Hateful desires


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A Draco Malfoy love story, enemies to lovers. Y/n, a pretty sweet little witch, with some anger issues, is qu... Еще

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

47 2 1

Professor Mcgonnagol had explained that I could leave early, but that I still had to study whilst away, I didn't mind that, I just wanted a break, a big break from the school, Potter, Ron, Pansy, and of course from Malfoy.

I had a talk with Pansy before leaving, she knew that my anger towards her came from my grief, and didn't take it to heart.

I left Hogwarts the day after everything with Malfoy, it was a huge relief, but I still wanted him to be here, I didn't know why or what the hell was wrong with me. I was probably going insane.

My sister Aria cried non-stop, she was more sensitive than me, or at least she showed more emotion. I hated showing my emotions when I was upset, made me feel weak and vulnerable and I couldn't handle it.

I spent most days cooped up in my room, looking at old memories of my Nan, I did cry, a lot actually, just not in front of anyone.

My mother hadn't told me how my Nan had died yet, but she promised me she would after her funeral, the funeral I really didn't want to attend in fear of breaking down in front of everyone.

"Darling, are you ready soon" my mother yelled softly, as I was putting on a black suit, "Yes Mother, I'll be down in one minute" I yelled back, as I put on some light makeup, I had too because all the pureblood families would attend this funeral, and I needed to look my best.

I wore a black blazer, and black trousers, with some black low heels. I walked down the stairs, my mom had made some croissants, but I didn't have an appetite, "You have to eat something sweetie" My mother said, as she looked at me "I am really not hungry mother" I scoffed, as she stared at me, a stare that meant I had to obey.

I ate one croissant, and my body wanted to spit it out even though it tasted heavenly, I just couldn't get anything down, but I had to.

"Aria sweetheart, are you coming" my mother yelled, as we stood waiting for my sister. She walked down the stairs in a beautiful black dress, with a black blazer and some black sunglasses to hide her swollen eyes. "Yes Mother" Aria said as she walked towards us "Grab a croissant sweetheart, and let's go," My mother said as Aria quickly grabbed one with a tissue.

We got inside this beautiful black limousine, we would normally floo, but this was a funeral, and we had to get there presentably.

I looked out the window the whole ride, fiddling with my rings, I hadn't taken off Malfoy's ring, I wanted to but I couldn't.

We arrived, and my heart started pounding, almost out of my chest. My sister grabbed my hand "Chin up, look straight" She whispered as we walked in, every head was turned to us as we walked in, to sit up at the front, and my eyes glanced to the right, at a man with long platinum blonde hair, beside him a woman, beautiful, with black and white hair, and next to them of course Malfoy, I looked away and walked past them.

We sat down, and the ceremony started. I didn't say anything during the whole ceremony, I just held back my tears, fiddling with my rings. I could feel so many stares at me, it was unbearable.

My father hadn't said a word to me since I came home, it was odd, but I didn't mind, it was normal for me.

After a while, my mother went up to talk about my Nan, just like any other funeral, I just sat there, not listening to anything she said, staring at the coffin next to her where my Nan was lying. My heart was shattered, it broke me, I couldn't stand looking at her like that.

The ceremony ended and it was time to bury my Nan, she was to be buried next to my grandfather, it was tradition. We walked out, and I could see Pansy with her parents, I sent a small smile and so did she, my heart ached, I wanted to cry and scream, but I had to keep my head high.

As we stood there, watching my Nan get buried, I could feel my eyes fill up, it hurt so bad, but we couldn't show weakness or emotion, we had to stay strong.

I looked around, trying to shake the image out of my head, and my eyes met Malfoy's, he was staring at me, his face filled with sadness, not that he was sad, but sadness towards me.

The eye contact broke when my Nan was buried, and we were to put roses on her grave.

I walked up last because I was the youngest, with a black rose, my family had chosen white roses, but I chose black. I put it down on her grave, and I could feel the tears swimming around in my eyes, one escaped and I quickly managed to dry it away before walking back to my family.

As it finished, everyone came up to us to give their condolences, at last, it was the Malfoys.
I stood there beside my sister, trying not to look at Malfoy.

"You should come over sometime, it has been a long time since we last had dinner," My mother said, I turned my head around in shock as my mother had just invited the Malfoys over for dinner, more in shock that she had used the words 'it has been a long time since we last had dinner'.

Were our parents friends before?

"Yes of course, we would love to," Narcissa Malfoy said, as she smiled "We truly are sorry for your loss, we all loved dear Miria, and she will be missed," Narcissa Malfoy said as they left.

I was truly confused, Miria was loved by the Malfoys, and our parents knew each other. How did I not know that, or why did my mother hide it from me?

