I'm scared... What if the bad men are coming to us...

Hearing the tone of her voice feeling frightened, and her body shaking, made Conrad and others concerned for her, knowing she was young despite her mental maturity.

The Jedi Detective approached her, kneeled down at her level, and placed his hands on her shoulders. He expressed his soft, assuring smile at the pink-haired 11-year-old scout.

Conrad: Don't worry, I won't let them come to you guys, including you, Nei. Me and others will protect you... that's a promise.

Nei: *smile* Conrad...

Kyouka couldn't help but smile, seeing Nei interact with Conrad made her happy, as if she looked up to him like an older brother. Though Himari looked away,  she couldn't help but express a small smile on her face.

Before they could continue their investigation, however, Conrad felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and looks at the screen. His expression went grim that's noticeable by the 7th unit, knowing it sounded like trouble.

Conrad: We have to go.

Kyouka: What?

Conrad: The dormitory is under attack and the barrier seems to be breached.

Himari: Wait, Shushu's in charge of defending the dorm! If what you said is true, then...

Himari and Nei are onto something as the duo overcame with a sense of worry and dread. Conrad and Kyouka understood their worrisome expressions too well.

Nei: Shushu-chan, Yuuki-kun and Art-chan are in danger...!

Kyouka: Then we have to get back there as soon as possible!

The four embarked on the Jeep with Himari in the driver's seat once more.

Conrad: Punch it, Himari!

Himari: Already on it, Kestis!

She hit the pedal full throttle, driving their way back to the 7th Unit Dorm. If more Shuuki have arrived and overwhelmed Shushu and breached the barrier, this meant trouble.

7th Unit Dorm

Back on the battlefield, Shushu barely staggered that giant beast with a boulder she had thrown. As the Shuuki advances, Shushu is backed into a corner.

Shushu: Maybe I got carried away, whipping out the jumbo size like that.

As for Haruto, he was already eliminating the remaining Shuukis with the help of R2 on his side. And finally shot them, one last time.

Haruto: Whew! That's all of them, R2.

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Haruto looked up and watched Shushu locking hands on a giant Shuuki, both tried to press on against each other.

Haruto: How am I supposed to take that thing down?

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Haruto: Time for what?

R2 once again called with a homing beacon on the car. That car opened the trunk itself before showing the hidden cache inside, revealing a larger set of weapons, including a Pantherian Nitrocarbonatior (aka a Laser Gatling Gun).

Haruto: Awesome! That's more like it!

What he didn't think of was that he tried to lift a giant minigun, only struggling to carry it due to its excessive weight and size.

Haruto: *grunt* C-Crap! So heavy!

???: Haruto!

Haruto: Wh-What?

As Haruto, struggling to hold up the Nitrocarbonator, turned where the voice was calling to him, noticed a blurred figure behind a large speck of dust on the ground, rushing in from the entrance. When he finally had a good look at who that was...

...None other than Yuuki in his incomplete Slave form!

Haruto: Wh-What the?! Yuuki-san?! What happened to you?!

Yuuki: No time to explain! You and Shushu need to distract it so I can deliver a final blow! My form won't last long!

Haruto: I...

Yuuki: Can do it?!

Haruto hesitated, but Yuuki's words of encouragement fired him up. He finally has the confidence he needs to help his friends.

Haruto: Yeah! I can do it!

Yuuki: Good! On my signal! I'll tell you when to fire!

With that, Yuuki rushed to his destination where Shushu fights a giant Shuuki.

Meanwhile, Shushu is backed into a corner after the Shuuki overwhelmed her and pushed her back...


Much to their surprise, Yuuki burst out of the entrance of the dorm with his incomplete Slave Form!

Shushu: Wait, isn't that a bit incomplete!? No way!

He knew best that his incomplete form wouldn't last, so he gotta put everything he had in one punch! On his signal...

Yuuki: Hold him down!!!

Shushu does so by holding him down, and next...

Yuuki: Haruto! Fire with everything you've got!!!

Haruto tried to lift up the Nitrocarbonator and aim, but he was having trouble with it due to its weight. But, he's not alone.

He felt the weight was at ease, felt like he could hold the gun perfectly. The middle schooler glanced at the one who was helping him to support the weight, it was R2! Using his head to lift up with his thrusters as support!

Haruto: R2!

