Classroom of The Elite x AOT:...

Door EasyQueasy

56K 4.3K 2.2K

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the Masterpiece of the White Room has gone missing, disappearing into thin air one night... Meer

Vol 1.1 - Wax Wings
Vol 1.2 - Practice Makes Perfect
Vol 1.3 - Alone
Vol 1.4 - Suspicions
Vol 1.5 - House Painter
Vol 1.6 - Historia is Alone
Vol 1.7 - On a Farm
Vol 1.8 - Ave Maria
Vol 1.9 - Fall
Intermission - Questions and Answers
Vol 2.1 - War and Peace
Vol 2.2 - Horror and Apathy
Vol 2.3 - Case of Bandits
Vol 2.4 - Suspects
Vol 2.5 - Ambush
Vol 2.6 - The Strongest
Vol 2.7 - Revolution Brewing
Vol 2.8 - Dust to Fire
Intermission - Suzune Gets Isekai'd
Vol 3.1 - The Troubles
Vol 3.2 - Trost
Vol 3.4 - Status
Vol 3.5 - A Fool's Game
Vol 3.6 - Check
Intermission - Queen's Survival AU
Vol 4.1 - Paths
Vol 4.2 - Still
Vol 4.3 - Lone Wolf
Vol 4.4 - Not Found
Vol 4.5 - The Defeated
Vol 4.6 - Blunder
Intermission - Summary Season 0 to 1.
Vol 5.1 - A Prison
Vol 5.2 - The Beast

Vol 3.3 - The Trost Crisis

1.4K 121 58
Door EasyQueasy

I forgot to tell everyone—volumes 3 and 4 will cover season 1 of the anime and will be released slower due to the canon divergence I have to work out. I'm unsure of their lengths, but expect them to be less than the 9 to 8 chapters seen previously.


I looked down from the top of the walls, with terrified Garrison and Military Police soldiers surrounding me, unmoving from their positions.

We don't have the resources to take prisoners, nor can we risk a breakout by anyone. There were only 200 of us present to manage over 35,000 thousand people. That's one person for every 175 people not counting the hundreds of soldiers scouring the district.

One of our bullets is worth more than a human life.

It's expensive to make these things, you know?

Over the transmitter, one of my subordinates informed me that they finished setting up the barricades despite some initial pushback, which was countered by deploying more tear gas. I informed them to carry on crowd control before switching channels to ensure everyone was positioned atop the roofs.

Their job was to keep the Titans away from the people. If you take hostages, you're not meant to kill them immediately. I haven't even stated any demands yet.

Each person was organized into a pair of two. One was to watch the other's back in case of attack from the rear while the other was to watch the crowd, making sure they stayed in place and didn't try anything reckless.

I also informed them of a specific target I had in mind. They had to spare them at all costs and tranquillize them on sight.

They should be here...unless...

[Sir, we have a man willing to bring our demands to the capital—he goes by the name Kitz Woermann. What do we do of him?]

Kitz Woermann? A Garrison captain?

I looked off into the distance, the panicked crowds trying to find ways of escape when there were none, the pleas to let them go free, frightened shouts that the Titans were approaching, and confused calls for answers.

I wonder what would become of me if I just let them be eaten slowly.

"Send him on his way and make sure he knows that if he tries anything we'll let the Titans eat Trost. Make sure to form a perimeter. The Titans are bound to come quickly now since there are more people."

[Yes sir!]

[Will be done!]

[Would you like us to deploy the gas canisters?]

"No. Just do what's needed. I will be changing channels now."

With that, the channel cut off. I wondered where Braun was. He was meant to have trampled over all these people and busted down Wall Rose by now. 35,000 souls immediately rested in his hands, and a million more if he broke down the wall.

Don't tell me he was getting second thoughts.

I'm kidding, I knew he would get second thoughts.

But what triggered them? I would've known that distinctive blonde hair anywhere yet...

I switched communication channels. "ODM Gas and blades, now. Keep me supplied. And put those soldiers to use. Force them to eliminate as many Titans as possible. Get them on our side."

[Will be done!]

