Castlevania Nocturne: A Guard...

By TriforceofWisdom

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The sequel to Castlevania: Of Darkness and Light. Emmaline Tepes always believed in guardian angels, people... More

Act of Retribution
Angel of the Ocean Waves
The Parting Storm
A Guardian's Promise
Farewell to Good Company
The Provincial Life
New Beginnings
Author's Note
Dracula's Legacy
Lioness and Cubs
The Hunt
Mentor and Pupil
Love In a Time of Revolution.
The Mal'akh of Machecoul
Mother and Daughter
Author's Note
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Hall of the Angels
Light at the End
Author's Note
Protector of the Realm
Author's Note
Miracle Maker
The Visitor
Baby Bat
Eyes Unclouded
A Vampire's Nature
The Sires
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Striga and Morana
Blood Price
Heart of a Vampire
A Vampire's Promise
Author's Note
Ange Gardien
The Peacekeeper
History Makers
The Fires of Revolution
The Old Orchard
An Opened Door
Angel's Duet
Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version
La Velue
Forgotten Memories
The Pitfall

The Malbeast.

99 6 2
By TriforceofWisdom

Against protests from Richter and Maria, I hurried everyone back into my house, strengthening the surrounding ward tenfold and expanding the barrier to the forest. Nothing, save for Vance, was getting through tonight.

"You shouldn't exert your magic this far." Emma warned concerned when I sat exhausted. "Who knows if you'll need your strength tonight."

"I'll be fine, Bee." I sighed, kindly stroking a lock of her hair. "Thank you." Emma only nodded before locking the door and windows.

We all kept together in the living room with the hearth crackling and my family spread out with blankets (and a few weapons at their side). Peter sat with us, his cough subsided and as he settled in, he asked us to join him in prayer. (Couldn't hurt. We all chimed in an 'amen.)

"It doesn't feel right." Emma growled, curled on the couch like a giant lioness, flexing her claws with her sword at her feet. "That we should be sheltering here while the knights risk their lives guarding the town. I have no fondness of the Abbot's personal soldiers ." She flicked her eyes at Peter. "No offense."

"None taken at all, my dear." Peter replied.

"But they don't deserve a brutal mauling if that thing decides to show up." Emma continued.

"I agree." Richter gripped the hilt of his whip ready to spring up. Apparently he regained his bravery. "We should be hunting it down, not hiding like defenseless villagers."

"Simmer down Belmont." I warned. "You shouldn't be in a rush to get maimed. Like I said before, this creature is beyond you."

"Perhaps this creature is beyond all of us." Peter said wistfully. "And only the divine guide of the Almighty can vanquish it." I saw a twinkle in his eye. "Like in the old legend from Provence."

"What legend?" Maria asked, huddled next to her mother.

Peter settled in, if there was one thing he loved more than praying and devotion to the Boss above, it was storytelling and folklore. "Centuries ago, the southeast region of France was besieged by a terrible monster. The Tarasque, a draconic menace wreathing death and destruction wherever it went, burning crops and devouring villagers. None could defeat it, and many brave knights fell to its jaws. It seemed there was no hope, until one day, a blessed maiden charmed and tamed the monster, leading it into town like a trained dog. Though the Tarasque became docile and no longer a threat, the villagers slew it in anger. The town still bears its name today."

"Poor beast." Emma murmured. "I've never heard that story. Who was the brave maiden that tamed it?"

"There are many variations." Peter replied. "Some say it was St. Martha herself, while others claim it was Zaharial, the last Watcher and the supposed Matriarch of the Belmont clan." He turned an intrigued eye toward Richter.

I gripped my old walking stick, silent. I could see Tera and Emma resisting to turn their heads at me.


I don't remember. If the legend is true, it must've happened before I met your father.

I understand.

"Don't expect me to be a dragon tamer." Richter stretched. "My family hunted monsters, not turning them into docile pets. Besides, Zaharial's just a legend like the Tarasque."

I heard a low growl from Emma, but kept myself from laughing.

"Ah but every legend holds a kernel of truth." The priest chuckled. "The Abbot certainly believes, he has a relic of her. A great talon she hewed in atonement."

I curled my toes on my right foot.

"Regardless, faith is a powerful tool that can subdue the greatest evils, and I certainly believe all will be well."

"Faith alone cannot stop evil." Emma huffed.

