My Only L♡ve || Hunter the ow...

By S0lar1aL0v3r

6.8K 142 286

Y/n was 15 and the older sister of Luz Noceda (Your choice if adopted or not), after months of Luz being in t... More

1~ It's been a long time..
2~ Around Town
3~ Time with The Blonde
4~ Flash Backs
5~ Coming Out
6~ Blonde Hair Off
7~ Another Failed Attempt
8~ Practice Before School
9~ Who is Caleb?
10~ For Flapjack
11~ Isles
13~ Eda and King

12~ Get Out of My Head!

342 11 48
By S0lar1aL0v3r

"I need a new one, my plan needs to work" His voice was all deep with revenge 

He slowly limped through the forest, as the ghost kept showing up, "Oh piss off, at least she'd dead with you"

A female ghost showed up, she said "I'll be back, watch."

The laugh ringed in the man's ears, he roared loudly...




"Since the Golden Guard- I mean... Hunter told us about the emperor's plans for the day of unity, Principal Bump allowed the students and teachers to camp out at Hexside" Skara explained, as they walked down the quiet forest

Mat continued "We thought we can take whatever the emperor threw at us, but when the draining spell hit... we realized things wouldn't be as simple" pause "After the adults recovered"

"That's when the collector's spies showed up, the grudegby team snuck out and tried to hold them back but..."

Mat added on "It didn't work, Bump and the adults turned into toys and taken away, we've been hiding here ever since" Mat finished the flash back 

Y/n was horrified! Those poor teachers and students must have been traumatized!

After a bit of a walk, Skara spoke "We did a little redecorating these past few months, so let me welcome you to.. New Hexside!" she opened the doors.

You thought it'd look like a place where dreams happen? No, it looked bad, everyone was doing their own things rent free, making a mess!

"Oh hell no" Y/n mumbled, this was too big of a mess to fix! Miss little clean freak had to clean this place once everything was over

Hunter noticed your reaction and nudged your shoulder "Does little clean freak see something they don't wanna?" He tried to make a joke but thought he went too far "S-sorry"

The oldest Noceda looked at him "No it's fine, don't worry" putting a hand on his shoulder, making his face dust with pink blush

They walked through different rooms, one being the lunchroom where people sold t-shirts, candy, plants, just some random ass shit to be honest, passing a room with little kids destroying plushies, and now they stood Infront of a statue

 "This... is a statue of Principal Bump, who risked his life for ours" Matty said, where Mat and the 2 others saluted the statue.

Mama looked up at it "It's so nice to seeing teachers get the respect they deserve, I think" the statue had Bump riding a skate board

Then, everyone in the school started to gather around looking at the group who were missing for months and the 2 new guests, they gasped, whispering to others like "Who is tall Luz?" "No, who is the person next to tall Luz?" "Are they related?" "Are they single?"

Willow, Gus and Amity saw one of their friends or family members greeting each other since it's been months seeing one another.

Until the speakers went on "Ahem! Attention, will captain Tholomule escort the guest to the council chamber? and do it now!"

"Captain who?" Willow exclaimed

"Wait! Has Tholomule been your last name this whole time!?" Gus gasped, with Mat just smirking with a shrug.

 As they walked to the gymnasium, Y/n looked down and notice a cyan glow, reflecting from her eye, Was it Belos?

They turned back and rushed off, You couldn't let alone see you like this, then you started to heard the voice of deep grunts, until you saw through their eyes, the green goo drew on the wall and it opened up

Inside was full of skulls and golden masks, then a group of ghost showed up staring at the person, they mumbled, "Oh shut up" then went back to crawling, it was Belos

Y/n's eyes went back to normal "Oh my goodness" You said, trying to process what you just saw, did he just jump into a body!? OH GOD NO!

They tried to suck it up and went back to the hallways, Y/n saw the group leaving the gym and going into a secret room, you rushed in before the door closed "Hey I'm back, sorry"

Hunter noticed you come in and quickly asked "What happened? Did you see Belos?"

