Traitors To The Heart

By Fulcrum_101

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In the clone wars, what would happen if Obi-Wan gets a new Padawan with a checkered past? What would happen i... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: A Deal With The Devil
Chapter 3: Sith and Apprentice
Chapter 4: Master and Padawan
Chapter 5: Escape From Christophsis
Chapter 6: Palace Life
Chapter 7: Battle of Innocence
Chapter 8: Loyalty
Chapter 9: So Many Secrets
Chapter 10: Perserverance
Chapter 11: Paternal Instincts
Chapter 13: Smooth Landings
Chapter 14: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 15: Wasted Ambitions
Chapter 16: Preparation
Chapter 17: Endurance
Chapter 18: Keeping Things Complicated
Chapter 19: Cheers
Chapter 20: Harsh Reality of War
Chapter 21: Deadly Experimentation
Chapter 22: It's a Trap
Chapter 23: Invincible
Chapter 24: Protection Required
Chapter 25: Targeted
Chapter 26: Underwhelming Apologies
Chapter 27: A New Friend

Chapter 12: The Path of A Peacekeeping Soldier

29 2 84
By Fulcrum_101

Nova has proved herself a trustworthy ally through and through in Obi-Wan's eyes. He got her to open up and share her story. Nova told him and Cody in a private room, and she told them everything.

She spoke of her lonely childhood of always watching people pass wishing her luck, but never trying to unburden her as a young girl. She told them that one day she saw Separatist droids unloading crates of food, so she decided to snatch one. The snatching, however didn't stop there.

She told them of her plan to fly the Separatist ship she somehow managed to swipe to the nearest neutral system that would take pity on her. How the Republic thought she was a true enemy, and shot her down. Nova drew a blank after that.

She specifically stressed to them that during her time in her cell, all she wanted was to leave. She told them that when she attempted to escape, that was her only goal. Count Dooku was the one who approached her with the offer. She just wanted a home, Obi-Wan knew that, regardless of whether she verbalized the saddening thought or not.

Obi-Wan found her Sid rod the story concerning Christophsis quite unique. He felt sorry for how her voice cracked with emotion when she talked about seeing the close bond Anakin and Ahsoka already had, and how she wanted it. Obi-Wan had never felt a greater urge to grant her that desire.

Then she went into even more detail during her time on Pantora. Reliving those moments was what made up for all the pain she's been through until then. She told them how Pantora was where she truly felt at home, until coming here. Now she thought of this place as home too.

After Nova left the room, it left Obi-Wan and Cody to discuss.

"We should be able to pardon her of any charges the council brings up." Obi-Wan concluded from their conversation.

"Just mention her past with Dooku and watch the tears fall. I know they almost did for me." Cody had never felt such remorse for actions he didn't commit in his life. He wanted to take his General's light saber and stick it right in between Count Dooku's eyes.

"Any such luck getting Lyra to talk?" Cody had been trying since they left Ryloth.

"Girl's made of stone unless you bring up the old man. The trauma he caused Nova, it's obvious whatever he did with Lyra was ten times worse." Something was on the back of Cody's mind, always trying to force its way to the front.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan asked. No matter how many times it happened, Cody would never get used to him being able to do that.

"You remember what happened with Lyra on Ryloth during the creatures attack? Her freeze?" Obi-Wan nodded tentatively. Him and Cody seemed to bridge thoughts.

"Yes, I see what you mean. Nova was put through the ringer in a day. Imagine what Dooku could've done to her with multiple years." Cody tried his best not to. He already felt sorry enough for Nova, he didn't think there was any room left in his heart yet here comes Lyra's sob story. There were missing pieces, but enough core knowledge Nova provided them with it know it wouldn't be a tale of rainbows and sunshine.

"These kids need a break." Obi-Wan almost snorted, catching himself shortly before letting it slip out.

"That, Cody, is the largest understatement I've heard all day." Cody stood up and followed Obi-Wan out of his quarters.

"Just today, sir?" Obi-Wan scoffed.

"Yesterday, Waxer said Anakin seemed a little dramatic." Cody automatically nodded with understanding. The two often joked around about Anakin with each other, but there was never any hostile meaning behind it. Cody admired him as a good leader, and a great person. And, well everyone knew how Obi-Wan truly felt about Anakin.

"Ah, yes. Now that is the biggest understatement I've heard in my life." Cody agreed.

"Indeed." Obi-Wan's com went off. He tapped his com and naturally bent towards it.

"This is General Kenobi."

"Yea sir, we're coming up on Coruscant. We'll be landing within the hour." Obi-Wan glanced at the time on the other end of his com.

"So within two minutes? Thanks for the heads up." The trooper on the other side could practically hear the eye roll through his tone. Obi-Wan ended the connection with a sigh, walking with Cody by his side to the hangar. Inside he found the two girls anxiously waiting for him. He noticed Lyra's foot taping and wild scratching of her wrist underneath her glove.

"Are you ready, ladies?" Nova beamed at him as she bounced forward and back on her heels to her toes. Lyra spared him a disinterested look before going back to scratching her wrist and examining her nails.

"I'll take that as a yes." Nova ran up to Cody and gave him a hug. Cody didn't even have a second to process the gift that just kept on giving from Nova before she darted back into the gunship. Obi-Wan smiled at the confused man.

