A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

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"We're the Storm Hawks, and for us... The Sky is never the limit" Who would've guessed a "Lady in Waiting" wo... More

Luna Profile
Mags Profile
Chapter 1 ~ Age of Heroes
Chapter 2 ~ Gale Force
Chapter 3 ~ The Code
Chapter 4 ~ Tranquility Now
Chapter 5 ~ Best Friends Forever
Chapter 6 ~ The Black Gorge
Chapter 7 - Absolute Power
Chapter 8 ~ Velocity
Chapter 9 ~ Fire and Ice
Chapter 10 ~ King for a Day
Chapter 11 ~ Terra Deep
Chapter 12 ~ Storm Warning
Chapter 13 ~ A Little Trouble
Chapter 14 ~ Thunder Run
Chapter 15 ~ Mending a Glass Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Escape!
Chapter 17 ~ Forbidden City
Chapter 18 ~ Leviathan
Chapter 19 ~ InFinnity
Chapter 20 ~ Terra Neon
Chapter 21 ~ Storm Hawks Nine
Sky Knights of Terra Celestial
Chapter 22 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 1
Chapter 23 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ Surprise
Chapter 25 ~ Siren Song
Chapter 26 ~ Calling All Domo
Chapter 27 ~ The Lesson
Chapter 28 ~ Dude, Where My Condor
Happy Halloween
Chapter 29 ~ The Masked Masher & Flying Solo
Chapter 30 ~ Atmos, Most Wanted
Chapter 31 ~ BATTLE Of The Band
Chapter 32 ~ Stratosphere
Chapter 33 ~ The Last Stand
Chapter 34 ~ Life with Leugey
Chapter 35 ~ What Got Into Finn
Chapter 36 ~ Royal Twist
Chapter 37 ~ Second Chances
🎄 Merry Christmas🎄
Chapter 38 ~ Operation: Contessa
Chapter 39 ~ I OBJECT!!!!
Chapter 40 ~ Radarr Love
Chapter 41 ~ Scout's Honor
Chapter 42 ~ Sky's Ends
Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 43 ~ Five Days
Chapter 44 ~ Sparks Fly
Chapter 45 ~ Energy Crisis
Chapter 46 ~ Dark Waters
Chapter 47 ~ Number One Fan
Chapter 48 ~ Colonel of Truth
Chapter 49 ~ Training
Chapter 50 ~ Shipwrecked
Chapter 51 ~ Power Grab
Chapter 52 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 1
Chapter 53 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 2
Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3
Chapter 55 ~ MOVIE Night
Chapter 56 ~ The Origin
Chapter 57 ~ Ultra Dudes
Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons
Chapter 59 ~ Payback
Chapter 60 ~ The Key
Chapter 61 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 1
Chapter 62 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 2
Storm Hawk - Season 3 (Trailer)
Chapter 63 ~ Cyclonis Origin
Chapter 64 ~ Azul
Chapter 65 ~ Ruins of Cyclonia
Chapter 66 ~ Ghostly Reunion
Chapter 67 ~ Capricorn's Payback
Chapter 68 ~ Return of the Traitor
Chapter 69 ~ Rise of Anarchis
Chapter 70 ~ Little Brother vs Big Sister
Chapter 71 ~ Cyclonis's Memory
Chapter 72 ~ Redemption
Chapter 73 ~ Trust Me
Chapter 74 ~ Binding
The Escape [Comic Edition]
Chapter 75 ~ Exploration Race
Chapter 76 ~ Elixir of Life
Chapter 77 ~ Master Anarchis and Dark Ace VS The Sky Knights and Cyclonis
Chapter 78 ~ The Return
Chapter 79 ~ Wedding Bells
Chapter 80 ~ Quincenera Makeup
Finn's Ending
Stork's Ending

April Fools War

66 1 4
By AnimeLoverMurillo

Late at night, the Storm Hawks slept in the night as they relaxed in the comforts of their beds, until one of them decided to do some changes. Starting with placing a glitter bomb in each member of the Storm Hawks, follow by changing Aerrow's furniture and having him float in midair. Mags room was completely covered in photos of Aerrow, some with his shirt off. Stork and Finn were both floating in mid air, as a human size pie was placed where they would end up landing. Junko and Radarr floated in midair as she moved Junko to the bathroom and filled it with whipped cream too. Meanwhile Radarr was dolled up and dressed like a doll, as for Piper she placed a tub filled with whipped cream and gummy worms. The girl snickered and placed plastic wrap on the doorframe and the final touches to the bridge, and she went to sleep for the night. The next day, everyone was still asleep when suddenly the alarm blared causing the Storm Hawks to wake up, everyone falling to the floor or either falling into a whipped cream pie letting out a shriek or scream as they struggle to get up, meanwhile Mags slowly woke up and saw the room covered in photos of Aerrow and shrieked while blushing hard.

