Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)

By brooke_demure

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On the run after his poor choices, Megatron, broken and lost, inevitably crosses Texas state lines in his ret... More

Chapter 1 - Move
Chapter 2 - All Hail!
Chapter 3 - Wake
Chapter 4 - Normalcy
Chapter 5 - Filth
Chapter 6 - Lien
Chapter 7 - Rainfall
Chapter 8 - Sunsets
Chapter 9 - Captious
Chapter 10 - Emerald Cut
Chapter 11 - Extremity
Chapter 12 - Discernment
Chapter 13 - Incoming Newcomer
Chapter 14 - Revitalization
Chapter 15 - Envisage
Chapter 16 - Rust
Chapter 17 - Curtail
Chapter 18 - Obstinate
Chapter 19 - Regain
Chapter 20 - Diving
Chapter 21 - Vale
Chapter 22 - Coincide
Chapter 23 - Acme
Chapter 24 - Abysm
Chapter 25 - Limbo
Chapter 26 - Copilot
Chapter 27 - Retrieval
Chapter 28 - Solder
Chapter 29 - Snare
Chapter 31 - Détente
Chapter 32 - Cessation

Chapter 30 - Scintilla

313 22 9
By brooke_demure

Lauren's eyes remained closed into the drive, her lips muttering lyrics in and out quietly. Her hands rested atop her lap folded painfully tight as adrenaline ran the course of her systems.

"Could you shut it?" The driver had snapped at her from the front.

His words rolled off her as she continued on with her whispers. This was all new to her, she'd never tried to access the bond in such a manner. At some point along the line she'd just accepted it with open arms. She'd never accessed the connection out of her own volition, it was more of a blind hope that it'd just happen. This was out of her element, but she sure as shit would try.

It'd never been her calling out to the bond, but Megatron constantly pulling her into it.

"And I'm afraid to let you go. I'm afraid to let you go."

The lyrics were jumbled on her and she struggled to remember the next verses. An old song it was, why she'd chosen it, she had no idea, but it felt right.

God, did she have to be asleep to accomplish this feat? What was she doing...? Uncertainty swelled in her.

"I'm afraid to let you go, oh, let you go. And I'm afraid to let you go, oh, let you go."

Something familiar brushed her just barely and she was quick to lean into the comforting feeling blindly. Lauren could've almost swore she felt the vibrations of Megatron's voice, but no sound came.

The subtle feeling sparked hope within her.

"I'm not asking for release, mm. I'm not asking for release."

Her words weren't above a whisper then, coming out in wisps of human speech. The scene came into focus ever so slightly; her school's auditorium. The coolness of the piano keys became tangible under her fingertips.

"I'm afraid to let you go. Ah, don't let me let you go."

The lyrics died on her tongue, her brows screwing up harshly for a moment as something warm and heavy atop her shoulder squeezed.

"Don't let me go."

The brunette had almost demanded in her hushed tone, her muscles trembled with the amount of strain she pushed upon them. She swallowed thickly. Though her eyes could not see him, she knew with absolute certainty that he was beside her in that dire moment.




She'd called out to him, panic laced into her tone. The car ride all, but seemed to bleed away into oblivion in those seconds.

Something fierce boiled in her chest, something she could actively recognize was not of her own doing. Such strength and power could only belong to him. The sensation seemed to bark at her wordlessly and her words were suddenly lost.

"I need you. Please..."

It was all she could muster before the slamming of breaks tore her away from the moment violently.

Sapphire eyes snapped open, stung by the offending street lights. Her surroundings were unfamiliar the longer she stared, not that anything had been recognizable in the last few months.

She searched pleasingly for anything, anyone, that may have stood out to her. The much too dark tint concealing her efforts behind a pane of glass.

A small part of herself told her to blow the joint and run. There was no way the van could follow if she were to dart into traffic. Another part chided her on her recklessness, the locks surely didn't open from the inside.

Trapped. She was effectively trapped. Abducted, if you will. The irony was sour and not at all humorous.

All she could do was sit and bid her time until she found an opening for... well, anything. She didn't really have a plan. The young woman had recalled in that moment that there was a bounty in her head. What that entailed, she didn't know, but it certainly didn't sound good.

God, this was a shit show and she was the star.

God. Was he even listening? She doubted it.


Barricade made no stops, not once touching his breaks as he made the four hour trip in two. No words were exchanged between the cruiser and the bird, none to be given. They had an order and they'd see it through.

Desolate roads quickly turned into heavy, populated traffic. Car horns adorn the night and stop lights illuminated the darkness.

One perk of being a police cruiser; you were seemingly exempt from the law in which you worked to enforce. In his case, however, he simply reaped the benefits.

His hailing frequency produced the voices of his fellow decepticons with occasional information.

The KSI building was truly a sight to behold. Tall, glassy, and shiny among the other skyscrapers. The way it stood, looming above all reminded him of Cybertronian cities just before the fall, something he was not privileged in experiencing.

"We have located the building, my master." Laserbeak trilled over the hailing frequency to Soundwave.

"Acknowledged. Any sign of the human?" The officer responded swiftly.

