Only you | Friday Night Dinner

By xxangelica13

12.9K 254 6

Thanks to Val and Jackie's friendship, Violet and Jonny's lives have always been entwined, from growing up to... More

The Sofa-bed // Part One
The Sofa-bed // Part Two
The Jingle // Part One
The Jingle // Part Two
The Curtains // Part One
The Curtains // Part Two
The Dress // Part One
The Dress // Part Two
The Birthday
The Date // Part One
The Date // Part Two
The Loss
The Dinner with Mr Morris // Part One
The Dinner with Mr Morris // Part Two
The Loft // Part One
The Loft // Part Two
The New Car // Part One
The New Car // Part Two
The Yoghurts // Part One
The Yoghurts // Part Two
The Girlfriend // Part One
The Girlfriend // Part Two
The Second-First Date
The Return of Mr Morris // Part One
The Return of Mr Morris // Part Two
The Anniversary // Part One
The Anniversary// Part Two
The Piano // Part One
The Piano // Part Two
The Wedding // Part One
The Wedding // Part Two
The Two Tonys
The Pyjamas // Part One
The Pyjamas // Part Two
The Relationship Reveal
The Carpet Cleaner // Part One
The Carpet Cleaner // Part Two
The Funeral // Part One
The Funeral // Part Two
The Sale // Part One
The Sale // Part Two
The New House
The Hot Tub // Part One

The Ex-Boyfriend

335 7 0
By xxangelica13

"In advance, I'm sorry." Martin said as he opened the door.

"What?" Violet frowned, looking at Jonny next to her to see if he knew what his dad was on about.

"I tried to tell her, but you know how your mothers both get." Martin rolled his eyes, allowing the two into the house.

"What have they done? Why are you in a suit?" Jonny frowned at his dad.


"Ah Pissface, Pest!" Adam strolled in, looking far two pleased for either one's liking, him too dressed up in a suit.

"Pusface, what's going on?" Jonny growled.

Adam whistled in response, heading into the kitchen, Jonny and Violet giving each other a fearful look before they joined him.

"Mum? What are you?" Violet's took her jacket off, draping it over one of the kitchen chairs, her jaw dropping when she saw her mum helping Jackie cook.

She couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence as she saw how dressed up the two women were, further increasing her anxiety as that meant all four of those in the house were looking far fancier than usual.

"Oh good your here!" Val squealed, shooting Jackie an excited look as she went over to greet her daughter.

"Come on, I've got a change of clothes for you." Val winked as she dragged her daughter out the room.

"Change of clothes? Mum! What is going on?" Violet snapped as her mum took her upstairs.

She overheard Jonny having a similar conversation with Jackie, receiving the same response as Violet did. 'It's a surprise'.

"Mum your kidding me." Violet groaned as Val showed her the dress she bought, "That's one of the most revealing dresses I own!"

"Exactly! Perfect for tonight's guest." Val winked before leaving the room, muttering about how she had to make sure Jonny's usual suit looked as sharp as possible.

Violet growled softly at her mum's behaviour before getting changed, frowning at her reflection.

It was a short, body-con, long sleeved dress, with holes cut out in the middle,showing a decent amount of boob, cleavage and stomach without fully exposing herself.

It was backless, meaning even if she moved her hair to the front, part of her still felt exposed. It was something she'd bought back when she was 19 and had to be exposed to feel somewhat pretty, but now, being 24, she didn't have that same problem, consistently happy with her appearance.

She put on the heels her mum had laid out for her, along with the matching jewellery, all gold. "I feel like a bloody bauble." She grumbled to herself before heading back downstairs.

"Oh my god!" Val gasped as Violet walked into the kitchen. "You look so gorgeous!"

"God! Don't you look lovely." Jackie squealed, linking her arm with Val's as the two women stared at Violet.

"Great. Can you tell me what's going on now?" She snapped, having no patience left for the women's antics, especially since Adam was involved and Martin was the one apologising.

"Fucking hell you look fit." Adam's jaw dropped as he came into the room, Jonny giving him a punch on the arm as a result.

Jonny stared at the girl in front of him, looking her up and down, his mouth slightly agape, smiling slightly as she told Adam to 'piss off', however never once taking his eyes off her.

"Have you seen the dining room yet?" Adam asked Violet, smiling far too widely for her liking.