"It was a lovely ceremony don't you think?" my mother said, as we entered our home "Yes Mother, it really was," I said, even though I hadn't listened to it, "I agree, it was just heartbreaking," my sister said, as her voice broke "Don't be sad sweetie, she is in a better place now, with your grandfather," my mother said as she hugged my sister.

it did make me feel a bit better knowing that she was finally reunited with her love, but it still hurt. "Mother, how do you know the Malfoys?" I asked when we were alone "Oh darling, Narcissa and I were best friends when we attended Hogwarts, we did everything together, I even have some baby pictures of you and Malfoy together," she said as she got up to get them.

I was speechless, my mother and Malfoy's mother were best friends before "Here you go sweetheart" my mother said as she gave me a photo album.

"We were always with them, everywhere, we travelled together, and took care of you together but slipped away through the years," she said, you could hear the sadness in her voice "I am sorry about that Mother" I said, as I hugged her.

We sat there for a while, looking at all the pictures of me and Malfoy as children.

"May I know now how Nan died?" I broke the silence and she looked up from the album "Of course darling, I am sorry that we kept it from you but your Nan was sick, really sick" my mother said, it made sense, she had gotten weaker throughout the years, and she grew more and more tired but I ignored it.

"Oh, it's fine Mother, I just would've liked to know so I could've spent more time with her," I said gently, as she kissed me on the head "I know darling, but she spent most of the time at the hospital, that is why I didn't tell you, sweetie, I wanted you to focus and school" she let out a little sigh, as I could see a tear drop from her eye.

"I understand, thank you" I said as I hugged her, we stayed down there for a while until it got late and she sent me up to my room.

I spent most of my summer reading, and owling my friends. Pansy had asked me to join her in Paris again, but I declined, I needed some time with my family and she understood that.

I was pretty excited, quidditch would be back on, and I could just daydream about flying in the air, winning the games and the quidditch cup, little did I know that it would be cancelled yet again due to some tournament.

The weeks passed by quickly, and I spent the last days at the beach, it was calming and beautiful, and of course, I needed to tan too.

It was the last day before going back to Hogwarts, I couldn't believe it would be my fourth year, the years flew by so fast.

I went to the beach with my sister after breakfast, we swam for a while, sunbathed and read some books. She seemed better, and happier and I did too. I didn't think of Nan that much, I just thought about her being somewhere else.

We packed up and went back home, I showered, and put on some body lotion and chapstick, the sun and sea really dried my lips and skin.

We ate dinner, and played a board game, not for long as it was getting late and I had to pack.

I packed all my stuff, including Malfoy's sweater, I had not used it, but I had packed everything from my dorm, not knowing what I needed.

I had also bought a lot of new clothes that I packed too, I was actually excited.

When I finished packing, I went down to kiss my mother goodnight, I never normally kissed her goodnight, but she was leaving early in the morning, and wasn't going to be able to kiss me farewell. "Oh sweetie, Bubble came with this a few minutes ago, I haven't opened it though," My mother said as she handed me a letter "Thank you mother" I hugged her "I'll miss you" I said as I kissed her head "I'll miss you more darling, have a safe trip tomorrow, goodnight," she said as I walked back up to my room.

I looked at the letter, it was stamped with dark green ink, and the initials D.M.

Why would Draco Malfoy owl me?, I slowly opened the envelope to reveal his letter.

Don't shred this letter before reading it Y/n.

I wanted to ask you to meet me at the last compartment tomorrow in the train, I will be waiting, I need to talk with you.

I am demanding that you come find me.

Draco Malfoy

Wow, that was a bloody short letter, why does he need to talk with me? Oh for fucks sake.

I threw the letter out, brushed me teeth and jumped in bed.
I couldn't sleep, I rolled around thinking about what Malfoy wanted to talk to me about, and then my mind started replaying memories of us.

How he hugged me when I was sobbing, his annoying rude remarks, his comments, his amazing smell, his beautiful eyes, his body.

Gosh, I needed help.

My mind kept on going, how we snogged, laughed together, how I slept in his arms, his pale lavish arms. As the memories replayed in my head, I felt some weird sensations in my stomach, butterflies, but more like my body needed something, him.
What the actual fuck.

I stopped thinking about him, or I tried and somehow fell asleep.

I woke up early, I had a nice dream, I just couldn't remember what it was about, it felt like the other dreams I had, the calming ones with the mystery guy in them.

I stretched out and made my way to the bathroom to shower, it was a long shower, but relaxing.
I spell-dried my hair and put on some clothes before putting on some makeup. Just curling my lashes and adding a little mascara, filling my eyebrows a bit and some cherry chapstick, nothing much.

I went down, my mother had prepared some breakfast. I made a cup of iced coffee, to wake me up a bit more and ate some breakfast. The time flew by and I had to make my way to the station.

I quickly got my stuff and flooed to the station. The train was there, and the platform was filled with first years, my heart fluttered, they were so small.

"Y/N" I heard a voice scream as someone pulled me in a hug "Sophia" I yelled, as I wrapped my arms around her "How are you, how was your summer, how is your family?" she asked millions of questions, and I answered them all "Come, let us find a compartment," she said, oh right I had to find Malfoy.