Aerrow: Mags?! I'm on my wa-

Before he could get any further, his face hit the plastic wrap and fell back, along with the rest of the Storm Hawks.

Piper: What the-
Finn: When did we put plastic on the doors?
Aerrow: We didn't! Uhhh... guys, why are you covered in whipped cream and Piper is covered in gummy worms
Junko: Uhhh, where's Mags

The door opened and Mags was walking out when the Storm Hawks tried to warn Mags about the door, only to hit the plastic wrap and fall back. They all went to help him up, only to freeze and see Mags room completely covered in photos of Aerrow.

Finn: How?! They even covered his medical tools
Mags: [groans] Is it over?
Stork: Where's Radarr

Radarr walked in looking all dolled up in a blue frilly dress with a matching bow, this made the Storm Hawks try so hard not to laugh, but Finn was laughing the hardest while Radarr glared and growled. After that, Mags got up and tore the plastic wrap off and stood next to Piper, but not after taking a gummy worm off her shoulder and eating it.

Mags: Hold up, where's Lu-
Luna: YOU GUYS!!!!
Mags: [eyes widen] Luna!!

The Storm Hawks sped off into the bridge when Finn tripped over a wire that caused a huge pile of feathers to land on them covering their bodies in feathers.

Mags: PAH!! [cough] [cough] what the?! What is all this?!
Piper: I don't know, but why cover us with glitter, whipped cream, making us float, and the plastic wrap
Junko: Don't forget Radarr dressed up and the feathers
Aerrow: It's almost as if we're being pranked [eyes widen] oh no, Stork! What is today?!
Stork: Umm... It's April 1st
Mags: [eye widen] Oh no~ it's Luna favorite holiday
Finn: What?
Aerrow/Mags: IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!!!
Luna: [grin] You bet it is~ [high pitch] AH HAHAHAHAAAAAA~!!!!!!


Stork: Oh dear, we're doomed
Luna: And to top it off, Terra Celestial is hosting the annual Prank War!!! Saddle up Storm Hawks, the crown shall be mine~
Stork: Oh yes, now we're doomed
Aerrow: Luna, we're so many miles from here, we're not even-
Luna: Oh before I pranked you guys I drove us to Terra Celestial with the velocity crystal I kept, we're already here
Aerrow: But we were asleep, how did you-
Luna: I also slipped a melatonin gummy in your food so you wouldn't wake up by the sound or anything
Mags: How did you acquire my melatonin gummies?!
Luna: When you were in your room hugging that plushie that looks like-
Mags: [blushes] Okay we get it!!
Luna: Let's go~!!! I've already signed us up for the Prank War!!!

Luna rushed outside the Condor while the Storm Hawks quickly took turns to take a quick bath and change into fresh clean clothes, and catch up to Luna as they headed to the Plaza to find all the other sky knights here. Absolute Zeroes, Third Degree Burners, Neck Deeps, and surprisingly the Rex Guardians joining in on this prank war, the Zodiacs stood on the stage as Scorpio spoke.

Scorpio: May I have your attention please... Thank you, today is our annual Atmos Prank War!!!

[crowd cheering]

Scorpio: As you all know, the prank war can be divided into teams of squadrons, however, if you choose to prank on your own, some of you may suffer but that's a sacrifice you're willing to take. Once we are down to four squadrons, you may choose to work with a partner or fend for yourself, again some of you will suffer badly but that's a sacrifice you're willing to take, once the remaining two players survive they will have a stand off to see who will receive the prank, whoever doesn't get prank, wins and becomes King or Queen of the Prank War until next year. Now, time to let you all know the rules, number one; you can't leave Terra Celestial, all pranks must remain here, you step out, you're out. Number two; any prank is allowed but it cannot be brutal
Luna: [mutters] Oh boo~
Scorpio: We don't want anyone to end up in the infirmary. Lastly, number three and [mutters] may the powerful Atmos gods have mercy on our souls. Ahem! And~ No glitter bombs
Luna: [eyes widen] WHAT???!!!!

