The Girlfriend // Part One

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"I can't believe Pusface didn't tell us about his girlfriend." Jonny whined.

Violet rolled her eyes as she got in the car.

"Nice to see you too Pissface." She said sarcastically.

"C'mon your telling me your not a bit surprised that he's had a girlfriend for months and didn't tell us."

Violet agreed, shrugging slightly as she did so.

"And we still haven't gone on our date." Jonny sighed dramatically.

"You called me to reschedule remember." Violet reminded him, playfully raising her eyebrows as he pouted.

"I had to go into work and stay late." He huffed, "Ever since me and Liz broke up I'm scared she's gonna sack me if I don't go in every time I'm asked to."

"I know, I know." Violet grinned, "But it's tomorrow now so you can't be too upset."

"God first date with you and meeting Pusface's girlfriend." Jonny beamed, "I'm so excited for both."

"Second first date." Violet reminded him before squinting her eyes slightly, "What have you got planned for Pusface."

"Check the back seat."

Violet frowned before turning round, grabbing a blue plastic bag as she sat properly in her seat once more.

"Ah half naked women! Course!" She playfully rolled her eyes at Jonny as he chuckled.

"Those posters are going all over Adam's bedroom." He smirked.

"You. Are evil." Violet pointed at him with every syllable, trying to hide her laugh, receiving a wink as a response.


As soon as they pulled into the drive, Jonny grabbed the plastic bag off Violet, hurrying over to the front door.

Violet followed, lagging behind slightly as Jonny locked his car, ecstatic that he'd beat Adam to the house.

"Someone's in a hurry."

The two jumped as they saw Jim and Wilson stood in front of the house, looking at each other confused.

"Oh, hi Jim, what are you..?" Jonny smiled awkwardly at the man.

"Oh, yes, no, this is one of Wilson's 'preferred areas'."

"'Preferred areas'?" Violet frowned.

"Yes." Jim nodded, staring intensely.

"For?" Jonny asked, grimacing as Jim held up a poo bag, shaking it slightly to show it was full.

"Great." Violet smiled sarcastically.

"Well, see you later then." Jim said, flinching away from a static Wilson as he did so.

"Yeah. Bye." Jonny gave Jim a fake smile.

"Come on, lovely. You've emptied your bottom Come on, Wilson." Jim spoke to Wilson, sidestepping away from the house as Jonny tried to open his front door as silently as possible.

Violet peered through the windows by the door, trying to see if Martin and Jackie were in the hall.

She nodded her head at Jonny when she saw no sight of them, him finally unlocking the door and sneaking in.

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