The Dragons that Fell // HOTD

By cara_de_cema

97.3K 3.1K 155

Rhaenyra and Rhaella get sent back in time and are given one more chance. Things play out differently then be... More

Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
- Past -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Act Two
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
- Past -
Twenty one -
Twenty two -
Twenty Three -
Twenty Four -
Twenty Five -
Twenty Six -
Twenty Seven -
Twenty Eight -
Twenty Nine -
- Past -
Thirty -
Thirty One -
Thrirty Two -
Act 3
Thirty Three -
Thirty Four -
Thirty Six -
- Past -
Thirty Seven -
Thirty Eight -
Thirty Nine -
Fourty -
Fourty One -
Fourty Two -
Fourty Three -
- Past -
Fourty Four -
Fourty Five -

Thirty Five -

1K 34 1
By cara_de_cema


The following morning Rhaenys, Rhaenyra, and Rhaella sat in Rhaenyra's private rooms as they came up with a plan as to how to keep Daemon in the keep and out of trouble. "We must come up with something!" Rhaenyra spoke as she drank some tea to calm her cramps. "That whore will use her cunt to have the King send Daemon away! She might not be able to pop more babies out but that does not keep her from going to the Kings ' chambers!" Rhaella snartle. "We could tell him you have dreamed!" Rhaenys told her as she drank from her cup Rhaella gave her aunt a look as she and Rhaenyra shared looks. "I do not believe that is a good idea! We should keep my dreaming just between the three of us if more people find out..." Rhaella spoke. "He believes I am the dreamer!" Rhaenyra laughed making the other two Targaryens laugh. Rhaella looked at the two of them as her brain racked on how they would be able to keep her uncle in the keep.

"I believe I know!" Rhaella spoke. "I should speak with him in private later today!" She added. "I should get going! I promise Baela and Rhaena I would go dragon riding with them before breaking our fast!" Rhaenys spoke as she left. Both sisters were left behind as they looked at one another "I should get going as well! And Nyra you might want to get Joffrey started on sword fighting that child needs to get tired somehow" Rhaella smiled as she left the room leaving a laughing Rhaenyra behind. Making her way down Maegors Hallfast she couldn't help but notice not a single knight outside Aemonds chambers making her sigh as she made her way inside to check on him.

When she stepped in she noticed Ser Criston sitting on the bed next to Aemond as he wiped his forehead with a wet cloth. "It will be alright my prince!" Criston murmured his tone sad as Aemond cried softly. "How is he?" Rhaella whispered making Criston jump only to relax when he saw it was her. "He's as good as one can be when you lose an eye!" Criston told her as he stood just for Rhaella to stop him. "He is a Targaryen he will heal in time... he is strong let us not forget how fast his arm healed a few circles back when he broke it!' Rhaella smiled looking down at Aemond who was clearly in pain. "He just wanted to prove everyone wrong... and it seems it was for nothing he did not claim a dragon and in return he lost his eye," Criston told her making Rhaella smile sadly at him. "Perhaps once he is older he should try once more he is only a boy of 6!" Rhaella told him as she pointed towards the door.

"Ser Criston I say this as Princess Rhaella of House Targaryen... But perhaps it is for the best that you distance yourself from my siblings it is already bad enough that they looked like you but with the incident with Aemond the whispers have been more persistent that you are their father!'  Ser criston's face paled at her words as he took his hands on his own "Princess I swear to you they are not mine! But you must understand your father is not a father to them they need someone to be there for them... I am their sworn shield it is my duty to protect them!" He told her as Rhaella gripped his hands. "I know but perhaps it is time to have other sworn shields for my siblings!" The door had opened startling the both of them. Alicent stood there as she saw the two of them holding hands a look of anger taking over her face as Ser Criston let go of Rhaella's hands and bowed to her a soft smile on his lips Alicent eyes remained on Rhaella who grinned at her.

"I should take my leave!" Rhaella smiled as she left ignoring Alicent on her way out. Rhaella made her way through the corridors of the Keep only to be stopped by Alyssa the girl smiling as Mary ran after her "Mother! May we go Dragonriding with Baela, Rhaena, and lady aunt Rhaenys?" Rhaella grinned as she nodded turning to Mary who wore riding leather after all it was not rare for Rhaella to take the girl out in flight she had come to see the girl as a daughter. "Of course! I presumed your siblings are already in Visenya Hill?" Alyssa nodded as she grabbed her mother's hands dragging her to the stables.

