Grain Has Added You To Cool P...

By Raven_Foxxies

203 1 3

That one texting highschool AU no one asked for but I needed so shut up and read (I have become an evil Joel)... More

Grian has added you to the chat
School Starts
Recreating Flying Pigs
Recreating Flying Pigs Pt. 2
Random Stuff Happens
Even More Stuff Happens (and I need to learn how to come up with chapter names)
When LIFE gives you soulmates (I chuck smalletho and scarian at you)
The Favor
Skiing (FINALLY)
Flower Ranchers (has won the vote)


15 0 0
By Raven_Foxxies

Original Summary: They go back to school and learn about soulmates bc we really need to get to that honestly

Oh and they make a game

Original Notes: You know, the funny thing is, I had absolutely no idea what to do for this chapter until I started writing the summary and THAT just spewed out. Funny how my mind works really.

[Grian]: Help

this class is so awkward

we're learning about soulmates

I'm dying

[Jimmy]: What class is this

[Grian]: health

we're in the auditorium

I have to be really careful not to be caught

already five kids have had their phones confiscated

[Jimmy]: I didn't know there were so many bad boys in this school

[Joel]: JIMMY NO


EVERYONE ELSE ARE JUST IN THE "we get caught squad"

[Grian]: Joel

you also got caught


[Scott]: ha


[Joel]: GASP


I know for a fact that you have PE at the moment

[Jimmy]: how do you even smuggle your phone onto the field

[Scott]: dude


look outside a window

[Jimmy]: why






[Grian]: see

I'm not the clueless one

I knew it was raining

[Joel]: are u sure

[Grian]: YES I'M SURE

[Jimmy]: That still doesn't explain how you smuggled a phone into PE

[Scott]: We're all in the gym rn

only one class is playing dodgeball at a time

It's fairly easy honestly

everyone else is paying attention to the game

[Joel]: huh

I should try that sometime

[Jimmy]: what if it's your turn to play

[Scott]: ...

oh shoot

I don't have anywhere to keep my phone






[Joel]: Scott's panicking


[Grian]: do u have any friends in other classes

that u can give ur phone to

[Scott]: there's Shubble

I'll give it to her

ok bye

I have to play

[Grian]: bye!

[Jimmy]: bye?

[Joel]: Jimmy, really

was the question mark necessary?

[Jimmy]: I'm really confused rn

[Joel]: ha

that's a u problem honestly

Grian was seriously hating this class. He sat next to Scar, and even though Grian though soulmates were cool and interesting, learning about them in a room full of strangers AND your best friend wasn't Grian's ideal way to go about things.

The whole class went sort of like this:

Teacher: blah blah blah soulmates soulmates soulmates

Scar: Look! I make a paper airplane!

Grian: Where did you even get the paper

Scar: Aren't you going to say the paper airplane is amazing?

Grian, rolling his eyes: Yeah yeah, It's amazing.

Teacher: Grian! Scar! Pay ATTENTION!

Class: *Snickers*

Grian: *is sad*


Teacher: Only some people have soulmates

Grian, thinking: Oh. Maybe that's why Gem and Mumbo don't care.

Teacher: Around only a fourth of the human population has a soulmate

Scar: Look! I drew a jellie!

Teacher: Soulmates are usually romantic, but occasionally are platonic


Teacher: SCAR, GRIAN, stop talking and PAY ATTENTION.

Class: *Snickers*

Grian: *buries his head in his hands*

Teacher: Anyway, soulmates share eachother's pain and wounds, and sometimes even emotions.

Grian, thinking: That explains some things.

Teacher: When one soulmate dies, the other follows


Teacher: Scar, Grian, go to the office. And next time, try to pay attention.

When Joel attended that class, he paid absolutely no attention AT ALL.





Instead, he pulled out his phone and immediately started talking in the Flying Pigs group chat.

[Joel]: Hi

Is anyone online

I'm bored

[Grian]: what class r u in

[Joel]: Health

[Grian]: oh

Scar got us both kicked out of health

[Joel]: ha

you're really a bad boy, Grian

When Scott was in health class, he was a bit worried about what he learned.

A soulmate? That he couldn't choose?

What if he loved someone else?

Or he didn't love his soulmate?

What would happen then?

Pearl didn't really care about soulmates that much.

She hoped she didn't have one.

She didn't really care. Honestly, she was a lone wanderer through and through.

She didn't need a soulmate.

[Grian]: hey all

you guys want to create a card game together

it's so boring without something to do

after Flying Pigs ended

[Joel]: Sure

[Scar]: We should call it LIFE

after what you called the group chat at first

[Mumbo]: The Game of Life already exists

[Grian]: call it just LIFE then

[Mumbo]: alright

just life

Life ended up becoming a half-board game half-card game based off of hermit craft. It also had a role-playing part to it that made it even more fun. They started with Third Life. It was chaotic, fun, and honestly, everyone enjoyed it.

