
By ivyBrown179

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Spare my thoughts. In which Rue is obsessed with her best friends father. More



367 13 7
By ivyBrown179

She should not be here.

A sense of rejection filled Rue when she heard those words. What kind of spirit did she carry to be rejected by strangers?

Tony looked back at her and then pulled his uncle far from her earshot.

Rue stayed rooted, contemplating her next step. She looked around and realized there were many cars and people on the path that led to the garden. Was this a party?

It was then she saw the infamous Ford truck with the customized plates reading "King" drive in. She hoped her sister was with Joe, and her prayers were quickly answered when Zoey stepped out. At least one good thing about the night.

Zoey hesitated to approach her sister; instead, she turned to Joe, seeking permission. She despised how her sister behaved around her baby's father—everything had to be approved by Joe before she acted.

Joe shrugged, and Zoey interpreted it as permission. She hurried over to her sister, surprising Rue with her embrace. It was not their usual greeting.

"What are you doing here?" Zoey asked.

"Tony invited me, though I have no idea why," Rue replied excitedly.

"Hello, sister-in-law?" Joe joined them.

"I am not your in-law," Rue spat, expressing her disdain for him.

"Not for long. Didn't you tell her?" He turned to Zoey.

"Tell me what?" Rue looked at Joe with curiosity.

Zoey waved her hand, revealing the shiny ring on her finger. Rue's face fell. She was only sixteen—her baby sister.

Her mind was tangled with a mix of worry and fear. Rue knew nothing good would come out of it.

"Sorry about that," Tony joined them, his hand circling around her waist. "Hi, Zoey, Joe," he acknowledged them.

Zoey and Joe answered in unison. Rue's mind was miles away, consumed by the news her sister had told her; she didn't hear Tony speak.

"Huh?" She sighed when she caught him staring at her with concern.

"Let's meet everyone," he requested.

She was again reminded of his uncle. "Your uncle doesn't like me," she said, and Zoey's attention was caught.

Joe huffed, "Not surprised."

Tony's face hardened. "Can you mind your business?"

Joe looked at Tony, then Zoey. He was not accustomed to people shutting him down.

"She shook her head, defeated, and Tony understood. However, something dangerous tainted his always innocent eyes.

They proceeded with their walk. "About my uncle, don't pay him that much attention," Tony finally answered her."

"Whatever," he exclaimed, throwing his hands up as he pulled Zoey along with him.

"I hate that Kings family," Tony confessed. "You should protect your sister from such vultures."

Rue had tried. When Zoey announced her pregnancy at just fifteen, she filed a police report for statutory rape, but her parents accepted a settlement outside the court. She reminded her sister to go back to school and applied for scholarships on her behalf. She was ready to take care of her niece as Zoey studied.

She shook her head, defeated, and Tony understood. However, there was something dangerous that tainted his always innocent eyes.

They proceeded with their walk. "About my uncle, don't pay him that much attention," Tony finally answered her.

"Why does he not like me?"

"Not everyone has good taste," Tony smiled, and so did Rue.

"Seriously?" Despite his charm, Rue was relentless to know why she was hated.

"Okay. Let's enjoy the night and I will tell you after," Tony gave in.

Rue's mouth fell open when she saw the decorations in the garden and the number of guests.

"It is my parents' second wedding," Tony revealed.

"Wow, they don't play around when it comes to spending." Rue slapped her mouth when she spoke her thoughts out loud.

Tony just stared at her and smiled. He did that a lot.

As Tony held her arm and guided her down the aisle, something clicked in Rue's head. She had never thought of herself being married, but the prospect now excited her. Her eyes roamed around the guests; they were the wealthiest in their community, and she knew almost all of them. Then she met Xana's dirty stare; she was with her boyfriend.

Rue smiled at her, hoping her anger had subdued, but Xana's eyes remained hooded at her.

Rue quickly looked away, then on the other side, she saw her mother. Yikes! It seemed like everyone was here. It was going to be an interesting night.

"Just enjoy the night," Tony said as they took a seat in the front row.

As soon as they did, the ceremony began.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Rue was filling her plate when a voice came from behind her.

It was a middle-aged woman she had never seen before.

"What? Why?" She was confused by the strange night.

The woman just pushed her aside to serve herself. She placed her plate on the nearest table and decided to find Tony. He had told her he would be back in a few, yet it felt like forever.

As she was walking, she saw Xana. She was alone and seemed like the best opportunity to talk to her.

"Gosh, look at what Mandy wore; there must have been a blackout when she was choosing it," Rue said. Xana liked to roast her former classmates on their fashion sense, and Rue hoped that would be a perfect icebreaker.

"Are you talking to me?" Xana pretended to look around.

"Come on, I'm sorry, and I didn't intend to hurt you for being with your father," Rue apologized.

"You're still deluded with your stupid teenage crush on my father?" Xana was in disbelief.

"Teenage crush?" Rue asked. She was the one to get angry that her own best friend didn't know her well and would call her delusional. "It was nothing like that; I slept with him," she dropped the bomb.

"Shut up!" Xana said, "My father would never do such a thing."

"Well, believe it, because it happened."

"You are lying."

"I wish I was," Rue said, and those words brought regret for what had happened between her and Mr. Fox. Why did she do it?

Rue could see the reality hitting Xana now. She opened her mouth and shut it. With a look of pain and defeat, she turned and hurried out of the garden.

She blinked back tears; she never meant to hurt her friend.

"Come with me, I need to show you something," Tony came back.

"What is it?" Rue feigned a smile.

"I promised you at the end of the night I would answer your question. Just assure me, no matter what you see or hear, you won't lose it," Tony said.

Rue nodded unsure, but she still wanted the answers.

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