It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

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Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... More



147 17 5
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

Roseanne barely opens her eyes. She didn't even get close to enough sleep. She wants to send everything to hell and hide under the covers, but she knows that in half an hour there will be another knock on the room, and then they will come in to make sure that they are ready. The girl gets out of bed, sighing. She doesn't even need to look at Jennie to know that the girl hasn't gotten up. She doesn't even move.

Rose never woke Jennie up. It's none of her business that the roommate will then run like crazy, and sometimes even with wet hair, because there is simply no time to dry her hair with a hair dryer.

If only Jennie knew how hard Sana tried to come much later, when the table was completely empty. So that no one would see her walk past an empty table and not sit down. Only her friends could notice this, because by and large no one cares. Hardly anyone notices everything she does. She only imagines it in her head. That time, when Sana arrived earlier than usual and the table was empty, questions from her friends began to pour in, and in order to avoid the humiliating admission that she did not really want to get involved with Jennie, she took a table. And she left Rose sitting there to deal with this issue. It's unlikely that Jennie is rushing to the dining room to come earlier and avoid quarrels. Who knows.

Now the blonde decides not to leave it until the second arrival of the counselor, because Jennie not only went to bed late, she was too drunk. It is unlikely that anyone will get up easily after that. Kim was more sober last time.

-Hi.- Rose sits down on the edge of the bed.- How are you?- She asks without even seeing the girl's face. Jennie with her head under the covers.- Should I give you some water? Should I give you a pill? Hey?- Rose carefully removes the blanket from Jennie's head.

-I feel bad.- Jennie croaks, without opening her eyes.- My head...

Rose gets up and leaves. She returns with a glass of water and a pill. The blonde puts her hand on the girl's shoulder and gently strokes it.

-It's not a hangover.- The girl responds faintly.- I feel like I'm dying.

Rose touches her forehead and immediately pulls her hand back. It's not that she's burned, but Jennie's head is too hot.

-You seem to be ill. I warned you. Damn it.- Rose stands up and looks around in confusion.- I don't have any medications,. I'll let Seokjin know, he'll call a doctor.

-Thanks.- Jennie opens her eye slightly, and then runs a sluggish movement along the blonde's leg.- You're so sweet...

Rose squats down, peering into Jennie's one open eye:

-I'm sorry. Go to sleep, someone will come to you soon.

Wearing her favorite shorts, Rose prepares to leave the room.

-No!- Jennie screams too loudly for a dying girl.- You're not going anywhere like that. Put it on.

Roseanne stands silently and stares at the pale but formidable brown-haired girl.

-I can't.- She answers uncertainly. She needs to leave, and it takes time to explain.

-Listen.- Jennie falls back onto the pillow.- No one will doubt you if you are in it. No one will take care of you, nobody gives a fuck. Don't you get it yet? Well, except for me, of course.- Kim laughs hoarsely.- It's enough for you to let the coach know once that you are not limited in anything, that the injury was a long time ago, and that's all. Trust me.

Rose bites her lip. For the last six months, all she had heard was: don't lift, don't jump, walk slower, sit down. At first, the doctor at the hospital told her all sorts of things, then another doctor, then a physiotherapist, and then her mother. Her mom said that all the time. Even when Rose gradually began to return to training and run slowly but far, her mother's voice sounded in her head. It sounds in this camp too — every time she runs or plays. Even now, Mom's voice echoes Jennie's. Well, it's not that everyone doesn't care, but that it needs to be worn.

The blonde puts on a knee pad. Jennie was very convincing. Actually, she's right. On the other hand, besides the coach, there are other people who can stare. Anyway, now, when they see her in it for the first time. Rose was worried about people's opinions. It's important to her. It's too important, so she often corrects it in different ways.

-My girl.- Jennie gives a thumbs up.

Rose chuckles as she walks up to her. Something is squeezing in her chest. It shouldn't be that nice. She kisses Jennie on the cheek and leaves.

It turned out that Seokjin couldn't go to the infirmary right now and call a doctor. He couldn't get through, so he asked Rose to do it. She doesn't seem to mind. It's strange that Jungkook isn't here. Maybe he was fired altogether? He wasn't there last night either.

She met the doctor in the hallway, he was talking to someone. They could have given the counselors mobile numbers, not landlines. Rose doesn't know if there is anyone in the workplace who is responsible for this, but she is extremely outraged that she had to run somewhere for help.

Entering the dining room, the girl stops. It was worth thinking about. Sana had heard that Jennie was ill. Now she and Mina are standing at the table and seem to be arguing with Irene and Seulgi. Rose chuckles and walks confidently towards them.