"Make sure Waxer doesn't burn the ship down until we get back."

"Will do, sir. See ya later, kiddo!" Cody shouted as he waved at Nova.

"I hope so." Nova muttered to herself through a forced smile as she waved back. She missed having him to cling to in the gunship, so she wrapped herself around Lyra. It turned out to be a mistake as she was barely holding on due to her shorter height as well. They both stumbled and almost fell to their deaths on top side of beautiful Coruscant.

"Wow." Nova gaped at the sheer beauty of the planet she'd never seen before. It was so sunny, the rays reflected perfectly across the tall, uniquely shaped buildings littering the ground. She sucked in a deep breath and shut her eyes tight, letting her mind run wild and her senses be free. It smelt like smoke. The ships rushing back and forth created a certain buzzing sound that Nova found interesting.

"Why can't all planets be like this?" The air was cool but not freezing like Pantora. There were so many places to go, unlike on the Negotiator. It wasn't even humid compared to Ryloth, everything just seemed so perfect. The sense of zen Nova felt while clinging onto Obi-Wan and Lyra soon vanished when her eyes fluttered open to see a little green person standing by a landing platform. Nova knew who he was waiting for.


"Master Yoda, the leader of the Jedi Council. And that next to him is Masters Plo Koon and Luminara Unduli." Nova noticed the woman first and most prominently. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her fair green skin was painted with black diamond tattoos over her chin. Nova wouldn't lie, she found the other two kind of scary.

"Do they bite?" Lyra and Obi-Wan couldn't hide their laughter at her adorable, yet slightly alarming question.

"Not that I've ever seen." Obi-Wan said with a kind smile, relishing in her childlike innocence. He made a pledge to try and keep that, but at the same time he felt the loss of it over time would be inevitable with their circumstances.

"But also no biting people, Nova. You just let me handle it if anyone gives you trouble." Lyra gave her nails one last look over before Cooley gazing out the open doors to see their company. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at the green lady's squinted expression.

"Yes, I'd actually advise you both to let me do most of the talking, please." Obi-Wan had faith Nova would obey his wishes, but he wasn't too sure about Lyra.

"Of course, General." The slight upturn the corners of her lips did have Obi-Wan an uneasy feeling. The gunship touched down, the pilot getting back in the air as soon as Lyra's foot hit the platform.

Nova smiled at all the masters and giddily gave them a cute little wave as she hopped out of the ship. Yoda noticed the soft smile on Obi-Wan's lips. He hadn't seen it in such a long time. Not had he sensed such brightness radiating from anyone before.

Lyra stayed tucked behind Obi-Wan and Nova for cover. The itch of her brand had never been more irresistible, yet she satiated the temptation with a single thought. What would happen if they saw her brand was more important than an itch.

"Greetings, Master Kenobi. Grateful you've brought your new friends, I am." Lyra and Nova both couldn't hide the shock in their reactions to his speaking voice. The alien in front of her had an unreadable expression, but she heard a soft chuckle escape his... lips? Nova couldn't tell if he had those or not.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation in a council meeting, Master?" Obi-Wan respectfully suggested.

"The plan, that was, Obi-Wan." They walked silently through the Jedi Temple. Lyra had grown up in a castle, yet this place trumped Dooku's little cottage abode now. She couldn't think of any way to reach the ceiling it was so high. And the intricate, glorious details etched in the walls, the pillars, every detail of the place was fabulous. For Nova, this instantly felt like home.

"Wow..." Nova was the only one to verbally express her wonderment. Obi-Wan glanced at Lyra to see her eyebrows raised to the sky. He smirked, knowing that was just about the largest reaction he's seen from her yet. Master Plo felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Who built all this?" She asked him. Master Plo stared into her big grey eyes, imploring him to answer the thousands of questions she had.

"Jedi Masters from thousands of years ago. Even before Master Yoda was born." The little green alien that was, to Lyra's surprise, even shorter than Nova, turned around and smiled at the young girl for her inquisitive nature.

"They must've been really tall." Nobody in the group could tell if she was joking or not. All the Jedi gave each other odd glances before landing on Obi-Wan and Lyra giving them subtle glares.

"Indeed, Nova. How long do you need to gather the rest of the council?" Obi-Wan inquired.

"Already present, all of them are. Forget about Master Windu's arrangements, did you, Obi-Wan?" Between getting the girl's stories straight and coming up with a defense against the whole trying to kill the chosen one thing, he didn't get much sleep.

"Forgive me, Master. It's been quite a long week."

"So I've heard." The green lady finally spoke up. Lura didn't like the way she spoke. Her voice had a certain poise to it that screamed insincerity to her.

"In, you all may come." The Masters walked in and immediately took their seats. Obi-Wan gestured with his head for the girls to follow him. They stopped just behind him at the center of the small, circular room. There were several large chairs with velvet red cushions, each having precise differences, and each contained a unique yet identical in appearance Jedi Master.

Nova took a deep breath and tried her best to keep a smile on her face even though the eyes of so many important people were on her. Lyra tried with everything she had to keep in a laugh as she watched Yoda climb into his chair.

"Happy to see you all safe and sound, we are. But important matters to discuss; there are." Master Yoda firmly addressed. Lyra wish he'd come right out and say whatever he was implying. She didn't like all the indirectness of how this was playing out.

