Hunted {Dean Winchester 3}

By courtneybunny2

15.2K 742 2.9K

"We're falling apart and I hate it!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes. "I want to hate you! I want to ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 36

271 16 27
By courtneybunny2

Jus In Bello

"They're coming!" I heard Dean yell from a hall away. "Hurry!"

I poured salt at the windowsill, watching as a large cloud of black smoke barreled toward the building. The lights flickered. 

I made my way back to the lobby where everyone was gathering as the building shook as the black smoke hit the walls, covering all the windows until it was pitch black in here. 

Seconds later, it retreated. The lights flickered to life and the moonlight streamed through the windows. 

"Everybody okay?" Sam asked.

"Define okay." Henriksen replied. 

"Not dead." I filled in.

"Alright, everybody needs to put these on." Dean pulled small charms that hung on a necklace chain out of the duffle bag. He handed one to Nancy, Henriksen, and Amici.

"What about you guys?" Nancy asked. 

We each pulled down the neckline of our shirt, revealing anti-possession tattoos just under our collarbones. 

I still remembered the night we got those and how it wasn't the only tattoo I'd gotten. It wasn't the only one Dean had gotten either. Right above his hip, he got a lotus flower since it was my favorite and my initials on his ribs. He said that it was my mark on him. In return, I got his initials on my wrist and a small shotgun above my hip.

"Smart." Henriksen nodded. "How long you had those?"

"Not long enough." Sam stated.

"Yeah, Sam and I were both possessed at one point." I shrugged. "Fun times, right, Sammy?"


By now it seemed most of the town had been possessed and were standing outside of the police station. I was currently standing atop a desk, holding my phone in the air and trying to get a signal. 

Dean was in the office just by me, loading rocksalt bullets into shotguns with Henriksen. "If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot's a hoax." I faintly heard him say.

"Says you." I called out.

"You were seven, it wasn't Bigfoot, let it go."

"It was Bigfoot." I insisted. I heard faint voices as he and Henriksen continued talking, but didn't bother listening as I jumped down from the desk and moved to the next. 

Still no damn signal. 

"What's out there? What's going on? Can you guys beat it?" I hear Henriksen ask as I jumped down and moved toward the door. 

"Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody." Dean replied. "But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swinging." 

"Plus, you got nothing to go home to but Saige and your brother." Henriksen pointed out. 

Dean scoffed. "I got a little girl now, actually. Still can't believe it. I love her to death." He paused, making me smile. I worried about Dean and I bonding with Evie since we weren't her real parents, but...we had. It made my heart warm. "What about you, you rocking the white picket fence?"

"Uh-uh. No. Empty apartment, string of angry ex-wives. I'm right where I thought you were." Henriksen replied.

"Imagine that." Dean said. "To be honest...I never seen myself here, but here I am. It's worth it. Makes getting through the day easier. Si and Evie do. Speaking of the hitchhiker, you gonna stop eavesdropping or what?"

I smiled sheepishly, stepping inside. "I was waiting for the conversation to be over before barging in."

Dean smiled at me. "Any luck?"

"No. Nothing." I shrugged. 

The sound of glass shattering made us all run to the next office over. 

"How do we kill it?" Henriksen asked as Ruby stood, brushing broken glass off of herself. 

"We don't." Sam pushed Henriksen's gun down.

"She's a demon."

"She's here to help us." 

I moved toward the now open window, pulling a chair with me and stepping up on it. I pulled my phone from my bra and dialed Millie's number. 

"Are you gonna let me out?" Ruby gestured to the devil's trap she stood in. Sam knelt, scraping away a small spot of paint with the blade of his knife. "And they say chivalry's dead. Does anyone has a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here."

"My jacket's on the desk in there. I have gum." I stated as she walked into the lobby. 

"Hello?" Millie asked.

"We were arrested. How's Evie?" I asked.

