Diaries of a nanodroid in The...

By Shadowpotato114

635 31 7

In a clandestine act of scientific subterfuge, a researcher absconds with a cutting-edge combat nanodroid, in... More

1. The scientist
2. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R
3. Where am i?
4. Bounty hunters guild
5. White fang.
6. Elise
7. Duke Arlen
8. Valardia
9. The axis
10. The frontline
11. The king's help request
12. The trial.
13. The Royal Alchemist
14. Magic research
15. Floknethes battle
16. Western Therabilia
17. Nano's diary
18. Nano's Diaries part ll
19. The prince and Nano
20. Uprising
21. Diplomatic relations
22. Fall of Eurebia
23. Urban warfare
25. Rewriting

24. Welcome to the Therabilia Axis

20 1 0
By Shadowpotato114

The writing will change from this chapter

Fulato Krefkenn stood in disbelief as he absorbed the contents of the letter before him. Valardian ground forces, consisting of a formidable array of cavalry, musketeers, lancers, and what appeared to be heavy artillery engines, were amassing a force of at least 12,000 soldiers. Their relentless advance from northern Eurebia towards the east, heading straight for the city of Eurebia, sent a chill down Krefkenn's spine. The city's small naval force seemed insignificant in the face of this impending threat.

The Valardians pressed on, marching through towns without a second glance, leaving only a handful of soldiers behind every few days. Initially, it was believed they would continue south towards Ephidrosia, until a sudden change in their route, prompted by the arrival of a messenger falcon, altered their course.

"This is dire," Krefkenn muttered, his mind racing with potential strategies. "We could dispatch our reserve troops to Eurebia for reinforcement, but that would leave our southern frontline vulnerable."

Didar nodded grimly in agreement. "And with Valardia seizing control of the port towns, sending ships to the lake is out of the question. Akromis is deserted, and any attempt to prepare it for naval deployment would only invite further aggression from our enemies."

Krefkenn's eyes flickered with determination as an idea took root. "The Golem."

Didar's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Nano," Krefkenn clarified, his voice gaining strength. "He holds sway within the Axis. If we can persuade him to seek an alliance on our behalf..."

Didar's expression softened as he grasped the gravity of Krefkenn's proposal. "But at what cost?"

Krefkenn met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "If Valardia breaches the shores of the Iroley Sea, it's not just Therabilia that will suffer. Our people will pay the price. Our priority is to keep Valardia at bay, far from our western shores."

Understanding dawned on Didar's face as he nodded in agreement. "I see. We must act swiftly."

Didar and Krefkenn had made a decision that their predecessors never dared to consider: joining the Therabilia Axis. With this resolution, they penned a letter addressed to the Principality of Mish in Eastern Therabilia. Due to Valardia's stranglehold on the reclaimed territories, trade via the Iroley Sea served as the sole means of communication between Eastern and Western Therabilia. Accompanied by various other missives, the letter from the bishop and the fulato set sail on a modest trading vessel, traversing through the Heptarchy of India, passing through Ingorkenia, until finally arriving at a post office in the city of Mish, where it was promptly forwarded to the royal palace where Nano currently resided.

In his studio, Nano gazed upwards, pondering the cryptic message Elise had conveyed to him a few days prior, her silence speaking volumes. Though he sensed she harbored a secret, she chose to remain tight-lipped. His musings were interrupted by a maid bearing a stack of letters, among which lay one bearing the names of Fulato Krefkenn and Inquisitor Didar. Aware of its significance, Nano wasted no time in perusing its contents.

Utilizing his rapid data reading capabilities, Nano absorbed the letter's contents in a matter of seconds, prompting him to don his coat and hasten to the throne room to confer with the prince. Together, they embarked on a journey to Peiris, accompanied by Elise and their entourage.

"I can hardly believe we're returning to Pydnan after all this time," remarked Elise.

"It does feel rather surreal, especially considering the uncertain duration of our stay," Mogens added.

Nano contemplated their circumstances. "I've been considering taking you all back to Trara. You've been away from home for far too long. The prince and I will pause at Peiris, where you can secure passage back to Trara."

Durin interjected, "But what about the—"

Nano cut him off, assuring, "The firearms factory is now fully operational, and the parliament has been effectively quelled. The prince has also implemented a new parliamentary system to prevent such incidents from recurring. However, once I confer with the Axis, I'm uncertain of my next destination."

Elise sought reassurance, "Can we at least remain with you in Peiris?"

"Of course," Nano replied warmly.

