By AhnzuDeLeon

32.7K 1.3K 152

AU story of Sam and Mon who were destined to be together, can they prove that the promise of 'til death do us... More

Chapter 1: A Big Surprise
Chapter 2: A Wounded Heart
Chapter 3: Overly Protected
Chapter 4: Mom's Forever Baby
Chapter 5: The Suitor
Chapter 6: Reconciliation
Chapter 7: Beautiful Stranger
Chapter 8: The Unforunate Events
Chapter 9: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 10: Father's Girl
Chapter 11: Coping Up
Chapter 12: Six Months Later
Chapter 13: Serendipity
Chapter 14: Destined Strangers
Chapter 15: For a New Beginning
Chapter 16: Blossoming Sparks
Chapter 17: She is Mine
Chapter 18: The Woman in the Photo
Chapter 19: My Princess
Chapter 20: Love is Not a Priority
Chapter 21: Is She Real?
Chapter 22: Whispers of Envy
Chapter 23: Growing Reservation
Chapter 25: Foe or Friend
Chapter 26: Remorseful Heart
Chapter 27: Doubt, Fear and Forgiveness
Chapter 28: First Month
Chapter 29: Echoes of the Dream
Chapter 30: Clutch of Love
Chapter 31: Navigating Obedience's Depths
Chapter 32: Ghost from the Past
Chapter 33: Shattered Trust
Chapter 34: Embrace of Solace
Chapter 35: Yearning for Redemption
Chapter 36: Nightmare's Grip
Chapter 37: Under the Influence
Chapter 38: Serendipitous Encounter
Chapter 39: Paths to Reunion
Chapter 40: Awaiting the Perfect Moment
Chapter 41: A Birthday to Remember
Chapter 42: Deception's Crash
Chapter 43: Love's Dark Descent
Chapter 44: Broken Blueprint
Chapter 45: Inferno of Fury
Chapter 46: Dawn's Delight
Chapter 47: Winning Dad's Heart
Chapter 48: Grateful Bonds
Chapter 49: Creeping Shadows
Chapter 50: Veiled Secrets
Chapter 51: Fragile Horizon
Chapter 52: Eternal Promise
Chapter 53: The Unfinished Business
Chapter 54: Shattered Realities
Chapter 55: Uncertainties
Chapter 56: The Dawn of Dread
Chapter 57: Lost Connection
Chapter 58: The Weight of Remorse
Chapter 59: Rage of the Truth
Chapter 60: The Promise
Chapter 61: Whispers of the Subconscious
Chapter 62: In the Storm's Embrace
Chapter 63: Fulfilling Wishes
Chapter 64: Granting Serenity
Chapter 65: One Last Time
Chapter 66: Time's Farewell
Chapter 67: Alone in Solitude
Chapter 68: Always by Your Side
Final Chapter: I Will Always Be, Where You Are
Special Part: Until Forever

Chapter 24: Distrust and Loyalty

548 19 1
By AhnzuDeLeon

As the day unfolded at the office, Mon found herself engrossed in her tasks, her mind occasionally wandering to thoughts of Sam. Yha and Noi, noticing Mon's distraction, approached her with an invitation to leave the office together.

"Hey, Mon, want to head out with us? We're thinking of grabbing dinner," Yha suggested, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Mon glanced up from her work, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, but I'm actually waiting for someone," she replied, her tone tinged with anticipation.

Yha's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Ooh, is it your new lover?" she teased, nudging Mon playfully.

Mon chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Maybe," she replied cryptically, pushing her friends towards the door. "You two go ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

Yha and Noi exchanged knowing glances before shrugging and heading out of the office, leaving Mon to her thoughts as she awaited the arrival of her special someone.

As Sam sat at the café, sipping her coffee and eagerly awaiting Mon's arrival, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Yha and Noi. Their discussion about Mon's new love interest and the possibility of it being a rebound made her heart sink.

Yha's voice carried across the café as she speculated about Mon's situation. "I mean, it hasn't even been a year since Nop passed away, and now she's already seeing someone else. Do you think she's just trying to fill the void?"

Noi nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "It's hard to say. Eight years is a long time to be with someone, and losing them must have been devastating for her. But jumping into a new relationship so soon..."

Sam's anxiety began to bubble up as she listened to their words, her mind racing with doubts and fears. Was Mon just using her as a distraction? Was she just a rebound after all?

Trying to push aside her worries, Sam took a deep breath and reminded herself to trust in Mon and their connection. But deep down, the doubts lingered, casting a shadow over her anticipation of seeing Mon again.

As Mon settled into Sam's car, she leaned in to give Sam a friendly kiss on the cheek, but Sam instinctively pulled away, her mind still reeling from the conversation she overheard earlier.

Confused by Sam's reaction, Mon furrowed her brows. "What's wrong?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern.

