Hourglass: Invisible || NOMIN...

By byJianLucas

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"I'm fooled by your voice." - Jaemin. First season. Started: January 09, 2022. Completed: April 14, 2024. |NC... More

The Protagonists
Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: Mysterious Subject
Chapter 3: Questions In The Air
Chapter 4: Challenges & Inquiries
Chapter 5: The Newest Ally
Chapter 6: Odd Intentions
Chapter 7: New Goals
Chapter 8: Beyond The Case
Chapter 9: Side Effects
Chapter 10: Not Official
Chapter 11: Unheard Stories
Chapter 12: Shutting You Out
Chapter 13: Wicked Attraction
Chapter 14: Acting With Heart
Chapter 15: Subtle Changes
Chapter 16: Still Unsure
Chapter 17: Be Your Shield
Chapter 18: More Than A Feeling
Chapter 19: Resolved Inquiries
Chapter 20: Not Alone
Chapter 21: Realization
Chapter 22: Booming Danger
Chapter 23: Saftey Warnings
Chapter 24: Reviving Traumas
Chapter 25: Misleading Image
Chapter 26: The Last Dispute
Chapter 27: Can't Fool Me
Chapter 28: Inconsistent Inkling

Chapter 29: Stand By; Investigation On Hold

14 1 0
By byJianLucas


Boston, Massachusetts.


Mark told me to stay steady and prevent trouble; he advised me to focus on the current case instead of thinking about 'The Idealists' and their sudden return. However, I couldn't do what he asked. Immediately, I came up with a hypothesis after analyzing everything I knew.

            While writing on my notepad, I felt determined to discover The Idealists' scheme. Whether it was about me or not, this organization must go down before anyone else gets hurt.

"Detective Anderson called," Jeno's voice vanished my thoughts, and eventually, my attention shifted to him.

"And what did he say?" I asked while closing my notepad.

"The police captured Larsen," Jeno revealed.

"Jeno, I must go," I was alerted and frazzled, knowing it was a chance in a lifetime. I thought about 'The Idealists' and how Professor Larsen could shed my doubts regarding their plan, KF's target, and future gigs.

"Jaemin, I don't know. Larsen is dangerous," Jeno was apprehensive and looked at me, unsure.

"I agree with you, but I must go," I insisted.

"Why? Why do you want to go?" Jeno asked, confused.

"I—I need to ask Professor Larsen about the information he took. It is crucial to know that," I stuttered between words, knowing it wasn't the right time to explain my theory to Jeno. After all, I perceived he would tell me to prove it with evidence I still don't have.

Jeno sighed and looked at me, uncertain of his decision. He glanced at his watch and returned to me; he patted my shoulder before walking past me, indicating me to follow him. I was relieved by my lover's choice and eagerly left with him.

The road from the condominium to the police station was silent; Jeno didn't ask about Professor Larsen and focused on the street and traffic lights. I heard him sighing a few times, but he didn't do much more. I bit my nails while watching the car park; I was anxious since we left.

            Eventually, we met with Detective Anderson's team, and his partner guided us to where he was. Immediately, he took us to his office and asked Jeno and I to wait. We thanked him and stayed alone again. I wanted to speak to Jeno—explain what was on my mind to make my decision coherent in his head; however, Detective Anderson opened the door before any word came from my mouth.

"You two will get in trouble if your superiors know you came here," Detective Anderson pointed out while closing the door behind him.

"Sir, I must talk to Professor Larsen," I ignored the detective's warning and spoke my mind.

"Uh. Talk to Larsen?" The detective didn't understand my request and appeared troubled.

Jeno took a deep breath—. "Jaemin wants to know the information Larsen stole."

"Oh! I thought about asking about it myself."

"May I do it for you instead? Please, I must know what data got sold," I insisted and prayed to get what I wanted.