R2: *beep and whistling*

Haruto nodded at the astro-droid with no form of hesitation. He aimed the barrel at the giant Shuuki before he yelled loudly.

Haruto: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


He pulled the trigger and sent a dakka of rapid-fire laser attacks, dealing tons of damage to that giant Shuuki in the chest and face. Though it did moderate damage, that gave Yuuki a chance he needs to finish him off!



He incorporated the move from Street Fighter series and delivered a powerful and devastating blow against that gigantic beast, killing it instantly with a twirling uppercut. This act impressed Haruto, R2 and Shushu.

Shushu: Whoa...

Haruto: Holy mother of Buddha!!!

R2: *beeps and whistles*

Yuuki: I... did it...

Yuuki undid his forced transformation as he fell down, but he landed right between Shushu's cleavage.

Yuuki: Oof! H-Hold on, this isn't...! Y-You saved my life, but...!

As Yuuki tried to find a way to apologize, Shushu didn't mind it at all, impressed by how her Chief's slave pulled the heavy lifting and saved her life. And of course, she owes her thanks to R2 and Haruto as well for helping her.

However, unbeknownst to them... far away from the dorm is a mysterious black hooded perpetrator, grunting in frustration that his plan to demolish the 7th Unit Base had failed. He was about to turn tail...

???: Don't move, Sith...

The black-hooded man was held at gunpoint by an Enforcer Blaster...

...wielded by Conrad Kestis himself with Kyouka, Himari, and Nei standing by his side. The group demands the hooded man's surrender.

Kyouka: Surrender, now. You have nowhere else to run.

???: *chuckles* You have no idea what you're dealing with. And you...

The hooded Sith looked at Kyouka in her eyes as if he knew her.

???: You've really grown up. Tell me... Will you avenge your people's deaths? Or face death itself...

That Sith's remarks made Kyouka's eyes wide open and lose her cool, remembering the tragic past that haunted her... 14 years ago... in Gassan Oisawa...

She let her guard down, making her squad turn at their leader with concerned and surprised looks at how a stranger knew about her past.

Himari: Chief?

Nei: Are you okay?

Kyouka: Wh-Who...

Before she could finish her sentence, the black hooded man took his own opportunity to use the Force and pushed them back harshly, only Conrad kept his feet on the ground.

He looks up at the intruder, firing his Enforcer Blaster at him. The black-hooded man held his hand forward, stopping the blast bolts from reaching him with the Force before pushing them back at Conrad.

Jedi Detective gasped with shock, before he pulled out his lightsaber, and ignited the blade to deflect incoming blasts with quick speed and instincts. Conrad panting and catching his breath before he looks up, only to see that the black-hooded man is now gone.

Conrad: Damn! He got away!

He turns his attention to his friend/surrogate sister and rushes to her, kneeling down on the floor to her level.

Conrad: Kyouka, are you okay?

Himari: Kyouka?

Nei: Chief?

Kyouka: ..... I'm alright. But our priority is to make sure Shushu, Yuuki and R2 are alright.

She replied with a firm and serious tone after regaining her composure. Though Himari protested out of genuine concern...

Himari: But...

Kyouka: That's an order!

Kyouka issued an order with a stern tone. Though both girls were reluctant to leave their chief alone, they had no choice but to leave her alone and follow her orders. Conrad wanted to help her, but knowing it was not a good time for moments. He decides to check R2 if he is alright, and joins with the other girls, leaving Kyouka alone.

The Chief of the 7th Unit can't help wondering and thinking about the black-hooded man.

Kyouka: *thought* That man...

Flashback. Gassan Oisawa.

The scene flashes to her traumatic past... the Gassan Oisawa Massacre... A young Kyouka, the sole survivor of the massacre, was crying and mourning the loss of her family, friends and everyone else she loved in the village.

What's next... aside from a One-Horned Shuuki... was the man in a black robe, wearing a mask to conceal his identity, who looked so menacing and intimidating, appeared before her eyes. He did nothing but mockingly gloat at Kyouka for being so weak and helpless.

Flashback Ended

Kyouka: *thought* It has to be him... Why did he lead the attack on my village...?

Kyouka clenched her hands into balls of fists with raw anger, never forgetting the 14-year-old incident that haunted her.

At 7th Unit Dorm

After the battle, Haruto and R2 rejoined Yuuki, who was being helped by Shushu who carried his arm over her shoulder to support him.

