The Curtains // Part One

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Violet pulled up outside the Goodman's house, finally having saved enough money to have bought herself a car.

Since she'd gone to uni, she never bothered with having one, but with her new job too she'd desperately needed one.

Jonny had gotten there around the same time as her, so she wasn't able to park on their drive, however, she was only across the road parked on the curb, so it didn't dramatically affect her.

Locking her car behind her she paused, looking across the road at Jonny's car, which had his Grandma's hair stuck in it.

She held back a laugh as Jackie came out and started questioning Adam and Jonny, who were desperately trying to free their grandma, slowly walking towards the house, begging that she wouldn't have to get involved.

Just as she got to the driveway, Jonny's car alarm started going off, Jackie scolding Jonny and his grandma asking if the police were here.

"What on Earth have you done Pissface?" Violet called out, waking up closer to the door, giving him a massive grin when he turned to look at her.

"Piss off!" Jonny whined, still desperately trying to get in the car.

"Jonathon, roll that window down and turn that bloody alarm off now!" Jackie reprimanded.

Jonny in turn insisted that he was trying, Adam going to the passenger door, leaning over to the drivers side, rolling the window down from inside, meaning his grandma could finally get free, which she did so, immediately standing up straight looking at Jackie in shock.

"God! Are you okay mum?" Jackie asked, throwing an arm over her mum, keeping her turned away from Jonny who was profusely apologising.

"Your such a dickhead!" Adam exclaimed, slamming the car door as he got out.

"Shut up!" Jonny whispered back, Violet looking at him with a questioning expression to which he shrugged back at.

"How's my hair?" Nelly asked, looking around frantically.

The chunk that had been in the car door was sticking up, Jackie's eyes immediately going to it, despite telling her mum that it looked fine and leading her in.

"How did you manage to get her hair stuck in the window like that?" Jackie huffed, glaring back at Jonny whilst making an attempt to smooth down Nelly's hair.

"Really pissface, it's quite impressive," Violet chimed in, her steps falling in place with Jonny as she spun around to join the family in walking in the house.

"Cause he's a dickhead that's how," Adam rolled his eyes.

Jonny sighed, "She must've leant in when I pressed the button or something!" He defended, guilt pressured on every word.

"You know something?" Jackie turned as her mum entered the house, "You are a dickhead,"

Jonny threw his hands up in disbelief, Adam pushing past him to get in the house after Jackie and Nelly as Violet chuckled.

"It's okay Pissface, your my favourite dickhead," She smirked, ruffling his hair up before also pushing in front of him to get in the house first.


"Got to have a look at my hair!" Nelly fretted, planting herself in front of the mirror, desperately trying to fix it.

"Oh your hair looks lovely," Jackie consoled, "It's a lovely colour, isn't it a lovely colour!" Jackie turned to the three at the door, all whom were faffing around with their jackets.

"Yeah lovely!" Adam responded absentmindedly, not giving his mum or grandma a second look. Jonny agreeing as Nelly thanked them both.

"It really does look gorgeous Nelly!" Violet joined the two women at the mirror, helping Nelly smooth down the last few hairs.

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