Grain Has Added You To Cool P...

De Raven_Foxxies

232 1 5

That one texting highschool AU no one asked for but I needed so shut up and read (I have become an evil Joel)... Mais

Grian has added you to the chat
School Starts
Recreating Flying Pigs
Recreating Flying Pigs Pt. 2
Even More Stuff Happens (and I need to learn how to come up with chapter names)
When LIFE gives you soulmates (I chuck smalletho and scarian at you)
The Favor
Skiing (FINALLY)
Flower Ranchers (has won the vote)

Random Stuff Happens

15 0 0
De Raven_Foxxies

What did I tell you? Best name ever.

Original Summary: Grian is trapped bc of an avalanche everyone plays hermitcraft and people think Jimmy and Tango are soulmates.

YES SCOTT WILL APPEAR, just like, five chapters later bc that's when the vote happened  >:)

[Grian]: Can't host Double Life this weekend

We're going on a short road trip

[Bdubs]: I don't think we can play double life at all if someone's going solo, can we?

it would completely mess up the game

[Grian]: true

I guess we just can't play this weekend then

[Tango]: we should all get together for another hermitcraft game then

[Joel]: ooo yes let's do that

maybe then I can figure out who's killing all the horses

I mean like save some for me to kill

[Bdubs]: You're a sick man Joel

[Grian]: you still don't know?

[Joel]: We haven't played since then ok?

we've been so focused on LIFE

[Gem]: well, life is cool

I'm sad I can't join I'm still in Hawaii

[Lizzie]: I'm coming back tomorrow

Do you think I can join or does the solo thing mess things up again

[Grian]: I think if u wanted to join you would need a soulmate and Gem is still away

maybe when Gem comes back?

[Gem]: I won't be back for a while

We want to make the most of the vacation

We don't do "short" trips

[Grian]: short road trips are amazing!

you should try them sometime

[Lizzie]: I'm back!

[Joel]: you're lucky you came back on a Friday AND you don't have to attend school bc of jet lag

I am suffocating in here

[Jimmy]: Joel you're outside

you have PE right now

AGAIN, how did you sneak your phone onto the field

[Joel]: I'm just that good

[Jimmy]: It's not raining again is it

[Joel]: nah

It's all sun and shine out here

[Jimmy]: I'm pretty sure that's not a saying Joel

[Joel]: who cares

Saying no saying I can still say it

[Jimmy]: true true

[Grian]: Ooo where I am it's snowing

is it snowing over there

[Scott]: not yet

where r u?

[Grian]: west

[Scott]: Grian that isn't an answer

[Grian]: it is an answer

[Scott]: That's not what I meant and u know it

[Grian]: I dunno ok

I have absolutely no idea where we are except that it's snowing

[Scott]: ...

open up maps on your phone

[Grian]: why

[Scott]: to check where u are?

[Grian]: what if I don't want to

my phone's on 34%

[Scott]: Grian I doubt that your phone will die just bc u opened maps

plus ur texting rn

that's probably eating up all ur battery

[Grian]: good point

goodbye then

[Scott]: rlly?



[Joel]: Weird conversation

Just came on

Grian share ur location so we can see where u r

[Scott]: Grian isn't online anymore

[Grian]: I'm back

[Scott]: dude it's been like

2 seconds

[Grian]: so?

[Scott]: what about ur battery

[Grian]: oh it's fine

it's at 27%

[Scott]: GRIAN

that's like 7% less than a minute ago!!!

[Joel]: ha

Grian ur phone hates u

[Grian]: :'(

[Pearl]: Who's house r we playing at

[Lizzie]: we should play in a coffee shop

it would be aesthetic

[Scar]: I don't think a coffee shop would appreciate a bunch of teenagers taking up space and screaming about fishing

[Skizz]: No Grian's not here this time there wouldn't be any screaming about fishing

[Gem]: ARGG you guys are having so much fun over there

[Joel]: Gem ur in Hawaii

how r u not having fun

[Gem]: I mean I'm having fun

just ur also having fun

[Cleo]: wow

Gem, ur a menace

[Gem]: thank you

[Etho]: I think only Grian's having a bad time

Grian is it still snowing where u are

[Scott]: I think Grian's phone is dead

[Joel]: ah yes


[Scott]: that's an interesting one

I agree though


[Etho]: #grianhasabadphone

[Gem]: we're doing this again?

we do this a lot really

and this time Grian's not even here to see us spam the #s

[Joel]: true

kinda pointless if Grian doesn't see it really

[Grian]: I'M BACK

I swear this will take a few hours to send

so Imma just say outright that WE ARE TRAPPED ON THE HIGHWAY

stupid avalanche here

this was sent at 10 in the morning btw

so you can get an idea of how long it took to send

[Tango]: wow

It's 4 in the afternoon

[Joel]: Grian has a slow phone I guess


[Gem]: that # is starting to make more and more sense


[Joel]: ikr

[Scar]: is no one else worried about the fact that Grian is stuck in an avalanche

[Scott]: no

not IN an avalanche

just stuck BECAUSE of an avalanche

[Scar]: not a big difference

[Etho]: there is though

if Grian was stuck in an avalanche we would all be screaming and freaking our head off

Grian would likely also be dead

[Scar]: great now I have an image of a dead Grian and screaming people in my head

[Gem]: don't we all

[Scott]: no

I don't

[Joel]: u know Gem that was a weird sentence

I'm tempted to call u #weirdgem rn

[Gem]: Joel

u just did

[Jimmy]: Joel's just like that

sneaking an insult into an apology

[Etho]: ha

[Joel]: That's me!

