After the battle.

By Patch_Work88011

3.8K 134 192

Alastor struggles to deal with his emotions while simultaneously struggles to deal with his enemies, helping... More

Alastor and his emotions.
Not a new chapter, just some art!
The pearly gates
Heavens surprises
Mammas Boy
Sir Precious
Oh. My. you!
Read please (Not a new chapter)
Party planner
Post for Wips, art, ideas and more (not a chapter obviously)
Angel, you fucking asshole.


221 10 17
By Patch_Work88011

(Sobbing I drew this right after I threw up the other night 💀💀💀 )

Talking with Molly was... Nice... She was well mannered and a good listener. Alastor liked her. He never really opened up to anyone so finally spilling out all his emotions was... Well, it felt a little strange, especially when he was talking to someone he didn't know well... but at least no one else but Molly would know about these things, I mean, it's not like he'd ever be coming back to heaven, or anyone he knew would be coming to heaven.
"So..." Molly began after a few minutes of silence "How's your wound?" Alastor tensed "My... My wound?" How did she know...? "I.... Don't know what you are talking about, Miss Molly..." he cleared his throat and stood up, a bit too quickly apparently as a sharp pain shot through his chest and he tried not to wince.
Molly gave him an annoyed frown "I saw that. You've been walking weirdly this whole time and your breathing isn't normal." fuck, well, so much for playing it off.
Alastor sighed "It's just a battle wound... I'll be fine..."
Molly's frown deepened "What happened?" she asked softly, sounding genuinely concerned
"Just... I fought with Adam and lost." Alastor could feel the anger bubbling inside as he remembered his failure. He was so sure he was going to win and bam!
"The stupid guitar axe?" Molly questioned
"Yes... The stupid guitar axe..." Alastor mumbled, his ears drooping slightly. 

"Alastor!!" Alastor's ears perked back up as he heard Charlies excited voice as well as molly gasp beside him, as he turned to look at Charlie he, like Molly, gasped. Walking behind Charlie was... Fucking God?? Alastor's jaw dropped and he glanced at Molly who had the exact same reaction.
Charlie smiled as she ran up to the shocked demon "ALASTOR! OH ALASTOR, YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS! PENTIOUS IS ALIVE !!" Alastors attention was immediately directed back to Charlie "A-Apologies darling- Did you just say-" "Sir Pentious is Alive." Charlie repeated in a calmer tone.
Alastor was stunned, his mind was racing and he just stared at Charlie. Redeemed...? Pentious was... Redeemed!? No. No that's not possible... Adam killed him... Right?

"Charlie- are you- are you certain?" Alastor asked hesitantly "I know I did not see him be killed but- but you had explained that he was when I came back to the hotel..."
Charlie nodded her head excitedly "Yes! I saw him!" she cheered, her eyes sparkling with a glint of hope that caused Alastor to go pale.
Charlie noticed Alastor's reaction not being excited, or at the very least, happy at the discovery.
"Alastor...?" Charlie said softly "is something wrong?" her eyes no longer had that glimmer of hope, they were now full of concern for her friend. Alastor blinked a few times "Ah- no, nothing's wrong, dear... that is... Wonderful news..." Alastor cleared his throat and Charlie smiled softly, though she didn't fully believe he was okay.
"Well then... I suppose it is time for you and your friends to go back home now." God said softly after a bit of silence, causing Alastor to look up at him. Shit. He completely forgot he was there.
Molly cleared her throat, her stunned silence from seeing the lord finally leaving. "W-well, uhm, Alastor, it was nice meeting you," she said as Alastor simply nodded, not taking his eyes off God... And God not taking his eyes off Alastor "Charlie," Molly continued "I'm glad your whole redemption thing works... Uhm... If you meet anyone named Anthony down there, tell him his sister said that she misses him and loves him... And, please... Maybe help him get redeemed?" Charlie smiled softly and took Molly's hands in her own "Of course I will..." Molly smiled at her and gave her a hug, when she pulled away she said her goodbyes to everyone and started to walk away.
"Ah- Molly dear!" Alastor called out after a moment of debating, sprinting to catch up with her. Charlie glanced at her grand father who shrugged and watched the spider angel and deer demon interact. Molly turned to Alastor and raised an eyebrow, Alastor sighed "About our.... Conversations.... I ask that you do not tell anyone... Especially not Charlie, because I have a feeling she will be coming up here more often..." Alastor mumbled as he looked at the ground made of fluffy white clouds, why he even talked in the first place about these things he did not know, but if Charlie was going to be up here, if anyone Alastor knew was going to come up here, then they would probably meet Molly... And if she told them about all that he's said today then- Alastor grimaced at the thought. Molly frowned as Alastor spoke "Alastor... It's not healthy for you to keep this from your friend-" "She is not my friend." Alastor quickly corrected, a bit of anger flashing in his eyes "She is my business partner."
Molly sighed "Alright.... Alright I wont tell anyone..." she promised rather reluctantly, Alastor let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and thanked her, watching as she walked away before turning back to Charlie and fucking god... Alastor's eyes narrowed as he saw Emily with them,as well as... Sir Pentious... He looked quite different, less... Evil... Well, he didn't look really evil before, he looked pathetic in Alastor's opinion (Sir Precious slander 💔💔). He looked.... Heavenly... Alastor walked over to them in time to hear Sir Pentious' request to Charlie.