"Negative. No signs of the fleshy." Barricade ground.

"Laserbeak, infiltrate. Gather what you must, kill whoever opposes."

The avian chortled darkly, slipping away from the mech and soaring off under the cover of night. His beady optics surveyed the building, a sinister smile tugged at his beak upon spotting much too many corporate heads. Oh the filth to uncover and the sin permeated the air.

Dirty deeds done for a high price was his specialty. He took out the garbage when contracts ended. No rock was left unturned and no loose ends ever remained.

Finding his way into the tower was easy enough once you've done it enough times. There were always weak points to be found in human design. Such a young and foolhardy species they were, it was almost endearing just how imbecilic they could be, thinking they were at the top of intelligence.

The bird dawned a pricy display screen, securing himself among the others. Then, he waited, optics watching everything, everyone.

"I am in position, building security is," he paused a moment as someone walked by. "Faulty."

"Acknowledged." Soundwave stated. "Report Barricade."

The cruiser could feel his spark drum in his audio receptors, Soundwave was but a echo as his ruby optics set upon a (horribly) disguised black and yellow 1977 Chevrolet Camaro rolling through KSI security. His engine revved harshly as he sped off to circle the lot. "Autobots on site."

"I smell an ass whooping." Nitrozeus cut into the frequency abruptly.

"Silence. Barricade, observe." Soundwave growled.

The decepticon drifted the corner of the building, spotting the tail end of the Camaro just before it disappeared from sight. The personal rivalry he had with the autobot set alight a fire under his pedes. His tires screeched with the force of his halt.

"Heat signatures indicate the autobot is accompanied by two humans." He could barely get the words out without growling. His scowl could practically be heard.

One thing he knew for certain; it was in no way that snot nosed brat Samuel, but to who the two organics could be was a mystery. Barricade forwarded the captured image to the resident tracker.

"Nitrozeus." Soundwave commanded.

The one optic mech groaned audibly over the connection. "Yeah, say my name a few more times, see where it gets you." The mech came in a strange concoction of a purr and growl. "Recent video surveillance points to Cade Yeager and some prepubescent kid. Get this, they're under siege for Optimus."

Barricade did several more antsy laps around the block, cutting other drivers off and swerving in and out of traffic.

"You seen betsy or are you too blinded by the bee?" Nitrozeus quipped with a gruff snicker.

The cruiser hissed out a curse in Cybertronian. "No sign of the fleshbag."

"Do not engage until further notice." Soundwave issued sternly.

The cruiser slowed to a park across the street from KSI headquarters, anger brewed in his core at a multitude of things. Bumblebee had a way of simply inciting immediate irritation in the mech.


Only moments before did Bumblebee roll up to the security checkpoint. Several well geared men stood idle near the fence, faces hard.

Cade propped his elbow up upon the passenger door, brow furrowed as he shot a glare to the younger man beside him, that he regrettably came to know as Shane Dyson. Just looking at the Irish male made him want to roll his eyes as he fumbled with his forged ID badge.

"Calm down. Calm down." The Irish man soothed himself shakily, sweat beaded his forehead.

"You know, at a time like this, the idea is to keep cool, not look cool, so why don't you lose the glasses?" Cade chided.

Shane swiped the sunglasses from his face with haste at the comment, exhaling deeply.

The older male turned to look at the side mirror. "About a month ago, middle of the night, I thought I heard noises in my house. Was that you?" He didn't grace him with so much as a glance as security personnel checked over the vehicle.

The younger male snapped his head toward him in an instant. "What? Come on. No way." He sputtered.

"Don't lie to me, kid. You see that guy with the gun out there?"

"There's so many guys with guns." Shane stated breathlessly.

"Let's get out of the car and tell him we're about the break in and it's your idea, 'cause I don't care. I'm old, I've already lived long enough."

The Irish boy's eyes went wide with panic. "You have a really bad habit of having these conversations at the wrong time, man."

"You want to come clean or you want me to make a mess?" When he didn't answer, Cade turned to one of the men standing guard. "Sir, can I talk to you for a second, please?" He gripped at the door handle as if to exit.

"It was me, it was me, it was me, it was me." Shane whisper yelled, clammy hands gripping the steering wheel.

The uniformed male, forced the passenger door shut with a firm shove, wordlessly saying 'stay where you are'.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The young man mumbled nervously before another uniformed employee bent to peer into the driver's side window.

"Taking it in for scanning?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded once with a jerk, handing over his well crafted ID badge. He kept his blue eyes averted.

A triumphant 'beep' of the scanner had him holding his breath, the ID returned. "All right. You're good to go."

Shane shifted the car into drive.

"I'm literally going to kill you." Cade threatened as they drove around to enter the building.

"Scanning in bay three." An automated voice came as they maneuvered through the sleek facility, passing by all likes of people. The florescent lights were blinding compared to the darkness of night they'd previously been in.

The trio was quick to find a curved display room, a mech strung up high and center in the midst.

"We took old, alien technology and made it better in every way. Introducing Stinger. KSI. We make the world." A sultry feminine voice advertised.