"What have you two done?" She growled at her and Jonny's mums before grabbing his arm, leading him to the dining room.

He was still checking her out by the time they stopped, only snapping back into reality as he noticed Violet's anger turn to panic as she counted the amount of seats at the table.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7." She repeated this a few times, going around the table to make sure she wasn't miscounting.

"Jonny why is there seven seats?" Her face paled as she looked up at the boy who also begun counting.


"Who's coming." Violet whined, storming back into the kitchen.

"Seven yeah?" She snapped at her mum.

"Seven fucking people. Me, you, Jackie, Martin, Jonny, Adam and one other person. And you have me dressed like this. Who is coming over?" Violet continued, seething with anger as her mum just shrugged, giving Jackie another look.

Just as Jonny was about to try and pry the information out of his mum the doorbell rung and the two women squealed.

"Your going to love it!" Val told Violet before answering the door, Jackie just behind her.

Violet froze as she peered out into the hallway, immediately popping her head back into the kitchen.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No." She whispered, her breath shuddering.

"What?" Jonny asked her, holding her arms as her breathing became more laboured, concern taking over his features as he looked at the girl freaking out in front of him.

She gestured for him to look, him quickly taking his hands off her to peer into the hallway, his anger immediately rising as he saw who was there.

"What the fuck did they do?" He growled, fuming at his mum and Val.

"Oh she's just in here!" They heard Adam announce, leading the guest into the kitchen.

Jonny immediately let go of Violet, standing in front of her as he glared at the man in front of him.

"Jonny Goodman!" The man exclaimed, "Good to see you! Bring it in!"

The man lifted his arms up, waiting for a hug as Jonny stood perfectly still.

"You can get the fuck out instead of tryna hug me how about that?" Jonny snarled.

"Still don't like me huh?" The man fake frowned, clearly unphased by Jonny's demeanour.

"I think you know why that is." Jonny spat, his anger turning to Adam as the boy pulled him aside, revealing Violet.

"Violet!" The man grinned, pulling her in for a hug.
"Oh I missed you!"

Violet tensed under his touch.

"Get off me." She whispered venomously into his ear.

"Oh darling, I know you must still feel bitter I mean, for distance to wreck a relationship like ours." The man shook his head, giving a sad look towards Val before turning back to Violet.

"But there's obviously still feelings here!" He tilted her head up with his finger, smirking at her infuriated expression, keeping his other hand planted firmly on her waist.

"James. Get. Off. Me." She snarled, still making an attempt to keep her voice quiet, fully aware all of the Goodman's and her mum were watching.

Jonny was fuming that Adam was still holding his arm back, the sight of James touching Violet made him want to attack the man.

James finally let go of Violet, giving Val a massive grin. "I can't thank you both enough for inviting me." He said, eyes glancing between Val and Jackie warmly.

"That's okay love! Adam why don't you take him to the living room! We'll be in in a minute." Jackie smiled, shutting the kitchen door behind them.

"Martin why don't you go too?" Val suggested, making the older man scoff.

"I'm not going anywhere near the sod."

"For god's sake Martin not this again! Go on. Out!" Jackie pushed Martin out the kitchen, shutting the door firmly shut behind him once more.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Violet struggled to not raise her voice as she stepped closer towards her mum, her glare sharp as her mum rolled her eyes in response.

"You two were a lovely couple!" Val insisted, shooting Jonny a frown when he made a noise of disagreement.

"Besides you've been back from uni for a year and you still haven't found anyone to replace him." Val continued.

"Yeah a whole year to get over a 3 year relationship, that's pretty fucking normal." Violet scorned.

"You broke up because of the distance, no? We thought it would be nice for you to get together again!" Jackie smiled, having chosen to believe Val's version of the breakup instead of what Martin had told her.

"He cheated on her." Jonny growled, "And you've just invited that dick round for dinner."

"What?" Jackie gasped.

"Oh don't be stupid." Val snapped, "He's changed!"

"I can assure you he hasn't." Violet scoffed.

"People cheat sometimes! I cheated on Larry to have you and me and him are still together."

"Yeah and it's a shit marriage." Violet laughed coldly.

"Do not be a bitch tonight." Val pointed in Violet's face, "He is a guest and you will be polite and you will give him a second chance."

Val stomped out the room, regaining her composure as she went into the living room.