 "Charlie... Pleaasse tell my egg boiss that I am okay...." He pleaded, making a pouty face and puppy eyes. Charlie smiled "Don't worry... I'll make sure to tell everyone you're okay... I'll see you again soon, Pentious..." She promised as she pulled the snake demon- er, the snake angel into a tight hug. Alastor rolled his eyes as he saw Pentious begin to cry into Charlies arms while she gently patted him on the back. Emily chuckled softly as she helped pull Pentious off of Charlie, the snake immediately latched onto her and continued to sob rather loudly. It was quite annoying. "Well then... I suppose I'll see you again as well Emily... And, uhm.... Grandfather..." Charlie chuckled awkwardly as she stuck her hand out for him to shake, not sure how else to say goodbye. God chuckled and leaned down to pull Charlie into a hug, she was shocked at first, but then hugged back with a big smile on her face. "Goodbye Charlie... We will get in contact with you if we figure anything out on how Sir Pentious got redeemed..." God said softly as he broke the hug. Charlie nodded gratefully and turned to Alastor "C'mon Al... let's go home..." Alastor nodded, glancing at God who was staring at him as he opened the golden swirling portal with lucifer and the others on the other side, as Lucifer saw Charlie he smiled, but when he saw his father his face fell and his eyes went wide, God frowned and turned away while Charlie and Alastor walked through. Charlie decided to turn around and ask God something but as she opened her mouth the portal closed and she sighed, turning back to her father who looked a bit stunned. The others, that being Vaggie, Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb at the moment came up. "Oi... Was that.... God? And-... And... Pentious?" Cherri asked hesitantly, her voice just barely above a whisper, she knew that wasn't just her eye playing tricks on her, so she waited with baited breath for Charlie to answer the question, everyone did.
". . . It was. . . he was redeemed. . ."
Lute scowled as she watched Charlie and that red bambi looking motherfucker step through the portal back to hell from the balcony of the blue and white palace inhabited by Sera and Emily. She wanted to go down there and rip those fuckers head's off. Make them suffer and avenge her boss. She put her exorcist mask on and picked up her spear but before she could take off she felt a hand on her shoulder. Lute tensed and turned to see Sera, a frown on her face "Don't. Not while our lord is with them. We will have plenty of chances to stop the demons from coming up here but now is not one of them." She said sternly. Lute scowled under her mask "You're really just gonna let them get away with killing Adam?!" she hissed as she pulled her mask back off and threw it to the ground. "No... They will pay for the loss of your lover-" "he was not my lover-" Lute protested but Sera ignored her and continued speaking, her eyes narrowing at the sight of Emily comforting the snake "-I will not allow those demons to rise into heaven, even if it goes against our lord's wishes, I believe his judgement has been clouded by the daughter of the Morningstar... But I am not sure how we can stop them, I believe an angel setting foot in hell right now would be a bad decision..." Lute smiled "I have an idea..."

Chapter 9 end

This one is by far my favourite, finally got some motivation and ideas, + I'm feeling MUCH better. *cough cough* Adam X Lute *cough cough*. Uhhh, I don't know what else to put here- so-


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