The crowd went silent and turned to look at a the Storm Hawks but half of the sky knights reactions shifted to fear when they spotted Luna, she walked up the stage and Scorpio feeling nervous watched as Luna was up on the stage and spoke.

Luna: What do you mean "No glitter bombs?"
Scorpio: Well, you see Luna, you've sent a lot a people to the infirmary due to glitter incidents, so to avoid that predicament again we decided to not allow glitter bombs in this prank war
Luna: [pout] But the glitter part is so much fun~!!
Scorpio: Sorry Luna, but we can't risk it. Sorry
Luna: Ugh!! Fine
Scorpio: [sigh] Phew, thank god. Now then, the last remaining survivors will have till sun down to complete their task in taking down their opponent or else we'll have the Ultimatum Prank Royale!!! And to make you all feel safe, the chapel will be a safe house in case you need to escape from the pranks, the pranks cannot be active in the chapel, for respected reasons, those who are pranked will have to head to the plaza and wait till the prank war is over!!

[Crowd Cheering]

Scorpio: You'll have ten minutes to come with your pranks and eliminate your rivals, ready!!!


Sky Knights: THREE!!!!


Sky Knights: TWO!!!!


Sky Knights: ONE!!!!


The Sky Knight's scatter and headed to their Airships to plot their pranks, the Storm Hawks reached to the Bridge where they started plotting who to aim for.

Aerrow: Alright, we have less than eight minutes to create a prank that will destroy the other team
Piper: After that, we're off on our own
Mags: We know Starling and Luna are going to be fending for themselves, but knowing Luna and her pranks aren't going to be pleasant
Aerrow: We'll need to take her down first if we want to survive this prank war
Stork: Umm just a small update but apparently Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo have been eliminated
Aerrow: Already?!
Mags: How?!
Stork: Apparently Gemini took a seat on a bench and collapse only to realized that it was cake, as for Virgo let's just say she was greeted with a sticky bomb and feathers, and Sagittarius got pranked when he didn't pay attention to his surrounding and ended up floating into a sticky trap set from Luna
Piper: Okay, so she got three of the Zodiacs eliminated, no problem

Meanwhile in a hidden cave, Luna was staring at her chalkboard with a grin on her face as she observes her chalkboard with photos of each sky knight and an "X" marked on Sagittarius, Gemini, and Virgo.

Luna: It's joking time... AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA~!!!! And I'll be saving the best for last

Luna stabbed a pushpin on the board as it hands Aerrow picture on the top of the board. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks have plotted their pranks to take down the Rex Guardians first, they were primarily the easy target so it should be no problem, they caught them by surprise when they pied them and succeeded, the Rex Guardians were eliminated leaving only the Absolute Zeroes, Starling, Rebel Ducks, Third Degree Burners, Neck Deeps, and half of the Zodiacs left. Their next target was going to be Luna but unfortunately couldn't find her at all, it wasn't until they spotted Aquarius covered in slime and frowning.

Piper: What happened to you?
Aquarius: Mmph!! Mmph mmmph!!
Finn: Huh?
Aquarius: Mmph!! Mmph mmmph!!
Junko: We still can't hear you
Mags: Hold on, are your lips glued?
Aquarius: Mmph [nods agreeably]
Mags: Hang on, I got something to melt the glue
Aquarius: [nods disagreeably] [eyes widen] Mmmph!! Mmph!!!
Mags: Don't worry, you'll be fine just a quick removal and~ voila, now what were you going to say?
Aquarius: Ahhh!! BEHIND YOU!!!!

The Storm Hawks panicked as they turned around to see six paint bombs being launched towards them, this made them scream and scatter however Junko and Radarr weren't lucky to escape and go completely covered in paint.

Piper: Junko and Radarr are hit!
Stork: She's here!!
Aerrow: Head back to the Condor, we need to come up with a plan and-
Aquarius: Don't! She has eyes everywhere and the Condor is set up to prank you guys if you go back, not sure what they are but they won't be pleasant
Aerrow: Thanks for the help, we need to go to the chapel
Mags: Sorry Junko and Radarr
Junko: No biggie, we'll be fine

The Storm Hawks ran to the chapel and hid when they spotted Scorch and the Third Degree Burners and Starling.