-Hey, Sana.- Rose says with a smile, forcing the girl to turn around at her voice and distract herself from the speech she was passionately pushing.- I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. Your shoes. You wear them whenever possible. But don't you think you're drawing too much attention to this cheap fake? Did you know that this model has a limited number? The peculiarity is that each pair has a plaque of a different shape.

Sana looks at her in silence, her mouth slightly open. Then her eyebrows arch and her mouth opens wider. She takes a long time to digest the information she has heard.

-Fuck.- She holds out her index finger, pointing it at Rose.- You.- She turns around and walks away. Mina runs after her.

-I don't know what kind of shoes she's wearing. And anyway, it seems to be sandals.- Rose chuckles, looking at the bewildered faces of the two girls.- Okay, I'm going to get some food. I'll be back soon.

Rose has seen the brand, but whether it is fake or not is unclear. She doesn't know much about high-heeled shoes at all. If only Sana had been wearing sneakers or sneakers or something like that.... In any case, she probably hit the nail on the head. She is happy with the result.

They have breakfast in silence. Rose notices the disbelief in the eyes of Jennie's friends. It's quite expected, but it doesn't bother her much. They'll get used to it.


Rose is sitting on the grandstand, in the top row. All the girls from their corps gathered for the mandatory training. Everyone is whispering among themselves while Seokjin is talking to another counselor.

-Jungkook was fired.- Some girl says to her friend. They are sitting two rows below. Not only Rose hears her, but also other girls, who immediately look at her.- Yeah.- She adds loudly, noticing the attention to herself.- I have a friend who works here. I'm telling you for sure. I don't know what happened. It's in their group.- She nods toward Sana and Mina, who are sitting on the other side of the aisle, also in the top row.- As far as I know, one girl said something to Jungkook, and then went to the director and spoke there. After that, Jungkook was fired.

-It was Jennie.- The girl from Rose's group clarifies.- She told him a lot of things and she was right. If that's true, then she's just our hero. Personally, I came to practice volleyball, but he didn't do anything for us.

-Yes! - Another girl joins the conversation.- The main thing is that everyone was silent. I've been here for a month now. For me, Jennie is my hero.

-Yes, Jennie is cool.- The third girl is already putting in her opinion.

-By the way, where is she?- The girl who first started this conversation is looking around.

-She's ill.- Irene answers her.- I think that everyone in the group with her should thank her for solving this issue. Well, at least those who came here to play sports. There were complaints about Jungkook back that year.

-Well, we don't need to thank her, but you girls should do it.- The girl mannerly points her finger at those who are not from her group.

Next, Sana speaks, who does not agree with the general praise.

Rose rolls her eyes.

If it hadn't been for her, Jungkook wouldn't have been fired, and Jennie would have had problems. Yes, yes, Jennie's a hero. It's so weird... Rose is not angry at all. Previously, this would have infuriated her, but now it's even a little pleasant that everyone is discussing her roommate. Sana, by the way, is already silent. It's amazing how quickly she was shut up. Just a couple of phrases. Rose is sitting with a crooked grin, looking at her and at Mina, who is whispering something to her. Probably calms her down and tells her how cool Sana is. It won't help. There is already a deep sadness in her eyes from the realization that she is nothing. It seems that if she had added even a few more rude words to Jennie, she would have been kicked by everyone.

Suddenly, the sadness disappears, and Sana, clenching her fists, says:

-I won't give up.

Well. Everything is possible.

Jennie sang a song, drawing attention to herself. She kissed the girl, making it clear that she didn't give a fuck. She declared herself on the very first day, not at all afraid of Sana, whom everyone avoided. She spoke rudely to the coach and the counselor. It seems like it turns out that Jennie has united everyone, because they are now sitting and amicably discussing one thing. Rose had never seen the girls all talking about anything together. They usually gathered in small groups or in pairs. Jennie is like a little revolutionary.

Although not. As for the fact that she is not angry at all, and she is glad that the name "Jennie" is now shooting out of the mouth of every girl sitting here, Rose got overreacted. It was pleasant for the first two minutes, but now something is already inside and bursting out. It's a desire to say that Jennie is nothing. That she's... Rose swallows a lump, and then bites her lip from her own thoughts.

It's not envy. She doesn't envy anyone. It's anger. Anger at what people are saying about Jennie.

At first there were small rumors about her antics, and now it's like a bomb. The blonde knows what this can lead to. And this is wrong. She was supposed to be the bomb that everyone is gossiping about. To become a girl who is watched by the eyes. So that when she entered the room or just walked by, the conversations would quiet down.

Sana insulted and humiliated everyone. People like that just don't want to mess with them. There is another side when you can humiliate someone, but at the same time be the one you want to contact. At least start a little dialogue. That person is about to become Jennie. And everyone will want it. Everyone will look at her, talk about her, be afraid of her in a sense... And Rose will only be proud that she not only started a dialogue with her, but also lives in the same room. And Rose will be the one they say, "Holy shit, she had sex with Jennie."