We made our way into the train and found the compartment with Pansy in it, I hugged her quickly "I'll be back in a bit" I said as I left the compartment, leaving them alone.

As I walked to the back of the compartment, my heart started racing, I was anxious and nervous, why it was just Malfoy.

I opened the door slowly to the compartment, and he was sitting there alone.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked as I closed the door.

"Yes, care to join first?" he asked as he pointed to the seat in front of him, I slowly made my way to the seat, and sat down. "So what do you want?" I asked as he looked at me "I wanted to apologize, for what happened", I cut in "Oh for calling me a slut and kicking me out of your dorm?" I said, my voice emotionless "Yes, I am sorry, really" he said as he looked away, my heart softened, he seemed genuine "It just pissed me off, my Nan had just died and you out of everyone became a fucking arse" I hissed at him, as he looked "I know, I just, I was just pissed off alright, sorry" he said as he looked me back into my eyes.

"It's fine, but I will hex you if you call me a slut one more time" I said, "Don't become one" he teased as I smiled.

I got up and went to sit beside him "Friends?" I asked as he looked at me "More?" he said as he smirked, our eyes locked, making my heart beat faster and faster, but before anything could happen, the door to our compartment opened and Blaise and Theo entered, I quickly got up "Hi, how was your summer guys?" I asked as I hugged both of them "Great, what about yours, and sorry about your Nan and that I didn't make it to the funeral" Theo said, as he looked a little sad "It's fine, really, I hated it there" I said, as Blaise sat down in front of Malfoy "I'll leave you three alone now, see you later" I said as I quickly left the compartment.

I bumped into Hermione, Harry and Ron on the way "Oh hey Y/n, I am sorry about before" Harry said as his face frowned "It's okay Harry, really, I am sorry too, for snapping at you like that" I said as I hugged him tightly.

I chatted with them for a bit, before returning back to Pansy and Sophia.

We just talked for a while before arriving at Hogwarts.

As we entered the Great Hall, waiting for the first years to be sorted, my eyes met Malfoy's, his gorgeous blue eyes, It broke off when the first years entered and were sorted into the houses.

As the last one was sorted, Dumbledore got up "We have a last student, who has transferred from Durmstrang Institute and is attending his 5th year here" he said as we all looked around, and the hall was filled with whispers "who transfers so late" some girl said, I didn't really care "Quiet, he has to be sorted into a house" no one talked, "Matheo Riddle, come up here" everyone gasped, Riddle, as in Tom Riddle.

He walked through the halls, all eyes glued on him, he was handsome, dark curly brown hair, he and big brown eyes, but I didn't pay that much attention to him.

He got up and sat down, he looked at me and smiled, I just gave him a small smile back. Tom Riddle's son, that must be crazy.

"SLYTHERIN" The hat yelled, as the whole Slytherin table started cheering, except me, I just stared at Dumbledore in confusion, how could he let Voldemort's son attend Hogwarts?

"Before you make assumptions, Mr Matheo Riddle has never met his father, he who we must not speak of, he was raised by his mother, and that is all you need to know, now eat" He yelled, and everyone started eating.

Matheo Riddle sat opposite of me, between Blaise and Goyle. I sat next to Pansy and a 3rd year Slytherin, I didn't know her name though.

He quickly became good friends with Blaise, Theo and Malfoy, and sat there chatting, but I could feel his eyes staring at me, I ignored it, avoiding eye contact with him.

Dumble stood up again "Another thing, I quidditch will be cancelled due to the Triwizard tournament" "What" I yelled, as did almost everyone at the table "They can't just cancel quidditch for some stupid tournament that always gets someone killed" I yelled as I locked eyes with Malfoy, I quickly looked away, almost everyone was booing.

"SILENCE" Dumbledore yelled "Let me introduce you to the two schools who are going to be staying here during the tournament, also Hogwarts completion" he said as the doors to the hall opened.

"The lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madame Maxine," he said as my face jumped over to look for my sister, they entered, all in blue, leaving some boys stunned, they were beautiful. "Aria" I said, as I found her, she was stunning.

"Aria as in your sister?" Pansy asked as I nodded.

"Now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their high master Igor Karkaroff"

And everyone looked, gasping, including me. I was a big fan of Viktor Krum, he played as the seeker for the Bulgarians, and he was epic.

As they walked in, performing a little show, they all sat down.

He explained the rules, and they had made a new rule about how the age limit was from 17 and up, everyone booed, I didn't, I didn't really get why you would want to enter the death tournament.

As the prefets escorted the first years, we finished up and started leaving the Great Hall, but Dumbledore called my name, asking me to stay, so I did "Miss Y/n, would you show Mr Matheo Riddle around the school?" he asked, why me, why is it always me, and of course I had to accept, I couldn't possibly decline Dumbledore "Of course sir" I said "Great, thank you miss Y/n" he said, as Matheo Riddle walked up to me.

Fucking hell.

Mr Riddle has joined the chat, will he stir up something? come between our 'love'birds, maybe become a lovebird.

Who knows?;)


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