Aerrow: You guys hiding?
Scorch: More like avoiding Luna, she almost took us out
Starling: Leo sacrificed himself and got caught in one of Luna's slime bombs, I could've almost got slimed if it weren't for his sacrifice
Piper: Awwww
Burner: And now we're sitting ducks with Luna taking us out one by one
Starling: The one people remaining are the Rebel Ducks, half of the Zodiac members, and us
Mags: Is it possible that we can join forces and take down Luna?
Stork: Remember what Aquarius said, she has eyes everywhere~ [gasp] probably using some kind of mind reading
Mags: That's ridiculous, no way she's able to do that... Right
Aerrow: She needs to figure out where we are somehow, unless... She's using something to know where we are
Piper: We can't stay here long, we have to take her out
Aerrow: You're right, we just need to figure out a way to take Luna down

Aerrow peeked his head out and saw that the coast was cleared, they tip toed around the ally and avoided being spotted when suddenly the Third Degree Burners got pied as it turns out, the Rebel Ducks were on the roof and a few blocking the way back to the chapel.

Starling: Run!!

The Storm Hawks and Starling ran for their lives, avoiding to get pied by the Rebel Ducks when suddenly they started running after them. However, when they did they were able to escape from their sights.

Aerrow: [sigh] I think we lost them
Starling: For now, the Third Degree Burners are eliminated, and judging by the Rebel Duck, Wren isn't with them or Dove
Mags: Either they got eliminated or they're plotting something
Finn: Who cares!! We need to attack Luna quick!! And I know she's me and Stork's girlfriend, but we have to take her out
Stork: Agree, she'll doomed us all!!
Starling: I don't know about you, but we should get moving or else Luna will strike an attack
Aerrow: Agree

Meanwhile in the other side, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Libra were carefully keeping an eye out for Luna or the Storm Hawks since they managed to take down Cancer and Taurus when they both fell for a drawing of an empty alley and fall into a small tub full of mud, meanwhile Pisces felt the wrath of Luna when he took a small nap and ended up in the middle of the lake and fell into the water.

Scorpio: Okay, full disclosure, we are not letting Luna revoke the rule of glitter bomb, if she wins this she'll allow glitter bombs in the next prank war
Libra/Capricorn: Agree
Libra: Unfortunately she eliminated almost half of the sky knights including our own
Capricorn: Hopefully Luna doesn't harm Piper
Scorpio: You're worried about her more than our safety? Way to go bro, way to care for your squadron
Capricorn: Speak for yourself Leader, you let Aquarius try that lip balm and it was too late, she got her lips stuck and get covered in slime from Luna's slime bomb
Scorpio: Touché

While the three of them try to avoid Luna's sight, both squads hear a yelping from a distanced and hurried to keep their distance and spotted the Rebel Ducks and Neck Deeps lying on the ground while a few marbles were scattered all around. Just then Capricorn saw something dangling over the edge of the roof where Piper was and panicked, he rushed ahead and avoided the marbles as he ran towards Piper only to quickly push Aerrow and Mags while Starling pulled Stork and Finn away. Next thing they knew they were covered in slime and confetti, both Capricorn and Piper were both eliminated.

Piper: Capricorn, you're covered in confetti and slime
Capricorn: [chuckles] So did you

Just then they heard Luna's evil laugh again, making the others froze in fear when they spotted a couple of paint bombs being hurled towards them.

Mags: RUN!!!!

The others scattered and ran for their lives, Stork and Finn ran a different direction while Aerrow, Mags, and Starling ran another but unfortunate for Starling was when Starling ran ahead she ended up hitting a clear glass and slid down to the ground triggering a stink bomb to erupt and coated Starling in the smell.

Starling: I'm hit!! Go!! [cough] [cough]

Aerrow and Mags ran a different direction, while Stork and Finn were rushing to get to the chapel to escape the terror of Luna's pranks only to stop and freeze when they spotted Luna sitting on the bench wearing a white cardigan, with matching cropped tank top, and a long white skirt with double slits and black flats. She was holding a parasol and wearing blue eyeshadow as she looked dolled up and looked at Finn with a genuine smile on her face, making Finn blush as he admired her beauty and fixed his hair. As he was about to approach Luna, Stork grabbed his arm and stopped him.

Stork: Don't do it!! It's a trap!!
Finn: What are you talking about? Maybe she surrendered or something
Stork: Oh sure, the adorable crazy girl who we love surrenders during her favorite holiday
Finn: Yeah sounds about right, but just to make sure she is bluffing, I will place this stink bomb on her
Stork: You are so doomed

Finn approached Luna and with his smooth tone, he began his flirting with Luna while Stork kept his distance.

