Conrad Kestis' Girlfriends

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The Auditorium

The boys of the Kestis Detective Agency appear on stage and greet the readers.

Boys: Hello, everybody!

Haruto: I'm Haruto Kitano, soon-to-be Junior Agent of MiB after my probationary period! These are my seniors! First, we would like to introduce Kin.

Haruto introduces Kin to the readers, who wave back.

Kin: Hello!

Haruto: Next, we have our favorite outrageous Galactic Duo of Solana and Polaris, Ratchet & Clank!

Next, the Junior Agent introduces the famed Galactic Duo of Solana and Polaris, which the duo smiles and waves at the readers.

Ratchet: Hey guys, I'm Ratchet! And this is my buddy, Clank!

Clank: *waves* Greetings, everyone!

Haruto: And last but not least, we have our boss' most faithful astro-droid, R2-D2!

Haruto introduces R2-D2 to the readers as the latter beeps with a sense of excitement.

R2: *beeping and whistling*

Clank: He says "It's a pleasure to meet you, readers. I'm happy to be on stage to bring up awesome topics."

Ratchet: Yep! Now that we finished our introductions. We know you're wondering why we're here in the first place. right?

Kin gushes with a huge sense of excitement, having a good feeling why.

Kin: *giddy* Oooooh! Is this about Conrad's girlfriends?!

Clank: You could say he has the "rizzm" for ladies! Hehehehehehe!

R2: *beeps with laughter before beeping and whistling about Conrad*

Haruto: Yeah, you're right, R2. My boss got these traits from his dad, his great-grandfather, and Anakin's master Obi-Wan.

Ratchet: Guess the Skywalker charms runs in the family, haha.

Haruto: Anywho, let's begin with Conrad's girlfriends, shall we? First one on the list...

1) Pyra


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Haruto: Pyra-san! Not only she's Conrad's Blade but she is kind, caring, beautiful, smart, and good at cooking too! She is a wife material!

R2: *beeps in agreement*

Kin: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm living in my fantasy!

Kin fainted to the ground for a moment, leaving the boys to laugh sheepishly.

Ratchet: Well, leave aside our speedy fanboy... Pyra is not only our caretaker but she also serves as Conrad's assistant and partner on impossible cases!

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