"Uhm... Some little kids just.. tried to drag me away" You lied to the Blonde

The grimwalker sighed of relief, then went to sit down on the creates, he just wanted his little bird back :(

Y/n sat down on the floor next to him, Willow was going to find something with some magical chopsticks?

But then.. the (h/c) girl's eye turned cyan again, you saw the hand twitching slightly, then the body started to climb out, the body started to melt a bit with a roar "No.. it's not ready" Belos said, his voice in your ears

You wished he just go away! He climbed to the castle where King and the Collector are at, then a ugly ass woman complaining like a baby, Belos said in a dark tone "Oh yes, you can be put to good use"

The woman turned around "Me..?" scared as fuck

"No" The rushed to the person with cyan hair, one of the puppets, taking over there body

That's when you finally got out of the vision with a gasp, your heartrate was so fast, probably faster than the speed of light!

Y/n looked at saw them trying to find the memories of the glyph, Hunter just looked down at the ground, he knew something was off about you, the panics, cyan eye color, but.. what was it?

"It's so clear.. we can use this to get to the skull!" Luz grabbed the image

The blonde got up and said coldly "Finally we can get moving again"

Willow went up to him "Before we go, look what I found", giving him a picture.

He still frowned but took the picture, it was him holding flapjack after winning a game, Gus went up next to Willow "We're all gonna miss Flapjack, but we know he loved you the most"

"And we just wanna let you know, we don't care about who your supposed to be, cause your one of use now. Never forget that." Willow smiled, trying to comfort him a bit

His eyes softened, looking like he was going to cry

"Hunter.. are you alright?" You asked softly

"I... don't know"

Willow's smiled faded once she saw the look in his eyes "Oh.. I'm uhm... sorry I... didn't mean to make things worse.."

Y/n noticed a pair of vines growing under her feet "I uhm.. I'll be right back" she left the room

"Willow wait!" You ran after her but then started to hear Gus speak, so you stopped

Gus sighed and started to speak "I guess this is my fault too"

"What..?" Hunter was stunned and confused. "How?"

"I've known you were a grimwalker since the day of unity, I was waiting for you to bring it up yourself but I-... I-I I don't know, maybe if I weren't so afraid, none of us would be hurting right now" Gus explained

Hunter was about to explain "Gus I-I-" but got cut off.

"It's okay, you stay here me and Y/n will find Willow" he ran outside, bumping into you

"Sorry, Let's find Willow" Y/n said, her cheeks a bit red from embarrassment.

You both ran to find Willow as Hunter called out for you guys "Wait.. Willow, Gus, Y/n wait up!!"

You all noticed Bosha putting her mask on, then seeing a massive thing behind Willow

Before any of you can strike back, you started to feel sleepy from the gas, making everyone pass out.

All you could see was Belos talking with the Collector in a different body, oh things were getting bad, then you felt someone calling your and Gus's name

"Can you hear me? Gus Y/n" Hunter said, in a worried tone.

You both woke up "Huh?" Gus mumbled looking up at Hunter "Ah- Bosha!" He pushed Hunter back.

"No no, it's just me"

Y/n rubbed their head and sat up, you left eye was.. Cyan..?

Gus spoke "Huh.. what happened, I remember smelling sleeping nettles...?"

"Yeah and I think I saw Kikimora with is definitely a bad sign, that way is all caved it so-" but got cut off by Gus

He looked the other way "This way, yeah I'm ready to kick some hexside ass" he walked down the tunnel

You followed Gus into the tunnels and saw Willow in the middle with vines everywhere, "Willow?" You tried going up to her but one vine pulled your leg back

"Y/n!-" Gu tried to grab you but a vine pulled him onto the roof of the cave

Hunter ran in to see the mess, his face full of shock

"Oh Hunter! I had a little run in with Bosha and got stuck down here, Y/n and Gus just... surprised me!" Willow said, her eyes glowing green

Hunter rushed in "What's going on?"

"Don't worry, I got it all under control!" Willow made a spell circle but that only covered Gus in more vines, Willow tried to rip through the vines, saying she can do this, the cave turned into a mess of vines

Y/n tried to get out but then you saw Belos and the Collector, Belos proving the Collector that King is going to betray him 

"Gus, Y/n, Hunter??" Willow tried to free Gus from the vines but failed "I can't do this... I can't control my magic, I can't save my friends... Bosha is right, I'll always be half a witch Willow..." the vines started to swallow her up but then...