Finn: Are you an actress, supermodel, sea goddess, or D all of the above?
Luna: Aren't you sweet
Finn: Okay Stork, if you don't wanna spend time with her you can go so that she and I can have a wonderful date and live happily ever after
Stork: Umm, did you forget we're in the middle of a battlefield prank war with her!
Finn: C'mon she hasn't done anything yet, maybe she run out of steam or something

Little did Finn not realized was that Luna gently tapped his back, making him float while she smiled and watch him float while Stork looked at him with a "I warned you" look while Finn went on his rant until finally he saw that he was floating in midair while Luna grins.

Luna: Gotcha~
Finn: Oh yeah, well I have this stink bomb for you

Finn chucked the stink bomb towards Luna, expecting it to go off, but unfortunately it didn't. This left both Finn and Stork stunned, as Luna walked up to it and picked it up.

Luna: Oh dear, you must've gotten one of my dud bombs, too bad~ now this here [holds a stink bomb] is my actual stink bomb, have a look

Luna tossed it up as Finn foolishly caught it and the bomb exploded causing Finn to be coated in the smell, Stork went stiff when he saw Luna looking at him as she slowly walked towards him.

Stork: Don't come near me!! I know sky fu and I am not afraid to knock you down, Luna!!
Luna: Awww, and after what we went through, the star gazing, the cuddles, and the kisses you shower me [bat her eyelashes] does that mean you don't love me? [sad puppy dog eyes]
Stork: Eeehhh, well... It's just [groans] I give up

Luna pied him and his face was covered in whip cream, but she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and skipped away.

Luna: Love you both~
Finn: Hey!! What about my kiss?!
Luna: Oh yeah

Luna deactivated her gravity powers causing Finn to fall while he screams, but thankfully Luna moved a tub filled with bubbled soap to where Finn would land and stepped away as he landed inside and was covered in soap suds, but Luna wipes a bit away from his cheeks and kissed him.

Luna: Love you~ [giggles] [runs away]
Stork: I cannot believe I caved in to her sad puppy dog eyes and surrendered
Finn: I can't believe that I was holding a dud this whole time


Stork: What was that

Just then, the dud that supposably Luna said was a dud, erupted and unleashed the odor, causing Stork and Finn to be coated in the smell. Meanwhile Aerrow and Mags rushed to the forest knowing Luna couldn't find them, they reached near the Condor and started panting so they could catch their breaths.

Aerrow: That was a close one
Mags: Yeah, judging by that cloud of stink I'm assuming Luna got to either Stork and Finn or Scorpio and Libra
Aerrow: That leaves us with only four people remaining, Luna actually dominating this war
Mags: What do we do? Luna is sneaky, she'll take us out
Aerrow: Not unless we team up and take her out, carefully go to the Condor and fetch Luna's bombs, time to fight fire with fire
Mags: You got it, be careful
Aerrow: You got it [kiss Mags's lips] You be careful too, who knows what kind of pranks she'll have set up
Mags: What's the worst she could do

Aerrow and Mags split up, with Mags rushing to the Condor and carefully opened the door as a bucket of slime fell but Mags swiftly avoided it, he crept around the hallway as he reached to Luna's room but only to hear a ruckus in the Bridge. Mags was hesitant but he reached to the Bridge only to stare in horror of the plush doll that looks like Aerrow left dangling on a tree outside of the Condor as the rope slowly began to cut, and underneath it was a puddle of mud. Mags stared in horror as he tried to think about going or not, but he remembered Luna made that doll and was planning to get rid of it until he decided to keep it. Mags swallowed his pride and rushed outside of the Condor to go and fetched the doll, it was reaching to it's last thread making Mags panic and leap forward to catch it but little did he not know was that a water like slide was made and Mags realized he messed up big time.

Mags: Oh no

Mags slipped and slides all the way to a pool filled with suds and bubbles, this made Mags grow frustrated and saw his Aerrow plush covered in bubbles. Meanawhile, Scorpio and Libra started looking around to see if they could spot Luna, only to see her skipping while singing to herself which made them scared of what her next move will be.