Haruto: Yuuki-san! Shushu-san!

Yuuki and Shushu: Haruto!

Haruto: You guys did it and the two of you are awesome! Shushu-san, you were amazing and managed to handle a giant Shuuki on your own! *gushed* You turning into a giant is the coolest power you have!

Shushu: Ah~ Haruto you making me flustered... You're too adorable...

His praise left Shushu flustered as she rubbed the back of her head with her free hand.

Haruto: And Yuuki-san! You were amazing, you managed to transform and helped Shushu-san by fighting back against a giant Shuuki with just an uppercut! You're truly spectacular! I believe men and women can fight alongside equally as heroes! You truly are Hero, Yuuki!

Yuuki: Haruto...

Yuuki was happy to be praised by a sci-fi and space fanboy. He smiled as he complimented him for his actions.

Yuuki: You did well, too. Not only did you help Shushu, but you managed to prove yourself to be more than a geek. You managed to take down Shuuki with your experience with weapons. *grin* I think you're a hero in my eyes.

Haruto: Really? I don't think I...

Shushu: What are you talking about? Of course, you do! You did help me and saved my life!  *grin* You're a really good kid, Haruto!

Haruto felt touched by Shushu's adulation. From his childhood memory, he doesn't have a lot of friends, knowing he has been mocked and insulted by his peers. But now... meeting those people finally understand him...

He couldn't help but let out tears of happiness as the boy tried to wipe them with just one hand.

Haruto: Thank you.... for believing in me!

R2: *beeping and whistling at Yuuki*

Yuuki: Huh? What's he saying?

Haruto smiled at R2, understanding what he had just said.

Haruto: He says "Even if you are a robot racist and new at this, you have truly proven yourself to be selfless and brave. You truly are a hero."

Yuuki: Really? *smiles* R2! Thank you!

Yuuki thanked him as R2 shyly gazed away and couldn't reply back, making everyone laugh.

Shushu: Now that that's over... *smiles* Hug?

Boys: Yeah!

Two boys and one droid embrace in one big happy hug with Shushu, after the fight was finally over. They've put their trust in each other to defend their own territory.

Well... almost...

Shushu: By the way, Yuuki. I can see your small "thingy" again!

The spunky thrillseeker teased. This made Yuuki break off the hug again, knowing what she said was true again. He becomes embarrassed as R2 covers the boy's eye with his extended servo.

Yuuki: Seriously?! Not again!

Shushu: Ahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha! So cute!

Shushu struggled to hold her laugh while a dismayed and embarrassed Yuuki tried to cover himself.

Yuuki: *flustered* Cut it out!

Haruto: What's going on?

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Though Haruto wanted to see what was going on, R2 held him back and warned him with a "You don't want to know" beep.

???: Shushu!

??? 2: Shushu! Caretaker!

??? 3: R2!

The four heard voices and saw Conrad, Himari, and Nei rushing over them. Honestly, they're very concerned for the trio's well-being.

Shushu: Everyone!

Yuuki: *embarrassed* Don't look!

Conrad: R2-

Conrad paused and shot a quick glance at the recognizing face of Haruto.

Conrad: Wait, you?!

Yuuki & Shushu: Crap!

R2: *beep*

Haruto: *meekly* Um... Hi?

As of this very moment -- Yuuki, Shushu and R2 realize Haruto is exposed, leaving the timid 15-year-old boy to express a meek smile and greet Conrad shyly with a wave.

Conrad: Can someone tell me... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

Later in the Dormitory

After the whole skirmish with giant Shuuki and an army of them were wiped out for good, Shushu, Yuuki and R2 explained the entire story to them while they were away. What of a reward for Yuuki, you ask?

Yuuki: AAAAAAGH!!!! OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!! Kyouka-san, please be gentle with me!

Kyouka: Just lie still and endure it.

Kyouka gives Yuuki a painful reward for his forced transformation, likely a painful massage, of course. Himari just smirked and R2 beeps smugly at Yuuki getting a much painful massage.

Himari: Out of commission after a few minutes in combat? *grin* How pitiful.

R2: *beeps smugly and chuckles*

Himari: *chuckles* You said it, R2.

Yuuki: Oh, shut up!

Kyouka: Shushu, don't slay Shuuki just for kicks. Underestimating your opponent is how you end up in a body bag.

Shushu: Yes, ma'am. I should've known better.