It took nearly an hour debating with Emma and my younger descendants not to pursue and hunt this beast at night. Especially Richter, who was itching to test his meddle on traditional beast slaying. I'm ashamed to say I argued back with the divine command in my voice, stating this monster, whatever it may have been, was beyond his expertise. In fact, it was beyond, any Belmont's expertise for the past three hundred years. Such monsters barely walked this world anymore.

The hours were spent keeping watch and killing time. Peter kept to himself, sitting in the living room praying for the safety of all Machecoul and the coming of a St. Martha (or Malakh) to stop the dragon in its tracks. I couldn't shake the feeling of a lost memory trying to resurface, nor could I sit and brood about it knowing I could do something about the situation at hand.

I made sure everyone was fast asleep before I stepped out. The night grew old though my family was on high alert, sleep overcame them all. Perhaps the night watch made them weary, perhaps it was a dash of a sleeping spell, perhaps a little bit of both. Either way, nobody saw me sneak out of the house.

I silently tread through the forest, concealed by my dark hooded cloak and holding my staff. I thought I had gone unnoticed until I heard footsteps following behind, mimicking my steps and pausing as I paused. I stopped, closing my eyes and breathing in the air. "Go home, Maria. It's not safe out here."

The bushes rustled and the teenage girl stepped out. "I can say the same to you." Maria said defiantly. On one shoulder perched a phoenix familiar, on the other, a large golden falcon. "Why did you sneak off? Think you can face the dragon alone?"

"Because I didn't want anyone following me, and in fact I can." I crossed my arms, glaring at the falcon. "Emmaline Lisa what the hell are you doing?"

The falcon turned her head and preened her feathers.

"You know that's her!?"Maria exclaimed.

"Course I do! I know my daughter and her shape shifting abilities." I narrowed my eyes. You should've kept asleep."

The falcon ruffled her feathers and cawed. Did you forget I'm immune to spells? That's from your side of the family.' She flexed her wing behind Maria's head. Apparently this one inherited some resistance and snuck out to follow you. So I pursued to keep her out of trouble.

"But why are you a falcon?"

Stealth. The bird blinked. But Maria caught wind of me. Smart girl.

I rolled my eyes. "You should have stopped her."

I did, but try diverting one of your relatives when they've an idea set in their minds. Like trying to stop an avalanche. That's also from you, by the way.

I shrugged angrily gripping my staff. "You two, beat it."

"I'm not leaving." Maria defied my divine command. "I brought this creature here, it's my responsibility to stop it from causing further harm."

"Maria, you have no idea what this thing is."

"And you do?" Maria crossed her arms.

"Not exactly, but I know how to deal with them. I've been around for many ages, and I've seen things neither of you can imagine." I propped up my staff and sighed. Even if I yelled at them, chased them off, or commanded them to leave with my divine voice, they'd still follow like persistent ducklings. 

My own damn fault, their stubbornness is apparently hereditary. "You may come with me, if you're both so insistent, but I need you to listen to what I tell you, and I need you to trust me. Understood?"

Yes Mother. The falcon bowed her head.

"We can." Maria agreed.

"Good." I nodded. "Stay behind me and tread quietly. If you so much as show the Belmont reactivity or jump into the fray, I'll send your asses flying back home before you can say Constantinople. Now let's go!"


Emma followed behind her mother, human formed with her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. Her sharp eyes perceived the night easily as day, the trees black shadows among the grey forest starlight.

She kept Maria close to her side, the girl practically blind beneath the forest night without the light orb at her command. She didn't speak, Amalie ordered them to be completely silent, and she could only trust the eyes of her ancestor and her phoenix to keep from getting lost in the dark.

Emma tensed when the familiar pressure formed in the back of her head. Vance followed them from above, shadowed in his bat form and. keeping Emma in the know. She kept the barriers of her mind open for him to contact her, as she believed he was now.

You shouldn't have followed her, Emmaline.

Emma grimaced, bearing her fangs. I'm not letting my mother walk into danger alone.

She is in less danger alone. Alucard's low voice drummed in her brain. Because she wouldn't have to worry about your safety and that of your legacy's. Her mind isn't focused solely on her task with you in tow.

Like you wouldn't have done the same in my shoes. Emma snarled.

I would. Alucard agreed. But you are our daughter,your life is more important than mine, and you lack experience.

Maria flinched at Emma's snarl. I fought in a fucking war Dad! Don't you dare tell me I lack experience!

Emmaline! Alucard's voice cut sharp and stern before softening. I meant to say you are not knowledged in hunting creatures like this. You've faced  vampires , humans, and the occasional sea serpent, but nothing like this. Monsters of otherworldly origin, supernatural beasts. 

