It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

Por i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

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Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... Más



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Por i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

Rose goes outside. She looks around for Jennie and Jay, but they're not here, but there are a lot of guys discussing what happened. The blonde steps aside, noticing that attention has been paid to her, and judging by the changed faces, they were ready to get acquainted with her. This is not part of her plans. The girl takes out her phone and types a message.

Rose: Come down, let's go.

Jennie: What do you mean?

Rose: I'm waiting for you outside, come here quickly.

Jennie: Um... I... Actually, I'm kind of busy. Actually, I told you I'd be with Jay.

Rose clenches her jaw. She's not going to back down. It didn't last long, considering that she was no longer going to pretend to be someone and keep herself in check. Not with Jennie, not at all.

Rose: You have a minute.

Rose puts her phone in her pocket as Jennie leaves the building. The brown-haired girl notices her and accelerates her pace.

-What the hell?- Jennie looks around, comes close to Rose and stops.- What are you doing here?

-Let's go.- She grabs Jennie's hand, but she immediately pulls away with a soft squeal.- What is it?- Rose quickly takes the blonde by the wrist and, raising her hand, frowns.- What is this?

-Fuck.- Jennie struggles again.- Let's go.

Rose doesn't understand. Jennie's knuckles are red and swollen. Well, it can't be that she hit Daniel.

-Sana's boyfriend came into Jay's room and called me to talk.- Jennie begins to speak, walking quickly forward, she does not even look at Rose, who is walking slightly behind.- He took me out of the room, then started talking some shit, grabbed me by the shoulder. Well, I punched him in the nose. My arm fucking hurts.

-Did you hit him?!

-Well, Jay came out and beat him up too. Then the guys from the next room joined in. Fuck. I didn't understand anything about what he wanted from me. Typical moron.- She shakes her injured hand.- How did you spend your time? And why did you... What do you want?- Kim is slowing down.

Rose stops too, silently examining Jennie's annoyed face until Kim starts snapping her fingers in front of her nose.

Actually, Rose took her to finish what they started. But now her mood is changing dramatically. Jennie is too annoyed, and this anger of hers is not at all like the one that usually makes you want to pinch her or kiss her.

It seems that the desire to have sex has disappeared...

-Let's go to the room, I know what I need right now.- Jennie grabs the blonde by the arm and pulls her forward.

...And then this desire appeared again.

Rose follows. She was sure that everything would be different from now on. She was sure that she had allowed Jennie to be arrogant and had succumbed somewhere, feeling pressure or some kind of dominance from the brown-haired girl. But has everything changed now? She should be the one dragging Jennie by grabbing her arm. What the hell?!

Suddenly there is a desire to pull out her hand. To show that Jennie is not here to decide when and what to do with them.

Rose's phone rings.

-Hi, Mom.- She pulls her arm out of Jennie's grip and points her to walk a little ahead.

They had almost reached the building. Rose notices Eunchae that she was sitting on the steps and immediately jumped when she saw them.

Her mom is telling something about her bad day, and Rose is closely watching Jennie, whom Eunchae runs up and takes aside. She doesn't like this strange girl at all, she doesn't like what she's learned about her. Rose notices how she shoves money at Jennie, and the brown-haired girl reaches into her back pocket, taking... Rose rolls her eyes.

-Rose, are you listening to me at all?!- Mom shouts, who apparently asked something, and Rose immediately turns away from the girls.

-Yes, Mom. I'm sorry, you just called me at the wrong time.

She listens to what her mother is already quickly finishing, and then says goodbye. Jennie is already standing at the entrance to the building and raises her hand to call her, but Sana and her friends immediately come out, and Jennie steps aside.

-We're going for a walk, are you coming with us?- Sana asks as Rose walks past them.

-No, I'm busy.- The blonde answers shortly, waving her hand.- Let's go.- She says to Jennie, opening the door and letting her go ahead.

Roseanne notices the puzzled faces of her "friends", but she doesn't give a damn anymore.

-Seriously?- Jennie raises her eyebrows.

-What did Eunchae want? Did you sell her some weed?

-Am I completely stupid?- Jennie, eyes wide, looks at the blonde, slowing down a little.- I gave it to her.

-Speaking of Eunchae...- Park follows Jennie into the room.

-I've been thinking.- Jennie interrupts her.- Jay broke up with a girl. I'm not sure, but maybe... In general, he seems like a good option.- She stops in the middle of the room and looks at Rose, apparently waiting for approval. The blonde is a little shocked, but manages to stop her eyebrows in time, which almost flew up.

She won't tell her a damn thing about Eunchae.

-He's cute.- Park shrugs her shoulders.- Are you going to have sex with me and then date him?

-Well...- Jennie frowns, looking away.- We don't have to have sex. I can understand if it's inconvenient for you.

