Redemption (Fallen #2)

Von awesomegal15

394 71 20

Coming soon! Mehr

Four Years Later...
I Am... Confused
We Always Have A Choice
Oh It's Hedonistic
Are We Playing Games Now?
Touchy Crowd
Holy, Holy, Holy
I Beg Your Fine As Fucking Pardon
You're Family
Ladies Night
A Hell Of A Nightmare
Are You Sure You're Not Thinking Of A Demon?
You Really Want To Push It?
Knee Jerk Reaction
Mistakes From The Old World
Sadly It Is

It's By Design

11 3 0
Von awesomegal15

Chapter 14

Once I was freshly showered and dressed in basic blue jeans, white tennis shoes and a matching white crop top I was ready to start my day. Before I walked out of my room I stared at the rose I had thrown on the desk. I still wanted to know how Elijah got in here. But that was a mystery...for Damion. Ryan was under a lot of pressure. He had to play Golden Boy until I didn't know how long. But Damion didn't give a fuck. And I'm sure he knew a lot more about the Nephilim. I made my way into the hallway and down the corridor to the dining area. I recently my back pocket and pulled out my phone and texted Damion.

You cheating on me?

I knew Damion would respond as soon as he saw it.

I put my phone in my back pocket. And immediately felt vibration.

That was quick.

I pulled back out my phone unlocking it and saw not Damion. But an unknown number texting me.

... Gee, I wonder who this is.

Good morning gorgeous ♥️

You're a man of many skills.

Only when I need to be.

I have to know how did you do the rose thing? And how did you get my number?

Sounds like you finally curious 😉

You got me

Meet me on the beach if you're truly curious.

The beach is miles and miles long.

I'll find you. I always do.

I Cullen move down my arm and out my body. He flew over to a window ledge. "Dangerous".

"I know", I said going over to the ledge. Beneath us with nothing but Rocky cliffs that led down the mountain. But just in the distance was the beach. This would be the perfect opportunity for an ambush. I'll have to do was tell Ryan... And he would take care of Elijah.

I'll have to pass.

You're going to get curious enough to want to talk to me. I can be patient until you're ready.

You're Nephilim?

You guessed right.

Can't take the credit on that one. My boyfriend isn't just looks.

He has taste too.

A very lucky Fallen.

He's not Fallen anymore. And if you care about your own self. I would leave me alone. Heaven isn't particularly fond of Nephilim. Fair warning, if you keep this up

I'm not going anywhere gorgeous. I'm not afraid of Heaven. But it's cute to know you care.

I never said that.

You don't have to, you've always been that way naturally.

I didn't like that. Elijah didn't know me. And if he knew someone that looked like me obviously we weren't the same person.

"Good morning", Caleb said super chipper and loud. He scared me making me drop my phone out the window and down the cliff.


Damion was going to kill me. That was like my third phone this year.

"I've done that many times", Caleb said with a worried expression in a long sleeve blue crew neck shirt and light blue jeans. "That's why Flynn only gave me flip phones after a while".

"I'm about to be there too".

"I could probably fly down and get it".

"It has to be in a million pieces by now. I'll take my verbal lashing", I reached out my hand to Cullen for him to hop up and then put him on my shoulder.

"How was your night out?"

"It was filled with hookers, booze and blow".

Caleb laughed,"So a typical night".

"You'll have to join us next time".

"Before we all divide and conquer we should all go out".

"Are you leaving soon?"

"Not necessarily. There's a couple of things I need to get done in heaven. But then I'll be back on a special assignment".

"Fancy. They're giving you James Bond missions?"

"Specialized things that need to be done by Seraphim", He shrugged as we continued walking down the hallway.

"Promise me you'll be safe whatever the special secret assignment is?"

"It's not a secret. Some archangels have gone missing. That's not normal. I need to figure out why".

"Who?" I asked.

"Maalik, for one".

"He...umm... guards the gates of hell?"


"Aren't there multiple gates to hell? How do you know he's not just at another gate still doing his job?"

"Because you would have never wound up in the pit if he was. And He's been MIA for too long. Even longer than Sariel. So we need to find him".

"Who's we?" I said not liking The idea of Caleb put a hands of at risk with people He didn't really know.

"Sariel and myself . I'm hoping to steal Ryan for this one too".