When they arrived at Visenyas Hill the rest of the children including Daemon waited for her. With the size of her mount, she could take two children, and Alyssa and Baelon were able to fly in their own mounts as long as she flew with them. Rhaenys had Aegon and Jace with her, Daemon had Luke and Joseph and Rhaella had Mary and Helaena thankfully the younger four had lessons right now.

The screaming and giggling of the children filled the air as they flew over King's Landing. "Mother scream Dracarys!" Mary shouted making Rhaella smile. "Let the three of us do it then!" Rhaella shouted as Helaena and Mary nodded. "Dracarys!" The dark red fire of Velaries made them laugh as Caraxes came from underneath with two screaming children. "Should we shower your mother in dragon fire?' Daemon asked as Joseph nodded just for the three of them to fly straight into WildFyre's fire that was meant for Baelon and Dharak. Alyssa gave her uncle a look of shock as she shouted for her mount to fly away making Daemon laugh.

Rhaena could only giggle the whole time as Vhagar flew above everyone else covering half of King's Landing in a shadow as Meleys flew next to her. It wasn't until Rhaenys pointed down that Rhaena nodded guiding her mount back to Visenyas hill. When they landed the children were quick to get on the carriage that waited for them as they laughed, Rhaenys, Rhaella, and Daemon opted to head back in horseback to get a break from the laughing of the children. "Uncle!" Rhaella shouted as they rode back making Daemon look at her. "Please meet with me in Mother's old private room after supper!" Daemon gave her a look but nodded as Rhaella dismounted her horse when they arrived at the stables.

"Aunt Ella!" It was Luke. "Yes, Luke?" The boy looked at her and then at the ground as they made their way inside the Keep. "Will Aemond be better? It has been a few days since DragonStone?" The boy asked making Rhaella sigh as she came to a stop. "He lost his eye... it will take time for him to leave his chambers... But once he does be kind to him!" Rhaella smiled making Luke nod as he left. "Hold on the bunch of you!" Rhaella shouted as the army of children came to a stop with smiling faces. "Go bathe! All of you stink of dragon!" She added with a grin her eyes shutting as she remembered her own mother shouting those same words at her and Rhaenyra. "Muna! You went dragon riding without me!" It was Elaena... Rhaella acted as if she did not hear her as she walked away before full-on running making Elaena shout as she ran after her.

It only came to a stop when Rhaella bumped into Cregan. "My love?" Cregan smiles as Rhaella grins kissing him. "What monster must I kill to save my queen?" Cregan asked making Rhaella giggle. "I do not think this monster can be slaughtered!" Rhaella spoke as the yells of their youngest sounded behind her.

"Muña!" Rhaella giggles turning and looking down at her youngest "Elaena! I did not see you, my sweet girl!" Elaena gave her mother a look. "Laer!" Rhaella laughed as she picked her up "It is Lier," Rhaella corrected her. "Kepa's mother went dragon riding without me!" Cregan gave his wife a look of shock and horror as he took Elaena from her. "How could you! Her own mother!" Cregan spoke as he hugged tightly into Elaena the girl grinning triumphantly. "I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me. If you do I should take you to see BlackBird!" Elena's eyes glitter at her mounts name as she pushes off her father and goes back to her mother's arms.

"Can we go now?!!" Cregan gave Rhaella a glare as she stuck her tongue out. "We should once we eat... Skull where are your children?" Rhaella asked as she noticed the lack of her children's dire wolves. The older wolf looked at her before taking off most likely to look for the younger four. Rhaella had joined the others in the dining room after she bathed a small smile on her lips as she sat down between Harwin and Cregan.

Breakfast had gone quickly as always once everyone was done the children had been taken away for their classes. "Mother, may we join Hell and the twins?" Alyssa asked as she held Elaena and Mary's hand. "Of course! And you may join your cousins and uncle!" Rhaella turned to her sons as both boys nodded and left. "Aunt, sister would you join me for tea?" Rhaella asked making both women nod as Viserys looked at her as he's eyes went to Alicent who was leaving the room. Rhaella shook her head no as she left the room.

