7th Unit

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The 7th Unit Chief: Kyouka Uzen

The 7th Unit Chief: Kyouka Uzen

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Age: 21

Personality: Fierce, militaristic, calm, disciplined, serious, caring, gentle and kind to Yuuki, laid back, enjoys hobbies girls her age usually express interest to, has a love for sweets

Species: Human

Homeworld: Earth

Affiliation: Mato Defense Corps, 7th Unit

Occupation: 7th Unit Chief, Demon Hunter

Background: Kyouka lived a normal life in her village in Gassan Oisawa, Yamagata Prefecture until several Shuuki and a One-Horned Shuuki arrived and killed everyone there leaving her as the last survivor.

Since then, Kyouka has developed a deep hatred for the Shuuki before joining the Mato Defense Corps, for the sole purpose of eliminating all of them. From some point on, Kyouka became the leader of the 7th unit.

Her peach blessing, Slave, was initially seen as worthless because the Shuuki she turned into slaves were rather weak but destiny had plans for her when she first met Conrad in his first Mato Mishap. She's also impressed at how Conrad was able to fight the Shuuki with just a "laser sword" and a mysterious power that's beyond Earth and Mato's knowledge.

Afterwards, she invited him to visit the 7th Unit, meeting her Vice-Chief and her teammates. Not to mention, Conrad gives her important life lessons whenever she feels so down regarding her ability, and helps her and her teammates improve themselves.

The time Kyouka spent with Conrad for two years made her feel like she looked up to him like a brother she never had, in her life. Later, after the latest Mato Mishap, Conrad gave her the most important lesson that she'll remember by heart "That moment chooses you".

Little does she know, the life lessons Conrad gave Kyouka led to her destiny when she met a certain teenage male she rescued...

Peach Blessing: Slave - Kyouka's unique power lets her draw out the potential of people she has enslaved, turning them into her Slave, this grants them either enhanced physical prowess, as in the case for most of the Shuuki she enslaved. However, there's more to this than meets the eye when she encounters one certain teenager who'll become her slave...

Physical Abilities: Immense Strength, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Agility and Reflexes, Immense Endurance, Master Martial Artist (Master Swordswoman, Brain Limiter Release),

Other Skills: Training Method, Barrier (via Talisman)

Equipment: Katana, Talisman

7th Unit Caretaker & Kyoka's Slave: Yuuki Wakura

7th Unit Caretaker & Kyoka's Slave: Yuuki Wakura

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