"Alright. Let me attach a microphone inside your jacket, and you'll meet Larsen at his cell." Unexpectedly, convincing Detective Anderson wasn't complicated; he agreed without further interrogation. And when I glanced back at Jeno, he appeared stunned by the detective's soon response.

Anderson didn't waste time to get the wires and start placing the microphone and recording device on my clothes. He asked for Jeno's assistance, fixed the last wires on sight, and opened the door. We fled from his office and followed the detective to the cells. Jeno remained silent and earnest; I knew he was upset by my sudden determination to meet Professor Larsen, or perhaps he felt concerned. It was hard to tell.

            One 'good luck' from Detective Anderson was everything I heard before entering the cells. I thought he would advise before entering, but he didn't. And Jeno only assented and stood silent. I was annoyed at his skimpy reaction, yet I brushed it off and began recording the audio.

I walked to the cell and found Professor Larsen sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head down. Immediately, I hit the metal bars to capture his attention.

"The star criminologist. Hi, welcome!" Professor Larsen smiled as soon as I stepped closer to his cell.

"Professor Larsen, I'm glad to know you are here," I earnestly answered while standing before him. He stood up and looked at me, somewhat annoyed.

"Thanks to Lee Jeno and you. But if I could have it another way, I would have preferred you to be the only one responsible for my downfall," Professor Larsen cynically chuckled.

"I thought you liked Jeno better than me," I spoke, intentionally following his game. Larsen scoffed and shook his head.

"You are better than the lawyer," Professor Larsen assured me.

"Yes? Is that why you stole information from my faculty?" I questioned, getting to the point I wanted.

Larsen sighed and averted his gaze. Immediately, he walked away and began going in circles—. "I only sold the information; Tanner did the rest."

"You ignored my question. Hence, I'll be more direct. Did you want my information?" I earnestly asked.

"I believe you have a theory regarding our business. Don't you?" Professor Larsen appeared proud; he enjoyed the current conversation.

"I do, but I must insist on an answer, Professor."

"Then, I'll help you decipher your case, Detective Na," Professor Larsen giggled and looked at me—. "Guess this riddle: a forest fire listlessly aspired and terminated an empire. The King demanded order once the ashes emerged around the corner. He chased two pawns that should have never seen the light of dawn. Who is the chaser? And who is being chased?"

My eyes widened after hearing Professor Larsen's riddle. It only took that puzzling sentence to realize I was right. And Larsen's attempt to include a chess game piece gave me reasons to fear. – My suspicion wasn't in vain, and my future and others were at risk.

"King," I murmured the nickname of my father's boss, and immediately, Larsen clapped and laughed.

"You are clever, my student!" Larsen congratulated me.

"Did King want Renjun's information and mine?" I questioned, concerned.

"Tanner stole more to cover our tracks, but yes, indeed," Larsen listlessly admitted—. "If I were you, I would consider myself in trouble."

"I beat your boss once—I can do it again," I determinedly said before turning around and walking to the exit.

"Na Jaemin!" Larsen called—. "You are skillful and perhaps the best student in your faculty, but KF doesn't play around."

"Thanks for the warning, Professor," I blankly answered before opening the door and returning with Detective Anderson.

I hurried my pace, met with Jeno and Anderson, took off the recording device, and sighed. My head spun, my knees felt numb, and my hands tickled. Eventually, my legs gave up, but I was fast to rest my back against the wall—I slid down until meeting the floor. It hit me—at that moment. I realized my past was returning for revenge—to haunt me like it did years ago.

"Jaemin, talk to me!" Jeno tried assisting me; he wanted to know what happened. But I couldn't explain anything—my thoughts were everywhere, and I didn't have the mindset to worry about explanations.

"Renjun," I thought, panicked.

"Detective Anderson, could you send more security to Renjun?" I looked at him, concerned.

"Of course," Detective Anderson didn't waste time and called his people.

"Why? What happened?" Jeno questioned, bewildered.