I supposed there's a first for everything. Emma shrugged her shoulders.

Do not put yourself in peril of the sake of experience!

I won't!! Emma was  close to shutting him out of her mind. But I'm not going to stand by if Mom or Maria are in danger!

And you shouldn't. Alucard regained his calm. Emmaline......I need you to trust your mother. Trust that she knows what she is doing, and she will protect you. Your mother is a being of incredible power and wisdom, and she has regained much of what she had  lost in the years since I've known her. She is more capable than what you believe.

Emma could almost hear her father sighing. Please, my daughter. Have trust in the one who gave you life and loves you as much as I do."

I will.

Emma lost contact when Maria touched her hand. "Is everything okay?" She whispered nearly inaudible.

Emma gave her a quick nod, stopping when Amalie signaled. Remain hidden and stay low. Her mother's voice warned. Emma and Maria retreated into the brush. Maria's phoenix clucked nervously and Maria hushed it, stroking it in her palms. Emma's gaze locked onto the clearing yards before them, the stream glimmering beneath the moonlight and stars. She bared her fangs, gripping the hilt of her sword.

When Maria caught sight of the stream, she gasped terrified, making Emma hastily cover her mouth. "That's not the creature I saw!" She whispered.

"Shh!" Emma put a finger to her own lips as they watched the Malakh of Machecoul approach the Malbeast of Angles.

The monster appeared as an enormous bear, its black fur was matted with blood and claws, giving it a spiked appearance, and its claw sharper than a common blade. It appeared to be bathing itself in the stream, grooming itself clean of blood now running the water red. Emma had never seen such a beast before, and wondered how quickly it would fall to her blade and magic.

No. She restrained herself. Trust Mom. Trust Mom. She kept repeating herself as she watched her dear mother approach the stream and the bathing bear. Amalie threw her coat aside, exposing the glyphs on her arms and sternum glowing dimly in the light.

The bear paused licking its coat, and towered over her on its hind legs, a black shadow tall as a bull African elephant with glowing red eyes. Amalie stood gallantly and undeterred, her staff glowing with her glyphs and a fearlessness in her eyes only an angel could possess.

"I'm not afraid of you." Amalie spoke in a language unknown to the girls but inherently understood by Emma. "But there is immense fear in your heart."

The bear lowered on all fours and roared in her face, a defeating sound that rattled the trees and tremored the earth.

Emma sprung up ready to leap at Amalie's aid with her sword bared when a voice commanded her to halt.

No! Alucard startled her. Stay hidden! Do not let it see you!"

But Mother-!

Trust her my Dove. All will be well. Alucard reassured. Beside her Maria crouched ready to spring and summon her familiars. Emma place a firm hand on Maria's shoulder and shook her head. She wished she could reassure the pleading look in the girl's eyes.

Amalie stood unflinching from the bear's roar. "ENOUGH!!" Amalie bellowed  in the angels' language. Her voice carried such an  intensity that made its roar seem merely a squeak. The Malbeast closed  its jaws and lifted its paw to swipe at her, one blow from those massive claws, and she'd lose her human form for the rest of the century.

Amalie acted instantly. Emma expected her mother to strike the bear with her staff, but instead did something unexpected, she touched the beast's forehead with her hand.  Emma's eyes caught  Tera's rosary in her palm. 

It didn't have to be a rosary, it could've been an artifact from any known religion with spiritual value and would've worked the same. The bear's hackles fell and the ferocity left its eyes. The creatures now look on the angel with the docility of a loyal dog.

"Come." Amalie commanded the Malbeast as she turned away, putting on her cloak and holding her staff. Neither could believe it when the bear followed her like a wayward sheep to its shepherd.

Follow far behind me and do not let it catch your scent. Amalie instructed Emma. The Nephilim listened,signaling Maria to follow her and keep quiet.

They followed Emma and the subdued beast to the abandoned church where Maria and Richter hunted for vampires as children. Emma went no further than the first gravestone, memory more than anything kept her away from the church.  They watched from behind the grave, crouching down out of sight and hopefully out of scent.

Amalie and the Malbeast stood side by side at the ruined church's entrance. Amalie turned to the creature, her glyphs glowing like moonlight. "I cannot send you back to the realm you came from. I no longer possess that power." She spoke in a decipherable French for the benefit of her observers. "But I cannot let you run free when you've already tasted human blood. You'll only hunt them again."

