Grain Has Added You To Cool P...

By Raven_Foxxies

245 1 5

That one texting highschool AU no one asked for but I needed so shut up and read (I have become an evil Joel)... More

Grian has added you to the chat
School Starts
Recreating Flying Pigs
Recreating Flying Pigs Pt. 2
Random Stuff Happens
Even More Stuff Happens (and I need to learn how to come up with chapter names)
When LIFE gives you soulmates (I chuck smalletho and scarian at you)
Skiing (FINALLY)
Flower Ranchers (has won the vote)

The Favor

15 0 0
By Raven_Foxxies

Original Summary: Pearl is very good at getting people together.

Original Notes: This chapter focuses mainly on Scarian, and scheming Pearl. Enjoy!

Me: I dunno how to write romance help
Also me: I need Scarian this instant
Again, me: ok slow burn what slow burn
Lots and lots of me: chucks that tag out the window

XD the chapter name is pretty self-explanatory as well as the summary and notes. Any predictions on how Pearl gets them together??? >:D

[Pearl] --> [Grian] & [Scar]

[Pearl]: Grian, Scar, come over

Or, I'll come over to one of ur houses

I don't care

[Scar]: My house it fine

Jellie is sitting on me rn and I don't rlly wanna get up

[Grian]: ?


[Pearl]: I'm calling in the favor

[Grian]: Hmm

Interesting favor

[Pearl]: no Grian

That's not the favor silly

But I need you and Scar together to call in the favor

[Grian]: This is getting more and more mysterious every second

omw now

[Pearl]: Great! :D

"Okay Pearl," Grian said, rubbing his eyes. He really hadn't gotten enough sleep yesterday. He and Joel had spent the whole night gossiping about Jimmy and Tango and ways to get them together. "What is the favor?"

"Where is Scar?" Pearl said instead, COMPLETELY ignoring Grian and also avoiding the question. Grian gave her a glare before he started looking around for Scar.

"I dunno," Grian said, looking puzzled. "I swear he was here a minute ago. Scar! Where are you!"

"I'm here," Scar said, poking his head out of his bedroom. "Pearl said it was best not to have Jellie in the room during the task. Also, Pearl, I do detest that remark, since Jellie certainly wouldn't get in the way if you just let her stay in the same room. She won't let go of my leg."

"I think she would get in the way," Pearl said, raising her eyebrows. "Look, Scar, I love her and all, but you would probably spend more time cooing at Jellie than actually focusing on the favor."

"Hmm," Scar said. "I will not agree with you, but I will put Jellie away." Grian and Pearl just stood there awkwardly as Scar peeled Jellie off his leg and shut the door.

"Alright," Pearl said. "Now, Grian, Scar, sit down on that couch," Pearl said, pointing to Scar's heavily beat-up couch. Likely Jellie's work.

"When did you get so bossy?" Grian joked, amused. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he tried not to laugh.

"I was always this bossy," Pearl insisted. "I just had nothing to be bossy about."

"What exactly are you being bossy about?" Scar asked, absolutely confused on why he was here in the first place. Grian owed Pearl an IOU, not Scar.

"You guys are so dense!" Pearl said, shaking her head. "Alright. Here's the favor you owe me!" She looked at Grian. "Or, it's a dare, now."

"Great," Grian deadpanned. "Well, get on with it. We've been sitting her for eternity already!"

"Kiss Scar," was Pearl's answer.

"Wha-a-what?" Grian said, at a loss for words.

"You heard me," Pearl said, tapping her shoe. "You have to kiss Scar." Grian just sat there, looking absolutely flabbergasted for a good minute.

"You're taking too long!" Pearl complained. "Scar, you do it!"

"Uhh, okay?" Scar said, before pulling Grian into a kiss. It was light, but the second their lips touched Grian absolutely just melted into Scar's arms.

"And that," Pearl said, to deaf ears, "is my cue to leave!"

Pearl thought she had done a very good job at getting Scar and Grian together. She was sure they were soulmates already; the Scar being cold incident followed by the Grian being cold incident was already proof enough.

Now, proud of her hard work and smart thinking, she grabbed her phone and texted Lizzie and Gem to make it official.

