The Billionaire's Offer

By CelesteABrook

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[Billionaire / Fake Relationship] After seeing the women's shelter she worked hard to build burn down to the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 36

757 83 9
By CelesteABrook


The conference room is buzzing with discussions. Charts are spread across the table and the air is filled with energy as we delve into the details of a crucial business deal.

I never thought I'd actually enjoy any of this, but seeing the results of my efforts, along with everyone working with me, is incredibly fulfilling. It's amazing how this newfound focus has transformed my perspective. What was once a daunting and tiresome endeavor has become a source of enthusiasm and satisfaction.

It's true I have a lot on my plate right now with James, Henry, and Clare, but being so open with Emma yesterday has definitively grounded me. I don't know how I'll deal with them yet, but I was able to get Clare to disappear for a few days while I figure things out.

The vibration of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts.

Glancing at the caller ID, I see Lincoln's name flash on the screen. With a sinking feeling in my gut, I excuse myself from the meeting and step outside to take the call.

"Lincoln, what's going on?" I ask.

"It's Emma. She's disappeared." Lincoln's words hit me like a sledgehammer.

My heart lurches into my throat. "What do you mean disappeared? How is that possible?"

"We were at the retreat and everything was fine. But then she went to the restroom and never came back. I've already contacted our security team, but we can't find her anywhere," Lincoln explains, his voice strained with worry.

"Keep searching every inch of that place. Check the cameras, talk to everyone who was there. Find her, Lincoln. Now," I say, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"I'm on it, sir. I'll update you as soon as we have any leads," Lincoln promises, before ending the call.

My head is a mess as I quickly end the meeting and head to my car.

The drive to the rooftop where the retreating was taking place is a blur of worry and frustration. I'm trying to stay calm, but my mind is racing with a million possibilities, each more terrifying than the last.

The phone in my hand feels heavier than usual as I dial Max's number. Each ring feels like an eternity until finally, his voice crackles through the line.

"Hey, Asher, what's up?" His tone is casual, unaware of the storm brewing in my world.

"Max, listen, it's Emma," I blurt out, willing my heart to stop beating so fast.

There's a pause on the other end, and I can almost hear Max holding his breath. "What about Emma? Is she okay?"

"She's disappeared," I say, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "She was at a retreat thing, but then she went to the restroom and never came back. Lincoln's already on it, but we need all hands on deck."

Silence follows, the weight of the situation sinking in for both of us. "Send me your location. I'll meet you there," Max finally says, his voice filled with determination.

"Thanks, Max. Hurry." I hastily end the call, my knuckles turning white as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, pressing harder on the gas pedal.

As soon as I park the car, I make our way inside the building to Lincon and the rest of the team is gathered. The atmosphere is charged with tension. Security staff are coordinating search patterns, reviewing surveillance footage, and questioning witnesses, but Emma is nowhere to be found.

My heart sinks, and a wave of anger washes over me. How did the hell did this happen?

I head straight to the security office, where some of the security team are reviewing the footage. As soon as I see Lincoln, a surge of anger and disappointment washes over me.

"Lincoln!" I call out sharply, my voice cutting through the chaotic atmosphere.

He turns towards me, his expression a mix of concern and guilt. ", I've been trying to—"

"You were supposed to protect her," I shout. "Where were you when she needed you the most?"

Lincoln's jaw tightens, his eyes reflecting the weight of my accusation. "I was... There was a problem with the sound system they were using so I told her I'd call someone while she used the bathroom," he stammers, clearly feeling the weight of his failure.

"Your job was to protect her." I scoff, the anger in my voice palpable.

Before our heated exchange can escalate further, the head of my security team intervenes, his commanding presence demanding attention.

"Mr. Montgomery, we need to focus on finding Emma," he says firmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "Arguing won't help us right now."

I take a deep breath, trying to rein in my emotions. "You're right," I concede, albeit begrudgingly. "What have we got so far?"

The next few hours are a whirlwind of frantic activity. We scour every inch of the building, question staff, and attendees, and analyze the surveillance footage for any clue that could lead us to Emma's whereabouts.

Max arrives and goes straight to me, listening carefully as the security team updates him.

As we keep reviewing one of the surveillance footage, Max notices something off—a red-haired woman wearing a cap and a blond woman in a wig walking funny as they leave the building. My heart clenches with dread as we zoom in on the figures, realizing one of them is Emma, disguised and possibly in danger.

"Fucking hell," Max curses, pointing at the screen. "I know that guy lurking in the back. It's Zack, Emma's ex."