Luna: La~ la... La~ la la la~... La~ la... La~ la la la~
Libra: [whispers] Okay, this is making me nervous
Scorpio: [whispers] Let's do it, this is our only chance, after we take her down, we take down Aerrow
Libra: [whispers] Got it

Scorpio and Libra got ready to prank her when they waited for Luna to drop her guard, when she had her back turned to them they jumped out and Scorpio shouted.

Scorpio: We got you now, Luna
Luna: [turns around] Huh?!

Before she could react, Aries appeared from behind and got a hold of her wrist so she couldn't try to grab her bombs or remove her gloves to activate her gravity powers.

Libra: It's game over for you, Luna
Scorpio: You!!! Lose!!!
Luna: [eyes widen] [grin] Heh, did you really?

Libra and Scorpio froze when they saw Luna's wicked grin, as Aries looked up his eyes widen and shouted at them.

Aries: Guys!! Behind you!!

Before they could both react, they turned around midway only to be greeted with a cream pie splattered on their faces as they drop to the ground. While Aries was distracted, Luna broke out of Aries grip and held his hand causing him to feel an electric shock all over his body while he tumbled back and fell to the ground.

Luna: Thanks for the help, Dove

Scorpio and Libra wiped the whipped cream off their faces and saw Dove walking out of the alley with a smile on her face, this surprised the both of them since they thought she was eliminated with the Rebel Ducks until Libra remembered something, he saw Wren but not Dove.

Scorpio: Dove?! But... But
Dove: Luna here spared my life, so I'm in her debt, so we both agreed that I helped her eliminate you three until I am no longer in her debt
Luna: And that she did, thanks Dove

Dove went to shake her hands when the others tried to warn Dove about what Luna had in her other hand, but it was too late. Dove got pied in the face by Luna, which means she was eliminated.

Dove: I walked into that one, didn't I
Scorpio/Libra/Aries: Yup
Luna: And now that I took care of you guys, time to eliminate the final boss, see ya~ [skips away]
Aries: Oh~ Aerrow might as well be prepared, she's coming to prank him

Aerrow rushed through the alley and avoid the pranks when he reached to the plaza and saw the others and unexpectedly Scorpio, Libra, Aries, and Dove.

Aerrow: You guys got hit?! By who?

The sky knights pointed towards the right and Aerrow spotted Luna with her serial killer face while having two sashes that held her stink, paint, and smoke bombs while holding the water guns that Scorpio and Libra had.

Luna: Hello~ Aerrow
Aerrow: Luna
Luna: Looks like it's just you versus me, I waited so many years to reclaim my crown, I am not losing to my leader
Aerrow: And I'm not losing to you either, Luna
Mags: AERROW RUN!!!!
Luna: You better listen to your boyfriend Aerrow, cause I whipped up a new bomb for you~

Aerrow panicked as he ran for his life while Luna chased after him, meanwhile the Sky Knights were stuck in the plaza until either Aerrow or Luna is eliminated.

Scorpio: I don't get it! How did Luna take down every one of us even though none of us saw her coming!
Scorch: It's almost as if she blends in the shadows
Suzy Lu: Or worst, out of sight
Piper: out of sight
Capricorn: Blend in the shadows
Piper/Capricorn: [gasps] That's it!!
Aquarius: What? You figured it out?
Piper: She's using a cloaking crystal
Capricorn: That's how she was able to avoid being spotted, she's been invisible
Aries: Of course, Scorpio, the rules state that all players can use crystals to their advantage, why didn't we think of that?
Scorpio: I completely forgot
Starling: If Luna has a cloaking crystal, Aerrow is at a disadvantage, she'll catch him by surprise and win
Scorpio: No wonder we couldn't see her, she was being a ghost this whole entire time!!!
Finn: Is there anything we can do?!
Capricorn: We can't, once we're eliminated we can't go out there and help Aerrow, he's on his own
Scorpio: Maybe not. In addition to the rules, only one of his squadron can give Aerrow some intel, but that's it. You can't help him with the prank, he has to do it on his own
Piper: [tap her earpiece] Aerrow, come in Aerrow

At the south side of Terra Celestial, Aerrow was running for his life as he hid underneath a tree to catch his breath until he heard Piper's voice through the earpiece.

Piper [earpiece]: Aerrow! Come in Aerrow!
Aerrow: Piper? What's going on?
Piper [earpiece]: Aerrow! Listen carefully, Luna is using a cloaking crystal to avoid being spotted, she could be anywhere
Aerrow: Anywhere?