[Pearl]: Got Scar and Grian to kiss

Should only be a matter of time before they start dating now

[Lizzie]: Yay! :D

[Gem]: Now you're the queen of claw machines AND getting people together! :)

[Pearl]: :D

We should have a party to celebrate!

[Lizzie]: I'll bring the snacks!

[Gem]: You know, even though I'm back from Hawaii, I'm not sad I left!

Home is amazing!

I'm omw now!

Grian and Scar just sat on the couch for a while, hugging each other with the occasional pecks. Grian was softly smiled as he buried his face into Scar's sweater. He would have to remember to thank Pearl for this.

Now, there was absolutely no doubt they were soulmates. When Scar and Grian had first kissed, and it was the same for every single kiss after that, Grian felt his world open, as if a part of himself had been locked away for his whole life and was finally being set free.

Life was good.

"We should definitely start getting the others together," Gem said, sipping some fruit punch. "Joel and Etho, or Jimmy and Tango?" (Scott be crying in a corner rn >:) I am evil)

"What about both?" Lizzie suggested. "We can definitely multitask. See which one takes longer."

"I don't think Bdubs and Impulse need any more encouragement," Pearl commented. "They're getting along really well already."

"Agreed," Lizzie said. "You know, that's funny. Every single suspected soulmate in real life are also soulmates in LIFE." Lizzie paused. "You know, without context, that would have made no sense."

"Ha," Pearl said. "But you're right. Hmm. Do you think Grian rigged the name draws or something?"

"He was in denial about him and Scar, remember?" Gem said. "I don't think he would match himself up with Scar at that time."

"True," Lizzie said. "Well, whatever happened, I think fate is on our side!"

"It's getting late," Scar said, Grian still in his arms. They had been sitting like that for a while by now.

"Hmph," Grian mumbled into Scar's chest.

"You should be getting home," Scar continued, resting his head in Grian's hair.

"Can't I sleep over?" Grian complained, his words muffled.

"I don't have an extra bed, or sleeping bags, or-"

"Why don't you even have sleeping bags?" Grian asked.

"Well, I haven't been camping before so-"

"You haven't?" Grian looked up at Scar. "You know what, we should call everyone over tomorrow and go camping. It is a crime that you haven't camped before!"

"Aww, come on, give me a kiss before you go," Scar said, smiling, opening his arms.

Grian complied.

[Grian]: Hey everyone

Scar hasn't been camping before so who wants to come camping tomorrow

[Gem]: I would like to go but I don't have a tent

[Grian]: pls don't tell me you haven't gone camping before

[Gem]: I have

I just dunno where the tent is

It's been a while since I've been

[Joel]: I have a tent

but only one


This is very important

[Joel] changed [Flying Pigs] to [Desert Duo Ship]

[Gem]: YES



[Joel]: :D

[Grian]: I would scream at u

But me and Scar are together now



[Joel]: Gem

How did u learn all these terms

I swear just a few days ago u didn't know what shipping even was

[Gem]: I learn fast :)

[Grian]: This group chat is crazy

It's official

[Joel]: No

This group chat is Desert Duo Ship

not "Crazy"

[Grian]: Joel

u make sarcastic comments all the time

why can't I make them



u cannot make jokes now Grian haha

[Grian]: :(

[Gem]: Don't worry

u can still prank people

Joel isn't the king of pranks

[Grian]: :D

[Tango]: I have 2 tents

[Grian]: Hmm

How big r these tents

[Tango]: average

[Grian]: I think I have a large tent also

That's 4 tents in total

[Pearl]: Is that enough?

How many people r coming?

[Grian]: Mostly everyone

I think Ren and BigB aren't coming though

They already had plans

[Pearl]: ok

Also, I would like to say that whoever came up with the new chat name is a genius

[Grian]: I would change it but Scar thinks it's funny

[Pearl]: Did I say I am very proud of myself?

I am a certified matchmaker now

[Grian]: ok

U r a certified matchmaker now

[Pearl]: yay!


[Joel]: You know

now that ur done getting Scar and Grian together

Pearl, Gem, Lizzie

who r u trying to get together now?