Conrad: You can try to follow my example since I have lots of experience erring on the side of caution.

Kyouka: Furthermore, you can thank Yuuki by assisting him with his household duties.

Shushu: Understood.

Shushu understood her mistakes and will eventually learn from them. Then Conrad cast her gaze at Kyouka and addressed her.

Conrad: Anyway, I'm gonna talk with Haruto. I'll meet you in the office, Kyouka. It's fine if you dress casually.

Kyouka: Alright.

Conrad nodded as Yuuki and Shushu exchanged worried glances, feeling concerned for Haruto. R2 was also concerned for that boy as well.

Kyouka's Office.

Haruto was sitting down on the chair, waiting patiently. He heard the sound of the door open, making him turn, revealing Conrad. Safe to say, he does not look happy.

Haruto: De-Detective Conrad! It's good to see you again! I thought you would ne-

Conrad: Kid. Do you know what you're doing?

Haruto: Well, I couldn't sit around and do nothing... Yuuki-san ordered me to give him more time to take down Shuuki and help out Shushu-san... but...

Conrad slammed his hand against the table, startling Haruto. Conrad faces the boy with a disappointed look on his face.

Conrad: What the hell are you thinking?! You shouldn't get involved in this situation!

Haruto: I... I have to... I have to.... I...

Conrad: No! This is about you! You shouldn't just follow me and hide in my trunk as a stowaway! You could've endangered yourself! What happens if your mother finds out that her only living child is dead?!

His harsh, corporal lecture made Haruto look down, feeling ashamed after knowing Conrad was right. Conrad let out a deep breath before he put on his sunglasses and brought out his Neuralyzer.

Haruto noticed it, knowing what the Jedi was going to do.

Haruto: Wait. You're going to wipe my memory?

Conrad: Sorry, kid... It's for your own good. Any last words before I-

???: Wait!

One of the voices interrupted Conrad from neuralyzing Haruto. The duo turned to the doorstep and saw Yuuki with Shushu and R2 at his side.

Haruto: Everyone...

Conrad: Yuuki? Shushu? R2? What are you guys doing here?

Yuuki: Conrad senpai! Please don't wipe Haruto's memory!

Yuuki stood defensively in front of Haruto, facing Conrad as he begged the Jedi Detective.

Conrad: Why are you...

Shushu: Look! I know he's too young for this job, but he did help us out! Please don't take away his dream!

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Conrad: He saw what?! You saw me?!

Conrad shot a stern glare at Haruto, who meekly nodded at this predicament. Thus, leaving Conrad to facepalm and goan.

Conrad: *groans* Great, great, just great. Now the kid wanted to join the agency after I found out what he witnessed so far?!

Next, he turned his face at Yuuki and Shushu, whom they didn't flinch once since they wanted to vouch for Haruto.

Conrad: Give me good reasons why I shouldn't neuralyze him.

Yuuki: He helped us fend off the Shuuki!

Shushu: Haruto has a lot of experience with weaponry since he told us he went to airsoft games!

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Yuuki: That's why...

Shushu: We beg of you...

Yuuki & Shushu: Please don't take his memory away!

To the Jedi's surprise at what he saw, Yuuki & Shushu grovel before his eyes, begging him desperately.

This action left Conrad along with Kyouka, Himari and Nei whom they'd arrived to be surprised and shocked to see this. They're risking their lives to protect a civilian who got involved in dangerous situations.

They proved the young boy was capable of defending himself, instead of standing around and doing nothing. Kyouka remind herself back when Conrad gave her so much wisdom.

Conrad: .... *frown* I'm sorry, I can't... he...

Kyouka: Conrad, can we have a talk?

Conrad: Right now? We hadn't...

Kyouka: This is important, Conrad. Please...

Conrad: *deep breath* Alright... Everyone, leave the room. Kyouka and I are gonna have a private discussion.

Everyone seemed to be a bit reluctant, yet decided to leave the room. Only Conrad and Kyouka are alone in the office.

Conrad: All right, what is it you want to ask me about, Kyouka?

Kyouka: I think you should let him.

Conrad: ... What?! Kyouka?! You too?!

Kyouka: Conrad... I know you might disagree, but when was the last time the MiB recruited me and Tenka...?