Aerrow looked up and saw Luna up on a branch while she grinned and dropped her paint bombs, Aerrow sped off running while Luna chased after him. He was able to swiftly get away for now but needed to figure out a way to defeat her, so he contacted Piper again.

Aerrow: Oh don't worry, I'll come up with something to know where she is
Piper [earpiece]: How? She's quick and fast, there's no stopping that roadrunner
Aerrow: Scorpio mentioned that I couldn't leave Terra Celestial, right?
Piper [earpiece] Yeah
Aerrow: He didn't say about flying over Terra Celestial on my skimmer [grin] I have a plan, as long as I'm flying over Terra Celestial, I'm not breaking in the rules

Aerrow went to his Skimmer but before he did he carefully examined it in case Luna rigged it, he was in the clear zone and went flying in the sky above Terra Celestial.

Aerrow: Piper! Get everyone to the chapel, time to unveil the invisible road runner
Piper [earpiece]: Got it

The sky knights entered the chapel and watched as Aerrow activated a cloud of color smoke that spreader all around Terra Celestial, as he flew above the sky he spotted footprints near the plaza.

Aerrow: Found you, Luna
Luna: Oh no!

Aerrow landed on the plaza as he skidded across the floor in an attempt to cover Luna in color powder, making the other on the edge to see if Aerrow got her, however when the dust cleared up and Aerrow only saw a small jack in a box as it played "pop goes the weasel" in the end, the box opened and popped out Luna with a grin on her face as she tossed Aerrow her new bomb as it exploded and covered Aerrow with whipped cream all over with gummy worms as toppings.

Aerrow was defeated

Aerrow: B-B-But how?! I had you!!
Luna: Did you forget that I can create a force field around myself you goof, I had enough time to bring out that jack in a box

[recording scratch]

Aerrow: Oh, I forgot about that
Mags: [slap his forehead] Idiot~
Scorpio: I can't believe it, she won
Luna: YOU BET I WON~!!!

The sky knights gathered around the stage as Scorpio placed the crown on Luna while the sky knights applauded and congratulated her, she waved and bowed as she spoke through the mic.

Luna: Thank you all, you're all too kind. I would like to say it's been many years since I got to have this much fun in the prank war, it all started when me and Scorpio would challenge each other and then the other say knights pitched in on the prank war, after me and my papa had to leave, it's been many years since I ever got the chance to prank someone, but now that I came back to claim back my title, I am living the dreams

[crowd cheering]

Luna: And to top it off, I have one change of the rules that will be allowed
Scorpio: Oh boy~
Libra: Please no glitter bombs~
Luna: Glitter Bombs-
Scorpio/Libra: Oh no~
Luna: Are banned from the prank war
Sky Knights: WHAAAAATTT??!!!!!
Aerrow: Luna, why would you banned glitter bombs if you love to use them as a prank or in battle
Luna: I do~ I really do, but when I hid in the infirmary, I spotted a few talons that pretended to work for Cyclonis who fell victims of my glitter bomb, I felt so horrible about it that I knew I had to win somehow so that I take the downfall in banning glitter bombs
Mags: Luna, you didn't have to do all that
Aerrow: It isn't your fault, I mean sure there are some glitter incidents, but hey. The enemy had it coming and those talons who are part of the resistance understand that you did it so their cover wouldn't be blown
Piper: We know how much you love glitter so it would pain us to see it be banned like this
Scorpio: It's what makes you, you
Luna: Really?
Starling: Think of the world without color, without it how can we express how we feel. With your colorful glitters and paints, you create a masterpiece
Scorpio: Maybe instead of banning glitter, you can adjust the bomb setting so it doesn't cause any bad damage to anyone
Luna: Really? Does that mean
Scorpio: I'm willing to remove the no glitter bomb rule as long as you set it to not damage anyone
Luna: [grin] Agree!! I'll work on it!!
Piper: I'll help you with your glitter bomb
Capricorn: Me too

Luna felt joyful and happy that the glitter bomb as she hugged the Storm Hawks while they hugged her back, everyone got out a confetti bomb that Luna made and tossed them high in the air as they erupted but instead of confetti, it was whipped cream and covered every sky knight in it along with some sprinkles and gummy worms.

Luna: Oops, wrong bombs [nervous laugh]
Mags: [grab a gummy worm from Aerrow] [munches] Tasty~


Sky Knights: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!


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