Chapter 2: The Pros, the Pro Caretaker & the Rookie

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Kestis Detective Agency

It has been quite a busy day at Kestis Detective Agency. Most jobs Conrad and his team were involved in were missing pet cases; Kappa statue replica mishaps which now became an attraction in Ijincho; Not to mention having a lot of pain in the ass to confiscate unlicensed alien weapons from Jeebs.

Conrad was sitting at his desk, solving a complicated metal wire puzzle with the Force. Kin noticed this when he was in the middle of reading mangas.

Kin: Are you solving puzzles with the Force...? Why not just use your hands?

Conrad: Master Yoda taught me "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind."

Ratchet: Isn't Yoda, the old little green dude, dead already?

Conrad: *grin* You don't know the half of it, Ratchet. Jedi Masters still exist in mysterious ways...

Conrad just answered with an enigmatic grin, leaving his buddies, Ratchet and Kin sharing a glance, confused as they decided to take that as an answer. The duo literally had no idea what happened since they only heard half of the info about the Jedi.

Ratchet & Kin: Ooookay...

Ratchet: Anyway, leaving Conrad solving the puzzle with the Force aside. How's our ex-recruit Yuuki doing?

Kin: Hmm...


Before any of them answered, a phone rang on Conrad's desk, yet the Jedi had his hands full trying to solve the puzzles with the Force. So, Kin took the initiative and answered the call.

Kin: Hello. Kestis Detective Agency. This is Conrad's partner Kin speaking!

Kyouka: Kin, is that you?

Kin: Woah! Kyouka! Never thought we got a call from you! So how are the arrangements?

Kyouka: Everything is sorted out. I talked to the principal and Yuuki's parents. There's no need to worry about Yuuki going to his school, now that he's officially our dorm's caretaker.

Kin: Oh! That's great! Then Yuuki's officially graduated from High School!

Kyouka: *giggle* Something like that.

In this sort of predicament, Ratchet asked R2 about this.

Ratchet: How did Kyouka manage to convince Yuuki's parent and the school principal?

R2: *beeping*

Clank: Yes, I believe R2 is right. The Mato Defense Force has higher authority.

Ratchet: Good point.

Kin: Anyway! How is Yuuki doing with his new job as the dorm's caretaker?

Kyouka: I would say it's pretty well for him. I admit, he really does have talents as a caretaker.

As their conversations on the phone happened, Conrad had a hunch in his mind. The Jedi Detective had a feeling that Yuuki felt uncomfortable being a chore boy (despite Kyouka's slave being praised for his skills by the 7th Unit members) and wanted to go help exterminate a Shuuki. That boy's frustration over chore duties reminded the Jedi of the first Karate Kid movie that he watched.

He gently put down the puzzles and asked his buddy.

Conrad: Kin. Phone, please?

Kin: Oh, here you go!

Kin hands the phone to Conrad at his request and talks to Kyouka.

Conrad: Hey, Kyouka. It's me again!

The Jedi, the Elite & the Slave (Star Wars x Mato Seihei no Slave)Where stories live. Discover now