The Dragons that Fell // HOTD

By cara_de_cema

56.5K 1.9K 82

Rhaenyra and Rhaella get sent back in time and are given one more chance. Things play out differently then be... More

Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
- Past -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Act Two
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
- Past -
Twenty one -
Twenty two -
Twenty Three -
Twenty Four -
Twenty Five -
Twenty Six -
Twenty Seven -
Twenty Eight -
Twenty Nine -
- Past -
Thirty -
Thirty One -
Thrirty Two -
Act 3
Thirty Four -
Thirty Five -
Thirty Six -
- Past -

Thirty Three -

639 31 1
By cara_de_cema


"Creagan! Cregan" Rhaella shouted as she held a limp Elaena. The Targaryen woman ran hysterically around the castle. Tears left her eyes as she slapped her daughter's cheek trying to wake her up. "Cregan! Anyone!?" Rhaella cried as she fell her to knees trying everything she knew to wake her daughter up to no avail. "I cannot lose you! Not again!" She cried. "Rhaella what is wrong!" Cregan shouted as he ran to her side as Rhaella kept crying. "Elaena! She is not responding! What is wrong with our daughter!?" Rhaella sobbed as Cregan took his daughter. A look of shock on his face when he saw his daughter's eyes.

A loud whistle left his lips and it was not long for 5 dire wolfs to find them. Rhaella looked at him as he scanned the faces of his and their children's dire wolf a small laugh leaving his lips when he saw Blackbird Elaenas dire wolf. "Why are you laughing?! There's something wrong with our daughter!" Rhaella sneered as she hit her husband who kept looking at the dire wolf."Look at her!" Cregan told her, Rhaella gave him a look as she saw her youngest dire wolf a gasp leaving her lips when she saw the familiar grey eyes of Elaena looking back at her.

Her mind went to Arya Stark... "A warg" Rhaella whispered as the child from all those years back appeared in front of them. "Your fourth should be like me! Did I not warn you?" Rhaella's eye began to twitch as she looked at the much younger boy. "You think I knew what you met!? Does it look like I can read minds or understand riddles?" Rhaella shouted as she stood. "I almost die! I thought my daughter was dead!" The boy did not look fazed as Rhaella kept screaming at him. "She will need my help to be able to go back to her physical body! If you'll excuse me!" The boy smiled as Cregan began to stand ready to follow the boy but came to a stop when Rickon came alongside Lyanna the two seemed out of breath as they handed Rhaella a letter with Rhaenys sigil.

Rhaella gave them a look as she opened the letter wondering what her aunt would want. Not thinking much she began to read the letter just for everyone around to shout as she fainted. Robert had been fast enough to catch her before she fell to the ground. "Lyanna take Elaena!" Cregan demanded as he handed his youngest to his sister as he picked his wife up and took her to their shared chambers. "Robert go and get Arianna!" Cregan added as the man nodded and left.

That night Rhaella remained in her chambers crying, she had thrown everything to the ground when she first woke up, screams leaving her lips as curses were directed at her uncle. After hours of that, she tired herself now she lay in a fetal position in her bed as tears kept rolling down her face. "My Laena... My sweet Laena!" Was all that left her lips as the night went on. The following morning the Stark-Targaryen Family departed to Driftmark. Rhaella had kept to herself for much of the ride, Cregan had told their children to not bother their mother. Rhaella's mind remained in memories she had of Laena and Herself.

When they arrived at DriftMark Rhaella seemed like a ghost her eyes sunken from sleepless nights. Rhaenys had pitied her as she held her when she arrived "I am sorry for your loss Aunt" Rhaella forced a smile on her lips. How could she be so cruel? Rhaenys had just lost her daughter and yet here she was crying instead of her. "It is alright Rhaella!" Rhaenys reassured her as if knowing what she was thinking. "I wish for you to know that if I had been born a man I would have wed your daughter!" Rhaella whispered turning around as she wiped away her tears. "Go, your sister is here," Rhaenys informed her making Rhaella nod as she left to look for her sister she could not have been halfway when she saw the twins her heart panged as she saw them crying. "Baela, Rhaena!" Rhaella spoke as both girls turned to her their eyes puffy as they ran to her side crying as Rhaella held them.

