The Lost Boys x Male Readers...

By MCraftSheep

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Also available on my AO3 account YellowGumalls For the fellow he/him havers, but anyone can enjoy πŸ˜‰ More

David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko
Sam *1*
David, Dwayne, Marko, Paul
David, Dwayne, Paul, Marko

Sam *2*

71 1 0
By MCraftSheep

Reader: Human
Genre: Fluff

* This is a part 2 to the last chapter*

The longer the last class went on, the more Sam started to get nervous. What was he thinking? Was the Frog brother's comic shop really the best place to get to know someone? Sam had basically been working there ever since the vampire fight, he just didn't get paid with actual money, instead he was able to take home one comic. Was the workplace the best place to get to know someone?

When the bell decided to ring, Sam nearly jumped out of his skin. He let out a deep breath, quickly grabbing his pencils and shoving them into the pencil case. He listened vaguely to the teacher's quick explanation on the Friday test but didn't pay much attention to anything else other than making sure all of his stuff was in his backpack.

He raced past his teacher, getting out into the hallway. He looked around the filled hall, trying to find where the Frog brothers were. He caught sight of Alan near the lockers, so he pushed past the other students to get to him, now standing beside him. Alan looked over and nodded at Sam. He never did smile much.

"So, what happened with Y/n?"

Alan asked, closing up his locker. Sam opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Edgar, who came up behind him.

"He doesn't like you, huh?"

Edgar said, a fake sense of sadness in his eyes. Sam rolled his eyes and leaned against the locker behind him, hoping that whoever the locker belonged to had already been there to put their things away. Alan scoffed a laugh, crossing his arms. He obviously thought the same.

"Jeez guys, no! He wants to hang out."

Sam answered. Alan and Edgar shared glances at each other.


Alan asked, leaning to one side. Sam gulped and cracked an awkward smile.


Edgar's eyebrows raised, seeming a little impressed that Y/n had agreed. He nodded, checking around to see if there was any sign of Y/n around the halls.


Sam chuckled nervously. Obviously, there would be no reason for the Frog brothers to be angry about someone coming into their shop, in fact as long as there was at least one purchase, they didn't mind some people just hanging around. Still, Sam was nervous about the fact that he had just invited Y/n without a word to them.


Sam said quietly, his voice barely coming above the people passing around them. Alan didn't say anything as he slugged his bag over his shoulder, something Sam was grateful for in hindsight. Edgar seemed to have more of a problem with it, he looked at Sam with a 'what the hell?' face.

"We have to work, Sam."

Edgar muttered, not liking the idea of having someone taking Sam's attention away from actual working. It was hard enough running the shop with their parents asleep in the background, but at least Sam helped some. Sam held his hands up in defense of himself.

"I'll still work! Come on guys, it's not like everyone goes to the comic shop—especially now that summers over."

It was the truth of course. People hardly had time to stop by when it wasn't the weekend, usually the people who would come by didn't have much money or had to work. Alan always hated school time, especially for that. Edgar sighed and nodded, noticing the side look his brother was offering him.

"Whatever. Come on, I'm sure he's waiting for you."

Edgar said, biting the inside of his cheek as he spoke. Alan nodded and was the first to walk off towards the front exit, Sam and Edgar following close behind him as to not get lost in the crowd of teens. Outside was just as filled with people, most of them getting into cars or onto their bikes to head home.

Luckily Sam had convinced his mother (with help from Micheal) that he was able to ride with the Frog brothers to the comic shop after school, explaining to her that he 'worked' there. She agreed after making him swear on his life that once he got there, he would call her at work and let her know. With that out of the way, all Sam had to do before leaving was check around for Y/n.

Y/n was against the wall of the school, inside the shade. Sam pointed over to him, making Alan and Edgar look over.

"Are you riding with us?"

Alan asked, already expecting the answer to be a 'no'. Sam shook his head, a small blush creeping up onto his cheeks.

"I figured we'd meet you there."