[We wish you good luck, sir!]

[Do you need any backup?]

If they attempted to backstab me, I could handle it.

"No, I just need you all to keep the Titans away from the civilians long enough for me to cut their napes—but you are free to engage whenever you'd like. I trust you all."

Another canister of tear gas was fired into the crowd. They cowered back in fear as the irritating gas entered their lungs and touched their skin, causing them to cry out in pain and agony.

I brandished my ODM gear's weapons and jumped down into the hell below.

I've killed a total of 14 Titans throughout my time—but that was 5 years ago. Have I gotten rusty?


In a rather picturesque corner of the Walls, one unaffected by the riots and suffering going on within the outer districts, two acquaintances were playing a game of chess.

It was a large estate, with vast walls, lush gardens, and fields of flowers. It was a place where anyone would love to spend the rest of their days, fattening up and wasting away.

"Haha! Look, it's my victory once again!"

In a single move, checkmate was achieved by the plump voice.

"Even though we've been regularly playing once a month, you still haven't improved a bit, Pixis," A regional lord named Wald jokingly mocked.

An older man in his early to mid-60s placed a hand on his bald head, feeling no offence at all. "Oh my, I'm still no match for you, Lord Wald."

From his wine glass, Wald chuckled before grabbing a bunch of snacks, high-quality cookies, from a tray next to him. "Hahaha! Are you, not the chief executive who governs the entirety of the southern territory? How do you plan on winning against the Titans with such skill and intellect—"


Suddenly, the door burst with a powerful kick, revealing two cloaked men. An odd-looking mask covered their faces.

"Excuse me, gentlemen."


Lord Wald's face paled in recognition. He froze in his chair, unable to do anything, let alone speak. Were they here to assassinate him like some of his other noble friends?

Assassinations were becoming common, whether they be targeting loyalists to the crown or nobles. Anyone associated with the Royal Government was a target, and the paranoia that came with that was almost as dreadful as the Titans themselves.

Pixis's face remained stoic.

"And who might you be?"

"We'd like a moment of your time, Commander Pixis. If you would come with us without resistance, that would be delightful. We also ask for your entourage to come with us, too."

Pixis's assistants stiffened up at their mention; as if they weren't already scared as is.

Questions reigned in their minds like: "How did they find us?" "What are they doing here" and so on.

"I see..." He recognized these men by their attire. He knew he shouldn't do anything rash, given their reputation. "I'll be with you then. Please excuse me, Lord Wald."

"P-Pixis!" Wald cried out, slamming his hands on the table. "Y-you can't be serious! Do you know who they are!? You can't cave into terrorists like this—EEK!"


A warning shot was fired near the spherically challenged lord's feet, causing him to flinch back and fall on his behind.

"We'll be in contact soon, Lord Wald. Please keep your health in order. You'll need it."

The Garrison Commander and his entourage followed the cloaked men. Pixis narrowed his eyes as he trailed behind them. What did they mean by that? It sounded like...they knew one another. If Pixis thought of it further...what even was the OFTL?

How did they get this gear?

Why are they targeting humans?

Why are they doing any of this besides their presumed goals?

Was it just senseless slaughter?

Why weren't their attacks on the Survey Corps larger than their attacks on the Garrison and Military Police?

Did they intend to overthrow the government with the help of the Survey Corps? Despite the Royal Government's faults and the whole lot of slander surrounding them, everyone in the high command agreed that if they caved into the Terrorist's demands...everything would fall apart.

There had to be something...something had to be at play. His instincts told him so.

Why did they need him to come with them, essentially resorting to kidnapping? Did they intend to kill him? Blackmail him? Indoctrinate him into some bigger plot?

" you really intend on...W-what if they—"

"Please don't worry—I'm sure they won't try anything. They appear to be very refined gentlemen, am I wrong?" He shot the question to the cloaked men, attempting to get a read on their facial expressions.

"...We have no intention of harming the Garrison's Commander. Contrary to our actions, we have a deep respect for the man at the top."

"Haha...Do you see that?" He turned to a female attendant. "They respect me."