"Larsen's information is crucial—no one can get it before the judge. Do you hear me?" I earnestly told Jeno. He glanced at Detective Anderson after hearing my demand. Our superior only nodded and continued his call.

"It'll be safe," Jeno assured me while holding my shoulder.

"Now, we must go," I stood up while thinking about Henry Tanner.

"Where?" Jeno asked, confused.

"Take the wheel, and I'll guide you," I quickly spoke before running out of the police station, listless of Jeno's worries.

I only thought about Larsen's confession and the similarities with Mark's puzzling image. The answer was in front of me, and now I had the evidence to confirm it: King, better known as KF, wants revenge. An eye for an eye, and he is coming for mine. – Memories from my previous case popped inside my head and immediately guided me to the potential hideout Henry Tanner could be using.

Jeno drove as fast as feasible to Old Colony Avenue, and once I recognized the surroundings, memories returned to me in flashbacks. I saw myself entering the apartment building, searching for my father, still hopeful to straighten his path. But it was too late for him, and unfortunately, Henry Tanner might have the same ending.

            I didn't wait for Jeno to park correctly; I dashed to the luxurious building, opened the doors, and entered without hesitation. The receptionist received me regardless of my unsettling expression. My words stuck, and I cluelessly looked at the lady, not knowing how to request The Idealists' room. But soon, I recalled the first time I came to this place.

"I need a solution," I blankly spoke before grabbing my keys in my pocket, shortly showing a golden chess piece keychain. Immediately, she nodded and smiled.

"The higher piece knows about your issue?" The lady asked, referring to King.

"Yes. The issue is inside."

"Very well, Sir," The lady gave me the flat's key and entered the office behind her. It was the sign to get inside; the organization uses this method to have a cover. If something goes wrong inside their apartment, the receptionist can confirm her absence and prevent being a witness. The receptionist can only return until I ring the bell at the front desk four times.

The floor wasn't too far from the lobby, only a few stairs to reach the fifth level. I decided not to take the elevator since I didn't want anyone to see me; it was hazardous enough to be here without protection. – Eventually, I opened the emergency stairs door and entered the floor. I glanced around, attempting to match the key's number and the apartment. It took me a couple of tries before standing before The Idealists' hideout.

            I placed the key in its place, unlocked the door, and turned the knob. Cautiously, I stepped inside the flat while eyeing every corner, but it was dark—the lights weren't on. I was puzzled until I heard the door closing behind me.

"Shit! Jeno!" I complained, trying to be as silent as feasible.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Jeno said before holding me back—. "What's going on? What is this place?"

"Lower your voice," I demanded and looked around, concerned. I didn't know where Henry was.

"Jaemin, tell me what's happening!" Jeno whispered, upset.

"It's a long story," I annoyedly grinned and sighed—. "Larsen told me my father's case was why Henry Tanner and he stole the faculty's information. Their buyer is my father's old boss, and he wants revenge."

I attempted to briefly explain my perspective, knowing it wasn't the right moment to speak about my discoveries. However, before I could ask Jeno to move on from his questions, I heard someone clapping, and soon, the living area's lights turned on, revealing Henry Tanner sitting on the couch.

"Professor Larsen wasn't mistaken—you are clever, Na Jaemin. I'm shocked you discovered everything," Henry smiled widely. He stood up and stopped clapping—. "But I didn't know Lee Jeno was your partner. What happened with your standards?"

"You won't have any at the prison," Jeno answered, upset.

"And who's going to put me there? You? Lawyer?" Henry mocked before shaking his head. I squinted while watching his hand; he placed it behind him. Immediately, my eyes widened and shielded Jeno as an instinct. He unsheathed a gun.

"Hey! Henry!" I motioned him to stop, but he only laughed.

"I won't leave any witnesses; I'll escape, and no one will know about you," Henry stated, amuck.

"Professor Larsen already confessed! You are a fugitive, and the police are on their way," Jeno stated before holding my arm and shoving me behind him.