"That is a bad-ass robot." Shane cooed.

The Camaro came to a park. "He kind of looks like you, Bee." The older man commented to which the autobot revved his engine in acknowledgment.

"Here is the past. And now the future."

"They're building their own versions." Cade craned his head up to gaze upon the bot displayed. "Why do they need their own versions?"

"Well, at least they're picking cooler cars than this."

Bumblebee whirred a curse, thrusting the steering wheel up into Shane's face in offense. "You talk to me like that?"

"Bee, stop!"

"You see what happens from being a wiseass?" Mister Yaeger smirked.

"Now get out of here." The autobot quipped, forcing the Irish man out as he cradled his nose.

"Stinger, inspired by Bumblebee, but better in every way." The model like woman purred on screen.

The mech in question, revved at her accusations, throwing himself into reverse. "Son of a-"

"No, no! You gotta calm down." Cade gestured with his hands.

"He's crazy!"

"Stop!" Bumblebee swerved around the room, sending up smoke and leaving rubber skids upon the epoxy floor. "Bumblebee! Bee, stop going psycho!"

The sudden sound of voices and footsteps had Cade pivoting around to face multiple formally clad people, a high-strung Asian woman leading the pack with a shorter, balding man at her side as she rattled off quickly in Cantonese. His heart could've stopped in that moment from the adrenaline flooding his veins.

"My delicate flower, I can't understand you when you're angry." The balding man moved to stand in front of her. "Actually, I don't really understand you at all." He admitted with a jump of his thick eyebrows.

The elegant woman huffed in disdain, eyes narrowing. "Our entire factory is up and running. We've already made hundreds and supplied you-"

Bumblebee's revving stole away his attention. "Excuse me one second. Hey! Hey, you two! Grease monkeys." He hurled the words like an insult as he approached in long strides. "What in the hell is going on here? Huh? What's with the vintage crap?" He pointed to the Camaro in disgust. "We're not scanning collector car junk. What do you think it is that we make here? Hm?" Deep set eyes darted between the two men. "We make poetry. We're poets. All right? You work for me, you get one mistake. One. Understood?"

Cade filled away the found knowledge and bit his tongue as he responded. "It won't happen again."

"It certainly won't. So let's get this pathetic thing out of here. And you, too." The shorter man turned away from them and back to his group. "So sorry. So sorry. Let's move on."

The group disappeared behind the display, the shadows following soon there after and leaving the trio.

"Watch him. I'm going to see what I can find. They said they had hundreds, question is, where are they? And why are they?" Cade spoke quickly. "Quietly get out of here." He whisper yelled the order firmly as he jogged off in the opposite direction. The sounds of transforming could be heard, but he didn't even consider turning back as be made his way deeper into KSI.

Heart pounding in his chest, his job eventually carried him to the development wing, as it was titled.

With a swipe of his badge, he ducked into the restricted area, swiping a spare lab coat off a nearby hook. He pushed his nonprescription glasses higher onto his nose.

"This is dissection room seven."

Cade noted the temperature change, adjusting the thin cotton coat in an attempt to conserve warmth. His eyes studied everything he saw, high end robotics, top of the line computer systems, and what remains of the transformers. If he wasn't in his current predicament, he may even say he was impressed.

Just beyond the wing, in a near by bay, Harold Attinger paced, hands stuffed in his pockets neatly. "Joshua Joyce." He greeted the approaching male with a forced, tight lipped smile.

"Mister Attinger." The shorter male replied in a clipped tone, coming to his side. "So what about the deal? Is it done? Did you get Optimus and Megatron?"

"Almost, the bounty hunter is close. I'll tell you that." Harold spoke flatly. "Meanwhile, there has been a complication."

"A what ?" The pair halted in their tracks. "No, no. At KSI, we don't use words like that." He berated.

The CIA member dropped his head. "Several civilians harboring the aliens have proposed complications. One of them hacked into one of your mini-drones." He cast his sights to Joshua. "Meaning, they may know of your direct involvement in the deal."

"What? No. No." Mister Joyce waved his words off in a flurry, indignation quick to rise in him. "You tell your alien bounty hunter that I have staked my whole company on this deal. Tell him that I have provided more than enough assets and he won't get any more until I get what I want."

"And I have merely staked my life." Harold stated.

"Hey, you came go me on this, remember? You retire from the CIA, you get a seven-figure piece of Mt company, and you and I revolutionize national defense together." Joshua bit out sharply. "But, Attinger, buddy, for both of our sakes, you need to deliver." He took a step forward into the older male's space. "I do not care for you or your little alien friend's vendetta. I was promised Optimus and Megatron's bodies. So, deliver."

Inside, Cade trailed the development rooms, stopping once he saw men smelting down Autobot parts. His hand dove into his coat pocket, retrieving what was once a drone, angling it just right to show the carnage.

"Their melting them down, do you see this?" He whispered in disbelief, unable to tear his eyes away from the scene.

Optimus roared in anger, demolished a nearby lamp post with one single swipe of his metal hand. His spark plagued with hot fury and a deep sadness. "They slaughtered them all!" He cried. "I'm going to tear them apart!"

