
By 932randomm1234

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Alexandra Mikaelson died at the very young age of 5 at the hands of her own father. Or did she? For over a th... More



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By 932randomm1234

The next day, Alexandra and Ali arrange to meet up, as they haven't seen each other for almost two weeks now, due to Andy meeting up with Nik a lot more.

Alexandra was so glad that Ali had been so understanding and supportive of her getting to know her brother. She had offered several times to cover for her again if she ever needed it. It seemed she was almost as excited about the whole thing as Andy was, which she was entirely grateful for.

Ali was happy that her best friend was happy. She finally knew who she actually was and had a part of her real family back with her. She had never seen Andy seem so happy in her life, and she loved seeing her improved moods and hearing her talking about her brother with nothing but pure joy in her voice.

The two girls met up at the park at 10am the day after Alexandra had returned home after shifting for the first time.

Alison sat on the swings, waiting for her best friend to arrive. She turned around when she heard a very familiar voice calling her name.

Ali watched as Andy made her way over to her, a huge smile taking over her face. She noticed that she looked happier than ever. She took in her appearance, noticing how her eyes now had a sparkle present.

"Hey Ali!" Alexandra greeted her friend cheerfully, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey Andy," Ali replied, laughing slightly at her bubbly mood. "You seem happier than normal," she pointed out, smiling widely. All she ever wanted was for her best friend to be happy, and was pleased that she was.

"I am! Everything is amazing at the minute, except from my parents, but that doesn't matter. I've got the greatest best friend I could ever have asked for, the best big brother ever, and two of the most amazing little sisters ever!" Alexandra replied, slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.

Ali laughed and pulled her friend down onto the swing next to her. "I'm glad, honestly Andy, I'm so happy for you. But what do you mean except from your parents?" the older girl questioned, worried about what they'd done or said now. She had been told everything that had happened between the three Smith's, and knew how much it had hurt her best friend.

"Nothing much, just apologised to me last night. But as soon as I said I forgave them, my dad basically told me I couldn't go out as much anymore, and I had to stay home more, to 'spend time with the family', as if nothing had happened. It made me mad so I went off at them-"

"Oh god, that can't have been good," Ali interrupted, knowing how her best friend could easily lose her temper. She laughed as she saw Andy glare at her with a small smile, although she was clearly trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'm not that bad you know. Oh shut up," Alexandra mumbled, seeing the look of disbelief on her friends face, chuckling slightly. "Anyways, I just started shouting, told them I'd met one of my brothers and that's why I've been out so often lately. And then I may have told them that he cared more about me and actually cared about what I was feeling and thinking, more than they did. Then I stormed out and went to go hang with my sisters."

"Jesus Andy," Ali sighed, rolling her eyes, but letting out a small laugh. "You had every right to be mad, but couldn't you have told them that in a less.. aggressive way?"

"It wasn't aggressive!"


Alexandra rolled her eyes, ignoring the question. "I basically just told them they couldn't stop me from seeing my brother, and that I don't care about what they think anymore."

"Fair enough. Well, they kind of deserve it, if they've only apologised to get you to stay in the house. I mean, they could've at least waited a few weeks to say that, not say it straight after you forgive them. At least then you would've been calmer about it all, and wouldn't have ended up shouting and storming out." Ali said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah.. Anyways, let's stop talking about that, it'll end up getting depressing. And I'm in a very good mood today." Alexandra announced.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Ali said sarcastically, causing the younger of the two to roll her eyes in response. "Alright, I know sarcasm is your thing, I'll stop it," she laughed, Andy quickly joining in with her.

"So, how's your family? You and your sister still getting along?" Alexandra questioned, looking back to her best friend, as they began swinging higher.


"I've missed hanging out like this, we need to do it more often. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed that you're so happy about finding part of your family, but I miss hanging out with you." Ali told her best friend six hours later, just as they were saying their goodbyes.

"I know! I just wanted to get to know Nik better, but I ended up kind of leaving you, without really even realising. How about we find a day to meet up on, every week, no matter what. That way, we'll still get to see each other at least once a week. And we always end up messaging or calling on a night anyways," Andy suggested, as she put her zip-up hoodie on, and flicked her soft brown hair over her shoulders.