Edgar stretched out his word, making Sam roll his eyes. The brothers nodded and went off to their bikes, bidding their friend goodbye without much emotion. Sam watched them leave, wondering for a second how exactly they had become such good friends, other than fighting vampires together, Edgar and Alan didn't seem to care much about anything. Sam shook the thought away and looked back to Y/n.


Sam called out, coming up to the h/c boy. Y/n looked up and smiled, making Sam smile awkwardly back. There wasn't a bone in the blondes body that didn't feel a shiver when Y/n smiled. He looked perfect, which Sam would never say aloud.

"I told Edgar and Alan we would meet them there."

Sam explained. Y/n nodded leaning down and grabbing his bag from the grass, he put it over his shoulder and fed his arms through both straps. He gave Sam another nod when he was ready to go. Sam turned and led the both of them to their bikes, which were parked together on the same bike rack.


The ride to the boardwalk felt painfully awkward. There hadn't been a moment when Sam didn't quickly look away when Y/n found him looking at him. Luckily Y/n didn't say anything about it, but Sam could still tell that the teen found it a little odd. 'Of course he would!'. When they finally got to the comic shop, Y/n was the first to get off his bike, parking it against the wall of the shop.

He looked at it with a wondering look.

"Thanks for uh, coming with me. I know we don't really know each other that well..."

Sam mumbled. Y/n gave him a heartfelt smile, not looking even a small bit worried.

"No problem. I didn't really have anything else to do."

Y/n shrugged his shoulders, waiting for Sam to get off of his bike as well. Once the blonde was off his bike, the both of them went inside the comic store. Sam watched as Y/n looked around at all the comics, moving a few of them aside to look at the ones in the back. At the back of store was Edgar and Alan, giving Sam the look of 'great, you're here.'

"Hey guys!"

Sam called, walking past Y/n to the back. Edgar raised his eyebrows, humming at Sam.

"Does he even like comics?"

Alan asked, looking behind his blonde friend to watch Y/n. He always kept an eye on people viewing, even if he knew them in some way. You could never be careful enough, especially when their shop was one of the most stolen from shops on the boardwalk. Sam nodded and looked behind him to Y/n.

"Yeah, I mean-why else would he come with me?"

Edgar crossed his arms, looking from his brother to Sam. The Frog brothers weren't very trusting people, but Edgar at least tried his best to not say anything about it. If Sam thought good about this guy, then he was sure they would be fine, and if not--then Sam would take the bullet. They had made the same agreement about Micheal.

"Hey, Sam?"

Y/n's voice called. Sam straightened up and quickly took off to Y/n without much of a word to his friends. Edgar and Alan watched in boredom as Sam awkwardly posed by Y/n, trying to seem cooler than he was.

"Think they'd be cool if i took this one? How much is it?"

Y/n asked, holding a (favorite comic) in his hand. Sam looked down at it and nodded, reaching out for it. He had been 'trained' in determining the prices for comics ever since they became friends. Edgar and Alan prided themselves on making sure their comics weren't sold for too cheap, which Sam was sure their parents were happy about.

The comic Y/n had picked up was more or less one of the more expensive ones; nine dollars for the comic. Sam blinked and looked to the Frog brothers out of the corner of his eye, knowing they wouldn't settle for any less. He looked back at Y/n and handed the comic to him.

"It's uh, about nine dollars..."

Y/n raised his eyebrows and looked down at it, seemingly pondering in his mind if it was worth it. He clicked his tongue, nodding.

"Yeah, alright."

Y/n agreed, flashing a smile at Sam. Sam felt like a true salesman, but he always felt a little bad that he couldn't offer to buy it for Y/n. Not that he couldn't! But that would have been such a obvious and embarrassing thing to offer, Y/n would defiantly find out that Sam had a 'big fat crush' on him.

"You work here?"

Y/n asked, although it was obvious. Sam nodded, leaning against the shelf to try and make himself seem cool. Instead of getting a wonderful reaction from Y/n, Sam heard the Frog brothers cackle from behind him, which he tried to ignore. Y/n chuckled.