Bumblebee sped off in a circle, sympathizing with his leader. The cruelness of it all made his spark feel heavy. Was this what they fought for? Is this what they died for? Was this what Sam would've... His internal thoughts were cut off as a convoy of dark vans zipped by in perfect uniformed unison, all heading toward KSI.

Cade swallowed thickly, his mouth dry.

"Metal." A blonde woman approached his side, her trained on the working men. "Just metal. That's what I always thought of them."

He spared her a side glance. "Well, they're not. They're living things, with souls like ours." The woman casted him a questioning look. "Once, I spoke to one."

"And you're working with Transformium?"

"Uh, yeah, that's what I do. I am." He sputtered.

"I'm out there digging for it, finding bodies. There's not much left to find." Her gaze left his and returned to the melting. "So that's how badly you boys need more, huh? Reduced to melting evil old decepticons down."

Her words struck him and he turned to give his whole attention to her. "No. That's an autobot there. The ones who fought for us." He'd stated with purpose, leaving no room for deliberation.

Joshua and Harold moved through the building, swiping into one of the main viewing rooms that oversaw the developments sector. A suited man pulled away from his eat piece and encroached upon the pair with haste, silencing their precious conversation.

"Same badge code scanned at two separate gates. I'm having the classified area locked down now."

Harold bypassed the security, standing before the thick paned glass, his eyes were swift to studied each person before landing on a face he recognized a little too well.


Barricade had spotted Bumblebee speeding off, even among the dense traffic. The dark convoy that came soon after was what he'd be waiting for.

"Laserbeak, the human girl is arriving." He relayed.

"So, so many casualties to come." He'd laughed.

"Barricade to Soundwave. The human artillery group has arrived with the fleshling."

"Acknowledged. Troop already inbound. Security footage provided time and location." The officer parroted.

"Be advised, autobots in the perimeter."


"What of lord Megatron?" He growled as he flipped on his sirens, lights and all. The mech wanted to other things with his time that didn't involve rescuing humans, but it was better that sitting in a junk yard waiting for rust to set in.

"Blackout stayed back to rub his feet." Nitrozeus jabbed mid flight.

Back in Chicago, the chopper in question stood admits the room, their leaders fallen form a ghostly reminder of what could happen to them.

Scalpel, in his own attempts to assist, worked tirelessly to weld small bits of metal to the giant. The spider bot muttered indecipherable nothings to himself as he scuttled around.

Blackout's every sense was fine tuned to pick up in any and everything, ready to defend his leader and lay his spark down if need be. He'd do what he must and die loyal.

Starscream was MIA as per usual and not a single Glenn one of them, besides maybe Soundwave, cared. He could stay gone and nobody would blink. Part of him wished for such a thing, but knowing they were low in numbers made the thought feel selfish.

The sudden sound of metal scraping against the concrete floor dragged him from his thoughts. He was swift to ready a cannon to decimate any nearby danger, but found none. His optics traveled to Megatron.

The tyrant's chassis lurched slightly, but the force of the movement was palpable. Scalpel scurried off him, getting to a safe distance as a small, maniacal chitter came from him.

Megatron's form trembled with power, his claws flicking to life as his optics stuttered online, casting a crimson glow across the dim room.

"Lord Megatron." Blackout affirmed bluntly.

The decepticon warlord growled out in a strained pain, swinging his arm out an burrying his claws into the cement with ease. A glitched roar ripped through his vocal processor making the structure tremble under his wrath. His denta bared as he clawed himself up from the dead. Everything hurt, rightfully so, but nothing would stop him.

Absolutely nothing.

"Where is she ?" Megatron growled, optics narrowed as pain clung to his every movement. He was on his feet in no time, kicking through the sliding door like it was paper.

Blackout approached his Lord's side. He wanted to object, tell him he was in no shape to travel, let alone fight if it came down to it, but the fire that burned within him, threatening to burn down anything that dare oppose him said otherwise. And he knew it wasn't his place to say anything. Megatron's mission was clear from the moment his optics came online and who was he to stand in the way of his conjunx?

"Captured. We've tracked her to 42° 19' 53.1444'' N and 83° 2' 44.7108'' W. I will follow you there."

Megatron made no move to acknowledge his subordinate as he processed the information. Captured. The word rang out in his head, his spark pulled violently within his chassis. Another roar, a battle cry, tore through his vocals as he forced himself into transformation, despite his frame's protests.

Her fear, her panic poisoned his being and he combated it with anger and righteousness, sending the emotions her way in the process.

A bond was never take, take, take. It was an exchange and he'd snuff out her fears within himself, while supplying her with the flame to fight back. A useless coward he'd not let her be.

His body shifted and creaked as he transformed into his Cybertronian flying mode, an alt mode that was easier on his person. He took off, climbing in altitude as he forced his engine to the limits.

Blackout followed swiftly, Scalpel clung to him as insecticons usually did.


Lauren felt a surge within her chest, snapping her head around with break neck speed before one of the tactically clad men forced her to move. She was escorted through a fortress of a building. The air-conditioning nipped at her skin, something she hadn't felt in a moment.

