The New House

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Violet couldn't help herself from shuffling in excitement as Jonny drove, jangling the keys in her hand.

"I can't believe it!" She squealed.

"Our own house." Jonny grinned.

"I'm so lucky your a real estate agent." Violet said, looking over at her boyfriend with a lovesick smile.

Jonny was able to find them a house they both adored, whilst also being able to get it for them relatively easily, it had only taken a month and a half and their old flat was in the last stages of being sold, all that was left was to move into their new place.

It was perfect. Violet was mentally screaming at the potential it had whilst also not needing too much work and it was only a fifteen minute drive to Jackie and Martin's house and a twenty minute one to Val's.

"Here we are." Jonny beamed, pulling into the driveway of their new home.

Violet's car was already parked there from the night before, filled to the brim with boxes they couldn't fit in Jonny's car, the two trying to refrain from using moving vans due to the cost.

Martin, Jackie and Adam were coming round to help them move, the two cars between them also being used to move boxes, much to Adam's annoyance.

Violet took a deep breath as her and Jonny got out the car, admiring the house they could now call home, hands shaking slightly as she unlocked the door.

Granted it needed some paint, but the house itself was everything Violet dreamed of and more; it was even better knowing this would be her forever home with Jonny.

"Adam's five minutes away." Jonny informed, wrapping his arms around the girl as they admired the building.

"Where are your parents?" Violet frowned, looking up to be able to catch Jonny's eyes.

"Still at home." Jonny shrugged, "Maybe Mum found the science magazines we've been hoarding for Dad in one of the boxes."

Violet pulled a face, chuckling slightly. She hadn't bothered asking her family to help them move, her excuse being; Val would probably end up crying, Neil would end up bringing his (now very pregnant) foot face wife and his toddler and Spencer was too weak to lift up a blanket.

Jonny wasn't certain his family would be much help either, but they were definitely a better option compared to Violet's.

The couple were taken out of their own world by the doorbell ringing, Jonny begrudgingly taking his hands off of her to go and answer it.

"Pissface, Pest." Adam greeted.

Violet grinned, she hadn't heard that nickname in ages. Since dating Jonny, they'd mostly abandoned their nicknames with each other, only using them when they were teasing or pranking one another.

"Pusface." The couple responded.

"Nice house." Adam approved.

"We know." Jonny smirked.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" Adam questioned, peering through doorways as he inspected the building.

"Fuck knows." Jonny shrugged.

"Boxes?" Violet smiled, desperate to start the process of moving.

Despite their furniture having not arrived yet, she wanted to get the boxes into their respective rooms. They still had some storage space leftover from the previous owners so they could start putting some stuff away.

"Boxes." Adam and Jonny groaned, making their way out the front door with Violet in tow.


After finally moving all the boxes piled up in the three cars outside into their respective rooms in the house (resulting in Adam getting a mini house-tour in the process), Jackie and Martin finally arrived at the house.

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