"I've heard you two had some interesting adventures." One Master with the forehead the size of Master Yoda's while body started off the conversation with.

"They aided in my missions on Ryloth, Orto Pluton—"

"I didn't mean adventures with you, Master Kenobi." The whole room suddenly understood what was being implied. Lyra couldn't help the soft growl. It was interrupted by a soft gasp when she felt cold skin on the inside of her palm. Nova had gently taken Lyra's hand in her own and gave it a tight squeeze.

Despite being very discrete about it, many of the Masters still took notice of the action which only raised more questions about the two of them in their minds. Obi-Wan flinched, not seeing why he had to get right down to the point.

"Yes, they both were pawns of Count Dooku for a short while. But—"

"Then I see no reason of being here. They are war criminals, and should be handled as such." Nova jumped at his cruel words. She didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't o be jumped on like this.

"I'm fifteen." Nova muttered. Master Tiin was next to speak up.

"We have Padawans leading as exceptionalmilitary officers in this war younger than you." Nova's heart ached for multiple reasons. One was because of his statement, the other because of his lack of caring over how awful that was if it is true.

"How sad is that?" The council chambers fell into a hushed silence. So far, Nova didn't like where this meeting was headed.

"Here to discuss matters of the war; we are not. Stay focused, we must." Master Yoda looked firmly into each members eyes to make sure they understood him.

"Master, if I told you the full story you would understand how imperative it is to—"

"That's just it, Master Kenobi, how do you know they have given you the full story?" Master Shaak Ti was a shining blue hologram due to her being on the planet of Kamino.

"Perhaps if we let Master Kenobi get a word out, we could understand his position better." She hissed at the man across the room from her. Obi-Wan nodded in thanks to her.

"As I was saying, if you heard their story you'd know why it was the Republic's fault she was forced to join Dooku in the first place." Obi-Wan's outlandish claim caused the controversy to erupt in the council chambers. One voice cut through all the other though. Windu was also in form of a hologram, still on the planet of Ryloth.

"The Republic is not responsible for the actions taken by these two young ladies. We did not force them to join Dooku's army."

"What part of what Obi-Wan just said makes you think we chose that?" Lyra snapped. Her raised voice took the council by shock. She had been holding back up until now, the pent up rage from all their other comments finally being able to resurface.

"What their trying to say is—" Obi-Wan got cut off again by Master Luminara.

"Regardless of how they ended up in that situation, they still conspired with the leader of the Separatists. That remains a fact." Lyra was about to go feral on their old asses.

"Conspired? Conspired!?"

"We were kidnapped and imprisoned by him!" Nova screeched out of her own fury after watching them attack Lyra. The two girls lost feeling in their hands holding each other, never holding anything harder before in their lives.

"He electrocuted me while demanding I perform a test I couldn't possibly complete! He tried to make me kill for him, but I wouldn't do it!" Nova jabbed herself in the chest and motioned angrily around the council as the lighting flickered in the chambers for a brief moment. Another wave of silence washed over the council. There was sympathy struck in half the council, while the other half remained unwatered.

"Perhaps, best it would be if these proceedings continued without your friends, Master Kenobi." Master Yoda requested. Nova was too riled up to realize it was a direct order disguised as one. Lyra took her friend by the hand and dragged her out of there. So much of electing Obi-Wan do the talking. He barely got a word in the whole time.

Before the doors to the council shut, Lyra shot Obi-Wan one last pleasing look. Although it lasted for not even a full second, they both understood each other. Lyra was relying Obi-Wan with not only her future; but Nova's too. He realized she must truly trust him, because Nova's life is not something she was willing to gamble with.

Nova was first to sit down against the wall of the chambers, letting her head fall back and knock the wall. Lyra groaned softly as she hunched over to sit by Nova's side. Nova couldn't seem to get comfy until she let herself fall over to rest her head sideways on Lyra's thighs. Lyra rested her arm against Nova's back and gently rubbed her lekku.

"Hang in there, kid. Soon, this'll be a distant memory." Nova sighed, burying her face deeper.

"The future can't come soon enough, can it?" Lyra sighed, remembering one thing she did learn from Clunt Dooku that could never be forgotten.

"Often times we try to rush to the future, only to end up missing the past." Nova let herself chuckle, her voice muffled by her limp arm blocking her mouth.

"You sound like a Jedi." Lyra made some fake vomit sounds to make her giggle. She smiled fondly at the girl who couldn't see her when she heard it worked. Inside the council chambers, a whole different discussion was occurring.

"So you believe their stories. What's to say she didn't just lie to you? She's already tried to kill young Skywalker, what else can we expect from her?" Obi-Wan sighed, already going over this for the second time now.

"As I said previously, Master Windu, if Count Dooku felt the need to brand both of them before sending them off on this mission, it can o Ly mean he knew they would attempt to run, which they did."

"And just to be clear, that's who you want us to let join our military? Two deserters?" The council must admit Windu had a point, even if Obi-Wan was starting to win over their hearts with his sob stories.

"To be clear, I only know Nova's goal to join not just the military; but the Jedi Order as well. I do not know what Lyra wants." Whoever was about to speak went silent when Master Yoda began to hun to himself.