Sapphire eyes trailed over everything in her immediate sight.

"Hey! Hey! Stop!" Heavy footsteps thundered from behind her.

Panning around she spotted a lab coat clad man in a full sprint heading right for her, security hot in his trail.

Taking the rare moment, she jerked out of her captors hold, and broke into a marathon sprint. Her lungs sucked up the cool air greedily as now they were yelling after her too.

The doors from which she entered were in sight and she dare say that hope lifted her heart. The man before her tackled an oncoming employee. He hopped the guard rails and she followed his lead without question. Yes, freedom was right there, just in her grasp.

Unfortunately, things were always too good to be true.

Several more security officers bolted around the corner, cutting them off and forcing them to skid to a halt at their aimed guns. "Freeze!"

Her brows furrowed into a glare as her heart thundered against her ribs, her skin moist with sweat.

A small cart rolled up on scene with the tires squeaking against the glossy floors.

"Both of you up against the wall!" One of the men was swift to snatch her, forcing her into submission beside the man she now viewed as her accomplice.

"All right, all right." The man heaved, out of breath.

"If you two will follow me." A shorter bald man gestured loosely to an elevator, an equally balding man beside him.

The two holding officers jerked them roughly to follow into the spacious lift.

"Corporate espionage, planetary treason, theft. All very serious crimes, Mister Cade Yaeger and Miss Lauren Ridgwell." The shorter male spoke with a grunt as they climbed the floors.

She glared pointedly, wiggling in her holders grasp uncomfortably.

The group reached one of the top floors withing no time and they were escorted into an office that could only be described as lap and luxury. Perfect view of the city, sleek furniture, fake plants most likely.

Forced into a chair beside the man, Mister Yaeger, she swatted at the offending. Her eyes found a gold plaque perched pristine atop the glass desk.

Joshua Joyce. She memorized the name. The other, older male, stepped into the room, shutting the door behind himself with a quiet 'click'.

"Look, I want a lawyer. The Justice Department. Somebody I can trust." Cade bellowed. "I'm just trying to protect my family, okay? Not from your company, from the government."

The older male trailed around to the desk, expression hard and unreadable. "Mister Yeager, who do you think I work for? I'm Harold, Harold Attinger."

That voice. That God damn voice was the same one from the payphone. A newfound anger bubbled up inside of her viciously. "You-" She growled.

"You're trying to protect your family, that's admirable. I'm trying to defend the nation from alien war. We've had a taste of what that looks like, and we are not gonna tolerate another. Now..." He took a seat in the desk chair.

Bullshit. Her mind screamed. Everything that came out of his mouth was complete and utter bullshit! She gripped at the armrests.

"And for you." Harold turned to her. "You've been dragged into all this mess, I understand your desperation."

"You don't understand a damn thing." Lauren seethed. Her chest pulled harshly in that moment and she panned her eyes out the window, the city light pollution made the night sky void of all stars. Her skin was hot suddenly and her adrenaline came back tenfold, but she calmed. "You shouldn't have brought me here." Sapphire eyes narrowed onto his face.

"What's done is done and you're here." He began. "Now, there is a version of this conversation where you get to go back to your barn," His eyes, adorn with crows feet, flicked to Cade. "And you get to go home with your family, your daughter gets to graduate with honors. And life as you both know it will go on."

"You don't get it, do you?" The brunette grunted. "I have nothing left and who do I have to thank for that?"

The older man was silent for a moment before speaking once more. "You have no idea what you're involved with here."

She'd heard that shit before. Lauren opened her mouth to retort.

"Really?" Cade cut in before she could, removing his glasses. "What's the other version of this conversation?" He instigated. "The one when you send in the hired help to murder my little girl? Or are you going to man up and do it yourself?"

She darted her eyes back to the man at hand. He gave a dry chuckle, hands folded neatly. "What's your preference? I'm going to ask you both this once." He glanced between the two. "Where is Optimus Prime and Megatron?"

The air stilled for a moments time and neither of the two spoke. Stubbornness perforated her. After everything she'd been through, they'd have to dig the information of her corpse.

The building trembled suddenly. She caught the desk to steady herself while shock crossed Harold and Joshua's faces. Her palms grew clammy and all the hair on her body stood on end. Thunderous footsteps racked the skyscraper.

The sound of rotor blades slicing through the air instilled hope in her once more, praying that it was Blackout.

She spun in her chair, spotting a helicopter, but not one nearly big enough to be the decepticon. A yellow bot hung from the landing skid. The small mech, swung back a drove his feet through the glass.

Lauren threw herself to the ground in attempt to shield herself. The lights blew out in a flurry of sparks. Joshua and Harold made haste with fleeing.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." The bot clipped his words together as Cade shot to his feet, swiping away glass.

He stopped, turning to her. "Kid, come on!"

She opened her mouth to object, but was snatched from the floor by the mech. Her heart jumped up into her throat as they hung mid air.

"O-oh my God! Oh my god!" She wailed, clinging to the unknown mech.

