Hunted {Dean Winchester 3}

By courtneybunny2

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"We're falling apart and I hate it!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes. "I want to hate you! I want to ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 18

341 15 107
By courtneybunny2

Red Sky At Morning

I was making my way down a hall when Millie found me. "I just watched Sam get groped by an old lady for 15 minutes. This is the most fun I've had in a while."

I laughed a little. "Wow, Mills, that's fun?"

"The uncomfortable look on his face is the funniest thing you'll ever see, Saige. I swear." She looped her arm through mine. "So how's it going? Find the Hand of Glory or whatever?"

"I just escaped the guy I had to flirt with to get Dean and Bela to the second floor where it's at. Hopefully, they have it." I stated.

"So did you flirt with him because of the job or to make Dean jealous?" Millie asked.

"Millie, I am a professional. I don't engage in childish acts." I said.

She blinked at me. "Both?"

"Both." I confirmed. 

"Did it work?"

"I haven't found Dean yet, so I'm not sure." 

"I guess we should probably go find the rest of our own Scooby-Gang, huh?" Millie said. "I'm Daphne, by the way. You can be Velma."

"Dean has a thing for Daphne." I told her, smiling.

"Well, too bad. You're the nerd out of the two of us and we're the girls." Millie sighed. "Though I can't decide whether Dean would be Fred or Shaggy. No, he'd be Scooby." 

"Nice conclusion." I told her, laughing a little.

"I know." Millie said. "You know, maybe I'm Velma. I am pretty smart."

We made our way into the main room where Sam and Dean were as Gert and Bela walked away. 

"You stink like sex." Dean told Sam. 

"I feel like we missed something." I said. "Where's my purse?"

"I don't know. I gave it back to you earlier." Millie shrugged. 

"I have to go find it." I walked off.

"I'll go with her, you two head back to the car." Dean told Sam and Millie.


Dean shut the door labeled 'private' behind us. I curled my fingers around his suit jacket, pulling him back toward the couch in the room. Dean pulled back, leaving me breathless.

"Si, maybe--maybe we shouldn't--" Dean began.

"Dean, what is going on?" I asked. "You've barely touched me lately."

"Saige, it's--it's just...I don't want you to feel like I'm rushing you. We don't have to do anything." Dean told me. "I thought after...everything you wouldn't want to jump back into bed."

"Dean, it's almost been a month. I'm fine. You don't have to treat me like I'll break down at the mention of sex or a baby." I said. "I'm still sad about it, yes, but...It's okay."

"I just...I didn't want to hurt you or make you feel like we had to do anything. I love you for you, not how often you'll have sex with me." Dean placed a kiss to my head.

"I know, and it's sweet. But I just want to get back to normal." I leaned up, letting my lips brush his. "Was your plan to just never sleep with me again?" I asked jokingly.

"I don't know." Dean chuckled, hands on my hips. 

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I love you, Dean."

"I love you too." He replied, one hand sliding over my side and up my back as he brought his lips back to mine. "Are you sure?" He asked, voice low as his lips moved across my jaw and to my neck.

"Yes, Dean. I'm sure." I whispered back. pushing his suit jacket over his shoulders and off of him. 

His fingers were warm as they brushed across the bar skin of my back as he unzipped my dress. I began unbuttoning his shirt. He shrugged it off as I ran my hands over his shoulders and chest. 

I trailed my lips over his jaw, neck, collar, shoulder, chest, leaving red lipstick marks across his skin. Dean slipped the straps of my dress over my shoulders, letting the fabric slid down my skin and pool on the floor, leaving me bare before him. 

I step out of my shoes as Dean's hands wandered across my bare skin and his lips moved across my neck. He lowered me down onto the couch, positioning himself above me. 

I tilted my head back, letting my eyes flutter shut as his hands moved down my sides and his lips met mine again. He was gentle, loving. The world around me blurred. 

It was just Dean and I, just us. Nothing else mattered. We had each other and that was enough. 


"Now who stinks like sex?" Millie asked as Dean and I got into the car where Sam and Millie sat outside of the museum. 

"Mills." I smacked her arm, adjusting the strap of my dress. 