The blonde slowly takes her hands behind her back, clenching them into fists there. She really wants to hit this girl. To hit at least something. She has no right to tell her roommate anything, because she has a girlfriend. And she herself does not pretend to anything... Isn't that right? These thoughts cool her down a little. A sense of ownership? Why does she have a sense of ownership for Jennie? She wants to be alone with herself for a minute to somehow rethink all this nonsense that is happening between her and this Jennie.

What's the difference anyway, why?

-No, I'm comfortable. You can at least sleep with everyone here, but only after me.

-Hmm.- Jennie's lips break into a smile, and she comes closer.- It seems to me that you are angry. It's obvious, you know?

-What kind of nonsense is this?!- Rose takes a step back, but Jennie grabs her hands and pulls her towards her.

-I know that when you're angry, your eyebrows move, you know? You're frowning, and also your cheekbones. You're clenching your jaw. I love it when you're angry.- Kim puts her hand on her cheek.

Rose was absolutely sure that everything would change once she decided that it was time to become herself. She seems to be starting to realize that she has been herself all this time with Jennie. Inside, everything begins to boil with the realization that someone can suppress it. No.

-Fuck off.- Rose pushes the girl away from her and goes to the bed.

-Are you jealous?

-Why should I be jealous?- The blonde immediately snaps, turning around sharply.- Do you always say whatever comes to mind? Sometimes you need to hold back bad words if you can't hold back stupid thoughts. I have a girlfriend. You're just pissing me off already.

Rose immediately bites her lip, realizing that she has already been through this. She had already snapped at Jennie a few days ago. Everything starts to burn in her chest. Jennie doesn't change her face, she doesn't take offense, she continues to smile. Rose got caught like a fool. She fell for the provocation again.

-Okay.- Jennie says slowly, heading for her bed. The smile gradually fades from her face. Maybe she was offended.

Rose sighs heavily. The desire to destroy begins to give way to the desire to apologize. Her hand immediately reaches to the bedside table to get a pill. The girl has already taken a pill in the morning, but she has no idea how else to calm this vibration in her chest. How to remove a lump formed in the throat. The pills relax her for a while... It's okay if she uses this time now.

Jennie silently watches as the girl takes out a pill, puts it in her mouth, and then drinks it down. She does not take her eyes off the blonde even now, when she sat down on the bed, turning so that even her face was poorly visible.

-I'm offended.- Kim says softly.- I don't understand what you want from me. Why are you angry?

-Just don't tell me about your boyfriend. Is it really not clear? And I'm not jealous.- She turns to face Jennie.- I have a girlfriend, and I don't need anything from you, but... - Rose would gladly finish the thought if she could find the words, but she has no idea what to add.

-I understand.- Kim takes a deep breath.- You're possessive. You're used to being noticed. We've already discussed this, I just didn't know it applied to me either. Actually, it flatters me. I thought you didn't care. I'm sorry, I won't talk about him anymore.


If earlier Rose was infuriated that Jennie was always making some conclusions and immediately voiced them, as if she knew everything, now she is grateful that she understood everything, and this conversation is finally over.

-You know that because of your ego, I won't be alone. Well...- Jennie says more quietly.

-Damn, I understand. Let's end this conversation. I just asked you not to tell me that.


-You didn't want a relationship, did you?- Rose asks immediately, without expecting it from herself.

-Um...- Jennie's face shows that she's not sure she wants to discuss this. In general, Rose is to blame for this.- What's the difference, let's change the conversation.

Rose sighs, realizing that she herself has just closed one door. It turns out that there was one advantage to Jennie saying that. She trusted her with some personal information. It seems that she even tried to consult. How stupid is that... Park finds herself thinking that she would not mind at all knowing the continuation of her thoughts about Jay. It was a little early for her to besiege her roommate.

She rarely asks about anything, and attempts to get into someone's soul are perceived by her as something humiliating. Especially when these questions are about yourself personally. Rose can't remember asking anything like that at all. It's easier for her to make a conclusion herself than to ask and look like an idiot.

-Do you happen to know what Daniel wanted from me?- Jennie gets out of bed and goes to Rose.- Maybe you've heard something from Sana.

That's how easily a brown-haired girl can come up and, as if nothing had happened, sit next to her, and then hug her.

-I don't know.- Rose swallows loudly, colliding with the eyes opposite, and then reaches out to Jennie to kiss her.

Jennie quickly responds to the kiss, but immediately pulls away. She pats Rose on the back, and then moves away from her bed:

-I'm going to the girls.

As soon as the door closes behind her, Rose throws a bottle of water at the wall and immediately gets out of bed. It's a good thing the pills don't make her sluggish anymore. However, they are no longer suitable as sedatives either. Now sleepiness and lethargy are being replaced by cheerfulness. This is good, because it would be inconvenient for her to exercise sleepy and sluggish.