All this flashes through Rose's head in frames. She rolls her eyes and stares in front of her in horror. This definitely shouldn't happen. Jennie is cool, of course, but... "Are you kidding me? Would it be enough to talk about her for twenty minutes? How do you all have so much material to discuss her?"

-Will you shut up already?- Rose says loudly, and everyone turns to look at her. The blonde realizes that she even stood up.- "God, shut up yourself"- An inner voice screams, but her mouth is already open, and there is no stopping her.- Jennie was on the verge of elimination. It was my conversation with the director that not only saved her ass, but also led to the dismissal of this... coach. Don't thank me. My God.- Rose waves her hand.- What are you complaining about? If you wanted to play volleyball.- She looks at the girls in her group.- Then you wouldn't have chosen Sana as your captain. She's dumb. She can't throw the ball, she can't do anything at all. And I saw how your faces contort when she hits the ball, because it's unlikely that the ball will reach you. Your face is especially twisted, Mina, because you're a striker. You let her push you away and degrade with her, instead of showing a normal game....

There was no stopping the girl from going on. She went through almost every girl in her group. She pointed out their mistakes. At some point, the aggressive tone turned into the tone of a mentor, and Rose no longer found fault with them, but kindly criticized and even complimented some of them. And surprisingly, during her entire long speech, no one even tried to interrupt her.

The blonde was so distracted that she did not even notice how Seokjin finished his conversation and also listened to her speech. In the end, the girl told who she was, from which school, about her injury, and several people even gasped, imbued with what had happened to her.

For the first time in her life, Rose made a long speech. As a captain, she was always extremely brief in her remarks and not too generous with compliments. She was at the peak of her anger right now, but she couldn't hit anyone or kick anything. Therefore, the mouth went into action. She has discovered her oratorical abilities and it seems that she will regret it when she begins to analyze her speech, and she will be dissatisfied with many things.

Rose feels someone's gaze. Eunchae is sitting lower down the row than Sana. She sits and stares impudently.

-Thank you, Rose.- Jin says loudly, standing downstairs, and everyone looks at him. Everyone turns forward, but Eunchae continues to stare at Rose.- Jungkook was really fired. While they are looking for a new coach and counselor, I will be responsible for you. I hope that you will help me with this. We will have a joint training session. We decided that even when a new counselor arrives, I will be responsible for the training, and he or she will be responsible for the discipline. Therefore, I have decided that a team for playing with another camp will begin to form now.- He pauses while everyone gasps and someone tries to ask questions.- Girls, let's hear all the information to the end. This year we will have a match with a team from another camp. I have to form a team by August so that we can adequately represent our camp. If someone thinks that this will not get into their resume and will not matter, I will say right away that they say this only because our team last won ten years ago. We have a strong opponent this year. This is a camp from the Central Sports School and Dallas City College. They're upset because they won't have anything to brag about, but this is a chance for us. This is our chance to beat their team... This is...

-This is from a series of fiction.- Rose finishes, and everyone giggles. Actually, it's true. The most important public sports school, like college, is the only place where you can get a good education and not the worst sports training without having a lot of money. Not as significant as in prestigious private schools, colleges and universities, but it's like the tip of what a child from an unsecured family can afford. Besides, it's harder to get into that college than any other city college.

Rose studied at a private sports school. She knew firsthand how to play with the team representing that very school. It was very difficult, even though her school's team included the best guys—from their suburbs and neighboring areas, anyway. The same school had the best kids from all over Dallas. Those who wanted to connect their lives with sports, without having money for a prestigious educational institution, went there to study. Nevertheless, Rose is sure that the team of the camp they are going to play against does not consist entirely of the best players. Many people spend their summers much more interesting. For example, in Europe. But come on... Whatever team is there... Who's playing here? And the thought suddenly creeps into the girl's head about what she is doing here at all. This saving did not help at all, if you look at it from this angle. And if there are those who know her? Like... "Isn't that the girl who came from a cool school and won us a year ago?" "No... I don't think she would have played with these people."

Rose really wants to play volleyball. Since September. She needs this summer to recover. She doesn't need any extra stress, does she?

-... Yes, Rose, maybe you're right. But I'm not giving up hope. I want to spend this time forming a team. So that we can perform and, at least, not embarrass ourselves. I'll split you into two teams. Everything is the same as always, but since there are twice as many of you now, there will be more replacements. In the end, I hope we will succeed.

-Are we going to have two captains again now? And then there will be only one?