"What? I'm not stupid." Millie leaned closer. "How was it?"

I gave her a look. "Mills."

"You got it, right?" Sam asked. "The hand? Tell me I didn't get groped all night by Mrs. Haversham for nothing."

"Tell me we didn't sit here for an hour waiting on you two to have sex in the middle of a museum for nothing." Millie added. 

"I got it." Dean stated. "Mrs. Who?"

"Never mine. Just let me see it." Sam said.

Dean reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a handkerchief. He unfolded it, eyes going wide.

"What?" Sam asked. 

Dean held up a bottle with a small ship inside. "I'm gonna kill her." 


Later that night after we all changed back into our normal clothes, Dean stood at the fireplace, staring at the ship in a bottle. "You know what? You're right. I'm not gonna kill her." He said, looking up at me. "I think slow torture's the way to go." 

I smiled. "Calm down, Batman." I patted his shoulder, leaning up to kiss his cheek. 

He gave my hip a squeeze before beginning to pace again.

"Dean, look, you gotta relax." Sam told him. 

"Relax? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll relax." Dean said. "Can't believe she got another one over on us!"

"You." Sam corrected. 

Dean turned back to us. "What?"

"Somebody's in trouble." I mumbled, dropping down onto the couch beside Millie. 

"I mean, she got one over on you, not us." Sam repeated hesitantly.

"Thank you, Sam! Very helpful." Dean replied, voice booming. 

There was a knock at the door then. "Hello. Could you open up?" 


Dean moved to open the door. 

"Just let me explain." She said. 


"I sold it." Bela stated as she sat at the table. "I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed." 

Dean walked around her, glaring as he made a finger gun as if he were going to shoot her.

"So the reason for us going to the charity ball was--?" Sam began. 

"I needed a cover. You were convenient." Bela replied. 

"Look, you sold it to a buyer, just go buy it back." Sam shrugged. 

"It's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time." 

"In time for what?" Dean asked.

"What's going on with you, Bela?" Sam asked when she didn't answer. "You look like you've seen a ghost." 

"I saw the ship." Bela whispered.

"You what?" I asked. 

Dean scoffed. "Wow, you know, I knew you were a immoral, thieving, con-artist bitch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower..."

"Dean." I said softly. 

"What are you talking about?" Bela asked.

"We figured out what the spirit's motive is." Sam stated. He flipped through the file until finding a photo. "This is the captain of our ship, the one who hung our ghost boy."

"So?" Bela asked. 

"So they were brothers. Very Cain and Abel." Sam stated. "So now our spirit, he's going after a very specific kind of target. People who've spilled their own family's blood. See, first there was Sheila, who killed her cousin in a car accident. The Warren brothers, who murdered their father for the inheritance. And now you."

"Oh, my god." Bela muttered. 

"So who was it, Bela? Hmm?" Dean leaned down. "Who'd you kill? Was it Daddy? Your little sis, maybe."

"It's none of your business." Bela murmured. 

"Oh, right. Well, have a nice life. You know, whatever's left of it." He grabbed his jacket. "Let's go." 

Bela stood. "You can't just leave me here." 

"Watch us."

"Please." Bela paused. "I need your help."

"Our help?" Dean asked, dropping his jacket onto the couch by me. "Now, how could a couple serial killers possibly help you?"

"Okay, that was a bit harsh, I admit, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence." Bela argued. 

"If we don't help her, this could keep happening to other people." I shrugged.

"That's not why you're gonna die." Sam told Bela. "What'd you do, Bela?"

"You wouldn't understand." Bela shook her head. "No one did. Never mind. I'll just do what I've always done and I'll deal with it myself." She turned, heading for the door.

"You do realize you just sold the only thing that could save your life?" Dean asked. 

She turned to glare at him. "I'm aware."

"Well--" Sam sighed. "Maybe not the only thing." 


We all stood in the cemetery as dark clouds skittered across the sky. Sam had drawn the séance symbols and placed candles atop a grave. He placed the rest of the items he needed in the middle of the circle.

"Do you really think this is gonna work?" Bela asked. 

"Almost definitely not." Dean replied, gun in hand as he leaned against another headstone. 