"Good. Bobby and I are great babysitters." Millie told me. "She's sleeping now."

"Good, good. I have to go. Ruby's here."

"Oh, well, uh, have fun, I guess."

"You too." I hung up, turning. Dean grabbed my hand as I jumped down off the chair. He set his hand on my waist as he led me to the lobby. 

"Everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, Evie's just sleeping. We're all good." I nodded. Dean mirrored my action.

"How many are out there?" Dean asked Ruby.

"Thirty, at least." Ruby answered, sitting down stop a desk. "That's so far."

"Oh, good. Thirty. Thirty hit men all gunning for us." Dean said. "Who sent them?"

Ruby looked over at Sam. "You didn't tell Dean? Wow. I'm surprised."

"Tell me what?" Dean asked. 

"There's a big new up and comer. A real pied piper." Ruby stated.

"Who is he?"

"Not he." Ruby finally looked over at him. "Her. Her name is Lilith. And she has a vendetta against the Sorceress, so I'd keep an eye out, Saige." 

"Lilith?" Dean repeated, grip tightening on my waist.

"And she really, really wants Sam and Saige's intestines on a stick." Ruby nodded her head. "Guess she see him as competition whereas she just hates Saige." 

Dean looked over at his brother, who leaned against the doorframe. "You knew about this?" He asked. Sam didn't reply. "Well, jeez, Sam, is there anything else I should know?"

Ruby scoffed. "How about the two of you talk about this later? We'll need the Colt."

Dean sat down on a desk, hand slipping down my hip to rest on my thigh as Ruby looked between the three of us. 

"Where's the Colt?" Ruby asked.

"Uh, well, you see..." I began, chuckling nervously. 

"It got stolen." Sam muttered.

"I'm sorry, I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say you were stupid enough to let the Colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy, idiotic hands." Ruby said. She stood. "Fantastic. This is just peachy." She moved across the room. 

"I think she's mad." I mumbled. 

"Ruby--" Sam began.

"Shut up." She snapped. "Fine. Since I don't see that there's any other option there's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive."

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"I know a spell." Ruby stated, moving back toward us. "It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius."

"You are a...demon though. That would include you." I spoke up. 

"Thank you. I'm aware." Ruby snapped before looking at Sam. "So you let the Colt out of your sight and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful. How's that for a dying wish?" She asked, sitting down on the desk again. 

"Okay. What do we need to do?" Dean asked.

"Aw. You can't do anything." Ruby told him. "This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue." 

"I got virtue." Dean shrugged.

Ruby laughed. "Nice try. You're not a virgin."

Dean chuckled. "Nobody's a virgin."

"That's just not right." I stated. 

"Okay, right, besides you. If it wasn't for me, you'll still be the Virgin Mary." Dean replied. 

"Shut up." I smacked his arm.

Ruby's eyes flickered over to Nancy, who looked away, arms crossed over her chest.

Dean followed her gaze. "No. No way. You're kidding me."

"Dean, shut up. Leave her be." I elbowed him in the ribs.

"What? It's a choice, okay?" Nancy shrugged.

"She's right. So leave her alone. We're not all raging whores." I added. 

"You calling me a raging whore?" Dean asked.

"You took it that way. I didn't say 'Dean, you're a raging whore.' I said some of us weren't." 

Dean looked back at Nancy. "Wait, so you never--? Never--? Not even once? Not even--? Wow." 

"I said shut your mouth." I told him. 

"I'm just saying." Dean shrugged. "I mean, like, nothing at all. Not even or--?" 

"Say one more word and I'll cut it off." I told him.

"You wouldn't." Dean gasped, stepping back.

"Try me, Winchester."

"So the spell." Nancy said. "What can I do?"

Ruby stood, moving toward her. "You can hold still...while I cut your heart out of your chest."

"What?" Nancy and I asked in unison.

"What are you, crazy?" Dean asked. 

"I'm offering a solution." Ruby stated. 