Rose looks at the girl who is asking these questions in an indignant tone. Apparently, there were four captains, now there will be two — this is already a competition, and in the end there should be one. So, speaking of her tone of voice. She's definitely the captain of one of Martin's teams. The blonde noticed this girl, but not in such a way that she was directly conspicuous. Tall, arrogant look, but she looks more like a pretty girl. An arrogant beauty.

Rose sighs in exasperation. Eunchae is looking at her again. What does she want?

-Yes, Rei, that's right. I think it would be fair for one of the captains to be someone from Greg's group. But... I'm still thinking about how we should choose. Who wants to take on this responsible role anyway? I am now asking not only for our daily games, but also considering the main game in August. Girls, come down here.

Rei gets up quickly and goes downstairs. Rose looks at Sana, who, with her head held high and her hair thrown over her shoulder, also gets up and is about to go down. Then another girl comes down.

The blonde notices that Eunchae is already looking at her with a smile. With a strange smile. Park grimaces, because for just a couple of seconds, her body felt like it was cold. Eunchae is distracted by Sana, who is coming down the stairs and is now passing by her, and stands up after her.

-Oh.- Eunchae screams, taking a step forward and pushing Sana in the back.

Rose jumps up from her seat, clutching her chest. Mina also jumped up from her seat. Sana falls down. Rose could have sworn she could hear every bone tapping on the step. Einchae falls too, but only a couple of steps down.

Sana is lying downstairs and screaming. Seokjin runs up to her. Everyone starts to get up. Jin says something into his walkie-talkie, apparently calling a paramedic. For some reason, this walkie-talkie is not always with him: it was not there, for example, this morning, when Rose had to go and call a doctor herself. Seokjin fusses over the girl.

-She pushed me.- Sana shouts.- You crazy fool! She pushed me. A-a-a-a.- And then a groan mixed with a scream.- My leg... My hand.- She lists all the parts of her body that hurt.

-Eunchae, what happened?- Jin shouts.

Eunchae gets up slowly. She's holding onto her leg. Like she's in pain. Although, it may be so. Rose is also sure that Sana is in pain, but ... the blonde felt shocked only for the first couple of seconds. Now her eyebrow is arched, and there is a crooked grin on her lips. The grin disappears when she hears the following:

-I didn't push her. Rose saw everything, didn't she? I slipped. You saw us walking, didn't you? Rose, confirm it!- Eunchae shouts. She screams so emotionally, so excitedly. God... Rose is just shocked by the game of this little crazy bitch.

-Yes, I saw it. She stumbled. Rose confirms, to which Eunchae gives her a brief smile.- Stupid.- Rose hisses, sitting back down.

How she deftly threw Sana down the stairs and managed to hint to Rose that... "You understand, right? Now it's your turn to do what you promised." She made Rose feel directly involved in this incident.

A doctor comes running. Seokjin urges everyone to wait and sit quietly until he returns, and they all leave together. Eunchae sits down next to Rose. She sits down like they're friends. The blonde sees that other girls notice it too.

-I hurt myself.- Eunchae reports, and Rose looks down at her broken leg.- I would take a pill or anoint the bruise with ointment, but I can't take medicine, I could die. And I don't want to use ointment, because it doesn't hurt me.

-Thanks for keeping this up to date, but I don't give a shit.- Park answers in a calm tone, leaning back in a plastic chair, and then throws her legs over the back of the chair in front of her. Eunchae immediately turns her gaze to her knee pad and looks at it intently for a while.- Stop staring, it's indecent. Could you get out of here? It's annoying .

Eunchae looks up at her. Rose notices a clear change in her. It's happening right in front of her eyes. Eunchae seems to be starting to realize that Park lied to her when she approached her in the woods. That she was pretending to be nice.

-I don't like people like you.- She whispers, wrinkling her face in disgust.

-God, I don't care.- Rose sighs and stands up. She waits for Eunchae to figure it out and leave, or for her to move her legs and let her get out herself. None of this is happening. All the girls are watching them. There are chuckles and guesses that Eunchae is sick and pushed Sana on purpose. Rose rolls her eyes, and then steps over the back of the chair in front of her, climbing to the bottom row. She goes out onto the stairs, Eunchae gets up and immediately Irene jumps up.

-Listen, get the fuck off her!- Irene says rudely, and Rose doesn't even turn around to see Eunchae's face.

The conversations are getting louder, and Eunchae seems to be becoming a topic of ridicule. Rose sits down next to Irene and Seulgi. They are silent. The blonde has no idea why Irene did this. Although she noticed that everyone flinched when Eunchae stood up, Rose didn't think that she could push her down in front of everyone. This girl is very strange and frightening, but she is not a fool and understands that pushing people down the stairs is only possible by accident.

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