With her staff she gently touched the Malbeast's head, murmuring an incantation. "Now you will be their guardian. Go, from your watch you will bless the lonely travelers  seeking shelter of this place and ward off malevolent spirits. This I command of you."

What Maria saw, she would remember for the rest of the life.  The bear climbed up the church, shrinking in size until padded onto the edge of the roof no bigger than a rabbit, where it sat on its haunches and turned to stone. Never to move again but keeping watch over the church grounds.

At the last spell Amalie hunched over her staff with a relieved sigh. 

"Mother!" Emma ran to Amalie with Maria.

"I'm all right Bee." Amalie gripped both hands on her staff, shaking. "I told you to trust me, didn't I?" She smiled.

Emma embraced her mother fiercely, as did Maria. Amalie wrapped her arms around their shoulders, pulling them in.

Well done, my love. Alucard's voice thrummed warmly in his wife's mind.

"That was incredible!" Maria gasped. "I've never seen spells like that before, how did you do that!?"

"Through many years of practice and relearning new tricks" Amalie winked. "Don't try to repeat them. Only my people can perform those spells."

"You were amazing, Mom." Emma thrummed, nearly brought to tears. "I was so scared. I thought that beast was going to maul you!"

"I was scared myself!" Amalie laughed. "Gotta have nerves of steel and faith in yourself for that kind of job! Well, I've a feeling we won't have a monster problem around these parts anymore."

"But the dragon!" Maria worried. "That thing you tamed wasn't the same monster I saw come out of the Door. It's still out there!"

"I suppose it is." Amalie puzzled, furrowing her brow. "I wonder, if another Door popped open the same time yours did. That happens sometimes, where multiple openings ripple into existence simultaneously."

"At least it's one beast out of the way." Emma remarked. "We should head home before we're noticed. Too bad Richter wasn't here, he'd never believe this."

"The lout wouldn't believe in a unicorn if it skewered his guts." Maria rolled her eyes before they widened into horror.

"Maria?"  Amalie shook her shoulder. "Maria what's wrong dear?"

Emma hissed and unsheathed her blade. A shuffling  sounded from the woods, and out padded the hairy dragon, scuffling on its fat webbed paws and flickering its tongue in the air. It  tracked Maria's scent and followed her through the forest streams, making sure to keep far away from the Malbeast's rank smell. Now at the church Maria's  smell mingled with that of the angel and her Nephilim child. A scent that raised its spines like porcupine quills.

"Emma, Maria, go home!" Amalie commanded, her staff gleaming bright.

"No Amalie!" Maria cried. "I don't think it means to harm us!"

"Absolutely not!" Emma snarled. "Maria get back here!"

"No!" Maria wrenched her hand away from Emma when she grabbed hold of it. "Emma, you have to trust me like you did with your mother!  This creature isn't like the Malbeast! If it wanted to hurt me it would've done it before! Please!!"

Emma bared her teeth but relented. "All right. But if that walking pincusshion so much as scratches you...."

"It won't, I will be all right." Maria reassured.

Mother and daughter watched tensely as Maria approached the hairy, spine laden dragon. The creature raised its serpentine head, flicking its tongue and whipping its tail in the grass. "Hello...." Maria spoke softly to the creature and rolled up her sleeve. "Do you remember me?"

The dragon craned its neck and licked her glyphs. Flicking its tongue on her nose almost playfully before nuzzling  her knuckles like a cat.

"What in the world......" Emma gaped from a distance. She'd never seen such a thing. Amalie was stricken silent, covering her mouth with one trembling hand.

The dragon hissed when Maria beckoned her closer. "It's okay, she's a friend." Maria reassured it. "Emma, show it your marks." Wearily Emma rolled up her sleeve, letting the dragon's tongue coarse over her glyphs.

"Heheh. Tickles." Emma giggled.

"It seems to like the marks." Maria observed. "As if it recognizes them." The dragon buffed its head against Emma's cheek, licking her.

"Easy bud." Gingerly Emma petted its neck. "Hmm, it's bristly, like a hedgehog. You may be right Maria, I wonder........" The girls looked onto Amalie, who stood motionless.

When the dragon noticed the angel, it parted its jaws in what sounded like a cry of joy.

"I wonder if Mom met this creature before, but doesn't remember." Emma suspected. She was about to call her mother over when Richter sprung from the trail finally catching up to them.

"Emma! Maria! What the fuck is that thing!?"

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