I really didn't like that. So Caleb and Ryan would both be endanger."Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Anything", Caleb smiled as we made our way down a spiraling stone staircase.

"Have you ever met a Nephilim?"

"Several, why?" Caleb admitted as Cullen flew from my shoulder over to Caleb's.

"I'm just curious. You go to school and learn all this stuff and then realize we don't have all the answers. There's like four sentences about them in the history books---".

"It's by design", Caleb said touching my shoulder making us both stop. I turn to face him and I saw a seriousness on him I hadn't seen since I put together he wasn't fallen. "If you're asking it has to be because you met one, right?"

"I think I may have accidentally met one last night".

"Nephilim are dangerous. Especially the ones that have survived this long. They were basically psychopaths..Like many serial killers, they could seem nice when they wanted to be, but they had nothing to restrain thier selfish, self-centered side, and were well known in doing things that would make today’s serial killers look tame in comparison. They were extremely cruel and sadistic, and took pleasure in making humans suffer. They are stronger, with barely any limitations. They are the closest things this world has ever had to demigods. When the Nephilim are left unchecked you get Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sexual wickednesses rape, child sexual abuse,and indecent assault".

"So just inherently they're born evil?"That didn't seem right.

"Of course nothing is completely evil. There are exceptions. I haven't met any of them. But, I wouldn't be so trusting".

"Of course, I was just curious", It sounded like it didn't matter who I talked to. Everyone had already made up their mind about the Nephilim being evil.

But deep down I couldn't accept that. Maybe I was a sucker for a lost cause.

"You are tried", Cullen stated.


"You did have a late night and with all the hookers and blow you could probably stand to sleep at all some more", Caleb said laughing at his own joke. But I wasn't tired? Maybe a little hungover but I've had way worse before.

"Rest, I'm sure Ryel will be here still once we wake again", Cullen pressed.

We pretty much felt the same things. So I knew he wasn't feeling overly tired nothing that we hadn't pushed through before. But whatever... If he wanted to sleep we could sleep.

"Okay", I said offering my palm out to him. Cullen made his way inside me. I told Caleb I would see him later. Then headed back to our room. As soon as the door was shut behind us I turned by attention to Cullen.

Do you want to tell me what that was all about?

I asked in my head.

It's rare for all of heaven to agree unilaterally on something. From seraphim to archangel, The only way they seem to comprehend the Nephilim is by complete annihilation. The crimes Caleb gave us are no different than the crimes of man but humanity is given an endless amount of grace and forgiveness.

I mean we're not all bad.

I said defensively as I took off my close and put on an oversized shirt to crawl into bed again.

No other species has had a more violent history on this Earth. And yet everyone no matter their crime every human still has the chance for redemption. I agree with your innate feelings. I don't believe we're getting the full story and we may never unless we take action.

I'm not going down to the beach that just seems like too much of a trap.

He found us in sleep. I'm sure Elijah can find us again.

"I'm sure he will", I didn't like that either. Things that happened in the dream apparently had some effect in reality? "Hey, why don't you hang out not in me? I'm not sure what Elijah can and can't do but I don't want to risk you".

That would leave you more exposed.

"Worst case scenario I make myself wake up. Or Even better you could wake me up in like an hour?"

I felt Cullen moved out of me. He nestled himself on my chest. "One hour".

"One hour", I said closing my eyes. Okay Elijah you have my full undivided attention. I want to see if you truly are the monster everyone is telling me you are.


I watched as Michael rubbed his temple across the dining table as his wife rubbed his back. He was taking the news of the Nephilim...well...

"That girl is going to be the death of me", he groaned. "She's more trouble than worth it---"

Serena was quick to defend Evelyn,"How is this Evelyn's fault  how offen do Nephilim pop up?"

"In a room filled with people. He just happened to pick her?"

"Just because you don't like her doesn't mean the rest of the world sees her that way".

"And this is a good thing. This Nephilim will come out of hiding and we can take care of it quickly. One less problem", I echoed.

"You should be thankful she made him come out of the shadows".

"Nephilim are like cockroaches at this point not even a nuclear bomb could get rid of them", Michael said standing up. "I'll take care of this".

"You always do", Serena beamed.

"Good morning all", Caleb said with a yawn as he came and took a seat next to me. "If I didn't know any better I would say everyone is extremely on edge".