"Much fear I sense in her, Obi-Wan." Obi-Wan let out a softer sigh this time, his cool facade cracking under the emotion of hopelessness. He was starting to lose hope of the favorable direction he desired this conversation to steer towards.

"Can you blame her?" No, none of them could. But it still didn't change the fact that it was there.

"Cautious, you must be of it. Sense many similarities between her and young Skywalker's situation when he was brought to the temple, I do. Including your desire to be the one to teach her. Correct, am I?" Obi-Wan wasn't surprised Yoda could read him like an open book, but it did catch him off guard.

"That was supposed to be the next segment of debate; yes. You never did give me that Padawan I put in a request for. Now I see why." Obi-Wan and Yoda shared a small bout of laughter at this, recalling the memory of their old plan. Windu quirked a brow at this lie of thought.

"Are you saying you think it is the will of the force you found her? That the force is calling for you to train the girl?"

"I believe so, Master." Obi-Wan had given the council much to think about, and he still wasn't done yet.

"You know, Anakin was 9 when he became a Padawan. This girl, Nova, is 15. She would be starting much later than anyone we've ever brought into the order before." Master Billaba put as delicately as she could, not agreeing or disagreeing with Obi-Wan in the matter.

"Yes, but she already has some experience wielding the force. I've seen it on multiple occasions during my many mission with her." Obi-Wan took a second to think over his next words wisely.

"I know you are hesitant to let her in, but there is truly no person more deserving of this than her. Nova is... truly an beautiful soul. She is selfless, she has risked her life on several occasions in the past week to make sure others were safe or at the very least not in harms way. She is compassionate, and feels on a level most of us have forgotten how to. Nova is a true Jedi if I've ever met one." Now for the third time, the council was placed into a state of shock.

"Have an attachment, do you, Master Kenobi?" Realizing he had gone to far, Obi-Wan shook his head without trying to give away his panic.

"No, Master. But I stand by my ground that if anybody deserves a second chance like this; it's her." Master Mundi spoke once more.

"I sense she's already formed an unhealthy attachment to the other girl. There would have to be something down about that."

"Yes, that's true. Say for a moment that Nova was inducted into the Order, what would become of the other girl? I do not sense the force is strong enough with her to follow the same path." Obi-Wan had to admit Depa Billaba was right about that.

"While Nova wants and deserves to stay in this fight; it is my firm opinion that Lyra deserves the right to stay out of it."

"Meaning what, exactly?" Adi Gallia asked over her glitching hologram.

"Meaning we should let her decide her own future." The council gave each other weary glances, not knowing what to think of this.

"Not to discredit anything Nova has been through, but I do believe Lyra has been subjected to far worse than she was letting on when I spoke to her about it. Both these girls deserve a future of their choosing after being subjected to a lady they had little control over." Master Yoda held up his three fingered hand to let Obi-Wan know his fight was over. Yoda looked deep into the eyes and minds of the people surrounding him that he trusted.

"Reached a decision; the council has. Nova Noella, your Padawan, she will be." Obi-Wan couldn't help the wide smile that overtook his face at the grand news.

"And Lyra's fate, up to her, that decision will be. No charges against the Republic are to be pressed." Obi-Wan nodded, thrilled to be able to give both girls the great news.

"Thank you, Masters. You will not be disappointed in your decisions." Obi-Wan looked at Mace Windu when he said that last part. It was clear he was still the main opposer to this.

"One more thing, before you leave, Obi-Wan." Windu called to him. He turned around after the doors opened. Nova and Lyra popped their heads past the frame with curious expressions.

"Good luck with your new Padawan." Windu wished him, the smallest of smiles on his face. Obi-Wan smiled back and dipped his head with appreciation. Nova took in a big gasping breath of air.

"No such thing as luck, Master. But I appreciate it nonetheless." Obi-Wan stepped into the hall. After the doors shut, Nova burst into excitement personified. Jumping around, skipping circles around Obi-Wan while happily singing until she Dr used to just hug the living day lights out of him.

"I knew it would work out! I told you so, Lyra!" Nova leaped over to throw her arms around the reserved Twi'lek who chuckled quietly while calmly hugging her back.

"I'm pretty sure it was me that told you so, Nova." She shook Nova wildly by the shoulder with a playful smirk that Obi-Wan knew would disappear once she realized what Nova's acceptance into the order meant for her.

"And you, Lyra, have been granted full authority to decide where you want to go from here."  Nova gasped with utter joy as she clung to Lyra's waist and flung them around some more in a deep hug.

"Ugh, this is such great news!" Nova shouted. Lyra has a soft smile on her face, flinching whenever her lekku tried to slap her in the face from all the bouncing.

"Yeah, great news." Her smile slowly faded while Nova's face was buried in her chest. It was then Obi-Wan realized Lyra was incapable of living a happy life without Nova to light the way. Was it unhealthy, yes. Was it understandable after knowing what they've been through together and knowing what Nova means to her? Very much so. Nova gasped, suddenly pushing herself away from Lyra and jumping up and down as she faced Obi-Wan.

"You know how we should celebrate?" Nova violently shook his arm while leaning forward up and down on her heels and toes.

"How?" Obi-Wan took the bait, nod wanting to squash this cloud 9 mood of hers.