A bad boy!

"I'm going to pay attention this time to catch the horse slaughterer!" Joel declared as they sat down and started shuffling the cards.

"It's taking you an awful long time to figure that out," Jimmy said, leaning back into his chair. "You know, this is so much more organized than Grian's mess of a house. All he has are a lot of couches and couches and more couches." They were playing at Martyn's house this time, and all of them were sitting in a semi-circle around a white table. "I hate his couches. They're too squishy."

"Jimmy," Joel deadpanned. "You spent your whole time at Grian's house sitting in his couches."

"What else was I supposed to do?" Jimmy protested. "Sit on the ground?"

Joel, unfortunately, did not catch the horse slaughterer.

"You really do need to pay more attention," Pearl said after Joel banged his head on the table for missing it. "It has happened two times already in this one game."

"It isn't as bad as when someone was stealing all those doors," Scar said. "Who did that?" From the other side of the table, Mumbo snickered. "It wasn't you, was it, Mumbo?"

"No," he laughed. "But I know who did it."

"Who?" Scar demanded. "I swear when I find out who was responsible-"

"I'm not telling you," Mumbo said, amused. "That would ruin the whole point, wouldn't it?"

[Mumbo] --> [Grian]

[Mumbo]: Scar's on to u

He's figuring out who's stealing the doors

[Grian]: ur the one who made me participate in hermit challenges

[Mumbo]: ehh

it was funny

are u still stuck?

[Grian]: kinda

the snow storm knocked down a few traffic lights but they cleared the avalanche

we're in a city now so the internet's better but the traffic is terrible

[Mumbo]: aww sorry

gtg it's my turn in hermitcraft

[Grian]: you better not tell Scar I stole his doors or I'll kill you

"Are any of you guys cold?" Scar said, shivering.

"No?" Impulse said, confused. "Are you?"

"It's freezing where I am," Scar said.

"Scar," Cleo rolled her eyes. "We're all sitting in the same room. Your side of the table isn't any colder than my side of the table."

"Maybe it's your soulmate," Etho suggested.

"Oh yeah," Mumbo said. "I forgot to mention that Grian texted. He said the avalanche was cleared but traffic where he is is terrible and a snowstorm is still going on."

"You don't think Grian's your soulmate, do you?" Jimmy asked, more as a joke. Scar, however, raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Maybe," he muttered. "Though not likely."

[Joel]: Let's all stay up til' 3 and chat to annoy Jimmy

[Jimmy]: NO


[Grian]: I'll do it

[Gem]: I'll be awake anyway time differences woo!

[Etho]: Well I'll be asleep

[Scott]: I mean I need to sleep

I don't think I would be able to stay awake that long

[Joel]: Set an alarm

[Jimmy]: DON'T DO THAT


[Joel]: Aww we're not idiots :'(

[Gem]: Yeah Jimmy

[Jimmy]: pls just go to sleep

It's already half-past 10

[Joel]: Jimmy

I have already CLEARLY stated that 10 is not my bedtime

I have also already CLEARLY stated that I shall stay awake until 3 to annoy u

[Jimmy]: I give up

u guys are crazy


I'm muting my phone

[Joel]: no don't do that :'(

what if Tango dies in the middle of the night and u have ur phone muted

[Jimmy] WHY would u even come up with such a senario

[Joel] whispers to 15 others: SOULMATES

[Grian] whispers to 15 others: ikr

[Jimmy]: Joel?


Why r u so quiet all of a sudden


[Joel]: absolutely nothing

we were definitely not talking about you and tango

[Jimmy]: Me and Tango?


[Jimmy]: I don't care about grammar

what I do care about is why Joel is talking about me and Tango



[Joel]: not like u would do any better

u would prob punctuate ur sentences

[Grian]: I DO NOT DO THAT!!!!!

[Jimmy]: guys why were u talking about me a tango


[Joel]: You definitely DO do that

[Grian]: I DO NOT!!!!!

[Jimmy]: Stop ignoring me and answer the question!!!

[Tango]: Why are u guys texting at this hour

just why



[Tango]: ?

[Joel]: #grianpunctuateshissentenceswhenheisfeelingawkward

[Gem]: That's abnormally long but I'll do it anyway


[Tango]: oh

u know what I'mma just leave I don't want to deal with this rn

guys it's 11


[Joel]: Jimmy you sleep too early

[Jimmy]: NO I DON'T




Original Summary: Wow usually I have such a hard time writing above 1,000 words per chapter and now I am doing it with ease for a CHAT FIC of all fics! Funny how the world works!

Also, thanks to everyone who left kudos (we have 43 now!!! <3 :D) and the one person who left a comment! :D

For anyone who doesn't use ao3, kudos are the same as votes, but you can only give kudos once on each fic and it is very infuriating on multi-chapter fics. >:(

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