I feel like ur some sort of shipping trio or something

[Gem]: u know that is an interesting name

[Lizzie]: We can be the shipping trio :)

[Pearl]: u wanna know the truth?

ur next

[Joel]: :oooooooooooooo

you know I am not enjoying this conversation as much as I thought I was

[Pearl]: Oh it's fine

We're targeting Jimmy too

[Joel]: ...

That makes it better

But doesn't exactly make up for the fact that I'M NEXT

[Lizzie]: You'll get used to it :p

[Jimmy]: Wow

Interesting conversation that happened before

[Joel]: ikr

We're next, Jimmy

[Jimmy]: Does this mean I'm getting shipped with Tango again?

I thought I was safe and Grian was the victim now

[Joel]: Nope

They're back

[Jimmy]: At least I'm not the only one

They're targeting you and Etho too

[Joel]: Oh that's what they meant

[Jimmy]: Joel

That was so obvious

You and Etho have been literally dancing around each other this whole time

[Joel]: No?

We're just friends???

[Jimmy]: I mean u look like "just friends"

But you also look like "not just friends"

[Joel]: Jimmy

That made absolutely no sense

Someone cannot be just friends and not just friends at the same time

[Jimmy]: Ik

But still

U looked close

but like


[Joel]: Ur crazy

I'm going to talk to someone else now

Not crazy u

[Jimmy]: Ur oblivious

[Joel]: Jimmy if I'm oblivious u live on Mars

[Jimmy]: Joel

Why r u inventing random sayings now

[Joel]: I just do that

[Jimmy]: And I'm the weird one???

[Joel]: I never said ur weird

Just crazy

[Jimmy]: ur crazy

[Joel]: GASP

ok bye

I need to talk to someone sane now

[Jimmy]: Weirdest conversation I ever had...

[Skizz]: I volunteer a beach tent

[Grian]: Uhh

I don't think that'll work

Winter is only just over

[Skizz]: It's the only thing I have!

[Grian]: We'll just squish together like sardines then

[Skizz]: I don't wanna become a fish

[Grian]: I mean it's not like we have another spare tent

Unless Gem can find her tent

[Gem]: I can try

[Grian]: ok

Another thing is sleeping bags

and camping equipment

We're gonna hike, right?

[Joel]: I hate hiking too


My stubby legs can't take it


I mean my long legs

My long legs hate hiking

[Grian]: Sureeeeeeeeee

ur long legs hate hikinggggggggg

[Joel]: Exactly

[Scar]: I mean

I need to borrow a sleeping bag

[Grian]: Just buy one

[Scar]: I spent all my life savings remember?

[Grian]: ...

Oh yeah

Scar, you doofus

[Scar]: :p

[Joel]: I have an extra

[Grian]: ok

does anyone else not have a sleeping bag???

I have a flashlight and a lantern btw

Also pillows

and matches

and bug spray

[Joel]: We get it

ur a camping geek

[Grian]: ...

If we're short on supplies ur not getting any

[Joel]: :'(

I do deserve that though

[Grian]: yep

ok anyway

Is everyone good? Final?

[Lizzie]: yup

[Jimmy]: ok

[Tango]: Ready

[Joel]: u know already

[Skizz]: I'm bringing the beach tent anyway

[Grian]: Do whatever u want

[Impulse]: I'm good

I have lanterns too

[Grian]: :D

[Bdubs]: I'm excited!

[Pearl]: I'm in

[Gem]: ready!

I also have a stick

[Grian]: Why???

[Gem]: For hiking

[Grian]: A hiking stick???

[Gem]: No

Just a stick

To fight off bears

[Grian]: Gem

I don't think that's what ur supposed to do when you see a bear

[Gem]: Hmm

I'll bring it anyway

The next chapter will be so dramatic. I mean, I said crack, but the next chapter is not crack but it's not angst either it's just someone drowning for half the chapter-

Original Notes: Okay this was originally going to be in the summary but I didn't want to spoil (even more than I already have) so here is this little funky summary:

Pearl: I shall call in the favor now
Grian: Sure I don't care
Scar: Why am I here
Pearl: Grian, Scar, kiss
Grian: WHAT
Scar: oh ok

Also this chapter is like 1,800 words :D

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