Conrad tried to find a room to argue, but he soon relented, and finally remembered the time he first met Kyouka... he got caught up in a Mato Mishap two years ago; then the MiB enlisted 2nd to 9th Unit Chiefs for a test, Kyouka and Tenka passed the incomprehensible tests in the end while the rest are neuralyzed; and the last thing he ever knew of... is when he saw potential in Kyouka since there's more to her ability than meets the eye.

That's why he mentored her, giving her so much wisdom so she could find a way to harness her Slave ability to its true potential... and she did when Kyouka first met Yuuki.

Conrad: ... *sigh* I can safely assume you saw a promising potential in Haruto, right?

Kyouka: Indeed. He may be young, but there's so much promise he wants to bring up. So please, don't throw away his chance...

Conrad: I don't think...

Kyouka: Conrad, remember what you told me... "That moment chooses you." I think force or whatever it is brought Haruto to you, Conrad.

Conrad remained in silence and knew that she was right. He let out an amusing snort.

Conrad: Took my advice out of my mouth didn't you, Kyouka?

Kyouka: *chuckles with a smirk* Got it from someone I know. What's your choice, Conrad?

Conrad: Ah. What the hell? I think I made my decision.

At the Hallway

Outside of the office, Haruto along with Yuuki, R2 and the others are waiting patiently. Then, they heard the door open and saw two leaders exit the office.

Himari: So?

Conrad: ... Haruto, right?

Haruto: Y-Yeah!

Conrad: *smirks* You're in. kid.

Everyone: Really?!

Conrad: But, consider the fact you stowed away in my trunk and entered Mato without any authorizations... Starting today, you'll be in a probationary period.

Haruto: Really?

Conrad: Really, kid. By the way...

Conrad held his welcoming hand at Haruto before he finished with a smile.

Conrad: *smiles* Welcome to the team.

R2: *beeping and whistling cheer for Haruto*

The girls shared a mix of happy and cheerful expressions over the fact Conrad hired an assistant. Yuuki couldn't be more prouder than that. So is Kyouka, who let out a warm and proud smile.

Haruto happily accepts as he grasps his new boss' hand with his, then handshakes before breaking off.

Haruto: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You won't be disappointed, boss!

Conrad: I know you won't. You did show promise after all.

Yuuki: You did it, Haruto!

Shushu: I'm so proud of you!

Haruto: Yuuki-san. Shushu-san. Thank you so much and helping me reach my dream!

He smiled happily at them, leaving the duo smile back. Haruto turned to face his new boss.

Haruto: Well, when do I begin?

Conrad: Not yet. I'll drive you tomorrow for the test. I need to talk to my boss about it.

Haruto: Alright, but Kestis-san.

Conrad: Yeah?

Haruto: Can you take me home? My mother probably worried about me and why I hadn't come home yet.

Conrad thought about this, for a moment, and realized that his junior got a point. Seems like Haruto had been away for a day since he stowed himself in the trunk.

Conrad: Alright. Come along.

Haruto: Yes! I call shotgun!

R2: *beep and whistling*

Haruto: *smiles* Maybe, next time R2.

Conrad: *questionable look* You can understand R2?

Haruto: *smiles* Yes, I can. I love sci-fi and space remember?

Conrad: *grin* I think I starting to like you, kid.

Outside of the Dorm

After that, Conrad agreed to take Haruto home. Haruto takes the shotgun while R2 takes the backseat. Next, the car drove off from the dorm while the squad gave their goodbyes to their friends.

Shushu: See you again, Haruto!

Yuuki: Don't forget to visit us!

Nei: I can't wait to interact with you, Haru!

Himari: Geez, another man. Is he seriously letting the kid in?

Kyouka: Why not? We had no problem letting Nei in our place before you joined us. Besides, we did see PIs in the Agency like big brothers to us, including you...

Himari quickly looked away with a small blush, flustered at Kyouka's undeniable fact and truth.

Himari: *blush* D-Don't tease me!

The Chief of the 7th Unit can't help but smile and chuckle until she shifted to her serious expression, as she held her chin in thought. She can't shake the feeling regarding a black-hooded man as she contemplates this.

Kyouka: *thought* Speaking of a new recruit... I can't shake the feeling regarding the mysterious black-hooded man that Conrad referred him as a Sith... What role did he play in this? This doesn't make any sense why he, the One-horned, and the Shuuki attacked my village, in the first place...

Whatever the truth behind her destroyed village... they will find out the truth....