"First official lesson!" She dragged Lyra and Obi-Wan through the hallowed halls by their forearms. The pair looked at each with looks that spoke volumes while being pulled. Lyra's eyes screamed thank you when her voice was to proud to announce it, Obi-Wan nodded to her slightly. Lyra wasn't just thanking her for their sentence he secured, she was thanking him for helping Nova to be this elated.

"No, this isn't right." Nova suddenly stoped and mumbled to herself. She took off into one of the practice rooms again. Nova ran into the door at full speed.

"Ow." Lyra and Obi-Wan had varying reactions. Lyra stifled a couple laughs that she couldn't resist while Obi-Wan merely sighed, inserting his credentials before the door slid open smoothly for him.

"That's a... cool feature." Nova groaned, holding her lek that took the brunt of the impact or fall.

"You all right? Come on." Lyra grunted as she pulled Nova up by the hands.

"Am I all right? I'm better than all right! Look at this!" Nova helped herself off the ground. She practically crawled on the ground desperately trying to get inside the training room.

"This place is incredible!" Nova shouted whilst jumping up in down. Everything from head to toe shone with freshly polished marble, except the sparkling ebony rooted floor. The giant rug with the Jedi emblem below her feet gave her a surge of energy.

"As fun as this looks like it will be, if you need me I'll be outside." Lyra excused herself. Nova was too busy exploring the array of practice sabers available to her. She grabbed the hilt of one and activated it. Nova's burst energy of energy was placed on hold at the immediate sense of serenity holding such a beautiful weapon caused her.

"Whoa." Nova was surprised at how much lighter this kind of light saber was, or at least easier to move with. The purple glow of the practice saber lit her already beautiful magenta facial features, creating a deeper purple that was simply gorgeous. Nova was intimidated by the feeling, and set the light saber down. She turned to Obi-Wan with a shaky breath and a smaller smile.

"So, what's my first lesson going to be? How to fight with light sabers? Can I learn the animal thingy you did on ryloth? A trooper named Hail said it was so cool." Her excitement quickly returned at realizing the many powerful possibilities learning to use the force brought with it.

"Your first lesson is a question." Nova tried not to let the unexpected response deter her joy.

"Oh. Okay, fire away I guess." She chuckled. Obi-Wan wasn't laughing, she noticed he wasn't even smiling. Nova cleared her throat, trying her best to imitate his serious face.

"Which is more important. Being a soldier, or a peacekeeper?" Nova thought it was too easy, that it had to be a trick question somehow. She was hesitant and careful in answering too quickly or surely.

"Uh... you said being a peacekeeper is a Jedi's purpose." Obi-Wan chuckled, pleased she was able to recall such a detail from a conversation they had weeks ago at the early hours of the morning.

"That wasn't my question." Sounded like it was to Nova, so she simply attempted to rephrase her answer.

"Okay. Peacekeeper is more important. Right?"

"Wrong." Now she was upset Obi-Wan let her think she was onto something with her last answer. She huffed in aggravation and rubbed her chin in thought like she always saw Obi-Wan do.

"How can that be? Isn't the entire purpose of the Jedi to keep the peace throughout the galaxy? That's what Aurora told me." Nova realized she hadn't even thought about Aurora since Ryloth. Before that the young woman was always at the front of Nova's young mind, her motherly presence always being missed.

"It used to be the purpose of the Jedi. You are correct in that. However, now we are leaders in a war." Obi-Wan could see Nova wasn't taking to the first lesson as well as she thought she would. He tried to ease up on the attempted trickery in his words and speak more clearly.

"So you're saying it's more important to be a soldier?"

"No." Nova sighed, barely fighting off the urge to not roll her eyes. That would be too disrespectful after he just stuck his neck out for me. He fought for this, for me, so I can do my best to come up with a better response than an eye roll. Nova thought.

"Then what the hell are you saying, Master? You failed to mention how confusing being a Padawan was." Mission failed, Nova was disrespectful anyways. Obi-Wan was beginning to see said similarities between her and Anakin the council referred to. He sighed, realizing this might be just as much of a project as his last one.

"In these changing times, it is as important to be a soldier as it is a peacekeeper. You cannot become a Jedi without perfecting the role of both." Finally, Nova was intrigued.

"How so?" Obi-Wan smiled, happy to see her asking the right questions.

"As you're well aware, we are in a war. A brutal one at that. One that you will not survive if you are not rained as a soldier. But, assuming you survive, and this war ends, all you will be is a soldier with no purpose left. That's why they are equally important to learn. To be a soldier can only help you survive, but learning the ways of the Jedi will help you live." What he said made sense, but for Nova it was hard to not take what he said and relate it to others. Specifically, the clone troopers she had already grown so close to sighing a few weeks.

"But... what about the clones? They won't just be forgotten soldiers with no purpose after the war, right?" Nova couldn't stand the thought of Cody or Rex simply discarded, no battle left for them to fight. Waxer and Boil just tossed aside like yesterday's issue. Fives and Echo stuck in a constant state of helplessness. It made her stomach churn with the fear for the future.

Obi-Wan on the other hand had never thought about it like that. He was obviously close to Cody and his men, close enough to the point where he saw them all as equals. Not rank wise, but equally as human beings.