She will put herself in order this summer, and in the new academic year she will be restored to the team. Rose doesn't see herself without playing sports and without volleyball. These two days, when she played again, even despite the shitty team, she was still happy. She missed this feeling of excitement, no adrenaline and a mad desire to win. For Rose, it was not only the final victory of the team that mattered, but also her own — every time she hit the ball, when she gave a good pass to the striker or when she made a block. In this team, the girl somehow felt her victory, because, despite the final results, she realized how good she was. She understood this every time she did not only her own work in the team, but also someone else's.

Rose saw the way Sana and her friends looked at her. Mina even complimented her once, but she did it carefully so that Sana wouldn't hear. Sana herself, not only was she not going to pay compliments, on the contrary, she only became more annoyed, and this was especially felt in between the game. Rose had no other options: their team was winning, and the only thing that could make Sana angry was that Rose easily hit the balls and blocked her attacks.

Park puts thoughts of Jennie away. She has some other things that need to be done urgently, while it's relevant.

The blonde finds all three friends not far from the company of guys. She thinks she's on time. Sana chastises Momo for letting the guy flirt. More precisely, he reciprocates. In Sana's opinion, this guy is a beggar, and since his parents are not rich, someone like Momo is not suitable. By the way, Momo herself comes from a poor family, but her parents divorced when she was little, and her mother married a rich man not so long ago. Actually, this influenced their friendship with Sana. This also influenced the advice that Sana gave her friend. Of course, if it weren't for that, they wouldn't be friends. At first glance, it seemed that Momo didn't mind that Sana dictated to her who she could flirt with and who she couldn't, but nevertheless, the blonde couldn't help but notice that the girl was worried about it. She'd seen the way Momo had looked at this guy when they'd been drinking together. She liked him. Judging by the messages that Rose has read, this is not the first time this has happened.

Also, from the texts between Mina and Sana, it was clear that Sana herself did not mind spending time with these "beggars", but only so that no one knew. Once she kissed at some party with a guy who, according to her own recommendations, was turned down by Momo. Mina caught them. It was their little secret.

Daniel made it clear why a girl could be attracted to poor boys and at the same time not meet them. The guy is handsome, but stupid, redneck and not rich. Actually, for Rose personally, the third reason is so-so... She definitely wouldn't reject a guy because of his family's wealth.

There's half an hour left before dinner, and Rose realizes that she doesn't have much time. After spending fifteen minutes on extraneous conversations about boys, she decides to get down to business.

-By the way... - Park looks at Sana guiltily and uncertainly, which arouses her interest.- I saw something here.... More precisely... damn, I'm not sure I should say this. It might have seemed to me.

-What?- Sana takes the girl's arm.- Let's go towards the dining room. Say what you want.

-It's about Daniel....

-By the way, I haven't seen him. The guys said Jay punched him in the face. That there was a fight. Do you know anything about this?

-Actually... I think so.- Rose covers the girl's forearm with her palm and barely reaches out to her, wanting to speak so that they won't be heard.

-Go.- She orders her friends.- Come on, tell me.

-That's why I decided to stay with Jennie. More precisely, I took her to a conversation, but I didn't achieve anything. She's a pain in the ass. In general... It seems that there is something between Daniel and Jennie.- The blonde immediately tightens her grip on Sana's hand so that she doesn't pull away so immediately.- It seems Daniel got jealous and came to sort it out... not that Jennie wanted him. He wanted to, and she punched him in the nose, and then Jay came out. Sorry... I just happened to hear... I could have messed up something.

-You're definitely confusing something!- Sana finally pulls her hand away.- You're completely stupid if you even thought that! He wouldn't look at anyone, and... what nonsense is this?!

-Don't get mad, I'll always support you, so I came to you right away.

-This is nonsense! If I ask, he'll kill Jennie and bury her in the woods!

-If I were you, I....- Rose lowered her gaze to the ground and continued in an uncertain tone.- Hmm, if I were you... That's exactly what I would do. I would ask, well, as you just said... I'd just like to see his reaction. And it's better that he did it in front of everyone so that you could see... well, and... he couldn't lie like that. I'm sorry, I just assumed.

-You're talking some bullshit. You and others who might think that are just dumb idiots. But your advice is not so dumb. I'll show you.- She quickens her pace.

-Sana, you don't care about him, he's a beggar. Let him take her away.- Rose shouts after her.

Sana turns around, grimaces, but without answering, turns away and hurries into the dining room. They usually come to dinner later, when Jennie and her friends are already finishing, so Sana needs to make it while they're still there.

Park chuckles, and then smiles and speeds up her pace. Dinner will be fun.

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