The Flash(s)

By Kaliani3281

1K 77 0


Main Character Overview
Part 1(S1)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11(S2)
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 26
Part 27(S3)
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44(SPICY)
Part 45

Part 25

12 2 0
By Kaliani3281

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1225

Date posted : 4.10.24



"Guys, guys I think I have it" Cisco runs into the Cortex looking at us, as me and Barry talk. 

My head looks in his direction and he holds up a little circular device. "Is that it?" I ask 

He just nods in respond and smiles "Harry helped but I did most of it, what do you say you go take it for a spin?" 

Barry steps closer to him and nods "Yes" 

"Barr how you feeling?" I ask running next to him. 

He looks at me with a smile on his face "I really need this to work" 

I nod "Okay Cisco activate it" I say over coms

"Activating!" Cisco replies as if he was talking like he was in STAR WARS. 

I just laugh and watch Barry, he's still running with me till he isn't. He speeds in front of me not looking back. I'm not running at full speed because if something happens I want to try to prevent it. His speed increases till it stops, and he fall's to the ground. I stop next to him looking at him, making sure he was okay. 

"It worked for a second" He groans and stands to his feet, dusting off his suit

I hear Cisco groan "Head on back we'll try to figure out what's wrong with it" 

My eyes travel back to Barry and he nods to me. That's my cue, I start running making sure he isn't going to fall again. He  trips at first but stays on his feet. 

When we make it back to S.T.A.R labs and Barry suddenly rips the device out of his suit and hands it to Cisco "Why didn't it work?!" 

Cisco looks offended and almost scared "Wow Barry chill out" 

Barry puts his hands on the Cortex desk and looks up at Cisco with anger in his eyes. "Cisco don't tell me to chill out!" 

I decide to step in so it didn't go too far "Barry." I put my hand on his shoulder leaning on the desk, not facing Cisco. 

His eyes travel to mine and his gaze softens. He knows he went too far, I could see the guilt on his face. I turn back to Cisco and Barry walks to his suit holder. "What do you think happened?" I asked him.

Cisco bit his tongue "It look's like it overloaded, like the more he used the more it was worn out. I didn't equip it enough for your speed" He was holding the device up looking at everything that went wrong. 

I nodded "Do you think maybe next time you make it you can make it more reliable for my speed?" I asked but suddenly felt like I was getting on to him "I'm sorry I know it's super stressful" 

Cisco looked at me with sympathy "I know, I get that. I'll try to remake the device but for the time being" He lowered his voice "Maybe try to talk to him?" 

I nodded "Already gonna do that" He smiled to me and walked out of the room. "Hey Barr?"

Barry turned to face me, his face was red, he looked sad. "i'm sorry Thea, I just don't know if I can do this" 

I rushed over to him "Barry I know this is hard" I paused  "We will get it fixed, you'll be fast enough and no one is going to die because you are Barry Allen, you are the Flash"  

He looked up at me with watery eyes "But what if that isn't enough?" He pulled away from me and walked out of the Cortex. 

I was stood there speechless, I don't know how I would get through to him. He didn't believe he would win, and I suddenly realized how much pressure I was putting on him. Shit. 


"Hey, Barr..." I walked into the lounge to see Barry and Joe siting on the couch talking, their eyes were on me. "Um" I cleared my voice so he would hear me "Do you maybe want to go get some lunch?"

Barry looked at me and nodded "Yeah that sounds like a great idea, Thea"

My eyes traveled to Joe's and he smiled at me. A friendly smile, on a friendly face. Barry walked toward me till he was right next to me. We walked through the hall's not saying anything to each other, I made my way to Cisco's workshop. I was going to ask him if he wanted anything to eat, he was working non-stop. 

Barry surprised me when he stepped in to Cisco's workshop and asked him exactly what I was thinking "Hey Cisco do you want anything? We are going to grab something really quick" 

Cisco looked at him and nodded "Sure, you know what I like" He was smiling and he looked at me. 

I just smiled back as Barry walked out of the room to the elevator. We were silent, most of the way to get something to eat. We ran to the shop, then to jitters. We had a pretty good time just hanging out not worrying at all about anything in the moment, but time flew and so did we. We made our way back to S.T.A.R labs dropping of Cisco's food, and getting to the Cortex. 

"Barry do you wanna go on a quick run?" I asked him smiling. I loved our runs they were so peaceful and enjoyable. 

He nodded "Sure but lets be quick the team might need help with the device"

A smile made it's way on my face, he was acting better. The talk Joe must've gave him had to of been a good one. We went on the run and before we knew it we had...


It was darker when we got back to the Cortex, everyone was there. Cisco had the device in his hands and he gave it to Barry when he walked in. "This won't burn up on your chest this time" 

Barry just smiled "Thank you Cisco, and I'm sorry if I was rude earlier-"

"no man don't apologize, you were stressed and I get that" He smiled again and tucked his long hair away from his face. 

Barry looked surprised and not as stressed out "Wow Cisco you did good" I gently grabbed the tech from Barry's hands examining it.

"Actually it wasn't just me it was the whole team" He told me

I looked around and to Harry and Jessie who were standing together, Caitlin standing in front of the med lad door. "Thank you" I told them all feeling like this was a actual team and family. 

"I couldn't do this without you, all of you" Barry looked around the room and Harry nodded when his eyes met his. 

"Of course, we don't want our earth destroyed either" Jessie spoke up smiling 

Barry chuckled and looked at his feet "This means so much, but gosh I'm tired" 

I laughed and nodded "Me too" 

Cisco yawned "Yea and we all gotta be up early early" 

Caitlin sighed from his standing point "I'm gonna be the first to ditch, because I'm already packed up" She grabbed her bag laughing and walking toward the halls "Get some sleep everyone" She turned and waved. 

No too long after we were gone too, and tucked comfortably in bed. 

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