Thunder boomed and rain started to pour.

"Sammy. Better start reading." Dean told his brother.

Sam flipped open John's journal and began reading the spell. 

Suddenly the candle went out, leaving a faint smell of smoke behind. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed while the wind picked up and rain poured. 

Suddenly, the ghost appeared behind Dean, moving toward Bela.

"Dean, behind you!" I yelled. 

He turned, but not quick enough. The spirit threw him across the cemetery and into a gravestone, knocking him unconscious for a moment. 

The ghost touched Bela's face, making water spill from her lips as she choked, gasping for air. 

"Sam, how about we read a little faster, huh?" I asked.

He finished the spell and suddenly the storm calmed. The phantom sound of a ship creaking echoed as Bela stopped choking and gulped in air. 

The spirit turned around to be faced with his brother. "You hanged me."

"I'm sorry." 

"Your own brother."

"I'm so sorry." 

The spirit dove at his brother and they both disappeared, leaving only a splash of water. 


"Give me that." I snatched the shirt Dean was folding horribly from him. The sun was up and we were getting ready to leave town. "You shouldn't just ball it up, it'll wrinkle." I folded the shirt correctly, placing it in the bag. 

The door opened and Bela walked in. "You should learn to lock your doors. Anyone could just barge in."

"Anyone just did." Sam told her, packing his own bag. "You come to say goodbye or thank you?"

"I've come to settle affairs." Bela reached in her purse and pulled out four stacks of cash. "Giving the spirit what he really wanted, his own brother. Very clever, Sam. So here." She tossed him one stack. Then one to Dean, then me, then Millie. 

"I didn't even do anything, but thanks." Millie smiled. 

"It's 10,000. That should cover it." Bela continued. "I don't like being in anyone's debt." 

"So ponying up 10 grand is easier for you than a simple 'thank you'?" Dean asked. "You're so damaged."

Bela smiled. "Takes one to know one. Goodbye." She turned and walked out of the door.

"She's got style. You gotta give her that." Sam said. 

"I suppose." Dean shrugged.

"So who's booking the plane tickets to Hawaii?" I asked. 

"You know, Dean, we don't know where this money's been." Sam stated. 

"No, but I know where it's going." Dean laughed.


"Seriously? Atlantic City?" Sam asked as he and a half-asleep Millie sat in the backseat of the Impala. 

Lady was curled up between Dean and I. "Not Hawaii, but I'll take it."

"Hell, yeah. Play some roulette, always bet on black." Dean replied. He paused for a moment. "Hey, listen, I've been doing some thinking, um...I want you to know I understand why you did it. And I know why you covered for him, Si."

"I did what?" I asked. "How'd you know?"

"Because I know you better than anybody else." Dean told me. "I understand why you went after the crossroads demon. If the situation was reversed, I guess I'd have done the same thing. I mean, I'm not blind. I see what you and Si are going through with this whole deal. Me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay. Both of you."

Sam scoffed. "You think so?"

"Yeah, you'll keep hunting. You'll live your lives. You're both strong than me. You are." Dean said, giving my hand a squeeze. "You are. You'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through all this, I am."

"You know what, Dean? Go screw yourself." Sam snapped. 

"Oh, well, that was a shocking turn of events." I mumbled. 

"What?" Dean asked.

"I don't want an apology from you." Sam stated. "And by the way, I'm a big boy now. I can take care of myself." 

"Oh, well, excuse me." 

"So would you quit worrying about me?" Sam asked. "I mean, that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying. And, newsflash, Saige does too."

Dean didn't reply.

"So that's it?" Sam asked. "Nothing else to say from you?"

"I am so uncomfortable right now." I mumbled. 

"I think maybe I'll play craps." Dean stated. 

A/N: I found this on Pinterest and wanted to share because it reminded me of Si and Dean. 

He was bad. He smoked, broke the law, drove to fast for his own good. He didn't care because no one taught him how to.
But when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man. He couldn't bear the thought of being hurt by him...Or by anyone else.
He would kill to protect her, the girl who care about someone as worthless as him in all her perfection.

You're welcome. 

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