Their equipment was far more advanced than the Walls had ever seen. The masks they wore were a complete mystery to the older man. He didn't understand why they needed something like that, let alone the rifles that could presumably fire multiple shots without the need to reload.

As they began to reach the outskirts of the property, Pixis saw what appeared to be 3 more members of the OFTL waiting at the gate's entrance. They had what appeared to be bags in their hands, large enough to fit a head.

"Please, everyone, put these on."

"And for what purpose are these?" The older man asked.

"For security purposes."

"Ah! Whoever runs your organization must be smart then. Where are you taking me?" He placed the bag over his head, along with his reluctant attendants. "Surly not to a secret tea party, that's for sure. Unless that is the case, then I'm all for it!"

"Trost District, Commander Pixis." They responded curtly. "There's been a breach, the Colossal Titan has reappeared."


Before he could respond, the Garrison Commander felt something prick the back of his neck, his vision fading into darkness.

"W-what did you—"


All of the Garrison Commander's attendants were now in a similar state, knocked out.

"He talks too much..." Someone murmured, carrying the older man on his back toward a helicopter parked outside the grand estate.


As the engines were being booted up, they didn't notice a rider, going at breakneck speeds, rushing in the direction of the capital.


It started about a year into my training to become a soldier—an incident with some bandits had reunited me with a person I'd never thought I'd see again. Someone of my race, someone I could maybe relate to or even call a part of my family.

Perhaps the family part was a bit too far—Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, as he goes by, is very busy as a member of the Military Police.

We began writing to one another. I found it comforting for some reason. He'd give me small lessons in the language my mother spoke, gave me advice on pronunciations...He was very mature, but I guess that's a given.

Eren and the others noticed one day and too pitched in to write, even if Eren didn't like him at first, he eventually softened, which made me happy.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, or if I were to say it in my mother's language, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, was the 104th's secret older brother, at least that's what Connie said. We liked him.

"Yo! Mikasa are you writing again?"

"Mhm," I nodded my head. "Do you want to add something, Eren?"

Eren shook his head. "Nah, just tell him I said hi, like last time—no actually, tell him that the studying advice really worked out; yeah, tell him that!"

"Okay, I'll tell him that."

"Oh! You're writing again, Mikasa?"

"Mhm. Just a short letter this time. Nothing too special."

"It used to be monthly, but now he hasn't sent anything in a while...Maybe it's work that's getting to him?" Armin suggested.

In the back of my mind, there was always a small voice speaking to me over the past half year, telling me that Kiyotaka was somehow killed by those terrorists. I've always banished those doubts, however, I couldn't help but think that way.

Not even a goodbye just simple oblivion...

"I think it's work," Eren said. "Kiyotaka's the only MP that actually works, they're probably offloading all their shit to him, don't you think?"


A thin smile formed on my face, the pen gliding over the paper. This was way better than writing with a feather.


Dear, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since you've last sent a letter to us, around 6 months I believe, but I can't fault you—you're probably busy with your work. Instructor Shadis is also questioning why you haven't sent anything. I think he's gotten used to reviewing your letters.

We all miss you.

Anyway, I've continued my language studies in my spare time, and I can confidently say that I can speak it fluently now without any mistakes. I thank you greatly for helping me, it was super kind.

I'll cut this letter short because we have hand-to-hand combat training to do once again and I don't want to be late. I don't understand, but we're doing more of it recently and I don't know why. Do you know anything?

You don't have to answer, but are you alright? I'm starting to get a bit worried.

Sincerely, Mikasa Ackerman

P.S. Eren says hello and that your advice helped him. Armin also says hello.


Instructor Shadis gave me a strange look when I gave him the letter for review—this was standard procedure.

"Cadet Ackerman, another one?"

"Yes sir."

".......Do you know what's even happening outside these training grounds, Cadet Ackerman?"

"No sir."

".......I see. I'll make sure this reaches the right hands," he said, ominously.

Now, a few months in the future...I knew what Instructor Shadis meant.

"Ackerman. Let's set up the perimeter. We have to wait..."

I looked at the people, the trapped people. They reached out to me, begging for help, to lend them a hand.