Rhaenys and Rhaenyra sat down as Rhaella paced around the room before coming to a stop. "We have spoken of this before but Loren overheard Mellos speaking of the death of dragons! We already know that before the dragons that lived in the Dragon pit left for DragonStone some of them would fall ill for no true reason... Every Targaryen woman no matter how healthy she was would die in childbed as well... Something would always be wrong with the babe and the birth would be fatal for the mother." Rhaella spoke as Nyra and Rhaenys nodded. "What are you getting at?" Rhaenys asked. "What if the citadel is behind everything... They do not like us and were too quick to bend the knee to Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya... We could have Daemon go to Oldtown and check he could be our spy. Loren would be able to have dye for his hair. No one over there knows what he looks like. He would be another low-born man for them to worry for." Rhaella told them.

The two of them looked at one another before looking at Rhaella who stood holding into her cup of tea. "Needles is 11 now, she is well taught in remedies and it's able to heal any wound... No one would care for a child" Rhaella nodded, the girl had been loyal to her sister cause last time if it hadn't been for the white worm whispering lies to her sister. "We should have the tower of the hand inspected. With Rhaenys not staying there no one has been inside that tower since Otto was sent back to OldTown... The White Cloaks that are stationed there are ours we must see if we can find anything!" Rhaenys nodded as she drank the last of her teas before standing.

"It could work but it will take the least a cycle at most a two... Daemon is a skilled man but that is Viper territory!" Both sisters nodded just for a knock to sound and for Erryk to come with a small smile on his lips bowing down to the three of them before handing Rhaella a letter. "Thank you, Ser Erryk" The man smiled and left. Rhaella could not help but grin when she saw the Martell sigil on the letter. "It seems Dorne will be joining us for your name day sister" Rhaella smiled as she read the letter making Rhaenys look at her. "Dorne?" Rhaenys repeated. "You'll have to wait as well dear aunt." Rhaella grinned as she began to open the other letter that was attached to the first as she began to read it she could not help but erupt in laughter as she handed the letter to her sister who read the letter before laughing as well.

"What is so funny?' Rhaenys asked as Rhaella took the letter back. "I should show it to you once my sister's name day passes!" Rhaella told her making Rhaenys roll her eyes as she left the room. "Can you believe this? Alicent and Otto sent letter to Dorne for a betrothment between Aliandra and Aegon. She must be desperate" Rhaella spoke as she threw the first letter into the fire and the other she placed it away.

Their fun had not lasted when Erryk came back inside the room. "A meeting has been called, the both of you are needed!" Erryk spoke making both sisters look at one another as they knew what the meeting would be about. "Let us go then!" Rhaella spoke as she helped Rhaenyra up and the two left for the council room. When the two of them arrived they noticed everyone was already there waiting for the two of them, Rhaella did not bother with courtesy as she pulled her sister's chair out before taking a seat herself.

"What has happened?" Rhaella asked as Viserys looked down a sigh leaving his lips as the letter he held fell to the table. "News has reached me moments ago that Ser Vaemond Velaryon was found dead on a pig farm!" No one spoke before chaos erupted everyone spoke on top of one another before shutting up when Rhaenys slammed her hands on the table. "My good brother is dead! Did anyone see what happened?" She asked causing Mellos to laugh. "We all know what happened Prince Daemon killed him!" Many in the room nodded. "May the seven be kind to him!" Alicent spoke as she held her seven-pointed star necklace.

"May he rot in the fourteen hells." Rhaella murmur. "Princess Rhaella, you did go to Driftmark just yesterday?" Tyland spoke. "Are you accusing my daughter of such an evil thing?" Viserys asked making Tyland go wide eye. "Of course not my King, I am only saying she was there!" He spoke his eyes on the table. "I did go. But I went to speak with Lord Corlys and to buy some fish my sister wished for since she is not able to fly!" Rhaella spoke.

"That is true, Princess Rhaella and I spoke in the kitchen when she went to drop off the fish" Ser Harrold spoke making Rhaella smile. "As for my uncle, he went to Flea Bottom to get me some sugar candy from Bravos... You may ask any of the gold cloaks!" Rhaenyra smiles making Alicent scoff. "Something funny Lady Stepmother?" Both sisters asked making Alicent look at the two of them. "Well, it is well known that the gold cloaks would lie for Prince Daemon." That was all Alicent said. "I went with him!" Rhaenys spoke as she took some of the candy from her pocket.

"Quite delicious things this are!" Rhaenys smiled as she took a bite from one of the treats making Alicent scoff. "It is a shame, that my good brother is dead... I should take leave first thing tomorrow and I should take the twins back to Driftamrk!" Rhaenys added as many in the room nodded. Nothing else had been discussed and the meeting had ended allowing everyone to go back to whatever they were doing.