"Evelyn found a Nephilim", I explained.

"You don't say?" Caleb said relaxed as Serena placed a porcelain cup in front of him and poured him a green cup of tea. "Thank you", he smiled.

"My pleasure", Serena said fawning over Caleb. Her whole demeanor changed as soon as he walked into the door. But Caleb normally had that effect on women anyway. "Would you like some breakfast? I made more than enough for Evelyn and I".

"I won't turn down food", Caleb stated and Serena was immediately dashing into the kitchen. "Such a sweet girl".

Caleb slid his cup of tea to me,"Thanks".

"It's a bribe".

"Why?" Michael was quick to interject as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What does a seraphim need of a archangel?"

"I'm hoping to use Ryan to help me find Maalik with Sariel and your blessing

"No, Ryel is needed here---"

There was a dangerous sharpness to Caleb as he cut off Michael,"Michael, I wasn't asking I was telling. You have lost several angels and one very important archangel. Hell's Gates cannot be left unguarded for as long as they have been. Maalik needs to be found as a top priority. You have not made it a priority the  Seraphim now have. If you see issue with it, take it up with Father".


Caleb never pulled rank. He really wasn't fucking around.

I watched as Michael and Caleb had a stare off. Before Michael had to cave. "Fine, if that is Father's wish".

"Good. This will give you the opportunity to make peace with Evelyn until Ryan or Damion return. The strongest archangel taking care of the two most important relics on earth. Should be a cakewalk", Caleb said immediately snapping back to his normal easy going self. "Sariel should be here later this afternoon, I was hoping we could all leave then while I finish up some errands in the meantime".

"Ryel, check in when you can. I have to go hunting for Nephilim", Michael said storming off.

It wasn't long before Caleb and I were finally alone. And he turned his attention to me,"You should check in with Evelyn".

"Why, whats wrong?" I said exploding out of my chair ready to go find her.

"Sit down, she's sleeping off a hangover".

"O", I said feeling silly for overreacting. "O fuck you!Why won't you just say it normally? Made me think she had had a heart attack or a stroke or something".

"You know I like Evelyn, I think of her as a sister and I like her for you".


"Nephilim can be seductive. And we both know Evelyn has a bleeding heart for an underdog. I admire her compassion more human should be that way".

"Yeah, she's amazing", That's why she's my girlfriend.

Caleb stared at me plainly waiting for me to react. "Okay, since you're not putting the dots together I'll spell it out. The compassion and understanding she gave us as fallen could easily be given to this Nephilim".

"No, she knows they're evil. A mistake---"

"And Angels that have never fallen say that about the Fallen. Don't forget your roots that brought you to redemption. I would be worried about her curiosity. Nephilim are dangerous they are hunters and humans have always been their prey. It's not up to us to decide what is evil". I didn't think of it like that. I wasn't exactly thinking a Nephilim was going to be a problem I would ever live to see. But maybe I really need to spell it out for Evelyn the way Caleb just did for me.

"I'll talk to her before we leave".

"Good", Caleb said taking his cup of tea back. He sipped on it like he didn't have a care or thought in the world,"And I promise you I'm not the same kind of leader as Michael. And I'll give you more breaks so that you can come back and court Evelyn into marriage".

I laughed jokingly,"So me getting married is Seraphim important".

"It's on the radar".

"Wait, what?"

"So, I just whipped up some fresh waffles, eggs and OJ for you", Serena said floating into the room to serve Caleb like a king.

"I'm actually not a fan of eggs".

"I'll eat it---"

"Homemade bread then?"

"I would love some", like a school girl with a crush Serena again rushed into the kitchen to serve Caleb.

"You can have those", Caleb said pushing the plate of eggs I knew he wasn't going to touch in front of me.

"I'll gladly take your scraps".

"Serena, is such a lovely girl".

"Uhmmm... They normally are when they like you".

"She is a married woman. I believe her kindness is just a reflection of the person she is".

"Uhmm... You keep telling yourself that", I said show me my face full of eggs. I reach for Caleb's glass of orange juice and he quickly slapped my hand away.

"Ask for your own".

"I don't think she knows I exist now that you're here".

"Jealousy isn't becoming", Caleb said with a smirk.


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