Hunted {Dean Winchester 3}

By courtneybunny2

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"We're falling apart and I hate it!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes. "I want to hate you! I want to ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 20

306 13 48
By courtneybunny2

Fresh Blood

I watched as Dean sharpened the machete as we all sat around the small table. Again, I can admit he looks good while still being absolutely furious at him. 

The two things can go hand in hand.

"The vampire's still out there, Dean." Sam stated as he cleaned his gun. 

"First thing first..." Dean began.


"About that." Dean said. "When we find him or if he find us..."

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I'm just saying, he's not leaving us many options." Dean told me and Sam.

"Yeah, I know. We gotta kill him." Sam nodded.

"Sometimes you just gotta kill a guy." I mumbled. 

Dean looked between us. "Really? Just like that? I thought you would've been like: 'No, we can't, he's human. It's wrong.'"

I blinked.

"No, I'm done." Sam said. "I mean, Gordon's not gonna stop until we're dead. Or until he is."

Dean's phone rang. He rolled his eyes, answering. "What?"

Must be Bela.

"You're a hundred miles away. How--?" Dean began. "And?" A short pause. "Thanks."


We made our way down the stairs of the warehouse to see the vampire man from earlier on his knees with his head in his hands. Before him were two girls, who had their heads chopped off. 

Dean placed his gun back in the waistband of his jeans before grabbing the knife from the table.

"Go ahead." The vampire said. "Do it. Kill me."

"What happened here?" Sam asked.

"Gordon Walker." He stood. "I never should have brought a hunter here." He turned to us. "Never. I just--I just wanted some kind of revenge. So stupid, exposing my family to him."

"Oh, yeah. You're such a family man." Dean remarked. 

Sam slowly began moving across the room.

"You don't understand." The vamp shook his head.

"I don't wanna understand, you sic--" Dean began.

"I was desperate. Have you ever felt desperate? I've lost anyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?"

Despite every one of my instincts telling me it's stupid, I understood what the vampire was saying. I felt bad for him. 

"Well, there's hell." Dean replied. 

"I wasn't thinking. I just...I didn't care anymore." He said. "Do you know what that's like? When you just don't give a damn? It's like...It's like being dead already. So just go ahead. Do it."

"Dean." Sam said from his spot by the bodies. "Head wasn't cut off, it was ripped off. By someone's bare hands. Dixon?" He asked.

I never was fond of learning the names of anything I had to kill. It made it worse in the end. 

"What did you do to Gordon?" Sam asked. 


"Man, I must've checked three dozen motels, empty buildings, warehouses." Dea listed off as he stripped off his jacket and crossed the motel room. 

"Yeah, me too." Sam replied. "Big city."

Dean walked into the bathroom, turning on the sink and splashing water onto his face. "It's like a giant haystack. Gordon's a deadly needle."

"Well, we're obviously missing something." I stated. "If we all looked and none of us found anything either we're blind or Gordon left town."

"We're running out of daylight. Without the sun slowing him down--" Dean began, wiping his face with a towel. 

"Yeah, he'll be unstoppable." Sam filled in. "Hey, uh, give me your phone."

"What for?" Dean asked.

"If Gordon knows our cell numbers, he can use the cell signal to track us down." Sam explained, taking his own phone apart, probably to smash it to bits.

"Oh, yeah." Dean handed over his phone before walking over to the window. "Nice."

"Saige? Mills?" Sam asked, holding out his hand. 

I pulled my phone from my back pocket, handing it over as Millie did the same. 

Sam stood, dropping the phones and stomping on them. 

"Sam, Si, stay here." Dean said, moving toward the duffle bag.

"What? Where are you going now?" Sam asked.

"Why can't I go with you?" I asked. I gasped. "Are you bringing home another puppy?"

"No." Dean said, grabbing the Colt and some bullets. "I'm going after Gordon."

"What?" Sam and I asked in unison.

"Great, another argument." Millie mumbled. 

"Yeah, you heard me." Dean said, loading bullets into the gun.

"Well, not alone you're not." Sam told him. 

"I don't know if you've noticed but I'm kind of hard to get rid of." I stated. 

Dean looked up at us. "I don't need either of you to sign me a permission slip, okay? He's after you two, not me, and he's turbocharged. I want you both to stay out of harm's way. I'll take care of it." 

"Well, Dean, you're not going by yourself. You're gonna get yourself killed." Sam stated. 

"Just another day at the office. A massively dangerous day at the office." Dean replied.

"I'm starting to think you guys need an office job." Millie sighed. 

"So, what, you're the guy with nothing to lose now?" Sam asked. I began pacing, trying to calm myself down. Yelling did no good. "Oh, let me guess, because, uh, it's because you're already dead."

"If the shoe fits." Dean shrugged.

"I want to beat you with a shoe right now." I told him.  

"You know, man, I'm sick and tired of your stupid kamikaze trip." Sam said. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Kamikaze? I'm more like a ninja." Dean replied.

"That's not funny."

"I am going to kill him." I muttered. 

"It's a little funny." Dean said. 

"No! It's not!" I yelled. "Nothing about any of this is funny."