"You're offering to kill somebody." Dean corrected. 

"What do you think's gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in?" 

"We're gonna protect her, that's what." Henriksen spoke up.

"Very noble." Ruby replied.

"Ex--Excuse me?" Nancy asked.

"You're all gonna die." Ruby continued. "This is the only way."

"Yeah, there's no way that you're gonna prove--" Dean began as I moved toward Nancy.

"It's okay. I've been where you are. I can't begin to tell you how many times I was almost sacrificed because I was a virgin." I patted her shoulder. "If you want to say something just yell at 'em to shut up."

Nancy looked hesitant. "Everybody please shut up." She said, slightly louder than before. Everyone looked over. "All the people out there, will it save them?"

"It'll blow the demons out of their bodies." Ruby told her. "So if their bodies are okay, yeah."

It was quiet for a moment before Nancy nodded. "I'll do it."

"Whoa, no." I said.

"No. No. You don't need to do this." Dean added. 

"All my friends are out there." Nancy stated.

"We don't sacrifice people. We do that, we're no better than them." Henriksen said. 

"We don't have a choice." Ruby argued.

"I'm not letting you kill her." I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Exactly. Your choice is not a choice." Dean added.

"Sam." Ruby looked at him. "You know I'm right."

Dean scoffed. "Sam?"

Sam didn't say a word.

"What the hell is going on? Sam, tell her." Dean demanded. 

"It's my decision." Nancy spoke up. 

"Damn straight, cherry pie." Ruby smiled.

"Stop." Dean said. "Stop. Nobody kill any virgins." He sighed, muttering. "God, it's like the summer of '96 all over again." 

"What happened the summer of 1996?" Nancy asked me.

"I was almost drained of my blood because a cult of crazy people wanted to summon a demon with virgin blood. I was the unwilling bait." I shrugged. 

"Sam, Saige, we need to talk now." Dean stalked off down the hall.

"I'll be back." I followed. 

We stopped at the end of a hall. 

"Tell me you aren't actually considering this?" Dean looked at Sam. "Talking about holding down a girl and cutting out here heart."

"Dean, we're also talking about 30 people out there, Dean." Sam argued. "Innocent people, who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here."

"It doesn't mean we throw away the rule book and stop acting like humans." Dean hissed. 

"I agree. I say we don't carve hearts out of virgins." I added. 

"I'm not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl, who hasn't even been laid." Dean continued. "God, it's like looking at Si all over again. If that's how you win wars, I don't wanna win."

"Then what? What do we do, Dean?" Sam asked.

"I got a plan." Dean stated. "I'm not saying it's a good one, not saying it'll work but it sure as hell beats killing a virgin." 

"Okay, so, what's the plan?" Sam asked. 

"Open the doors. Let 'em all in. And we fight." Dean replied.

I waited a few minutes for Sam to turn and walk away.

I grabbed Dean's wrist, looking at his watch. "Well, if we're gonna die, we might as well have sex...?" I suggested jokingly.

Dean gave me a look. "How about we live through this, then we have celebratory jail sex."

I shrugged. "Sounds like a plan to me." 

Dean smiled, eyes skimming over me. "Speaking of, did I tell you how sexy you look today?"

"Yes, right after you told me I was beautiful." I nodded. 

"Well, you look good."


Sam walked back into the lobby. 

"Get the equipment to work?" Dean asked. 

"Yeah." Sam replied.


"So this is insane." Sam stated.

"You win understatement of the year." Ruby spoke up from her spot behind a desk. 

"Look, I get it. You think--" Dean began, glaring at her.

"I don't think. I know. It's not gonna work." Ruby cut him off.

"I beg to differ." I spoke up. "I think Dean-O came up with a wonderful plan." 

Ruby stood. "So long." She walked off, heading for the door.

"So you're just gonna leave?" Sam asked. 

Ruby spun around. "Hey. I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose."