They traversed the Mishian main road, situated at the southern end of the Fox Route, their destination set for Pydnan amidst the central plains. Much like the Silk Route on Earth, the Fox Route was treacherous territory, requiring a retinue of at least twelve soldiers from the Order of the Raven, under Nano's command, to safeguard the caravan en route to Pydnan. Each night, they foraged for sustenance, hunting wild pigs, deer, or rabbits amidst the central plains.Two weeks later, upon their arrival in Peiris, they queued amidst a long line of carts awaiting entry through the gates. The gate guard scrutinized their papers before directing them onto a special road leading directly to the Axis's main hall, where an increased presence of Golden Hawk soldiers patrolled the surroundings in the aftermath of the Mish incident. Inside the main hall, Nano and Prince Szeckely were ushered into a waiting room as Elise and the group ventured into the city bazaars.

Szeckely stretched his arms wearily. "Finally, that was quite the journey. I can't believe you all had to traverse that stretch of the Fox Route to reach Mish. And were those thieves we encountered typical of the area?"

Nano shook his head. "Not usually. They tend to operate in the uninhabited zones along the Fox Route. However, with security depleted due to the demands of the western frontline, robbers and assassins have encroached nearer to the cities. Fortunately, Peiris, being home to the Axis's main hall, maintains high security."

Szeckely pondered aloud, "Isn't Pydnan situated near Valardia?"

Nano affirmed with a nod. "Yes."

"That would explain the numerous checkpoints we encountered," Szeckely mused.

Nano chuckled. "At least you refrained from any childish antics."

Szeckely raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Childish antics?"

Nano nodded knowingly. "You know, leveraging your princely status to demand special treatment or issuing threats like 'Do you know who I am?' or 'I could have you and your family punished for disrespect.'"

Szeckely grinned sheepishly. "Ah, yes, that. No, my father taught me that true governance requires empathy. He would often ask himself: How would I want to be treated in their position? What would I do if I were in their shoes?"

Nano nodded approvingly. "Wise words indeed."

As they gathered for the session, a soldier entered and summoned Nano and Szeckely to join the proceedings. Along the way, they rendezvoused with representatives from Ephidrosia and Akromis, forming a united front as they entered the courtroom where the members of the Axis awaited.

court room

in the court room, nano presents the representatives to the chief justice and the members of the axis, acting as a juror of the court.

Chief Justice: Welcome, representatives of Akromis and Ephidrosia. I'm pleased to see you here today. Please, take your seats.

Akromis Representative: Thank you, Chief Justice. We're grateful for the opportunity to address the council.

Ephidrosia Representative:Yes, thank you for having us.

Chief Justice:It's our pleasure. I understand that both of your nations are interested in joining the Therabilia Axis. Could you please outline the terms you wish to propose?

Akromis Representative:Certainly. Our foremost concern is the ongoing conflict with the Valardian Empire. We believe that by aligning ourselves with the Axis, we can bolster our defenses and effectively counter this threat.

Ephidrosia Representative: Agreed. We view the Axis as a formidable alliance capable of providing crucial support in times of need. Our proposal entails granting Axis forces unrestricted movement within our territories and a commitment to supply troops and resources upon request, particularly in the event of hostilities with Valardia.

Chief Justice: I see. These terms are significant. How do you envision implementing this arrangement in practice?

Akromis Representative: We recognize the importance of maintaining sovereignty. Therefore, any Axis forces operating within our borders would coordinate closely with our military and government. Requests for assistance would undergo review by our respective authorities, with a priority placed on collective defense.

Ephidrosia Representative: Precisely. Our aim is not to relinquish control but to foster cooperation and synergy in pursuing our common objectives.

Chief Justice: Understood. These terms will require thorough consideration by the Axis council. I will present them for discussion among our members.

Akromis Representative: Thank you, Chief Justice. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.

Ephidrosia Representative: Indeed, we are grateful for the opportunity to engage in dialogue with the Axis.

Two days later...

Chief Justice: Representatives of Akromis and Ephidrosia, I bring you an update. After careful deliberation, the Axis council has agreed to accept your proposal under the outlined conditions.

Akromis Representative: Thank you, Chief Justice.

Ephidrosia Representative: Indeed, we are eager to contribute to the collective efforts of the Axis.

Chief Justice: However, please be aware that these terms are subject to further discussion. The council intends to convene additional meetings to establish supplementary agreements and terms.

Akromis Representative: Understood. We look forward to further collaboration with the Axis council.

Ephidrosia Representative: Absolutely. We are committed to strengthening our partnership and ensuring mutual prosperity and security.

Chief Justice:Excellent. I will arrange for future discussions to commence. In the meantime, welcome to the Therabilia Axis, representatives of Akromis and Ephidrosia.