"Oh definitely! That's a good idea! How about Tuesdays? We could meet every Tuesday no matter what. Unless one of us is dying, or is really sick."

"Yeah, that sounds good. So, Tuesday is the day that is now dedicated to us hanging out together. We can always arrange to meet up on other days as well, but Tuesday is every week."

"Agreed," Ali replied, smiling brightly.

"I'll message you later then," Andy said, wrapping her arms around her best friend.

"Yeah, you better," Ali laughed, stepping back from the hug.

The two girls began making their way home, happy that they'd get to see each other more often again. Whilst Alexandra had been spending more time with Nik throughout the day, the girls had begun to miss hanging out with each other. Although they messaged or called almost every night, it wasn't the same as seeing each other in person.

On her way home, Alexandra pulled her phone out of her pocket and messaged her brother.

Nik 🤍

Lex 🤍: Hey Nik x

Nik 🤍: Hey Lex x

Lex 🤍: Soo, you know you said you'd help me with control? x

Nik 🤍: Yes, I'll be ready to help you whenever you're ready to learn x

Lex 🤍: Great, because I was wondering if you'd start teaching me tomorrow? x

Nik 🤍: If that's what you wish, then of course we can start tomorrow x

Lex 🤍: Really? Thank you x

Nik 🤍: Of course Little Wolf x

Lex 🤍: You know, if you've got a wolfy nickname for me, I should really have one for you x

Nik 🤍: I don't think that's necessary x

Lex 🤍: Oh, but it is, Nikky x

Nik 🤍: Lex.. x

Lex 🤍: Yess x

Nik 🤍: Whatever you're thinking, don't x

Lex 🤍: How'd you know it's gonna be bad? x

Nik 🤍: Because it's you! x

Lex 🤍: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?? x

Nik 🤍: Nothing x

Lex 🤍: Suree x

Nik 🤍: Go on then, what's this horrendous nickname you have for me? x

Lex 🤍: It's not horrendous! x

Nik 🤍: We'll see x

Lex 🤍: Okay, you ready? x

Nik 🤍: I guess so x

Lex 🤍: Big bad hybrid! x

Nik 🤍: Absolutely not x

Lex 🤍: Whyy x

Nik 🤍: It's awful x

Lex 🤍: Okay then, what about big bad vampire? x

Nik 🤍: No x

Lex 🤍: Finee, what about big bad wolfie x

Nik 🤍: Lex.. x

Lex 🤍: Big bad wolfie it is! x

Nik 🤍: Oh my god. What am I ever going to do with you x

Lex 🤍: Nothing, because I'm amazing, and your favourite little sister x

Nik 🤍: I hate when you're right x

Lex 🤍: I know, that's what makes it funny! x

Nik 🤍: Yeah yeah x

Lex 🤍: Hahah x

Nik 🤍: So, what time are we meeting tomorrow? x

Lex 🤍: How about 9am? If we're going to Mystic Falls again, it'll take an hour to get there, so we'll be there by 10am x

Nik 🤍: Alright, sounds good, I'll make sure to bring more food this time x

Lex 🤍: Haha okay x

Nik 🤍: See you tomorrow Lex x

Lex 🤍: See you tomorrow Nik x

Alexandra put her phone back into her pocket, just as she walked through the front door. She was in such a great mood today. This morning, she had spent time with her sisters, they had made a fort together and were playing around for ages. She'd then spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon with her best friend, and now, she had just arranged to meet with her brother again tomorrow so he could help her learn to control herself in her wolf form.

As she made her way through the house, Andy walked past her parents and completely ignored them when they tried talking to her. Instead, she looked for her sisters, eventually finding them in the kitchen, sitting at the kitchen island.

"Hey girls."

"Andy!" the two girls threw themselves at their big sister, not caring when she stumbled back slightly as she struggled to catch them properly.

"Careful there girls, you're not trying to kill me are you?" she laughed, pulling them closer to hug them in greeting.

"Course not, but we missed you!" Lia said, giggling.

"I was only gone for a few hours."

"Yeah, a few hours too long," Daph added, joining in with her sisters giggles.