"Oh god! I'm sorry love I didn't know!" Jackie shut the kitchen door once more, giving Violet a big hug.

"It's okay, I only ever told Jonny and then eventually Martin when I got cornered in an 'any males' conversation with him." Violet sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"We're getting rid of him." Jonny furrowed his brow, looking between the two women.

"Of course we are! Come on love, we'll skip straight to dinner." Jackie insisted, making Violet sigh in relief.


"So, why don't you ask James what he's been up to since uni?" Val suggested, breaking the awkward silence enveloped in the room.

"No thanks." Violet smiled sarcastically at her mum before returning to her food.

"Not surprising, nothings more important to her than food, never not eating that one." James hid his rudeness as a joke, Val laughing obnoxiously.

Violet sighed, placing down her knife and fork, James always knew how to make comments that hurt.

"Why don't you ask James what he's been up to recently?" Adam interjected, giving Violet a smug smile.

"Fine." Violet huffed, "What have you been up to since uni James?" She gave a fake smile, clasping her hands, leaning her head up against them.

"Well I actually got a really great job-" He begun to brag, however instantly got cut off by Violet.

"Great! Thank you for enlightening us!" She ridiculed, sarcasm dripping from every word as she returned to her food.

"Lovely bit of squirrel Jackie!" Martin attempted to change the topic, laughing as he gave Jackie a kiss on the cheek as she thanked him.

Violet stifled a laugh as she looked at James, now pale as he was concerned what he was eating.

"So James, what do you miss most about your relationship with Violet?" Adam smiled at James, ignoring Jonny's hushed warnings.

"Honestly mate? The sex. Only thing she was good for." James laughed as he looked Violet up and down, Adams face instantly dropping as he looked at James with a frown.

"Right." Violet sighed getting up.

"Where are you going?" Val asked.

"For a fag!" Violet nodded.

"A cigarette.. Uh Violet?" Val's tone turned harsh as Violet tried to exit the room.

"Ugh you know I always hated you smoking." James turned his nose up, purposely avoiding mentioning that he also smoked.

"And you know that I just hate you in general?" Violet snapped, turning round to glare at him before striding into the kitchen, Val hot on her heels.

"Smoking really?" Val scoffed, looking her daughter up and down as she rifled through her jacket pockets, looking for her cigarettes.

"Val maybe you should go back to the table, James is looking a bit lost without you there." Jonny leaned against the kitchen doorframe.

"Not until I find out why my daughters bloody smoking." Val snapped.

"Maybe because you stress me out?" Violet sarcastically suggested, "Or maybe because you invited my ex boyfriend here? You know what, I think it's just you in general."

Val growled, looking between Jonny and Violet with resentment before storming back to the dining room.

"You okay?" Jonny asked as Violet finally found her cigarettes, grabbing the pack and a lighter before heading out the side door.

"Grand." She responded, completely deadpan as she lit her cigarette.

She stormed over to the bench in the Goodman's garden, thanking the Lord that it was out of view of the dining room.

"Can we just run away?" She sighed as Jonny sat down, her anger fading with every drag she took.

"Now? Or just in general to get away from your psychotic mother?" He swung an arm around her, pulling her closer as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Both." She shrugged.

"I just forgot how much of a knob he is." She continued.

"He is a massive knob." Jonny agreed, taking a puff of her cigarette when it was offered to him.

"Maybe we can just leave." Violet suggested, her anger ebbing away into sadness that only being close to Jonny was healing.

"What and have your mum send James right to us?"

"True." Violet groaned, taking her cigarette back.

"We might just have to deal with the night and make any excuse to leave early." Jonny gave her a sad smile as she groaned once more.

"Maybe I can just snog you and have him see. Then he'll lose his shit and Martin will kick him out like Mr Morris."

"Well technically we got kicked out with Mr Morris." Jonny gently reminded her, smiling when she giggled at the memory of them all stood outside the house as the crazed man yelled at them.

"I'll take it." She shrugged.

"You just want an excuse to kiss me." Jonny smirked as Violet put her cigarette out.

"Always." She winked, looking up at him.

Their faces were close, Violet glancing down to Jonny's lips every so often as she contemplated kissing him. The two leaned closer their lips just about to meet..