Akromis Representative: Thank you, Chief Justice. We are honored to be part of this esteemed alliance.

Peiris castle-guest building

In the guest building of Peiris Castle, Elise expressed her surprise at the swift acceptance of Akromis and Ephidrosia into the Axis.

Szeckely chuckled, shaking his head. "Not quite. The debate raged on for an entire day. There were heated arguments, accusations of opportunism, cowardice, you name it. You can ask Nano; he was among the jurors."

Nano nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was a tense situation. We had to consult with the Chief Justice and the other jurors. To maintain order, we deployed additional Golden Hawks inside the chamber. Eventually, we devised a voting system using small red and blue boxes."

"And each council member was given a coin-sized cube to cast their vote," Szeckely added. "Fortunately, the blue box received only eleven cubes, so the decision was made to allow both nations to join."

Durin interjected, "What about Eurebia?"

Szeckely's expression turned somber. "Ah, I almost forgot. I heard the Duke has passed away, and the rest of Eurebia is rallying their forces to march towards the capital."

Mogens grimaced. "If Valardia seizes control of the capital completely, they'll use it as a staging ground to deploy troops and secure the western shores. The only way to prevent that is for Ephidrosia and Akromis to launch an assault on the Valardian occupation in Eurebia."

Nano nodded in agreement. "And we must establish a sea blockade along the western shores to prevent Valardia from reaching Eastern Therabilia. They're still inexperienced in naval warfare, and their victory in Eurebia was largely due to luck and the negligence of the Eurebian navy on the lake. So, a blockade at the Iroley Sea is our best defense against Valardia forming a navy."

The same night

Later that night, Nano dispatched a peculiar letter to the guest building kitchen, containing a list of ingredients that made little sense together. The cooks, accustomed to catering to the nobility visiting Peiris Castle, hesitantly prepared the items listed, despite their confusion. When the maid delivered the food to the dinner room where Nano and his companions were entertaining visiting nobles, the discrepancy between their lavish meals and Nano's bizarre spread was glaringly obvious. While the others enjoyed delicacies, Nano's portion consisted of raw meat, uncooked vegetables, and even inedible items like bones and wood.

Disgust rippled through the assembled nobles as they watched Nano consume his peculiar meal without hesitation.

"Ugh, disgusting," remarked one noble.

"What in the world is that golem doing?" exclaimed another.

"Since when can golems eat?" queried the Duchess.

Thorin interjected, "Since never. Nano is the exception; his creator was eccentric."

Outraged, a Duchess called for the guards to remove Nano from her sight, questioning King Orpheus's decision to allow such a spectacle.

However, Orpheus's advisor stepped in, whispering something into her ear, prompting her to fall silent for the remainder of the evening.

Curious about the exchange, a noble inquired about the whispered conversation.

The advisor revealed, "That golem is the royal alchemist of Pydnan and one of the most esteemed alchemists in the Axis."

The revelation left Elise and the group unsettled, prompting them to confront Nano about his true origins and intentions. Despite having harbored doubts since Nano's appointment as royal alchemist, they now felt compelled to seek answers.

Nano's office

In Nano's office, Elise and the group confronted him about his true identity.

Elise began, "Nano, we've all decided to ask you something. Who are you really?"

Nano appeared taken aback. "What?"

Mogens pressed on, "Don't play dumb. Your behavior is far from typical for a golem. You possess no magic, yet you've managed to attain positions coveted by every alchemist."

Durin added, "And the fact that you require sustenance to stay functional, it's as if you're..."

"Alive?" Nano finished for him.

Elise nodded. "Exactly. And don't try to feed us the story about your creator being a blacksmith. We've read all your diaries, and something tells me you wanted us to."

Nano relented. "Fine."

With a flicker, the screen on Nano's face dimmed, and his head split in half, revealing a computer core within. A small lens activated, projecting several holographic screens that enveloped the room. The group, taken aback, had seen Nano use similar screens before, but never on this scale. More questions swirled in their minds about Nano's origins.

The screens displayed Nano's memories, from the moment Edmond Behar installed the Aurora AI within him, to their escape from the forces of the Commonwealth, their apparent demise in a cliff fall, Nano's awakening in Pydnan, his time in Mish, his wanderings through the Peiris bazaar, and his experiences with the group. The scenes left the group awestruck, prompting them to question the identity of the soldiers and their peculiar musket-like weapons, the identity of the man working on Nano's body, and ultimately, who or what Nano truly was.

Elise, her voice trembling with awe, finally asked the question that lingered in everyone's mind, "What are you?"

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