"Come on, get going Bee!" Cade hollered as the helicopter descended.

Her eyes turned toward the nearing floor, spotting movement from beyond the glass, quick approaching. Her mouth opened to warn the bot, but her cries fell on deaf ears as the yellow mech was torn from the chopper, thrown into a full body tackle.

She hit the floor violently, a pained whine ripped through her as she rolled to hit a wall. Fighting through the pain, she flipped, turning to get to her feet. Shock flooded her as she watch Barricade full force attack the yellow mech.

His red optics spotted her in the mess quickly as he caught the opposing mech's blow.

She flicked her eyes up to spot the chopper coming down mid transformation. Without second thought, she fled heading toward the sound of the commotion. The ground tremored beneath her as she emerged into low level room.

Masses of people flooded out, stampeding over one another in their efforts to flee. She fought against the crowd, using all her strength the keep herself upright and push through.

With some effort she broke through the other side and spotted robots all right.

"Get out! All of you!" A red and blue mech barked as a vibrant green bot unloaded clip after clip into anything he could find.

"Science fair's over, meatbags!" A pot bellied mech came gruffly as he ripped through equipment.

She felt frozen in her place, rooted where she stood. Her heart beat drowned out all other sounds.

"Destroy the lab!" The red and blue bot ordered. "Destroy it all!"

Only then was she able to pan her vision around the space. Her blood seemed to still at what she saw.

Robots, hundreds of them from what her eyes alone could see, varying in size and design. So, so many. All the moisture was sucked from her mouth and it was as if she lost all ability to speak. Why were there so many? What were they needed for? Dread pooled in her stomach at the implications.

Scientists rushed past her in an attempt to spare themselves, but she didn't move.

More noise over shadowed her heartbeat as robots she did recognize crashed through the building.

"Decepticons! Now things are interesting!" The bright green mech sniggered with a distinct Australian accent.

The ground rocked beneath her once more as the yellow mech from before was thrust through the wall beside her, clattering to the ground in a heap of angry whirring.

Barricade snatched her from the ground swiftly, thrashing her with the sudden movement. She yelped.

"Don't start the party without me!" Nitrozeus trust himself into battle, landing a hardy blow to the pit belly bot.

The yellow bot- Bee- shot into Barricades space once more and he was quick to release his hold on her. She expected to meet the ground, but it never came as she was jerked through the air once more, now in Bee's hold. "Put me down!" Lauren screamed, startling the small mech, who dropped her in favor of blocking an incoming attack.

Onslaught was swift to swipe at her, caging her close to his open wound. The former combaticon pivoted quickly, shielding her and his front from a blast of a cannon.

"Unhand the girl, Onslaught!" The red and blue mech commanded fiercely.

"Keep your nose out of other people's shit since you love huffing your own so much." Nitrozeus kicked the pot belly mech back before slamming his helm into his in a vicious headbutt.

The combaticon tossed Lauren to the open air, her scream ripped her throat raw as she soared, caught up in Laserbeak's talons without missing a beat. "Fancy seeing you here." He chirruped as he flapped his wings.

The aussie fired off several rounds at the avian. Laserbeak squawked in protest as he tittered around, his talons sharp and firm in their hold on her small body.

A sudden screech from the bird had them spiraling down in a flurry, his left wing in tatters.

Lauren rolled with a guttural scream, glass and debris biting into her flesh. Her eyes found Laserbeak's fallen form, who flared up in an effort of make himself scarier, his damaged wing tucked to himself defensively. Something about the sight tugged at her heart despite his horrid nature.

She ducked out of sight and behind some remaining equipment, she winced in pain as she peeked around to view the conflict, eyes searching for Blackout or Soundwave. Her search was fruitless and lost on her as she watched Barricade take a blow, sending him to the ground.

"Yes, time to take out the trash." The aussie bit as the decepticon struggled to rise.

They were outnumbered, outmatched.

Without thinking, her feet moved. She shot out into the midst of battle, narrowly avoiding being crushed and barely keeping herself upright. Decepticons made an effort to not terminate her as they attacked autobots.

Lauren threw herself into Barricade's side, thankful the mech was smaller than Megatron as she hastily clawed up him. "Stop! Stop!" She cried out, using what of her body could shield the mech.

"Leave me fleshbag..." The cruiser growled lowly, weakness evident.

The vibrant green bot didn't lower his weapons as he cocked them back.

"Crosshair no!" The red and blue mech called out, yanking him back as a bullet buried into the pavement beside her and Barricade.

Nitrozeus was swift to step in, forcing the mech back with Onslaught for backup. This battle was lost if they didn't pull out.

Something in her tugged hard, forcing her sights beyond the fight as the earth bellowed under her. Time seemed to slow as the familiar form of Megatron exploded onto the scene, towering high above all other mechs. Blackout swooped in just in his wake.

A mighty and ferocious war cry made her being vibrate.

"It's Megatron!" The pot belly mech called out above the chaos. "Go back, pull back!"

The decepticon lord threw out his arm is a swipe, sending the aussie clattering with no way to right himself.