"Did you're parents make you get a job, because mine did."

Y/n rolled his eyes at the thought, setting the comic down where he hoped he wouldn't forget it. Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah, my mom would rather me stay home."

Y/n hummed, nodding.

"Lucky. I have to work over at the soda shop before school,"

Sam raised his eyebrow.

"But there's no one there before school...?"

Y/n snickered and shrugged, looking beside him to the comics. He picked one up absentmindedly.

"I clean up, get things ready for when they open. My uncle runs it, which is why I work there."

Sam made an 'oh'ing sound, still needing a second to understand it. He didn't really understand the need to have someone clean up that early, from what he remembered--the soda shop opened around nine, and school started at seven. Maybe it was just a way to get Y/n out of the house.

"That blows."

Sam said. Y/n chuckled and nodded, agreeing with him.

"I'd much rather work here, you know."

Y/n said. Sam nodded, not thinking much about it for a moment. It had to have taken him a whole minute of silence to finally get the idea inside of his head, he turned to look at his friends for a moment then back to Y/n.

"Hey, maybe i could uh, ask them if you can work here...?"

Y/n eyes lit up, he nodded quickly. That would be the best possible thing for the both of them. Sam would get to spend more time with Y/n, maybe even become good friends! While Y/n wouldn't have to wake up right at the butt crack of dawn and maybe he would find it better hanging out with Sam.

"That'd be awesome, Sam. Hopefully then we'll get to hang out more."

Y/n smiled, not thinking much about his sentence. Sam blushed and slowly nodded, grinning awkwardly. He turned around and headed to the counter, going over what he was going to say in his mind. The Frog brothers looked at him uninterested, almost knowing what he was going to ask already.

"Hey guys—"

"We don't need anyone else to work here."

Edgar said, leaning back on his little chair. Sam rolled his eyes and leaned forward, putting his hands on the counter.

"Come on guys, please?"

Alan scoffed and shook his head.

"I doubt you'd even work with him here, and you don't even work now."

Edgar laughed a little at his brother's comment, getting up off his chair and looking at Sam with a stern expression.

"What experience does he have?"

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but got interrupted by a voice coming from behind him.

"I read comics all the time, plus—I'm sure Sam could teach me the coast system."

Sam quickly looked beside him, seeing Y/n. The h/c teen leaned against the counter, looking between the brothers and Sam. Sam nodded and looked back to his friends, giving them pleading eyes. Edgar and Alan looked at each other and sighed, having a silent conversation between themselves. They looked back to Y/n and Sam.

"You can come tomorrow. But one error, and you're out."

Y/n put his hands up in defense, nodding in understanding. Sam scoffed a laugh and muttered a little 'dude' under his breath. Alan shrugged, not bothered by his brother's comment. It was true of course, they would never have someone tarnish their parent's business by having someone unqualified working there.

"Cool, then you'll uh, start tomorrow!"

Sam said with excitement, though he tried to keep it toned down. Y/n nodded and smiled widely, excited as well that he would get to work someone that didn't make him wake up at four in the morning. The conversation with his parents would be a hard one, but worth it in the end when he brought up the fact that he was getting a new job—one that hopefully paid better somehow.

Y/n peered out the door, watching some people walk past. He sighed and looked back to Sam.

"I better get going, it's getting dark."

Sam frowned a little and nodded, trying not to let his disappointment slip. Y/n came forward and gave Sam an award 'bro' like hug, not waiting for any response before looking at the Frog brothers.

"I'll see you all later!"

He waved to them and took off out the store, grabbing his bike. Sam watched as Y/n passed the shop, waving at him before he was actually gone. They all stood silent for a while before Alan spoke up.

"Your love sick, aren't you?"

Sam flushed red and wiped his head around, staring at the brother's calm and collected faces. Edgar nodded, agreeing before shaking his head.

"You're done, dude."

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