The Relationship Reveal

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"It's gonna be okay." Violet soothed, taking Jonny's hand in hers.

"What if she freaks out or gets annoyed or starts asking shit tons of questions or.." Jonny rambled.

"Then we'll deal with it." Violet cut him off, "C'mon we have to get out the car at some point."

Jonny took a deep breath as he nodded, the two getting out of the vehicle and over to the front door.

They nervously looked at each other as they heard shouting from within, Adam's car was already here, however they didn't hear his voice, so they assumed it was another quarrel between Jackie and Martin.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Jonny shrugged, a tinge of panic in his voice as he turned back to the car.

"Jonny." Violet dragged the boy back, "We have to tell them, we've been dating nearly eight months, if we leave it any longer your mum will be so upset."

"I guess." Jonny sighed, fishing his keys out his pocket.

"Plus my mum's already lasted just over a month without telling Jackie, I don't think she'll be able to last much longer." Violet reminded, Jonny making a face of agreement as he opened the door.

"Hi." He called out, the argument ceasing as he did so.

"Hi Jonny-boo, hi V." Jackie greeted, coming out into the hall to give them a kiss hello.

Both greeted the woman, quickly taking their hands away from each other as they saw a hint of annoyance still flashing across her features.

They weren't sure which mood would be best to tell her in, her emotions could go either way with the news.

"What's going on?" Jonny asked, gesturing to the kitchen where they could hear Martin's muffled grumbling about Jackie.

"Val's driving him up the wall." Jackie rolled her eyes before quickly turning to Violet with a guilty expression, "Sorry love."

"It's okay, she's been driving me a bit mad recently too." Violet said, suppressing a huff at her mother's recent antics.

"It's just her and Larry, the two are at each other's throats one minute and then all over each other the next." Jackie huffed, heading into the kitchen, Jonny and Violet in tow.

Violet nodded in agreement, she still hadn't told Val she was moving out, instead had just slowly started moving her clothes into Jonny's apartment, staying with him on weekends and her mum's house throughout the week.

"Bloody Val." Martin grumbled.

"She's mental!" Adam exclaimed, "Oh hi Pest, sorry."

"Your fine." Violet chuckled as Jonny made his way over to the fridge.

The girl made herself comfy on one of the kitchen sides, Jonny joining her as soon as he'd collected his whipped cream.

"Right enough Val talk." Jackie ordered, the kitchen going into a small silence.

"What's for dinner?" Jonny asked, desperate for the silence to cease.

"Lamb." Jackie grinned.



Adam and Jonny sung, doing a little finger dance along side it, making Violet laugh at the two.

The doorbell rung, making the boys stop dancing, theirs and Violet's faces dropping.

"Jim's early." Violet commented as Jackie sighed before going to answer it.

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