Rhaella did not know how long she had held them but they only separated when she saw Laenor a devastated look on his face as the two of them saw one another. Rhaella gave him a thigh smile as she brought him into a hug allowing him to cry as she tried her best to keep her own emotions under control, the sobs and cries that left Laenor's mouth faded until only hiccups were heard. "It will be alright... It will be alright..." Rhaella spoke her voice breaking as tears left her eyes. "You are allowed to cry, Ella!" Laenor reassured her. "How can I? Your mother just lost her daughter and you? Your sister" Rhaella told him as she wiped away the tears. "You just lost the woman you loved!" Laenor told her as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

The two had joined the others at the funeral. Rhaella's eyes stayed on Laenas coffin until the sea took her body back. That night Rhaella refused to look at Daemon the older man had tried to get her attention many times throughout the night but Rhaella could be less interested as she spoke with Aemond. "Sister, it will be alright!" Aemond told her a soft smile on his lips as he held her hand making her nod. "I know it will!" Rhaella told him. Aemond remained by her side much to Alicent dislike who shot daggers at her as Aemond clung to her side.

That night Rhaella drank until she could no longer... She finally allowed herself to cry once more heavy sobs leaving her lips as she walked through the sand... Laughter would leave her lips from time to time as she stopped at the beach remembering some memories of her childhood with Laena. She had warned him! She had begged him not to try for another! And he had ignored her killing Her beloved Laena once more. It seemed he was as selfish as always.

Rhaella walk no destination in mind the bottle of wine empty in her hand. Her mind foggy from the pain. Her eyes looked towards the horizon before spotting Vhagar. Something told her that something big was to come. Rhaella did not remember her memories foggy from the wine. That's when she spotted Aemond crawling in the sand. What was that kid doing? Making her way towards him Rhaella grabbed him covering his mouth and preventing him from screaming.

"Do you have a death wish Aemond?" Rhaella sneered as Aemond went wide-eyed. "Sister!" Aemond gasped "What were you thinking sneaking on that fósil of a dragon?" Rhaella asked. Aemond looked down ashamed to have been caught. "Do you truly wish to claim a dragon that will not live past a year just like the Kings?" Rhaella asked. "No, but maybe if I claimed the largest dragon. Maybe then they will take me seriously!" Aemond spoke. Rhaellas heart beams in joy at the sadness of Aemonds voice. "You stupid boy! All you will do is get yourself killed! If you wish for a dragon that bad I should speak with Nyra and ask permission for you to travel to DragonStone there are many unclaimed dragons there!" Rhaella spoke. Maybe one would kill him.

"You think?" Aemond spoke before they both stopped as a shadow fell upon them. The two of them looked up to see Vhagar taking to the sky a figure visible on its back. Rhaella stood taking a look around to see Jace, Luke, Baela, Aegon, Baelon, Joseph, and Alyssa. Once the Seven of them saw her they looked at one another trying to come up with an excuse as to why they were out at such a late hour. "The eight of you head back to your chambers I should wait for Rhaena to come back!"

The eight of them nodded as they scattered out of there. It was not long for Vhagar to land and Rhaella waited for her niece at a good distance from where that green fossil landed with Rhaena. A grin on the Targaryen as Rhaena dismounted her mount. "Aunt Rhaella?" Rhaena spoke before squilling as Rhaella hugged her. "Oh, Rhaena. I am so proud of you!" Rhaella smiled as she kissed her niece's forehead "You are?" Rhaena was shocked she believed she would be in trouble for sneaking at such a late hour. "Of course I am! You have just claimed the biggest dragon in Westeros at the age of eight! I am fucking proud of you!" Rhaella reassured her. "Truly?" Rhaena asked again. "I would be mad not to be proud of you Rhaena! Oh, your father will be the proudest when he hears of this!" The girl's eyes grew in size at her aunt's words. "You believe he will?" Rhaena asked shyly. "He will, and if he is not I will beat some sense into your father!"

