The Runaway

By marichatchat

506 185 281

19-year-old Vivienne is taken away from her kingdom on a little trip gone wrong. What happens when she meets... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 14

18 5 20
By marichatchat

Tonight, will be the night. I will get out of here.

I can barely walk... maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow should work.

We have been here for hours. I fell asleep at one time; I believe he did too, but he won't admit it. He was very still for a while. I shook him, thinking he died, and he jumped. It was hilarious.

"Do you know why I'm not healing?"

The sun setting on the horizon is beautiful, it makes the sky pink and orange.

"Your session is over, and you will die soon."

"What? Then what's the point of me being here and helping the king take my kingdom if I'm going to die anyways?"

"I'm joking, princess. When you're in a different kingdom, everything is suppressed. It helps get rid of threats."

Oh, no wonder I feel so pathetic. That's why I felt more alive yesterday, outside of the walls.

"Then when will my leg heal? Or my arm?" He shrugs. "Well, do you know anything that can help? This is such a nuisance."

"I'll ask the healer tomorrow."

"Why not today?"

"Why not tomorrow?"

"I'm in too much pain."

He faces forward for a while before huffing and standing up. "Fine." He steps over to me, helping me get back on Zephyr's back. He whistles and the Pegasus stands up. They both walk to wherever; mystery man is walking with Zephyr.

I braid his mane, a bunch of little ones that will lead to a bigger one. The two are talking to each other.

The black hair blends in with the night sky too much. Why is my vision so poor here? Every sense I have is poor here. It is disgusting. I have to get out of here soon.

Definitely tomorrow.

I unbraid the hair after it fails for the up-most times. I put my ear against his neck to hear his heartbeat, see if it's different than a unicorn's. After some time, I finally found it. It's faster. This is all so interesting.

After a short time, we're back at the stalls. The others are talking to each other. It has to be telepathically since no one is talking. Everyone has cool powers except me.

"I want to be some magical creature. A unicorn or a griffin. I always loved griffins."

"Whatever you say, princess."

"Do you think the gods will turn me into a griffin?"


Zephyr lays down and mystery man picks me up. They are so synchronized, no one asked me about this. They're just moving me around and stuff.

Not that I mind.

He whistles again, differently than the other times and the Pegasus go into their stalls. Callista looks at me and snorts. If I wasn't being held, I would walk over and pet her. I wave at her.

"Hi, baby."

She talks in horse, with attitude, and turns around, flopping her elegant tail. I don't think they would let me take her to the room with me. I look up at mystery man, the moon behind him is beautiful.

"Are they allowed in the castle?"



"Who brings them in."

He pets Zephyr some more and talks to him in the other language. He does so with all of them. We're so small compared to them.

"Can you?"

He faces down at me for a while before opening Callista's door. She immediately nudges me with her muzzle. I put my hand on her face, and she huffs air in my face. She's too sassy.

"Can I?" She huffs air in his face. He sighs. "Not right now, you have to see the healer."

He turns around, walking to the other side of the castle around the back. Callista follows us. She keeps nudging me every time she can and huffs in his face every time, he tells her to go away.

Eventually he walks in the secret side door that he showed me the 1st sunset here. He uses this door to go everywhere he takes me, even if it's on the other side of the grounds. He won't go up either, only down. So many secrets.

Once he opens the door Callista hits her hoof on the ground a few times and her tail is swishing, ears are twitching. There isn't enough space here for her to follow us. I hold my hand out to her, past his shoulder, and wave.

"I'll come back for you, baby. Don't worry."

She snorts for a last time before nudging the door closed and I can hear her walk away. I love her. She has to come home with me. The kingdom stole me, I'll steal their Pegasus. She probably likes me more anyways.

After walking through the halls for some time and down some stairs, we reach a room. He knocks on it. It isn't too bad being carried around. If I actually lived here, I would break all my limbs, so they carry me around.

I'll do that when I get home so Kian has to carry me everywhere.

After some time, the door opens to a sweet old man with gray hair, white eyes and wrinkles all around him. Oh wow, he must be really old. No one has wrinkles or different colors on their skin. He is so pretty.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

I can't stop staring at him. How does someone have white eyes? Plain white, no iris or pupil or anything. Can he see? Is he blind or does he see more? Everyone here is so different then at home.

"We were wondering if you could do anything to help her injuries, sir."

He looks at me, I can't tell if he is actually staring into my soul or not. Maybe he can't see straight and can only see on the sides of everything like horses. He looks me over before turning back in the room, leaving the door open.

Mystery man walks in the room, closing the door behind him with his foot. He sets me on a huge black, leather ottoman. The walls here match the walls in Luna's room. Dark gray stone, as the floor too. Candles on the walls light the space a soft yellow. It's quite calm here. Quiet everywhere else.

Mystery man is leaning on the door with his arms crossed. The light only outlines the mask. I would have pulled his hood off earlier to see who he is but that would be horribly rude of me.

The extremely old man walks over.

"Lay down."

I do so. He walks to my left side, his back now to the opposite side of the room from the door. He kneels beside my arm, unwrapping it. I'm sure it is more healed now, but I turn away. The cool air feels weird on the compressed area of my arm. He then moves to the other injury on my calf. At least everything is on one side, only one half of me is useless.

"My goodness. Who wrapped the bandage over the clothing? They did a horrible job."

Mystery man shrugs and stays faced away from me. I wave my hand at him to get his attention. He turns to me. I have to see who he is.

"This will hurt, her highness but bear with me."

Oh no. He looks around the room before pointing to a thick book about herbs on a shelf.

"Get me the book."

Mystery man gets the healer the book. The healer puts it under my ankle. Who makes a book this thick? It's outrageous. Mystery man comes to my right and squats beside me. He holds his hand out to me. What?

The healer starts unwrapping the bandage, each layer closer he gets. The more the pain grows. I grab his hand and involuntarily squeeze it. Once the last layer is removed, the air is very cold. I see a glimpse of blood on the wrapping and look away as much as possible, closing my eyes too.

The healer grabs the bottom of my pant leg and carefully lifts it up my leg. The pain of the fabric rubbing against it is torturous. I bite my arm to stop myself from making any noises. It hurts so much. Once the last thread is off, the pain considerably lessens. I take my poor arm out my mouth. It looks like some crazy person bit me, but oh, I'm the crazy person.

"Breathe, princess."

I'm still holding his hand. I'm too exhausted to move or open my eyes. I breathe like I just ran, trying to calm myself. I hear the healer get up and walk to another part of the room. He grabs something before going back to his previous spot. He folds my leg outwards a little. I roll on my side to take the strain off of myself. After a second, he puts something extremely cold on it. I bite my arm again as soon as it starts burning. I can hear it, each second it gets worse. I try to keep the tears at bay. Mystery man rubs little circles on the top of my hand with his thumb. I can't stop squeezing his hand, hopefully it's okay.

"This one has no tolerance to pain. Such sensitive skin," the healer claims.

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