"What do you want me to do, huh?" Dean stood, placing the gun down and moving toward me. "Sit around all day, writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? Let's see, I got one. What rhymes with 'Shut up'?"

I pulled in a breath. "I'm not easy to anger, but, buddy, you are pushing every single button I got."

"Dude, drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line." Sam said. "And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid."

"I'm not." Dean stated, and it was almost convincing.

"You're lying." Sam pointed out. "And you might as well drop it, because I can see right through you. We can see right through you."

"You got no idea what you're talking about." Dean said, turning his back to me, to us.

"Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year's running out and you're going to hell and you're freaked out." Sam stated. 

"And how do you know that?" Dean asked.

"Because the freaking Easter Bunny called and told us." I replied. "Because we know you better than that, Dean."


"Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life." Sam exclaimed. "I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was 4, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just..."

"What?" Dean pressed softly.

"It's just I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. Because--" Sam paused, tears brimming his eyes. "Just 'cause."

"Alright, we'll hole up." Dean said. "Cover our scent so he can't track us. Wait the night out here." He brushed past me, fingers grabbing mine for a brief second before I pulled back.

I crossed my arms over my chest as he moved to placed the bed frame against the door while Sam lit some sage on fire to cover our scent.

After that, we just sat there in silence. Though I knew it was stupid and immature of me, I kept my distance from Dean even when he tried to apologize in his own way. He never really said he was sorry outright. There were a few times he said he was sorry. But he was more of an actions type of guy. I remembered then that every time we fought, he'd leave a bouquet of flowers on my porch or leave a note on the counter or how he'd take me out to dinner and movie. And in the dark of the theater, he'd slip his hand into mine and trace the words 'I love you' over my palm.

I knew that if I got to close, we fight again. There was so much unsaid between us. There were a million words and feelings bubbling inside of me and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it all in. 

Night fell faster than I would've liked it to. 

Dean's phone rang, making him reach into the pocket of his jeans.

"You've had that phone for two hours, Dean. Who'd you give the number to?" Sam asked, turning away from the window.

"Nobody." Dean replied as Sam sat next us. "Hello?" Realization crossed his face. "How'd you get this number?" A short pause. "I guess you'll just have to find us, won't you? What's the matter, Gord-O? You're not afraid of us, are you? We're just sitting here. Bring it on."

Another pause.

"Gordon, let the girl go." Dean said. "Gordon, don't do this. You don't kill innocent people, you're still a hunter."


I flipped the machete in my hand nervously as we walked through the abandoned factory. Dean was leading, the Colt in hand. Eventually, we found the girl with her wrists zip-tied above her head. 

We ran over, untying her.

"Watch you head, watch your head." Sam held his hand at the back of her head so she didn't hit it against the metal pole as she stood. 

Dean lifted her into his arms when she stumbled. "Stay close, both of you." He told us, taking the lead. He moved through the doorway only for the door to shut before Sam or I could go through. "Sam! Si!"


"Damn it!"

Sam kicked the door, but it didn't budge.

The lights cut out then.

"Saige." Sam said, grabbing my wrist. "Stay close. Gordon? You got us where you want us." He called out, releasing my wrist and holding out his hand to guide us along a wall. Might as well come out and fight."

"I'm right here, Sam." Gordon said from behind me. 

Before I could spin around, arms wrapped around me. 

Gordon chuckled, dragging me backwards as he placed a hand over my mouth. "What's the matter, Sammy?"

"So this is really the way you wanna do it, huh?" Sam asked. 

"Damn right I do." Gordon replied. "You have no idea what I faced to get here. I lost everything. My life. But it's worth it. Because I'm finally going to kill the most dangerous things I ever hunted. You're not human, Sam. Either of you."

"Look who's talking." Sam said, voice closer now.

A blade slashed right by my face, making me scream, but it came out muffled. 

"You're right." Gordon says. "I'm a bloodthirsty killer. And I've been thinking." He trailed a finger over my neck, stopping at my hammering pulse. "From what I know, Saige is far worse than anything. I want her to suffer how I have. I want Dean to see how much of a monster she is. There's only one way to do that."

Gordon sliced open his wrist, spinning me around and pressing me against the wall with his hand around my throat. I fought, kicked, squirmed, did everything I could but he was too strong. 

"I'm going to turn her." He raised his bleeding wrist.

I pressed my lips together, shutting my eyes tightly to keep the tears at bay. He placed a thumb against my bottom lip, parting them. I kicked and yelled and tried my best to get away.

His blood dripped from his wrist and into my mouth.




"Don't talk about this like you don't have a choice." Sam said.

"I don't." Gordon said.

"Yes, you do, Gordon." Sam insisted. "You didn't kill that girl."

"No, I didn't." Gordon agreed. "I did something much, much worse. Exactly like what I did to Saige." 

Tears streamed down my face as Gordon let me go. I sank to the floor.

"I gotta hand it to the both of you." He began. "You both got a lot of people fooled. But see, I know the truth. I know what it's like. We're the same now, you and me. I know how it is walking around with something evil inside you. It's just too bad you both won't do the right thing and kill yourselves. I'm gonna."

I had to admit, the though had crossed my mind once or twice. 

"Saige." Castiel's voice echoed through my head and suddenly the world went dark. "I will save you."

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