The Date // Part Two

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Violet had excused herself to Martin's shed as Jackie announced it was going to be dinner. The night seemed to be leaving her with a lot of mixed emotions so far and she just needed a small break.

Opening Martin's fridge, she was ecstatic to see that this time he'd bought actual larger. She messed around on her phone for a bit as she drunk, she'd used a work call as an excuse so she bought herself at least half an hour.

After finishing her can of larger, Violet finally decided it was time to go back in. She'd cleared her mind of the thoughts of Jonny and Tanya that had been plaguing her, deciding that the best thing she could do was encourage Adam and Tanya a bit more, whilst also embarrassing Adam like she originally planned to.

She walked through the kitchen, confused when she heard Adam shouting about hot water from the bathroom, Tanya stood in the hallway awkwardly.

"What happened?" Violet asked, peering into the bathroom, confused at the sight.

Martin was holding Adam's head under the tap, Jackie was watching, rubbing Adam's back every so often and Jonny was stood profusely apologising to Adam.

"There was a stuck jar of pickles?" Tanya looked away from the bathroom awkwardly, "Jonny tried to open it and accidentally elbowed Adam and gave him a nose bleed."

"Huh." Violet made a face before shutting the bathroom door, "Sounds about right."

The two girls gave a small laugh, Violet already feeling better after actually speaking to Tanya without any ulterior motives.

She genuinely was a lovely girl. The two were distracted by the doorbell, Violet suppressing a groan, knowing it would be Jim.

"Um. Someone's at the front door!" Tanya called through into the bathroom, not receiving a response.

"It's okay we can answer it, it will only be their neighbour." Violet smiled, opening the door, Tanya standing slightly behind her.

"Ooh... Hello, Jackie. Violin." Jim nodded at each of the girls as he said the wrong names.


"Um, I'm not Jackie."

"No, of course you're not! Silly me." Jim paused for a second, looking Tanya up and down.

"No, Jackie has got a completely different face... And body..."

"Yes." Tanya laughed awkwardly, looking over at Violet for help.

"Can I help you with anything Jim?" Violet sighed, giving a small smile at Wilson.

She'd never actually said hello to him before, Jim's constant flinching putting her off, but as he sat there she realised he was actually really well behaved.

Maybe one day when she wasn't the one having to handle the conversation with Jim she could actually fuss him, he probably wanted it given that Jim never touched him.

"You're a visitor?" Jim ignored Violet still looking at Tanya, confused.

"I guess so." She smiled awkwardly again, hiding a laugh when Violet muttered under her breath.

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