Hunter turned into a yellow flash and yanked her out of the vines "You didn't make anything wrong; you didn't do anything wrong, you guys mean the world to me and I... didn't know how to say that yet but please don't call yourself that ever again.. you've been holding in a lot, haven't you?"

"Willow! Reliable people need reliable people too!" Gus said, still stuck in the vines

"Just let it out, we'll be fine!" Y/n said as well, trying to get out of the vines

Willow started to cry, "I miss my dads!" the cave started to shake, and rumble.

Hunter grabbed Willow, Gus and Y/n and started to rush out of the cave, using his magic and escaped the cave, jumping all the way up in the air and falling down, panting heavily

"Hunter... how did you do that?" Gus asked, his face full of shock

Hunter sat up, rubbing his eyes "Do what?"

"You have Magic Hunter!" Y/n smiled

Hunter looked at his hands then at Y/n "Uhm... the magic of friendship?"

Willow chuckled "No, the magic of flapjack!" putting her hand on his chest

Then Hunter noticed a purple glow, the grabbed the others and rushed to the side before they got hit.

"Sorry! Ha ha.. I'm still getting the hang of this!" Luz chuckled nervously, holding her staff

"Luz has a staff" Gus mumbled

Willow added "Why does that make me nervous?"

But then, Kikimora tore through the trees and yelled 'There you are! I'm done playing hide-and-seek!" She fired a canon of abomination goo at them.

Willow quickly made a pair of vines to block the attack, the made a spell circle "Yep, that's better" using the trees to hold the demon back.

Hunter and Luz gasped but Gus just smirked "She's fine, this is child's play for us" making a pair of illusions

Willow flew around and pulled Y/n onto the staff "Care to help with your lassoing skills?"

"Gladly" Y/n grabbed a plant glyph they had saved then made a thick pair of vines and making it into a lasso, lassoing the canon to fire at the illusions

Luz said "Woah, I missed a lot"

But before Willow can make another spell, some goo hit the staff making the 2 hurl away, y/n lasso Willow and dragged her safely to the ground

Hunter teleported up in the air and caught them midair, safely

"I missed A LOT!!" Luz yelled in shock

You looked at Hunter with blush on your face "Thanks blondie"

"Don't make me drop you" He looked off, his face dusted red.

"You don't have the balls to~"

But he dropped you to the floor.

Kikimora shouted "I don't have time for this! I'll make my own empire, and I'll start by taking you apart, piece by piece, brat by brat!" she was about to strike but a flaming ball hit her face

"Stop right there!" A group of hexside students were on the top of a hill, Matty spoke "Miki, I can't say I'm surprised by this. As for you Rouka, I know there's been nothing but chemistry between us. Be that as it may-"

Bosha cut him off "Matt. That's a robot"

Amity flew down as the Hexside students distracted Kiki, they ran out from the fight, Luz pulled out the image of the teleportation glyph and started to draw it out, the other started to help Luz out.

Kikimora said loudly "This is my empire now! You have to obey ME!" she fought off the students

"Pft crazy bitch" Y/n said, making Kikimora fire a ball of goo at the group, Hunter got in front of you but you all teleported to the skull before you all got blasted.

Gus cheered "We.. we made it!"

"Oh my gosh!" Willow and Amity jumped up and down

Luz looked at the staff "Guys, come meet my palismen!"

Everyone came to see what it was, making guesses

A dragon? A bird? A otter? A spooky bat? A snake? A Unicorn?

"Your all close" Luz the human smiled showing a purple snake "She's a snake shifter! her name stringbean and she's perfect!"

Willow went up to Hunter "Hey, thanks for what you said back there, you guys mean a lot to me too" She smiled then Y/n started to walk next to Hunter

"So, you gonna be the next princess of magic?" Y/n laughed a bit

Hunter chuckled "I guess I will" grabbing your hand

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