Then, came Last Life. Last Life was similar to Third Life, including betrayal, the boogeyman, red lives, and more. It was crazy. Everyone enjoyed it and they always came back to play even more games. The only downside was that the games were often long and everyone often had to return to whoever was hosting the party's house multiple times before they could even finish a game.

And then there was Double Life.

It was the one they were currently playing. Double Life, Grian had decided, would include soulmates. Just like they had learned in class. Many of the people had mixed feelings about this, but Grian managed to drag them into it anyway.

"Okay!" they were about to start, and Grian was in a dilemma.

To rig, or not to rig the name draws, Grian thought, staring as everyone wrote their names to be put into the hat. Grian already knew who would go well with each other, and really, this was just an excuse to pair up soulmates to get them closer. A brilliant plan made by Grian, by the way, if he thought about it.

He wouldn't, he finally decided when everyone had to draw. Let fate play it out instead.

Lizzie and Gem were both off on vacation when the played, and Mumbo had been elected as the official Watcher for the game. Bdubs went first, getting Impulse. They were already happy with the results. Next, Joel drew and got Etho. Then, Tango drew and got Jimmy, Scott got Pearl, Cleo got Martyn, Ren got BigB, and Grian.

Grian got Scar.

"Let's start!" Scar had declared the second Grian had drawn.

"Scar," have you even been paying attention to the soulmate drawing?" Grian asked as Scar immediately started to do whatever he was doing in the game.

"Oh look! An Allay!" Scar shouted as he flipped over a card. "Come here, little buddy! I think you dropped something!" he shouted.

"Scar!" Grian said, shaking his shoulder. Scar paid him no mind. "Scar, I think we're soulmates, and you're too busy chasing fairies!"

"Ha," Joel said, amused. "Tough luck, man."

"It shall be known as the Relation Ship!" Joel declared, waving his hands at the creation he made. They had introduced legos into LIFE because many of the players wanted to build structures.

"Cool," Etho said when he saw it. "Anyway, I'm going off to fight the warden."

"Eefo, NO!" Joel said. "Where'd he go? EEFO! COME BACK!"

"Who's got tough luck now," Grian said, elbowing Joel.

"Does Scar even know your soulmates yet?" Joel asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"I was just going to tell him," Grian said. "Like, right now!"

"Alright everyone!" Mumbo suddenly declared. "Let's wrap up this session!"

"Or not," Grian said, blinking.

"Oh, what wonderful timing," Joel said, relieved. "I thought Eefo was going to kill us!"

"Ha," Scar said, elbowing Joel. "And I don't even know who my soulmate in this game is yet!"

Grian face-palmed.

[Grian]: How u guys enjoying LIFE?

[Joel]: It's cool

[Scott]: I have not met my soulmate ONCE in the game.

[Cleo]: What he's trying to say is that he has declared me to become his replacement soulmate because his soulmate is gone

He's just too chicken to say it

[Scott]: Am not

[Grian]: Where even is Pearl

[Pearl]: right here

[Grian]: Ur okay with this?

[Pearl]: I don't really care

[Grian]: ok

[Jimmy]: I'm liking it so far

Wonder if it'll be as chaotic as last season this time

[Joel]: oh it will

If it won't I'll make it become as chaotic as last season

[Jimmy]: wow

[Grian]: That's just Joel being typical Joel

Anyway, enjoy the season everyone!

[Joel]: How come there's no boogeyman this time

[Jimmy]: I dunno

[Grian]: I mean, we have soulmates now

Soulmates AND the boogeyman would have been too extra, wouldn't it?

And plus we still have the red lives thing

[Joel]: True, true

We should do this again someday but as trios

We could be the bad boys

[Grian]: YEAH


[Tango]: I feel like every time I visit this chat again

I have missed like, half of the conversations

[Jimmy]: You have

Although a lot of these "conversations" are just me, Joel, and Grian

[Gem]: It's Joel, Grian and I, Jimmy

[Jimmy]: no one cares

This is a group chat



[Gem]: #meanjimmy

[Tango]: #meanjimmy

[Jimmy]: You too? Really?

[Grian]: hey guys

I'm on now

What has happened while I was gone

[Joel]: Just scroll up Grian

[Grian] ok


[Jimmy]: Everyone here is so mean

[Grian]: no, Jimmy, you got it wrong

You're the mean one

not us


[Jimmy]: I give up

Hi! >:) I love writing these stories ha

Btw the next story has the best title name ever just you wait

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