The two had made their way back to the cattle. When they arrived they saw the seven and their parents who were clearly mad at them. "There you are!" Daemon spoke as he saw Rhaena a look of relief on his face as his daughter smiled at him. "What has happened?" Viserys asked. "Rhaena has just claimed Vhagar!" Rhaella smiled as many in the room gasped the loudest being Rhaenyra as her eyes found Rhaellas who shrugged. They had just prevented Aemond from claiming their biggest threat."That is my girl!" Daemon laughed as he picked his youngest child and twirled her around making Rhaena giggle as Daemon placed her down.

Their moment did not last longer as Alicent came in with a worried look on her face as Ser Criston followed close by. "Where is Aemond?" Alicent spoke, "Are you hurt?" She added as she held her youngest inspecting for any injuries. "What were you thinking?" Alicent shouted as Aemond looked down. "I just want a dragon to call my own!" Aemond shouted as tears left his eyes. Everyone in the room went quiet for their own reasons. "You wanted to claim my mother's dragon, not a day after her death!" Baela sneered. "She is dead is she not? I had every right to try and claim Vhagar!" Aemond sneered back. "What would I expect from you? You are your mother's son! No regard for the dead as long as it gets you what you want" Baela shouted as she launched at Aemond as many in the room gasped.

Baela was able to land a few punches on the younger boy as Alicent screamed for Ser Criston to remove her from her son. "Yeah! Have your father help you!" Baela shouted as Aemond looked at her as he held his bloody nose. "Get your hand off my daughter!" Daemon warn as Ser Criston did as he was told allowing Baela to walk to her father. "How dare you! I should have your tongue for such thing!" Alicent hissed. "Touch my daughter and I will cut the hand you use!" Daemon warns. "Do not speak to your Queen with such disrespect!" Ser Criston spoke. "And where were you? Warming your queen's bed while her plain-looking child left his chamber?" Daemon taunted. "That is enough!" Viserys shouted as he held his head. "The children must be taken to their chambers where they should stay until tomorrow!... Lady Rhaena congratulations" Viserys added as the children were taken away by their sworn shields.

"The rest of you off you go!" Viserys spoke as the adults followed close by. Daemon left with a grin on his lips until it faltered when he saw Loren walking his way the girl seemed surprised to see him as she bowed down to him a sad smile on her lips making Daemon look away. "I am sorry for your loss my prin-" she had been cut short when Daemon held her in a tight yet short hug as he let her go a look of guilt on his eyes as an apology left his mouth. A look of outer disbelief on Loren's face at what had just happened.

Back in the throne room the last ones to remained being Viserys and Alicent. "Why must you never defend me!? I am your wife! The QUEEN! What the girl said is treason! ... But what would I expect from Daemon's daughter!" Alicent sneered as she passed a hand threw her hair. "Be glad Aemond was not killed!... Leave the girl be she had every right to be mad at your son!" Viserys answered ignoring her question as Alicent shot daggers at him. "Let him go to DragonMount and claim a dragon! Our children deserved to have that opportunity!" Alicent shouted leaving no room for argument.

Many of the dragons that had residented in the Dragon Pit had left for DragonStone after going feral the weeks following Rhaenyra's departure. "I can do no such thing! If Rhaenyra does not give me permission then my hands are tied!" Viserys told her making Alicent sigh in anger. "You are KING! She is nothing but a princess!" Alicent sneered. "She is my heir! Your future QUEEN! It seemed you forget yourself!" Viserys warned her as he left for his own chambers.

The following morning many left for DragonStone after Rhaenyra agreed to allow Aemond to claim a dragon the invitation had gone to Aegon and Helaena but both had refused not wanting to make fools of themselves. Letter had been sent to have Sunfyre taken away as a precaution. "He will close an eye... And nothing will be gained!" Helaena spoke as Jace nodded. "What type of insect is that?" Jace asked as Helaena answered his question.