As everyone left Rhaella sent Ser Erryk to have her uncle meet with her in her mother's private room. Rhaella could not help but pace around her mother's private room as she downed another cup of wine. She anxiously waited for her uncle to join her. She truly had no idea what she would say to him. It was not long for a knock to sound and for Daemon to enter her chamber with a raised eyebrow as he looked at her. "What is this matter you must speak with me?" Daemon asked as he sat down after pouring himself some wine.

"You told Nyra and me that your sword would always be at our command... is that still true uncle?" Daemon looked at her but nodded as he took a bite out of a lemon cake. "It still stands... What do you wish to speak about Rhaella?" She ignored him as she drank the last of her wine and stared out the window not looking at him as she began to speak. "The night before mother died I dreamed... I was next to her as her labor went on. I remember I could see everything even though I was with my mother, Rhaenyra was with Alicent speaking of gods know what... You were with your whore...The scenery switched to her burial and Baelon's..." A low sigh left her lips as she poured herself more wine.

"I remember being scared when I woke up but I knew it was all a nightmare because I remember dreaming of you making fun of my brother and in the process my mother the woman you said you loved and cared for. I knew you would never say such things about my sweet mother..." She finally turned to her uncle to see Daemon a look of shock and shame on his face. "Then it happened, my mother died the way I dreamed and you said those awful things about my brother... You know? Her screams still haunt me to this day. " Rhaella told him as she smile tears leaving her eyes. Daemon could only stare at her as he fought back tears of his own.

"Aemma was like a sister to me. When she came to King's landing she returned the spark in my father's eye. She was the daughter he so much wished for, and she was my sister. I loved her... My theatrical on Dragonstone was nothing more than me lashing out against your father. I never meant to hurt you or Nyra... but that day Viserys took a part of me. From all of us." Rhaella looked at him still crying as he stood taking her hands and squishing them. "Calling your brother an heir for a day I regret it so much. I wish I could take it back, I truly do. But I was so mad at Viserys that he put the idea of a son above Aemmas health until it got her killed." Rhaella remained silent scared of what she could say.

It was true then no one knew that her father opened the woman he said he loved so much for a son...

"I understand, Kepus... But you must understand that part of me will never truly forgive you." Daemon nodded as he kissed her forehead. "I know, little dragon," Daemon whispered. "But why tell me?" He asked making Rhaella sigh as she wiped away her tears. "I dream once more but it is not clear... they come as riddles sometimes. But I have reason to believe that they are warnings and I need your help." Rhaella told him making Daemon nod as he rested his hand on DarkSyster. "But you must give me time so that I may decipher what these dreams mean. I cannot have you go where I think you must without truly being confident." Daemon nodded but his brain went back all those years. He remembers seeing Rhaella become distant but he thought it was because she had just lost her mother.

The distant looks on her and her outburst of children she did not have. He members Viserys speaking with him of one of Rhaellas outbursts and how she had blamed his brother for the death of who he now knew was Alyssa. Even Laena would speak to him when she was drunk about how Rhaella would wake covered in sweat and cry for the family that had been taken from her. He felt sorry for her she was only a child when such a curse fell on her shoulders. "I wish for you to know that I am here for you! You are my blood, my Kin!" Rhaella did not answer she seemed to be elsewhere making Daemon sigh as he left the room.

As he made his way to his own chambers he bumped into Arkel the taller man looked at him and left to the Greens whores wing. Arkel couldn't care less about the look Daemon gave him as he made his way to Loren's chambers to speak with her about her little prank. The stupid tea she had given him had left him unable to please himself. When he arrived at her chamber he did not bother to knock as he made his way inside only to stop as he saw Loren kneel down.

The room was dark except for the candles around her. Arkel knew she was a witch but not a blood witch. He could only stare at her in amazement as the lights flicker "Loren." He whispered but received no answer. "If someone comes you will be killed!" He urged. Loren's head began to turn her eyes white making Arkel grab his sword only to run to her side as blood began to fall from her eyes. "Loren!" He whispered harshly as he began to shake her. "Wake, you mad woman!" Her eyes remained on him unmoving as he kept speaking. "Come! Don't you have some foul thing to say?" He began to grow worried as he shook her.

"Hate me all you want!" He spoke as he slapped her a loud scream leaving her lips making Arkle flinch her body going limp as the candles went off leaving Arkel in complete darkness as he held Loren.


Y'all look what someone sent me!!!
Isn't Rhaella gorgeous😌😌

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