Crimson optics broke through the dimness, illuminating everything in his path. It was like having a red carpet laid out before her feet. Her heart soared as her adrenaline spiked.

The yellow mech made another pass for her, trying to swoop her up, but she threw herself out of his way, using her body as a buffer.

"Megatron!" Her feet barely carried her as she sprinted in his direction. Blackout kept the path clear, pushing back any mech that tried to intervene.

The tyrant dropped to a knee, his clawed hand reached out for her and she wasted no time in throwing herself atop the appendage. He was swift to cage her to his chassis, close to his spark chamber. "Optimus."

The red and blue mech- Optimus looked upon the scene with incredulity, his men at his sides in retreat. Cade broke through the rubble to stand beside the autobot leader, shock and disbelief colored his features.

Blackout dragged Barricade to cover.

The two leaders held a hard stare for what felt like years, before Megatron turned away, leaving them. Leaving everyone.

The warlord fled with her in his clutches. He'd send a ping to his men once he found suitable cover, but for now all he wanted was to rid himself of it all. Pain plagued him, his face screwed up into a grimace as he took the guise of another military grade truck. They couldn't go back to their previous shelter, he knew that.

Lauren rested in his cab, exhaustion setting in as she laid her head back, watching the passing scenery pass in a blur. Silence hung in the air comfortably, no words needed to be exchanged.

Tears pricked her eyes and she didn't fight them as they fell down her cheeks. Her body was tired, battered, and bruised. A small part of her felt guilty for essentially abandoning the others, but somewhere deep down in her told her not to worry too much. She should be mad, livid, screaming and blaming Megatron for all her miss comings, but she couldn't.

She missed him and she wasn't afraid to admit that now. Who else did she have...?

Being upset would do her no good, it'd fix nothing, so why bother? Lauren moved forward with a wince, leaning to rest atop the dash with folded arms.

She truly didn't mind her situation. Life would always have rough patches, she just got to experience them differently, she supposed.

He came for her, she knew he would if she reached out, knew he'll do what it takes to ensure her safety. And that was all she could really ask for. Her chest grew warm, a small, tired smile pulled at her lips.

Megatron let his wheels carry them where they may, searching for any place suitable for the time being what it was. His frame hurt, but the discomfort in his spark eased. She shifted, moving to rest atop his dash and he could say he was contempt. His men would be fine in due time and they'd not blame him for his actions.

He felt like there were things to be said to her, but the words never came. Far too many words and not enough simultaneously. He resigned to silence and she did, too. The things he needed to say would form into proper sentences when the time came and he'd wait.

Lauren's dirtied, bloodied fingers brushed softly across the dash as her eyelids grew heavy, shoulder sagging their weight onto him. There were no more to fear, she knew that, but... she couldn't help the dreadful idea or waking to nothing once more. A deep sigh left her.

Her chest pulled gently, as if telling her it was okay to sleep. The monsters were gone for now, on the run, and Megatron was here.

God, when did she start feeling like her ten her old self? It was stupid.

Her mind trailed back to the bond. More questions surfaced and she wanted to pester him for answers, but later. It could wait.

His warmth eased her into a much needed slumber. He body relaxed, releasing the tension she'd been coiling. Megatron noted her recharge and adjusted the seat forward so she'd not move.

He drove and drove, not stopping for breaks as he searched for something. There would be no repeat of this incident, mark his words.

This incident would never again be repeated.


Her eyes opened into the dark void, finding the space much more comforting than dreary. It was quiet, calm.

A quick search of her surroundings yielded nothing of interest, which was okay, she expected as much.

Seating herself in a cross legged position, she relaxed. Now was as good a time as any to try new things, experimenting with the bond was a good place to start.

She set to envisioning the first place that came to mind, which dredged up a deep, long forgotten memory from her early childhood. Not an ugly memory, but an old fuzzy one.

An exhale left her steadily as she focused on the scene; waxed wood floors, mirrored walls, small cubby spaces, the music, leotards and tights. The tall ceilings that she always loved to stare up at. That old balancing bar that had to be screwed into the wall one too many times.

It all came together seamlessly in her minds eye. The ballet studio she'd only taken a handful of lessons at in fifth grade. Her lips upturned slightly, dawning a gentle smile remembering her grandmother's excitement.

Children's laughter, the instructors voice, the melodies of swan lake drifted in and out.

Lauren peeked her eyes open to peer around the studio just how she remembered it growing up. She'd never thought she'd get the chance to see it again since it was demolished, not that ballet was ever a passion of her's, but the experience wasn't entirely awful. Even if she did have two left feet.

She rose to her feet, her boots squeaked against the waxy floor as she trailed her fingers along the balance bar, the wood well worn by dancers and time.

Sapphire eyes turned up to stare at the elongated ceiling, the exposed brick a start contrast to the rest of the room. The stereo sat neatly tucked in the corner.

The door opening drew her attention and she turned to spot Megatron emerging into the studio.

Her hand gripped tightly at the balance bar. His optics turned to lay upon her wordlessly.