When they arrived Aemond was bouncing from excitement as he looked at the mountain. "One of the dragon keepers should be by your side the whole time!" Rhaenyra informed him. "Sister, DreamFyre tower is looking great!" Rhaella spoke as she saw the finished blue tower. "It is, isn't it!" Rhaenyra smiled it had been a few years since Rhaella last came to DragonStone. "Is the greenhouse done?" Rhaella added as they all began to make their way to the castle.

"It is, we must have guards surrounding it day and night. We have fields, bustling with buffalo grass. If you remember there was barely any animal on the island now we have cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, and any animal you might think of sister but we must also keep an eye on them in case any hatchling thinks of scooping up one for a meal!" Rhaenyra laughed as they entered the castle where the kids went on to do whatever they wanted. Aemond was quick to come back in riding leathers as two of the dragon keepers followed close.

"My brave boy, you will come back a dragon rider! I have a feeling you will be claiming a great dragon!" Alicent spoke as she kissed him a prayer leaving her lips as Aemond kept bouncing from excitement. "Best of luck, brother!" Both sisters smiled as the boy nodded and left for DragonMount. "Well the ride there would be an hour, I do believe we will not see my brother for a few hours if I may!" Rhaella spoke as she left the room and made her way to her own chamber where she allowed herself to rest and cry once more. "DragonStone is proving that you will be an excellent Queen, Nyra" Viserys spoke making Rhaenyra nod as she held her large bump.

Outside the children seemed to be enjoying each other's company as they played with one another, Luke and Rhaella by each other's side as Luke spoke to her of dragon-riding. Alyssa and Baela on the other hand had Jace on the ground as the two of them played fight with the boy who grunted and shouted that it was not fair. It wasn't until five-year-old Joff came with a grin as he launched himself at Alyssa that Jace was able to free himself as Joff and Aly still wrestled one another in the sand as Aegon encouraged Alyssa .

"Jace!" The voice of Visenya sounded making the older boy turn to see his sister clearly mad as Elaena refused to give her a doll. "It is my doll!" Elaena spoke as she held tightly to her doll. "You have plenty of dolls in your chamber!" Jace smiled as he kissed his sister. "If you wish I can take you so that you might grab one or as many as you wish?" Jace asked as Visenya nodded taking her brother's arm and guiding him back to the castle Helaena followed them her own arm looped around Jace.

By midday, the children had been sent to bathed by their parents who still waited for Aemond. Alicent was seen pacing back and forth as she anxiously waited for her youngest son Ser Criston behind her not showing much emotion as Daemon kept an eye on him. "Mother look!" Aegon's voice sounded as Alicent turned to see what her son was pointing at when she did a look of horror appeared on her face as she saw one of the dragon keepers running as they held a limp Aemond. Rhaenyra and Rhaella shared a look. Was he dead? Well, one more down.

When both the DragonKeepers entered the room Maester Geraldys waited for them as they placed Aemond down one of his eyes bleeding profusely as purple bruises surrounded his body. "What in the seven happened to my child??" Alicent screamed as she held onto her poor Mond. "He took off when he saw sheepstealer, the dragon became spooked and when he took off flying his tail hit Prince Aemond sending him flying to one of the many openings in DragonMount" The head of the DragonKeepers spoke his head low in shame. "Bring me milk of poppy!" Geraldy ordered as one of the maids ran out of the room. "You had one job! To protect the Prince of the realm! My son left in one piece and you bring him back like this?" Alicent sneered. "I want his head Viserys!" Alicent cried as she held her Aemond. "Perhaps if he was a Targaryen and not a bastard he would not be in this situation!" The young apprentice spoke as many in the room gasped.