"God that guy is a knob!" Adam exclaimed, undoing his tie as he wandered over to where Jonny and Violet were sat, making them jump away from each other.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?" He asked, grinning between the two as they looked up at him with sheepish expressions.

They both muttered 'nothing' under their breath, ignoring Adam's chuckles as he sat down on the other side of Violet.

"I'm sorry V, Mum told me the real reason you two ended it." Adam gave her a sympathetic look, her shaking her head in response and telling him not to worry about it.

"But Val did also throw the rest of your dinners away." Adam continued, anxious for their responses.



"She said Jonny was a 'gannet' and Violet you 'shouldn't eat so much anyway'." He frowned as he recited Val's words.

Jonny grumbled under his breath as Violet shrugged. It checked out, her mum has said those exact words to her before.

It used to really bother her, Jonny being one of the reasons why she was actually able to eat properly despite all her mum's harsh words concerning food, but now thanks to the lanky boy and his obsession with food, her mum's words didn't sting as much as they used to.

"Well just crumble to get through then." Jonny sighed, happy that the evening should be over sooner than originally though.

"Actually.." Adam gave a mischievous grin, "I think mums planning on doing something to the crumble to get him to leave sooner."

"The crimble crumble?" Violet gasped, Jonny echoing her words.

"The crimble crumble." Adam confirmed.

"I think the sacrifice has to be made." Violet nodded, looking deep in though as she weighed the pros and cons of destroying the crumble.



"God we didn't even do this when Jim was round last month." Adam huffed.

"Jim was round?" Violet glanced between the two boys in amusement.

"We tried to hide the crumble." Jonny smirked.

"And he electrocuted himself twice to get mum to give him the kiss of life." Adam shuddered as he remembered.

"God your making me mad I had to work that night." Violet playfully rolled her eyes.

"Should we brave it then, go back inside?" Jonny asked, holding his hand out to Violet.

"No avoiding it." She shrugged taking his hand, Adam following the two inside.


"What are you dating him then?" James sneered, looking down at Violet and Jonny's hands as they made their way into the living room where everyone else was sat.

Val and James were occupying one sofa, a space left next to him, obviously for Violet. Martin had spread out on the ottoman and Jackie was sat alone on the other sofa, silently gesturing for Violet and Jonny to sit there.

"He'd be a better boyfriend than you ever were." Violet retorted, looking at James, hatred clear in her eyes.

"'Scuse me, I'm just gonna squeeze in here." Adam smiled, plopping down next to James, Jonny and Violet using this as their excuse to sit with Jackie.

Val tried to object, but gave up before she could get a word out.

"Always knew you two would get together." James continued, scoffing at the two despite their hands no longer being entwined.

"You practically cheated on me with him the whole relationship." He spat.

"Oh you'd know all about cheating." Violet snarled, keeping her voice low.

"What are you accusing me of?" James' voice was louder now as he stood up, leering over Violet.

"I'm not accusing you of anything, just stating what you did." Violet stood up now too, anger coursing through her as she stopped in front of James, seemingly unphased by the fact he towered over her.

"Not surprising your on the defence," James glowered, "You always were a slut."

"Don't fucking talk to her like that." Jonny stood up now, taking Violet's place in front of James as his face contorted with anger.

"What are you gonna do?" James growled, shoving Jonny back slightly.

Despite James having slightly more muscle than him, Jonny didn't cower back. He was taller than James, using this to his advantage as he looked down on him.

"Boys.." Jackie warned, looking at Martin for help.

"I think you should fuck off now James." Jonny kept his voice level, his hands balling into fists as the boy scoffed.

"Or what?"

"Jonny." Violet said softly, however the boy didn't look at her, keeping his glare on James strong.

"Go on, listen to your whore." James hissed.

"Lads.." Martin stood up, trying to intervene, but it was too late.

Jonny punched James in the jaw, grabbing him by his collar and shoving him aggressively into the wall. He moved James back, only to push him back into the wall once more, the boy groaning in pain as Jonny let go of him.

James took a hit at Jonny, the punch landing on his eye. Jonny shook his head slightly, but the hit only seemed to piss him off more as he took one more swing.

There was a satisfying 'crack' as James howled in pain, clutching his nose. Jonny's anger had completely taken over, the world around him going muffled as his parents and Val desperately tried to intervene.

He got James into a headlock, manhandling him down the hall way as he opened the door, forcing him out, making him land in a heap on the floor as Jonny slammed the door shut behind him.