Sam hesitated, her emotions bubbling to the surface. "Why do people still think it's hard for you to move on from Nop?" she blurted out, her voice tinged with frustration. "Am I just a rebound? Do you only want to be with me because I received Nop's heart?"

Mon's eyes widened in disbelief, her frustration mounting. "How dare you question my feelings like that?" she snapped, her voice rising with anger. "Who told you to compete with what I had with Nop? Why do you care so much about what others think?"

Mon confronted Sam, her tone edged with frustration. "Where is this coming from? You're the one who reminded me that Nop isn't coming back. You can't bring up something that could tear us apart."

As the tension simmered in the car, Mon's frustration reached its peak. With a deep exhale, she released her seatbelt, determined to step out and gather her thoughts.

As Mon made to leave the car, Sam's hand shot out, gently but firmly gripping her arm to prevent her departure. Mon's frustration was palpable, her shoulders tense with pent-up emotion.

"Mon, please," Sam implored, her voice tinged with urgency. "Don't go."

"If you can't trust me, Sam, then maybe we shouldn't be in this relationship," Mon declared, her voice tinged with disappointment and frustration.

Sam's heart sank at Mon's words, her hand falling limply to her side as she watched Mon exit the car. She knew she had pushed too far, allowed her insecurities to cloud her judgment, and now she faced the consequences of her actions. With a heavy sigh, Sam leaned back against the seat, grappling with the realization that she may have jeopardized their relationship with her lack of trust.

Feeling the weight of Mon's frustration, Sam couldn't bear to let her leave like that. Ignoring the pounding of her heart, she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and scrambled out of the car, determined to stop Mon from walking away.

"Mon, wait!" Sam called out, her voice tinged with urgency as she hurried after her.

Mon paused, her steps faltering as Sam's voice reached her ears. She turned to see Sam rushing towards her, her expression wrought with concern.

"Sam, I can't do this right now," Mon replied, her voice strained with emotion.

Sam reached Mon's side, her breath coming in quick gasps as she fought to catch up. "Please, just... just give me a chance to explain," she pleaded, her eyes searching Mon's for understanding.

Mon hesitated, torn between her frustration and the undeniable pull of Sam's presence. She looked into Sam's eyes, seeing the sincerity and desperation mirrored there, and felt her resolve begin to waver.

"Sam, I need..." Mon began, her voice faltering as she struggled to find the right words.

"Please, Mon," Sam interrupted, her voice pleading. "Just let me make things right."
Frustrated by the swirling doubts in her mind, Sam attempted to explain herself, her words stumbling out in a rush as she grappled with her own insecurities.

"Mon, I just... I wanted to make sure," Sam began, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "I mean, everyone was saying..."

But before she could finish, Mon's patience snapped, her eyes flashing with irritation at Sam's persistent doubts.

"Sam, stop!" Mon interjected, her tone sharp with exasperation. "I've told you, I've moved on. Why can't you believe me?"

Sam's shoulders slumped in defeat, her frustration mirrored in Mon's steadfast gaze. She knew she had let her own insecurities cloud her judgment, and she regretted it deeply.

"I'm sorry, Mon," Sam murmured, her voice tinged with remorse. "I should trust you more."

But Mon remained silent, her expression guarded as she processed Sam's words, the tension between them palpable. In that moment, Sam realized that regaining Mon's trust would require more than just words—it would demand a commitment to overcoming her own doubts and fears.

As Mon's anger surged, she struggled to contain the frustration bubbling within her, her emotions threatening to spill over.

"Sam, how can you still doubt me after everything?" Mon's voice crackled with frustration, her words sharp with indignation. "I've been honest with you from the start."

Sam winced at the sting of Mon's words, her own guilt gnawing at her insides. She knew she had eroded the trust between them with her unfounded doubts, and it weighed heavily on her conscience.
As Mon's anger surged, fueled by Sam's persistent distrust, she turned to face Sam with a fierce intensity in her eyes.

"If you want to believe what everyone else is saying over me," Mon spat, her voice laced with frustration, "then fine. Believe what you want."

With that, Mon spun on her heel, her footsteps echoing with determination as she strode away from Sam, leaving behind a cloud of unresolved tension hanging in the air.

Desperate to salvage their unraveling conversation, Sam reached out to grab Mon's arm, her voice pleading.

"Mon, please," Sam implored, her words tinged with urgency. "Let's talk about this. I'll drive you home."

But Mon wrenched her arm free from Sam's grasp, her expression stony with anger as she continued to stride away, her steps quickening with each passing moment.

"Mon, wait!" Sam called after her, her voice tinged with desperation. But Mon didn't turn back, her resolve unyielding as she disappeared into the distance, leaving Sam standing alone, her heart heavy with regret.

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