Alicent looked at the boy who could be not much older than 15. "Ser Criston bring me his tongue!" Alicent demanded and to everyone's surprise, Daemon got between the boy and Ser Criston who had his swords out. "Put the sword down! You may command and do as you wish in the Keep. But Dragonstone is my niece's house... You have no one to blame but yourself... It has been made clear time and time again by every fucking dragon that your plain-looking son is no Targaryen... You know that the seed that made that child or any of your children was not my brother!" Daemon spoke. "Daemon!" Viserys warns, "What I speak truth do I not?" Daemon asked. As much as she wanted those children dead she could not allow it to happen now. "Uncle, we must not forget that there have been Targaryens that were like Aemond... No dragon wanted to bond with them but it did not mean they were bastards!" Rhaenyra spoke as Daemon rolled his eyes and left the room.

That night Rhaenys, Rhaenyra, and Rhaella sat in Rhaenyra's private room as they spoke with one another. "We must keep Daemon here! The three of us know that he will leave by his own choice or because that whore used her cunt to have the king send him away!" Rhaella nodded "More now... The twins must stay here and have a childhood and be around their cousins! Daemon will be a great asset to our plan in the future... But if he might listen to anyone it will be you Rhaenyra" Rhaella spoke. Rhaenyra did not answer as her attention fell on Rhaenys who seemed elsewhere. "What is wrong?" Rhaenyra asked as she held her aunt's hand.

"Laenor and Joffrey left last night. He left Corlys and me a letter apologizing." Both sisters looked at one another knowing what it meant. "I am terribly sorry Aunt!" Both sisters spoke as Rhaenys smiled sadly at them "I am glad, he can be happy now. He does not have to hide who he truly is" Both sisters nodded. "I am sure he will send you letter from time to time aunt!" Rhaella spoke.

The following morning many began to get ready to head back to Kings Lading Rhaenyra had stayed behind to speak with her uncle who seemed eager to take off. "Uncle!" Rhaenyra spoke as Daemon glanced at her. "I know you are planning on leaving but you must stay!" Rhaenyra spoke as Daemon sighed. "There is nothing for me here!" He told her making Rhaenyra shake her head. "Your family is here, your brother your nieces and nephews!" Rhaenyra told him. "My place is not here!" Daemon spoke louder this time. "Will you take the opportunity from the twins to grow up around their cousins? Baela and Rhaena deserve to be by their grandparents!" Rhaenyra told him as Daemon looked at her a look of annoyance on his face. "They will be fine-" That's when Rhaella made herself known.

"You already took their mother from them! After I warn you for years to be happy with the twins! You make her hid her pregnancy from me and only allow her to communicate with me by letter!" Rhaella shouted as she cried her hands gripping Daemons shirt. "She hid it because she wanted to! I had no-" He was cut short once more when Rhaella slapped him. "Stop being selfish for once in your life and think of your girls! It is not you against the world anymore Daemon! You can't go around pissing people off because now they can use the twins against you! Own up to your mistakes and admit it was your fault that MY Laena is gone!" Rhaella shouted as Daemon looked at her wide-eyed.

"Well if you had been a man perhaps she would be here with your child!.. And what else can I do when My own brother does not bat an eye and sends me away each chance he gets!? I want what is best for my girls but I do not know how to be a parent... Laena was the one who guided me through this I-" Daemon looked away as tears left his eyes. "I loved her... She made me happy... I know I should have listened but when I held my son I was so happy I was so caught up in the moment I did not realize Laena had left..." Daemon told her his eyes filled with hurt as Rhaella looked at him. "Our Aegon he had your eyes but Rhaenys hair he was so happy the few hours that he lived!" Daemon spoke making both sisters look at one another at what Daemon had mentioned. "He had black hair?" Rhaenyra asked as Daemon nodded. "I expect to see you at King Landing!" Rhaella shouted not knowing what else to say at the new piece of information that the both of them had just received as she left.

Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at one another as Daemon let out a laugh as he helped Rhaenyra back to the castle where the others waited for them. The two of them came back to see the children outside of where Aemond rested.


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