The name sends a chill down my spine, guilt and horror flooding my thoughts. Fuck! I should have done more to protect her, to ensure Zack never had the chance to harm her again.

"They left the building around thirty minutes ago, and I think I know a way to track them down," I hear someone say, but I'm already moving.

"We need to act fast," I say, my jaw clenched with determination. "Lincoln, coordinate with the police. Max, gather the security team. We're going after him."

Lincoln quickly gets in touch with the police, providing them with all the necessary information and requesting their assistance in locating Emma. Meanwhile, the head of security mobilizes the security team, ensuring they are armed and ready for action.

"What are you doing?" Max's eyes widen in surprise as he realizes I'm bringing a gun with me.

"I'm not taking any chances when it comes to Emma," I say, and he swallows hard. The idea of Zack's involvement horrifies me, and I am determined to be ready for any confrontation.

"Are you sure about this?" Max asks, his expression full of guilty since his health won't allow him to go with us.

"I'm sure, Max. We can't afford to waste any time," I reply firmly, my mind set on finding Emma and bringing her back safely.

"Please, Asher, be safe out there," He pleads, his eyes filled with brotherly concern.

"I will. You stay here and coordinate with the rest of the team. I'll be fine," I assure him, squeezing his shoulder before heading out with the security team.

The chase begins, each step fueled by determination and a fierce eagerness to rescue Emma from whatever danger she may be facing. As we follow the leads from the surveillance footage and street cameras, the tension mounts, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The night is alive with tension as we close in on our target, the rundown warehouse looming ominously ahead. The darkness seems to swallow us whole as we approach, our footsteps muffled by the gravel beneath our boots.

My heart races with a mix of anticipation and dread, knowing that Emma's life hangs in the balance. Every step forward feels like a step into the unknown, a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a ruthless adversary.

The team moves with precision, each member focused and ready for whatever may come. I can see the determination in their eyes, a silent understanding passing between us. We all share the same goal—to rescue Emma and bring her back safely.

As we reach the entrance, the tension mounts. The security team exchanges nods and gestures, communicating silently as we prepare to breach the warehouse.

But as I step forward, a hand on my shoulder stops me. It's one of my team members, his expression grave. "Sir, we need to proceed with caution. This could be a trap. We can't risk putting you in harm's way." he warns, his voice low but urgent.

"Emma's in there," I state firmly, my gaze unwavering as I meet the eyes of the security team leader. There's a quiet intensity in my voice, a determination that brooks no argument. "I'm coming with you."

The security team leader hesitates for a moment, weighing the risks and the urgency of the situation. He knows as well as I do that this could be a dangerous move, but he also understands the urgency of rescuing Emma.

After a tense pause, he nods, his expression grim but resolute. "Fine, but stay close and follow my lead," he says, his tone leaving no room for further debate.

I acknowledge his command with a nod of my own, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on my shoulders. As we advance cautiously into the dimly lit interior of the warehouse, every sense is heightened, alert for any sign of danger or movement.

The air is thick with tension as we navigate through the maze of corridors and rooms, our footsteps echoing in the silence. I keep my hand close to my side, ready to draw my weapon at a moment's notice.

Suddenly, a noise ahead startles us, causing us to freeze in place. The security team leader signals for us to take cover, and we move swiftly, finding refuge behind a stack of crates.

Peering around the corner, we spot movement further down the corridor. My heart races as I realize we may be closing in on Emma's location. Adrenaline surges through my veins, urging me to move forward, to confront whatever lies ahead.

With a silent nod from the security team leader, we inch closer, our movements calculated and cautious. The tension is palpable, each second feeling like an eternity as we approach the source of the noise.

Suddenly, a voice cuts through the darkness, sending a chill down my spine. It's Zack, Emma's dangerous ex, his tone dripping with malice. "I've been waiting for you," he taunts, his presence felt but unseen.

"Where is she?" I ask, looking around.

Then I see him hiding in the shadows, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he looks down on me.

As Zack's hand darts toward his waistband, my instincts kick in like a bolt of lightning. I see the glint of metal, and before I can fully process what's happening, my hands are on my own weapon, fingers wrapping around the familiar grip. Time seems to slow for an instant, the air thick with tension as Zack's intentions become clear.

"Asher, watch out!" Lincoln's warning is drowned out by the adrenaline pumping in my veins. There's no time for words, no room for negotiation. It's a split-second decision between life and death.

A/N: Gasp! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!



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