Something that was not a common opinion of clones around the Jedi Order, or even around the rest of the galaxy for that matter. It bothered him that he had never considered what would happen to them before. Even though he didn't have all the answers, Nova expected them from him, and he wanted to deliver.

"Their fate isn't for us to decide. But, one would imagine the Republic could find ways to utilize their skills in times of peace." Nova seemed to find peace with that answer of his.

"Assuming we win." She added for extra measure.

"Assuming so." Nova and Obi-Wan shared a hopeful look, their calming faces each reassuring each other simultaneously that the war will indeed come to a successful conclusion one day. Nova took in a deep breath with a content smile on her face.

"So, what's my second lesson?" She asked in her cheeky tone, ready for more.

"Why, how to be a soldier, of course."

"Of course." Nova giggled. Against the wall behind her she heard a clatter.

"What was that?"

"Probably just a Padawan test. They happen often in there." Obi-Wan suddenly felt panic grip him. Anakin told him Ahsoka's annual Padawan progress assessment was coming up, but with the events of yesterday it slipped his mind. He wanted to be there to watch Ahsoka, but also to see if Anakin even showed up on time or not. He knew Ahsoka at least deserved to see one Master she knew in the stands.

"No way! Can we go see?" He let out a silent breath of relief. Just in case it was Ahsoka's he would be covered now.

"I don't see why not." He gently placed his hand on the small of Nova's back. He learned from watching Lyra be so careful of her lekku how to carefully avoid hitting them as they gently swayed back and forth when she walked. Obi-Wan led her to the other room next door. Nova glanced around for the small panel hanging by the door to give her credentials. She felt the hot pink blush rush to her cheeks when she saw Obi-Wan walk right through, giving her a tiny smirk.

"Oh." Nova deadpanned before rushing back to be by Obi-Wan's side. They smiled politely at Master Plo who sat front row with his fingers intertwined with each other. He nodded and... smiled back? Nova honestly couldn't tell. Nova was so busy examined the few different Jedi masters and fellow younglings or padawan sitting in the stands to examine what they were all gawking and gazing at. Eventually, her eyes caught sight of two familiar faces she was genuinely excited to see.

The two people who caught sight of her had polar opposite reactions. Ahsoka nearly jumped out of her seat with excitement. Her face lit up with joy as she giddily patted the spot next to her. Anakin gave Obi-Wan an exasperated look that went ignored as the old Master sat down right next to his former apprentice.

"Oh great. You brought her?"

"Why wouldn't I? She is my Padawan after all." The dramatic expression change of Anakin wen t unnoticed by Obi-Wan as he looked on at the young Mirialan boy trying not to get shot, but something was distracting him. He was frozen while the robots simulating droids circled him.

Anakin glanced behind Obi-Wan's back as the two girls reunited; his eyes filled with the burning fire of jealousy. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around Nova as a greeting. She was taken off guard by the action. Nova couldn't think of a time when she wasn't the first one to

"What's going on? What's this all about?" Nova asked her after recovering from the initial shock of her hug.

"It's Caspian's trial. Just watch." Ahsoka gently poked her cheek to make her face the soon to be Padawan in mid flip. He flipped horizontally in the air in a spiral before landing with a hand outstretched. The last droid shooting at him slammed against the electric field surrounding his area. The blue force field was deactivated, and when the droid fell Nova got her first look at the boy responsible for such an impressive move.

"That was a good move. I'm gonna have to ask him to teach it to me someday." Ahsoka said, completely ignorant to the daze Nova fell into when her and the young Mirialan locked eyes. Somehow entranced, neither could find the right moment to look away. Ahsoka noticed Caspian seemed zoned out and tried to follow his line of sight all the way back to the girl sitting not even an inch away from her. She smirked, seeing the bright pink tint on Nova's cheeks. Caspian seemed to jump out of his skin when Master Sinube stood in front of him and bowed. Caspian fumbked wuickly to do the same, rising as soon as he could in hopes of catching the beautiful girl's eye once more.?Master Plo approached him before he got the chance to.

"We'll done, my Padawan." Caspian let himself refocus on the task at hand.

"Thank you, Master." He said with a cheeky smile. It was hard for him to hide the pride he took in his newest accomplishment. Caspian was officially the Padawan of Jedi Master Plo Koon.

"Wow, that was incredible."

"Really? You should go and tell him." Nova's cheeks were engulfed entirely in the glowing hot pink contrasting with her light neon purple skin. Luckily none of the Masters were looking.

"Uh, not that incredible. I just hope I can do all the someday. Right now I can barely hold a light saber without slicing my face off." Nova admitted, clearly becoming more downcast as she went on with her meager complaint about her lack of skill.

"Really? You seemed pretty skillful with it on Naboo. And you were battling a deadly virus then too." Ahsoka nudged her in the elbow with a smirk. Nova appreciated the chirp in her voice, especially since she was openly lacking it for one of the first times in awhile.

"I think that was just me saying if I'm gonna die, might as well have some people think I'm cool." Nova lamented.

"First of all, you are cool. Second of all, you need to stop making excuses for yourself like that. But, if you really need it, I can help you." Ahsoka grinned from ear to ear when she saw her friend lift her head with such pretty hope gleaming in her grey eyes.

"Really?" Ahsoka vigorously nodded. Both girls were beaming at each other.