Alexandra laughed, " I missed you too girls."

The two youngest girls finally stepped back from their big sister, moving back over to the kitchen island.

"So, what are you doing?" Andy asked, following them, leaving her space in the doorway.

"We're making strawberry milkshakes!" Daph said proudly.

"Sounds good, do you need some help?" the eldest sister offered cheerily.

"Sure!" the girls chorused. This caused Andy to laugh to herself in amusement. She still had no idea how they did that all the time. It was as though they were twins. Although they might as well be, they looked pretty much exactly the same, apart from their eye colour, and Lia was slightly taller than Daph, who had slightly darker hair than her.

Once the three girls had finished making the milkshakes, they went through to the living room, careful not to spill any of the contents of their glasses. They curled up on the sofa together, Alexandra looking for a film for them to watch.

They stayed like that for the next hour or two, until they were called for dinner.

"Andy?" the girls said together, looking up at her with big puppy dog eyes.

She laughed as she looked down at their hopeful faces. "Yes girls?"

"Will you stay in our room tonight? It will be like a sleepover!"

"Of course I will girls, it'll be fun," Andy replied, smiling widely when she saw the look of excitement on her sister's faces as they squealed happily.


Four hours later, it was 9pm, and Alexandra was already tired. She had been chasing around after her sisters in a game of tag, and then in hide and seek. She had helped them with doing cartwheels and handstands, demonstrating how to do it, and even getting both of them up on her shoulders.

She loved her sisters, but they definitely knew how to tire her out. She was laid on Daph's bed, where she'd be sleeping for the night, with the younger two sisters sleeping in Lia's bed.

Lia walked over to her and pulled her up, with a surprising amount of strength for a nine year old.

"What are you doing?" Andy asked curiously, rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hand, trying to keep herself awake.

"We're going to colour for a bit. You're going to draw. We know we've made you tired, but we also know that drawing helps you to focus or in this case, wake up," Lia said, as if it was obvious, pulling her down to the floor, as she took her own place next to the youngest of the girls.

Alexandra smiled gratefully. She loved how her and her sisters were close enough to know what the others were feeling and what helped to calm them or focus them. She laid on her stomach, mimicking Daph's actions, grabbing the sharpest pencil and a couple of pieces of paper.

Drawing always relaxed her. She had always found it calming and often used it as a way to let out her anger. Many people had told her she had problems managing her anger, and when she was just eight years old, her adoptive mother had turned her to drawing. She thought it might be just the thing she needed to take out her anger in a healthy way. And it turned out, it was.

Ever since then, she loved drawing, and had become very good at it. She had also taken up painting, and was often complimented when anyone saw her artwork. People always marvelled at how talented she seemed to be, at only fourteen years old.

After about three and a half hours, Alexandra noticed that her sisters had fallen asleep, and were now leaned against each other. She smiled and picked Lia up, taking her over to her bed. She placed her down carefully, before doing the same with Daph. Since her first shift, she had realised she was much stronger than she was before, meaning she was able to pick them up without struggling.

She tucked them into the bed, smiling when she saw them snuggle into each other.

Since beginning the drawing, Alexandra had woken up fully and was no longer tired at all. So instead of getting into bed herself, she returned to the corner they'd been sitting in previously, and continued with her drawing.

Once she'd finished, she placed all the equipment away and carefully put hers and her sisters' papers on the shared desk.

She'd drawn a picture of her sisters together. Daph being on top of Lia's shoulders, both of them laughing and tilting over, almost falling onto the bed behind them. She'd left it in black and white, as she often preferred leaving her sketches colourless, as she believed adding colour took away the initial beauty of the sketch.

Once everything was away neatly, and the drawing and coloured pieces of paper were safely placed on the desk, Alexandra climbed into Daph's bed, and wrapped the fluffy grey blanket she had brought from her own room around herself. She quickly set an alarm for 7am, so she would be ready for 9am.

The last thought she had before shutting her eyes, was how she couldn't wait for the following day. She was no longer nervous about shifting, just excited about being in her wolf form. She loved the feeling of being a wolf, it was like she was entirely herself, and she could just forget about everything else and focus on just having fun.

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