Lauren swallowed and released her hold on the bar, crossing the room in a hurry, throwing herself into his arms. He did what he, himself, hadn't expected, and opened his embrace to her form. His metal body, though smaller in the plain, was still hard against her flesh, but she didn't care.

"I knew you'd come." That's broke from her eyes.

He grumbled, caging her tightly to his chassis. "I was simply following obligation, girl."

Her embrace tightened, her face buried into the crook of his neck. "Thank you."

The mech pulled her from him. "Do not give me your praise for the minimum, bug." His clawed hand turned her arms over in his hold, optics studied the abrasions and ugly bruising beginning to color. Such marks didn't belong upon her flesh. "I was doing what I had to." Crimson optics panned to rest up her tears streaked features. He raised a claw absentmindedly to drag the hair from her face.

Lauren gave a dry laugh. "Don't sell yourself short."

He narrowed his optics. "I'd do no such thing, human. Cease your fluid expulsion."

Her hand wiped away the residual tears, moving away from him and toward the stereo. "Sorry, sorry." She fingered over the buttons, finding with it until the soft melodies were produced.

His optics studied the space, reserving his questions.

"Do they have dancing on Cybertron?" She inquired, approaching him.

He furrowed his brow ridge. "For reserved occasions, yes. There's no use for such a frivolous act."

Lauren held out her hand to the mech, to which he regarded with a look. "Take it. I can't dance either."

He'd never be caught dead in such a charade. The act of dancing was useless, a waist of precious time. Art, music, dancing, it was all non-pertinent. But as he stared at her open palm, so nearly his size in this moment, he found himself reaching out to grasp her firmly, as if she'd be stolen away from his very claws.

She stepped into his space as the slow, melodic song droned on in the background. Taking his free hand, she place high on his hip before resting her's atop his shoulder servo.

"I'd say follow my lead, but I don't really know what I'm doing either." The woman admitted sheepishly as she stepped slowly along to the song's notes. Blue eyes glanced down at their feet occasionally to avoid toe stepping.

"Lloverá, gotas mínimas."

The lyrics came out in gentle Spanish, the singers voice warm like a mother's.

Megatron followed her step pattern with ease, avoiding her fumbles wordlessly as he felt her palm in his; warm, soft, and pink. His other hand fit in the curve of her hip as if made for his claws, the bone palpable under his grasp. Crimson optics remained settled on her face, but she did not make eye contact.

These quiet moments made the world bleed away and all problems dissipate, forgotten until another time. It was like a spell of a kind and he was bewitched.

"Lloverá, de mi boca,"

She whispered the vaguely familiar lyrics to herself, not entirely familiar with the dialect, but enjoying the song nonetheless.

Megatron frowned slightly. "You have vocals for a reason, speak up or shut up, girl."

Lauren lifted her eyes to face him, his brash nature lost on her as they swayed. "I don't speak the language."

"And why should that hinder you, girl?"

She hummed louder along with the melody, clearly somewhat acquainted with it. This close, he could faintly feel the way her throat and chest reverberated with her vocal chords.

"Saldrá el mar."

His optics watched the way her lips lazily formed the syllables to the unknown language, missing in some places, but it didn't matter. The foreign tongue in her voice was odd, but not at all a displeasure.

"No, no, Romeo, no. No, no, me dejes."

It made him wonder if her human vocals could replicate the Cybertronian language.

"Tu vida fue gestada ya."

He should hate this, pull away harshly and admonish her for even suggesting such a thing, but he couldn't. He wouldn't, nor would his spark.

"Lloverá, caudales de agua. Agua lisa."

The instrumental tempo was slow and methodical, he found.

"Where you there? When I asked for you." She asked quietly, eyes panned up to look at him.

He held her eyes in a stare. "I was beside you, yes. Why do you inquire about such a thing?"

She gave a small shrug, her fingers pressed into his metals. "I felt you."

He didn't say anything for a moments time. "We must work to strengthen the bond, your attempt to access it was dismal, girl."

"I tried." She replied. "I'll do better next time."

"Hear me when I say, there will be no next time, girl." His firmness in the statement was punctuated with a growl.

"Lloverá, desde mis ojos."

She sang softly, lips set in a genuine smile as they stepped in tune with one another. The cards of the word were carried away with the fleeting lyrics if the song.

"No, no, Romeo, no. No, no me dejes ver."

His audio receptors took in all her sound greedily as he committed it to memory. Her lax features were hard not to stare at, but he pulled his optics away to stare at their joined hands. His claws scuffed, rough, and dented in places. She'd done her best with what she was given and she soared. Her fragile hand was battered and unsightly. Besides the scrapes and colorful bruising, small burns littered her skin, but she still gripped him despite the apparent discomfort it may bring.

His denta clenched. So many times he's reminded of her blatant mortality. It sickens him.

Time, such a cruel and unforgiving thief.

Megatron buried those thoughts deep down and turned his sights back to her face, finding her eyes easily, she offered a lopsided grin.

"Que tu muerte fue gestada ya. Renacimiento."

Lauren raised to her tip-toes to press her forehead into his, just as he'd done previously. And he pressed back until she'd lowered onto her heels once more.

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

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