"Of course! That's what best friends do, isn't it?" Nova had to pause her excitement, her face becoming twisted with thought. Best friends? Until now, she had regarded Lyra as her bestest friend. Now she realized that Lyra has grown to be something more than the word "friend" could quantify, no matter what adjectives such as "best" or "first" could help rightfully classify.

Numa. Lyra was her sister, nothing less.

"Come on, let's go right now!" Nova smiled sweetly at Ahsoka Tano: her new best friend. A beat after the words were alone they finally clicked with Nova who was simply trying to soak in the moment.

"Wait, right now?" She turned around to see only a small portion of the boy's fair green face before she was dragged away by Ahsoka who completely forgot about the boy altogether. Ahsoka ignored the unhappy expressions both her masters wore.

"Master! Can we go next door to practice, please?" She begged Anakin. He gave Nova the stink eye, but she decided to stop letting his disapproval bother her. Now when Nova smiled up at him, it no longer came from a place of sorrow or attempts to calm his nerves of her true intents. Now she did it in a condescending matter.

"Okay, Snips. Be safe." Ahsoka openly rolled her eyes at her Master before taking Nova by the wrist and led her away from him. Nova gave Obi-Wan a questioning look to see if she could go too. He happily tilted his head with a smile on his face buried in his beard. As soon as the other masters were out of ear shot, Ahsoka grunted and stomped her foot in an angry pout.

"Seriously, how can he still not trust you!? Even the council does if they let you stick around with Obi-Wan." She vented as they walked the few steps over to the practice room.

"I'm getting kind of sick of it too, to be honest." Nova sheepishly admitted. Part of her didn't feel right talking about Anakin to Ahsoka considering they were very close to each other. But she thought about her greatest wish as a little kid. A best friend to always listen to me, whether I have everything to say or nothing to say. That's what a best friend does, is it not?

"As you should be! It's getting ridiculous!" Ahsoka let out a groan as she rolled her eyes again at the thought of her master's theatrics. After a beat of silence, a small chuckle raised in Ahsoka's voice.

"Well, forget him for now. Did we come here to train, or complain?" Ahsoka smirked as she unclipped her light saber.

"You should know I'm always up for both." Ahsoka quipped. Nova and her activated their light sabers. Ahsoka flinched at the red glow that illuminated the room. It mixed poorly with her green one. She didn't like the sinister light it painted beautiful Nova in.

"Here. Try this out for size instead." Ahsoka used the force to bring the practice saber Nova had coincidentally taken a liking to before meeting her next door. Nova wanted to ask how, or even if she knew that was the saber she liked best. Nova took a moment to stare at both the blades in her hand. She turned on the purple one and instantly knew which one felt more like her, even if it didn't fulfill her completely.

"You're right. I think purple is definitely my color."

Next door, was a young boy who was desperately clawing his way through the Jedi Masters coming up to congratulate him in waves at a painstakingly slow rate of speed. He finally made I through the thick of them, the last one being Master Yoda to say how proud he was if Caspian's progress.

He quickly thanked the master and left, but the only person he felt the desire to talk to was long gone. He saw Master Skywalker and Kenobi arguing about something, but that wasn't an uncommon occurrence. He quickly excused himself past them and left the room. He stared hopelessly into the open halls of the temple. His heart fell when the radiant girl couldn't be found anywhere. He did see someone else though, a pretty blue Twi'lek sitting in the corner fiddling with her wrist.

He wanted to go and ask if she was okay, because he could sense her anxiety and uncertainty from here. He took a single step towards her, but she must've sensed him because when she glowered up at him, the boy's heart skipped a beat. Never before had he been so personally offended by such a dangerous glare before. It made him quickly rethink his set path and make a U-turn right back into the temple room.

He passed Obi-Wan as they walked through the doors. Anakin angrily walked the other way towards his quarters. Obi-Wan could also sense her negative emotions from klicks away so he left to comfort her. Lura glared even more harshly with a rude snarl curling her upper lip thinking it was that weird kid again, but she relaxed when she realized it was only Obi-Wan.

One Master and Padawan attempted to get into the room, but the door opened to reveal Ahsoka and Nova sitting on the floor with their limbs sprawled out talking very animatedly to each other. Master Billaba and her little apprentice smiled and moved on, the Padawan looking very interested at whatever the two were discussing. Nova and Ahsoka froze after seeing them standing in the doorway, only to burst into laughter and fall over onto the floor just before the doors shut. Obi-Wan and Lyra got a prime view of the adorable interaction.

"Nova seems to have finally found her place. She fits in well here, well, except Anakin." Obi-Wan said with a warm smile towards Lyra. She looked like she needed it, even though he knew Nova was the only one who could truly cure her bout of sadness.

"Yeah, I guess so. Except Anakin." Lyra said, the corner of her mouth lifted. After that her entire expression deflated.

"Disappointed?" Lyra didn't know how she felt about all this. Out of all the deadly things Dooku taught her to tackle, emotions was not one of them. She shrugged, not knowing what else to say. All Lyra knew is how she wanted Nova to feel.

"No. All I want is for her to be happy. Looks like she is." Lyra said, the memory of her laughing face from only seconds ago flashed in her mind. Lyra realized she was never able to make her laugh like that. Lyra didn't think she was even able to laugh like that.