"No! Jeno!" I panicked when Jeno took my place, and as I tried to reposition him, he held me still.

"It's okay," Jeno murmured before looking at Henry—. "Tanner, you don't have anywhere to go. You'll receive your sentence soon."

"No—no! I won't go to jail; I'll be free like my boss promised," Henry acted like a maniac, losing control over his emotions. That was Jeno's opportunity to approach Tanner and disarm him; nonetheless, an aggressive exchange of blows ensued.

"Jeno, stop!" I shouted in vain; he didn't listen. Thus, I tried getting him off Henry, but he hit me with his elbow, pushing me away. I sighed, frustrated, before looking at the gun on the floor—. "Whatever."

Soon, I retrieved the gun, loaded it, and shot at the ceiling. The sudden blasting sound caused both men to stop fighting, and I immediately motioned Jeno to get behind me. I pointed the gun at Henry, determined to discover more about King's scheme against me.

"Tell me about your boss. What does he want?" I earnestly asked.

Henry scoffed—. "You wouldn't dare to shoot me."

"Do you want to bet?" I questioned before reloading the gun.

"Jaemin," Jeno became worried after seeing my actions, but I didn't stop. I wanted to show Henry I wasn't messing around. Thus, I shot near his leg, causing him to flinch and move away, scared.

"Alright! You can shoot!" Henry protested before shutting his eyes—. "Shit! Na Jaemin! You are a menace in my life; do you know that?"

"Talk," I ignored Henry and insisted on an answer.

"KF wanted your partner's information and yours; that's why he asked Larsen to steal from the university," Henry fearfully spoke, stuttering between words.

"Why did he want Renjun's data?" I questioned, confused.

"Shit! Jaemin, you are making me nervous with that gun!" Henry cried before taking a deep breath—he was panicking.

"Answer!" I shouted.

"Okay!! KF doesn't know who helped you with your father's case back then. He knew you didn't resolve his riddles alone; thus, he suspected Huang Renjun aided in the investigation," Henry quickly spoke.

"Why is King doing this? Does he want revenge?" I questioned.

"I—I can't say more; I'll be a death man for sure," Henry said, upset.

"Alright," I clenched my jaw and pulled the trigger, getting Henry's shoulder.

"Jaemin!" Jeno scolded me.

"Stay out of my business," I bitterly spoke before approaching Henry, who began crying and covering his wound with his hand. I crouched closer and pointed at him—. "You can bleed out and die right now. But if you talk, I promise you'll live long and perhaps avoid a life sentence."

"Alright! KF is doing a favor for a family member. No one knows who it is, but I know he adores this person," Henry revealed, making me frown.

"A family member?" I questioned, confused. Suddenly, sirens blared the area, and footsteps sounded closer to the apartment. Jeno didn't hesitate to pull me away from Henry; he took the gun from my hands and threw it away. I looked at him in shock, followed by the door opening and the police entering.

"Are you okay?" Detective Anderson asked before looking at Henry bleeding on the floor.

"It was personal defense," Jeno stated.

"You wish!" Henry groaned.

"Shut up, you don't get to talk," I spoke in defense before looking at Detective Anderson—. "I—"

"—It was personal defense. Got it," Detective Anderson subtly smiled at me before his team took Henry away.

"Jeno," I looked at him, confused.

"You'll drive me crazy," Jeno murmured before hugging me tightly—. "I'll meddle in your business, like it or not."

I hummed and nodded—. "Alright." I held him and shut my eyes, letting all the adrenaline drain from my body. It is too much to bear, and I still can't process that someone else from The Idealists is after my head.

It's been a few days since Henry Tanner and Professor Larsen got captured, and today, they are getting convicted. By the subtle hints and clues Jeno and Detective Anderson had said, it seemed we'd get the result we sought since the beginning of this case. At last, this matter will be behind us, but new dangerous issues are emerging.