"What is your?" Val asked, rushing down the hallway.

"You can get out too." He seethed, looking Val up and down with disgust.

Adam, Martin and Jackie watched shocked from the living room doorway as Violet joined Jonny's side.

"Excuse me?" Val snapped.

"Mum just go." Violet intervened, glaring daggers at the woman.

"You need to reign him in!" Val hissed at Jackie, pointing at Jonny before leaving the house, James no longer on the floor.

"Are you okay love?" Jackie asked Violet, going towards her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I just need a minute" She nodded at Jackie before making her way upstairs, ignoring whatever conversations Jackie, Martin and Adam were having with Jonny right now.


Violet laid on Jonny's bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. She had no more energy for any of her emotions, all of them crashing around in her head.

"V.. Can I come in?"

Violet smiled at the familiar voice, before granting her permission.

"I have crumble." Jonny smiled, closing the door with his foot as he placed the two bowls down on his desk.

"Crimble Crumble." Violet smiled weakly.

"How you feeling?" Jonny asked, clambering over her so he could lay down next her, closest to the wall.

"Been better." Violet mumbled.

"Sorry for beating the shit out of him." Jonny frowned, turning his head to look at the girl.

"Don't apologise. He's deserved it." Violet insisted, turning her head, her and Jonny practically nose to nose.

"Good because I'm not really sorry, Mum just told me I had to say it." He smirked making Violet giggle as she turned her head back to the ceiling.

"I've been thinking." Jonny got up slightly, putting his weight on one of his arms as he looked down at Violet, fighting the urge to touch her.

"Wow you thinking, must've been difficult." She teased, grinning as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"It's been well over a month since me and Liz broke up." Jonny continued, Violet frowning as he suddenly appeared nervous.

"And my relationship with her was only a month so believe me I am well over it." Jonny continued, chuckling awkwardly.

"What are you trying to say Jonny?" Violet asked, shuffling closer to him.

"I'd quite like to take you on that date," He admitted, placing a hand on Violet's waist.

She took a deep breath, his touch sending fireworks through her body.

"I'd quite like that too." She grinned, playing around with his tie as she looked up at him.

There was a moment of comfortable silence as Jonny lent in, Violet about to reciprocate before she stopped herself, placing a finger on Jonny's lips.

"I don't kiss on the first date." She cheekily grinned, biting her lip to hide her laughter as he frowned.

"That's bullshit." He chuckled lightly at her as she took her finger away.

She pushed him off her slightly, so he was sat up properly, back against the wall before straddling him, trying to keep her breathing even as he placed his hands on her hips, allowing them to wander ever so slightly.

"I want this to work." She told him, "I think we should take it a bit slow."

"Whatever you want." He whispered, his eyes wandering across her body, back to her face.

"I want this to work too." He nodded, voice sincere.

"So we're hiding it from everyone then?" Violet smirked.

"Oh yeah, 100%, imagine our Mums if they found out." Jonny chuckled.

Violet let out a breathy laugh as she agreed with him.

"When's our date then?" Violet grinned, not moving from where she sat, secretly hoping Jonny wouldn't take his hands off her.

"Tomorrow?" He suggested.

"Someone's eager." Violet teased.

"How can I not be when your sat on me wearing this?" Jonny smirked, not hiding the fact he was checking her out anymore.

"You look beautiful in everything you wear but this..." Jonny groaned softly as he, moved his hands all over her, smirking when she gasped slightly.

"Because it doesn't leave much to the imagination?" She giggled.

"Maybe." Jonny shrugged, looking back up at the girl with a grin.

"Well after our first date, maybe there won't be much to imagine." She whispered in his ear, pushing her body up against his to do so.

He sighed in desperation for more as she got off him picking up her crumble bowl.

"Let's go eat with your family." She decided, walking to the door and opening it, leaning against the doorframe as she waited for Jonny.

"Need a minute?" She playfully taunted him he turned a light shade of pink.

"I hope you know I'm having to think of my Grandma right now." He huffed, joining her at the door.

"Nelly or Cynthia?" Violet mocked, tilting her head.

"Both." Jonny grumbled, shooting her a playful glare.

"God I really did have an affect." Violet smirked, giggling as Jonny grabbed her waist, pushing her out the door.

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