"That's very selfless of you, a trait often sought after in a Jedi." Obi-Wan elbowed her softly in the arm. She accidentally flinched. Lyra chuckled at her ridiculous reaction even though she couldn't help it.

"Too bad that's the only trait I have they look for. I don't think I'd meet many more of their standards." Obi-Wan found it difficult to argue with her there.

"Still, it's very admirable but... that can't really be all you want?" Obi-Wan was very careful to be gentle when he spoke to her about such a delicate matter.

"Well, for the longest time I wanted to be useful to a power greater than myself but; now I see the difference between being useful and just being used. After I realized I wasted the majority of my life, I met that little girl in there. All I wanted since then was to keep her safe. But, now that she's with you and Ahsoka, I guess she is. I suppose the selfish part of me just hoped I could be a part of it with her too."

"You'll still be a part of her life, Lyra. I promise. You've risked too much for her to be reduced to the person who made it all possible. The way you both feel about each other is clear. It's the least you deserve." Obi-Wan thought about his inner struggle with his own attachments. He didn't want Nova to have the same problems, but at this point he's come to a few realizations concerning that specific tenet of the code.

"I deserve nothing." Lyra could feel herself getting emotional so she shoved any self pity down as far as it could reach. Obi-Wan put his hand on her knee. She didn't flinch this time, instead only letting her head fell to the side to look at the man who has showed nothing but kindness to her despite the attitude and headaches she's given him.

"You are deserving of so much more than you could even dream is possible for you, Lyra. You just deserve what the Jedi order can't give you. And for that, I am truly sorry." Lyra managed a half hearted smile that vanished the second it came.

"It's okay. I've just got to let myself have time to process." Lyra sighed peacefully, despite the turmoil that still churned within her heart. She could hear the girls laughter from her spot in the corner.

"So, what is it you want now that things have changed? Not for Nova, just for you." It was a hard thing to acclimate herself to. Yes, she always thought of Nova before herself since meeting the girl but it wasn't selflessness like Obi-Wan thought. Her taking care of Nova was her need, Lyra was being selfish. But now to ask why she wanted for just her... there were always lonesome thoughts but they were never backed by any true believe or optimism of ever getting the chance to really choose.

"I don't know. It sounds a bit bleak, but I don't really care what happens to me now. Don't you have to arrest me for my crimes against the republic anyway? I was a separatist for 6 years you know, even if I only went on one official mission." Obi-Wan smirked, finally able to give her some good news again that could help her determine the next step.

"Funny you've mentioned that. I just so happened to have checked the other day. There are no records of any Lyra Stellar committing any crimes against the republic." Lyra, the sarcasm queen, didn't even catch Obi-Wan's drift at first.

"That can't be right. I've—"

"Perhaps someone erased any history of your name in the system. To effectively clear you of any crimes committed." He cleared his throat. Lyra finally noticed the tiny smirk he shamelessly threw her way. She giggled a little, now seeing what he was yapping about.

"It wouldn't happen to be you, now would it?"

"I said someone. Making assumptions is not something a Jedi does, Lyra." Obi-Wan realized her already let his Padawan slide with making an assumption earlier. He mentally cringed at his agreement.

"Oh, I'm no Jedi. I don't really know what I am anymore I guess."

Nova had the same problem, except now she knew. She made excellent friends within the 501st and the 212th, she was happy where she was with her best friend, new Master, and sister by her side. Nova had found where she belonged. It would break her heart when she realized it wasn't where Lyra did though.

"Well, we do need to figure it out, and fast. The Jedi council is already discussing contingency plans in case you and Nova's, shall I say, integration with the GAR does not work in their favor. It's only a matter of time before the Senate and Chancellor try to get involved unless we do something quickly." The urgency was there, but no ideas popped into either of their heads until a couple minutes later when Obi-Wan stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"With your records cleared, you'd be able to start a life on a Republic aligned planet. A normal, civilian life." Lyra scoffed, erupting into a loud fit of guffaws at the outrageous claim. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, not seeing the reason for such mockery.

"Yeah, I may not know what I want but that is something I know I definitely do not want. It may have worked for me for a short while but I was starting to get a little action starved. I like fighting, it's what I was trained to do. It's what I was raised to do. I'm good at it, ruthless. I'm good on a battlefield. But I also like the free time from civilian life." Lyra gradually became more serious as she began to figure out what it was she truly desired for herself.

"Would you like to keep fighting for the Republic?" Lyra shrugged, genuinely not seeing another way to have everything she wants.

"It seems to be the only option left. Plus..." Obi-Wan knew what she was trying to say when he followed her longing gaze to the doors in between her and Nova. She couldn't leave her for good. Even temporarily might be too much to ask.

"Besides, you're right about one thing. If there's one thing I want, it's to still be close to Nova. She's all I have. But where is there a place for me like that?" The sense of hopelessness returned easily to her mind. No matter what half-witted assurances Obi-Wan gave her, Lyra still thought she didn't deserve the perfect scenario like they were trying to hunt down.

"True. You aren't the best leader. No offense." Lyra scoffed again, finding no room to argue with that.

"And I'm definitely not a good follower. So what other place for me is there?" Obi-Wan reached into the very depths of his memory, searching for something, anything. An interesting conversation with Cody from weeks ago popped into mind.

"You know what, Cody and I think we know just the squad."

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