Tears filled my eyes.



There's no way they would actually...

"ACKERMAN! I know how you feel! Please! If you want to keep them alive, just come and set up the perimeter!"



They're all going to die...

If I don't fight...!!!


Anti-Titan equipment, specifically the rifles, were easy to mass produce. One well-placed shot from a vantage point could obliterate the nape of a normal Titan with ease. You would only need ODM gear for dealing with the rather abnormal ones.

If I employed them now, I'd lose the element of surprise—so thusly, I ordered my men to force the rest of the Garrison and Cadet Corps in the far back to form a perimeter protecting the hostages. Cannons were turned around and fired in rapid succession.

Historia is also with them.

I'll need her alive...

I'll also need to find Rod Reiss soon too...

Titans are unnaturally hot, from what I've read about them. Their base body temperature is near the boiling point, especially under the skin. You'll burn yourself if you ever touch them.


With a clean cut, a 9-meter fell to the ground, dead.

Their body heat also makes them super easy to track. All you needed to do was set some heat vision up and the entirety of Trost's Titan population lit up on a figurative map.

"200 and counting..." I glanced towards the main entrance, which had been bulldozed by Bertholdt Hoover's Colossal Titan.

The only way to remedy or even fix this situation was to either:

A, abandon the Trost and retreat in an orderly fashion inside Wall Rose


B, take the large rock close to Trost's outer gate, excavate it, and somehow move it into position WITHOUT any modern equipment.

I doubt all the modern equipment I can think of could move that large piece of rock even without the constant fear of being eaten by a titan.

I shot my ODM at one of the titan's tongues which retracted back immediately pulling me inside, as expected.

Just as I reached a hair's distance from its awaiting mouth I let my ODM go as I curved around its mouth. With a burst of speed from the gas and the inertia, I grappled onto a nearby building and swung my blades in a familiar but efficient motion.


Even after slaying so many, my blades weren't chipped in the slightest nor was I close to running out of gas.

There was a certain way to kill titans that preserved the blades' longevity while using the bare minimum amount of gas.

It takes a lot of physical strength/stamina but it's something I've perfected over the past few dozen minutes by adapting to their unintelligent behaviour.

I don't think there's a singular titan that can threaten me now.

Another clean cut to my history. What was my record now? 14+16 equals 30...or did I somehow lose count? I heard the Survey Corps likes to track kills and that one person, Levi, has around 200 confirmed Titan kills.

If I indirectly killed a titan through the anti-Titan rifles, would that count as an assist? Heck, do commanders technically get assists? They do command the soldiers who fight, after all.

I latched onto a nearby tower as I heard chatter on the radio.

[We have Commander Pixis, sir. We'll be at your location in around an hour or less.]

"Good. I'm changing channels."

Pixis was the most reasonable of the 3 military branch commanders from my analysis. Experience has worn him down over the years, and there was also the fact that Erwin Smith wasn't available at the moment which led me to this decision.

He'll accept our demands and start a war in the process if he wants to save all these people. No matter what, the royal government will collapse.

"How are the people holding up?"

I asked, casually slicing a 4-meter and 6-meter nape at the same time.


[They're a bit rowdy, especially the soldiers. But getting their commanders to order them for us through your advised methods proved very effective as always, captain—]

Ah, so they mean guilt-tripping. That kind of was the purpose of having so many people trapped here honestly. Can't really run away if the thing you've sworn to protect is standing right in front of you.

You just have to stand there and fight. It's admirable they'd let themselves get eaten not because of a titan threat, but a human one.

They're very simple-minded, huh?


Suddenly, a mass of cannon fire and thunderous footsteps were heard over the coms before I changed the channel again. A large horde of Titans had just started rushing the right flank of the group.


The clouds started to darken, rain started to pour heavily from the heavens above.


Now I have to head back to kill all those titans to prevent casualties.

I ought to have a word with whoever created this plan. It's completely absurd!

Oh, wait.

I made this plan...



Words: 2943

Author notes:

Do you have any theories?

Ga verder met lezen

Dit interesseert je vast

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