The Return of Mr Morris // Part Two

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Violet creaked Jonny's bedroom door open slightly, frowning as she saw the boy sat on his bed, not moving.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, shutting the bedroom door behind her.

"How is she gonna marry that man!" He exclaimed, jumping up, running his fingers through his hair.

"I have no clue.. But I garuntee she'll end up backing out before the end of the night." Violet responded, giving the boy a hug.

"I hope so." He muttered, hugging her back tightly, "Imagine if that knob was my Grandad."

"Oh god." Violet fake shuddered at the thought. "You'll get to see his tits every Friday."

Jonny chuckled at her comment, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around him, grinning down at him.

"You always know how to cheer me up." He smiled.

"Well aren't you lucky." She giggled.

He kissed her, moaning slightly as she ran her fingers through his hair, her other hand wandering down his chest as low as it could go with how she was positioned.

"Uh can you two get a room." Adam scoffed, making the two roll there eyes as they pulled away from each other.

"We had a room and then you barged in." Violet scorned as Jonny put her down wrapping his arms around her as the two looked at the boy.

"Grandma gets engaged and the first thing you two do is run to a bedroom to snog." Adam raised his eyebrows again.

"That wasn't the first thing we did." Jonny spat, his emotions still all over the place from the engagement.

"We should probably check on mum." Adam said, unaffected by Jonny's anger, heading to her room as Jonny and Violet nodded in agreement.

"Is Mum all right?" Adam asked Martin who was just leaving their bedroom.

"Oh, dear." Violet muttered, pulling a face as Martin held up an empty glass of what she assumed had been filled with gin and tonic.

"What are we gonna do about 'Pocket Hitler'?" Martin asked.

"Drown him in the bath?" Jonny suggested.

"Drown him in the sink?" Adam added.

"Drown him in the water tank?" Violet gestured up to the loft as Jackie came out the bedroom.

"I'll hold his head down." She sounded genuinely angry, making Violet slightly concerned at the thought that she would genuinely murder Mr Morris.

"Oh, there you are. Come on, I'm taking you all out." Mr Morris exclaimed from the top of the stairs, making the five jump at his sudden appearance.

"Out?" Jackie repeated.

"Yes, it's a celebration. Hurry up, Nelly!"

"It's OK, Mr Morris, we haven't finished our dinner yet." Martin said, everyone around him making noises of agreement.

"Nonsense. I will not have my beautiful daughter slaving over the hot dishes on this night."

"Daughter?" Jackie repeated once more, her fake smile faltering slightly.

"No, I'm taking you all out for a bit of fun. Somewhere special."

"Favourite brothel?" Jonny muttered making Adam and Violet have to stifle their laughs.

"And don't worry, the drinks are on me. You can have whatever you want. Up to the value of £4.50 per head." Mr Morris informed them as he made his way back downstairs, the hopeful faces of the boys dropping as they realised they couldn't rinse him for free drinks.

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