"Well, don't you have loads of faith in us." I remarked. 

"And I'm disappointed. Because I tried." Ruby continued. "I really did. But clearly, I bet on the wrong horse. Do you mind letting me out?"


I scraped a small line of paint away, shoved open the door, making the salt line break. I gripped my shotgun in hand. 

"All set?" Dean yelled out from across the building. 

"Totally!" I called back.

Sam and Henriksen yelled back their own responses. 

I waited then. The rocksalt bullets wouldn't kill the human the demon was possessing but it would keep them at bay enough until we could lure them to where we needed them. 

A demon stepped through the doorway. I shot, making the demon stumble back and hit the ground. 

I moved further back into the building as more and more demons filed in through the door. 

I shot another that got too close for comfort before pulling the flask from my waistband and continuing through the building. I swung the flask, sending holy water flying and onto demons as I stumbled into the lobby where Henriksen and Sam were already fending off demons. 

Dean was in the middle of a group in the hall just next to us. Outside, hopefully, Nancy and Amici were salting the doors and windows to keep all the demons in. 

A demon stepped forward, holding her hand out and sending Sam and Dean into a wall.

I didn't move. 

Shadow Lady appeared beside me. "Let me in. We could finish this." She whispered. 

"Uh, Si--?" Dean began.

"I know." I nodded. 

"Henriksen, now!" Dean yelled as Henriksen moved toward the security room. 

Suddenly the exorcism Sam had recorded played through the PA, making all the demons yell in pain. 

Then all of them screamed, black smoke curling toward the ceiling and swirling together like storm clouds until it exploded into a burst of flames. Sam and Dean sagged to the floor, then pulled themselves to their feet. 

Henriksen walked in, chuckling. 

The lights cut on as the people began to wake up. 


"I better call in." Henriksen stated as we gathered up all out weapons. "Hell of a story I won't be telling."

"So what are you gonna tell them?" Sam asked. 

"The least ridiculous lie I can come up with in the next five minutes." 

"Good luck with that." Dean said. "Not to pressure you or anything but what are you planning to do with us?"

"I'm gonna kill you." Henriksen stated.

"Oh, well, I don't really--" I began.

"Sam and Dean Winchester along with Saige Dawson were in the chopper when it caught fire." Henriksen continued. "Nothing's left. Can't even identify them with dental records. Rest in peace, guys."

I scoffed. "I highly doubt we'll get too." 

Sam shook his hand, then Dean did the same. 

"I'm a hugger." I states, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around him. "Thanks for killing us." 

"Now get out of here." Henriksen smiled as I pulled back. 


"I think it's nap time, huh?" I smiled down at Evie as she chewed on her fingers. 

I sat on the bed in our motel room with Dean and Evie between us when there was a knock on the door. Sam sat up on his own bed as Dean moved to open the door. 

Ruby walked in. "Turn on the news." 

Sam grabbed the remote control, clicking on the TV.

I lifted Evie onto my lap as I looked to the screen.

"The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago." The reporter said. "Authorities believe that a gas main ruptured, causing the massive explosion that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased is six officers and staff including Sheriff Melvin Dodd, Deputy Phil Amici and secretary Nancy Fitsgerald as well as three FBI agents identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy and Victor Henriksen. Three fugitives in custody were also killed."

Ruby moved to cut the TV off.

"Must've happened right after we left." Sam stated.

"Considering the size of the blast..." Ruby tossed us each a small pouch. "Smart money's on Lilith."

"What's in these?" Dean asked.

"Something that'll protect you. Throw Lilith off your trail. For the time being, at least." 

"Thanks." Sam said.

"Don't thank me." Ruby snapped. "Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin plus half a dozen other people. So after your big speech about humanity and war, turns out your plan was the one with the body count. Do you know how to fight a battle? You strike fast and you don't leave any survivors, so no one can go running to tell the boss. So next time, we go with my plan." She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

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