Mysterious Location in Mato

On an unknown area in Mato, a few remaining surviving squads tried to run away, attempting to return to base. It happened when the squad discovered an ancient vault they had never seen before. When they went inside the vault, they discovered it was a death trap, keep out of those who attempted to enter.

Squadmate A: Wh-What the hell is that place?!

Squad Leader: We don't know! Whatever this place! We need to go back and inform the Supreme Commander!

Squadmate B: We've lost everyone! Mari, Kanade, Stella... Why do they suffer th...

Before she could finish her sentences, something else tripped her down on the ground harshly. Before she could get up, the female soldier was dragged away, like an invisible creature who captured her, causing her scream which caught the attention of her squad.

Squads: Yuna!

They tried to rush in and help her. However, they weren't so lucky. Two of the squad members felt their necks being choked by some kind of invisible grips, feeling their feet got off the ground and lifted in the air.

They couldn't believe what they saw, their friends helplessly tried to escape, only felt their necks snapped.

Their bodies drop back on the ground, limp and lifeless. The girls tried to be strong and stay on guard. What the girls didn't expect was a red plasma blade, based on a laser sword, ignited out of the darkness.

One by one, more than one attacker decimated the Mato Defense Force's unnamed squad with a mix of relentless slashes, snapped their victims to death with somewhat a telekinesis, and not to mention... their invulnerability against the Peach Users as they instill fear upon them...

One of the surviving squad tried to crawl away, attempting to escape, only to be dragged away by a powerful force pull. Thus, forcing her to face her mysterious black-robed attacker, who was wearing a mask.

She might assume the figure is the leader.

Squadmate A: W-What d-do you want?

Masked Leader: What do we want? What we want you is to know where the vault you discovered.

Squadmate A: *eyes widened* Wh-Why do you want the vault?!

Masked Leader: Yes, tell me where it is, or else...

The masked leader followed up, using his Force choke on the squad leader before he continued.

Masked Leader: ...she dies.

Not testing his patience longer, he tightened the Force choke even more...

Squadmate A: Wa-Wait! Wait! Don't kill her! I tell you where it is! Please, let her live!

She had no choice but to tell him and the group where the Vault was. Hoping they spare her and her friend from their impending death.

Masked Leader: Hmmm.... I see. Thank you for your cooperation, here's my reward for you.

The female Mato Soldier hoped he would her friend go... but instead, he committed an unforgivable act... He forcibly pulled her toward where the masked leader and the surviving members were. Swiftly turned on the blade and jammed the lightsaber through her chest.

Squadmate A: *tearfully* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!

She couldn't believe what she saw. Her squad leader and her best friend died in front of her...why has fate been too cruel to her...

The masked leader pulled out his lightsaber from the deceased squadmate's friend, tossing her like a ragdoll with the Force. The surviving squad mate tried to reach out for her but couldn't escape his telekinesis grip.

Masked Leader: Tell the Great Lords we found the Vault's location. Prepare for our expedition tomorrow.

Masked Subordinates: *nods* Yes, sir.

Squadmate A: Why....

Masked Leader: Hm...?

The masked leader turned his attention to the last soldier, who angrily shot a glare at him with tears spreading. She was disgusted by that masked leader's cruelty.


Masked Leader: Why? Why are we doing this? *chuckle* There's a reason why... We have been forgotten, erased part of history, from the ancient war and battles... the conflict between light and darkness... to seek out a new world where Force Sensitive beings become the new progenitors of Earth! And you should've never seen us...

He used his Force to shove her away, hurtling her to the tree that made her spit out blood. She couldn't run or fight back, she was afraid. The gaze upon the mask is like a death omen to her.

Death came for her...

The defeated Mato Soldier cast her frightened gaze at the mysterious masked man, one last time before she asked.

Squadmate A: You... who or what are you?

Masked Leader: We are hidden from the world, devoted to the Sith... We are the children of the dark side.

The mysterious masked leader finished his speech before he slew her with his lightsaber, ending her life.

A/N: In the end, looks like Conrad got a new assistant, but he has to discuss it with his boss Zed first. Also, the mysterious devotees following the Sith's cause... Who in the world are they, and why are they so interested in finding the Vaults? Guest you'll have to find out in the next chapters Doctmar123 and I are working on.

Next Time on The Jedi, the Elite & the Slave - Chapter 3: Rememberance...

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