            I spoke with Renjun about Larsen and Henry's testimonies and the dark turn this 'short and abrupt' case took in the end. He was alarmed, concerned, and troubled—I told him I didn't want help, but he insisted on telling our alleged team. Jeno accepted assisting me again, even though I didn't ask him. He said it was his business and had to solve it; perhaps, his answer was to get me back for my response when we were confronting Henry. But he wasn't the only one that wanted to butt it. Alice, Haechan, and even Jay offered their assistance. I was extremely grateful but scared. Now, I can lose more than before.

Haechan, Renjun, and I are waiting outside our county's courthouse. Jeno will show up in any second now. We are all dressed formally, expecting news reporters and journalists to arrive after the verdict and keeping a calm expression during this time. However, Renjun would ask about King, and Haechan also shared his concerns. Yet, I couldn't talk about it; I stayed silent, worrying that someone might be around, listening to everything we said.

            Soon, the courthouse's doors opened, revealing Jeno and Detective Anderson. Our superior greeted us from afar before letting Jeno go and taking care of the journalists before they could come to us. Jeno smiled and appeared pleased; I bet everything went well.

"Is it over?" Haechan asked as Jeno approached us—. "Congrats!"

"Thank you. Both got charged with twelve years," Jeno revealed.

"Isn't it too much? I expected it to be five years," Renjun questioned, confused.

"Well. Tanner tried abducting Jaemin and bluntly admitted working with a mafia group; thus, the judge added more years," Jeno explained.

"And both will be under investigation for their deeds with The Idealists," I pointed out.

"Then, the years will accumulate if the police discover anything else," Haechan added, to which everyone nodded simultaneously.

I sighed and faced down, feeling unsettled being outside. Even though there were police officers and private security around us, I felt unsafe. The Idealists are dangerous, and I know they might be watching everyone right now. Or maybe not; that's the frustration and unhealthiness of this issue. One can't breathe calmly anymore.

"Jaemin, are you okay?" Renjun asked while patting my back.

"Yes, I'm only concerned," I subtly grinned.

"KF?" Renjun questioned, to which I hummed in response.

"Are you sure that organization is behind you?" Haechan asked.

"Positive," I sighed.

"We'll be fine," Renjun assured me.

"I don't know if I'll be, Renjun," I admitted, feeling every emotion clashing within me.

"You'll be! Stop worrying," I heard a familiar voice say, causing me to look to my left.

"Mark?" My eyes widened before he approached me and hugged me.

"I'm here for you. Let's finish this work," Mark encouraged me with warmth and his beaming expression. I nodded at his words before holding him tightly.

"I can't believe you are here!" I felt emotional; it's been so long since we saw each other. I could only hug him and thank him for returning.

I introduced Mark to the team when we returned to Haechan's car. It took a while since the journalists and reporters wanted to speak with us about the case. Fortunately, Detective Anderson assisted us and made the brief camera moment faster. – We hurried to get inside the car and celebrate the case's closure. I was happy to have Mark beside me on this journey again, and Jeno's work at the courthouse amplified my joy. I was proud of him, our team, and myself. I wanted to appreciate this moment as much as feasible since I knew worse things would come.

Haechan took off to his favorite bar; we followed his plan and complied with anything someone suggested. It was time for us to relax. – I sat beside Jeno and looked at him, smiling at Renjun and Haechan's bickering. Somehow, in this instant, I realized I hadn't thanked life for having Jeno next to me. I couldn't have finished this case without him, and I wouldn't feel as loved as I do if it wasn't for him.

"Jaemin?" Jeno frowned.

"Thank you." My words came out automatically, and I only smiled without further explanation.

"For the case?" Jeno asked.

"No. Well—yes, but for being with me—for choosing me," I bashfully expressed. Jeno merely chuckled and held my hand.

"We chose each other, and I'm glad we did," Jeno sincerely spoke before kissing my forehead. I smiled at his gesture and rested my head on his shoulder, finding comfort and love close to him.

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