By Carat_Official

831 67 19

A story where 13 Boys were dragged in one by one into a bus. Each had a different story, a different origin... More

Choi Seungcheol Is Found
Choi Seungcheol's Origin
Yoon Jeonghan Is Found
Yoon Jeonghan's Origin
Hong Jisoo's Origin
Wen Junhui Is Found
Wen Junhui's Origin
Kwon Soonyoung Is Found
Kwon Soonyoung's Origin
Jeon Wonwoo Is Found

Hong Jisoo Is Found

64 4 0
By Carat_Official

Yes, of course, his girlfriend on the night he wanted to go to a movie date with her ditched him. He simply wanted to hold her hand and flirt around, but an unfortunate series of events led him to the Han river.

He called it a mere coincidence that he came to an encounter with an old lady who pulled him into her house and yelled at him for looking slouchy on such a beautiful night.

He thought she was crazy, for how could a man dressed in a suite with his hair carefully combed back look slouchy. All he probably looked was sad, but of course, his sadness would go away once his girlfriend came back to him since no one had the ability to resist his charm.

Yet that was the end of his thought process as he was forced to look into the mirror in the old lady's bathroom. He stared in a daze and realized his devilish look.

Now that he realized it... Had it not been 4, or was it 5 hours since the time his girlfriend ditched him. Had she not--right in front of his eyes--run away with her mouth covered. But he knew how he looked he dressed up just for her yet here he was standing looking at his distorted reflection.

"Boy? Call one of your friends to pick you up!" The old lady pointed at him in the mirror.

"W-What?" Shocked by the sudden demand, he did not know how to reply.

"Yes, call one of them from that small trinket of yours." She pointed towards his pocket.

"Wait, can't I just leave?" He questioned, blinking as if he didn't hear her right.

"Hell no! I'm not letting a hooligan walk down my street! You wash up and have some warm food. You look like the stars turned away from you, so freshen up before you greet those stars again... But it might not be the same stars..." The old lady mumbled the least line with a smile. "Turn right to get hot water and left to get cold!"

And before Jisoo had words to speak, the old lady slammed the door in his face, throwing a towel at him. With no choice but to do what she had told him, he abandoned his clothes on the ground and stepped into the shower after reading the hot and cold.

Cleansing himself of the supposed hooliganness the old lady bestowed upon him, he felt reborn as he left the thought of his girlfriend behind. He had walked and ran too long in his lost thoughts that it had done him no good.

The cold water tricked down his head, calming his racing brain into a still mind of peace. Slowly and going with the flow, he finished up stepping out of the shower, finding a pair of clothes he could change into. Without question, he dried himself off and  wore the clothes before drying his hair.

Once he was done, he stepped out of the bathroom to greet the still peacefulness in the room. It made him question his behaviors ever since he was young, living with his grandmother, who moved to a better place once she had hit her years. He remembered his small house and the chattering of the kids he played with on the street and the woosh of the wind hitting his face after climbing a tree. The crazy things he used to do as a little kid came flooding back.

"Come eat!" The old lady smiled, and he saw her wrinkled skin that curled up with her smile beautifully as well as her crescent eyes that disappeared into the shape of a moon

"Thank you." He smiled back, sitting down to eat.

The seconds passed, turing into minutes as he found peace in the dish he had been served. Whiping his plate clean, he helped the old lady wash the dishes.

"Boy! I need you to deliver this card to my granddaughter near the Han River tonight." The old lady handed him an envelope and a plastic bag for him to place his suit in.

"Sure." He smiled for it the least he could do for her after everything.

"Also, take the bike, you'll reach there faster." The old lady patted his back, walking back inside her hose after pointing at the lone bike under a lamp post.

"Okay, and thank you." Jisoo bowed.

"Ah, now don't do that. You gave me company, and it made me happy... So, I hope you find some good friends tonight." The old lady smiled.

Jisoo parted with the old lady as he made his way to the Han River. He bicycled there and safely made it to his destination. He waited for a few minutes as a female approached him. He smiled, handing her the letter as he watched her leave.

Minutes passed, and decided it was time to return the bike to the old lady. He got on and peddled, and suddenly, as if God was controlling the direction of his movement. The bike's wheels turned on their own, plunging him into the Han River.

With no willpower to swim, he let himself drift with the water's flow in a way enjoying the peace it gave him. He turned his head, watching his suit float as he realized that the clothes as well as the bike the old lady had given him were now soaking wet.

He made himself turn so that he could paddle through the water and get everything out to give them back to the old lady. Only if it wasn't for that voice.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, you idiot!!! It's too early for you to die!!!" It was Carat who stood at the edge of the river with her hands on her hips.

He had never felt this reluctant to move his body his sudden burst of want to give the old lady back her thing disappeared and was replaced by annoyance at Carat's appearance for some odd reason or was it because of the pretty male that stood beside her. He did not know.

Nevertheless, he sighed.

"What do you want?" He yelled loud enough for her to hear him.

"I want you to get on the bus like you're supposed to." Carat smiled and then turned to Jeonghan, asking him to pull him out of the river.

"Stay there. I'm coming for you." Jeonghan shrugged and stepped into the water without question as he saw the similarity of water between him and the male he was about to save. As he had run to his stream earlier here, this male was floating in a river.

He had no choice but to let the pretty male drag him out of the water. And slowly, but eventually he was out of the water and saw Carat dragging the bike and wet suite out of the water.

"Who are you?" He asked Carat, standing up as the water trickled down his body, making him shiver in cold.

"Name's Carat! And I'm here to pick you up, my dear rider!" She beamed holding out her hand.

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow, not wanting to shake hands with her, but seeing how she had helped him, he stood her hand.

"Tell me! What's your name?" She asked.

"..." He did not wat to speak, but having a pretty boy standing behind him, he felt like he had no choice but to do that. "Hong Jisoo..."

"Nice name, Jisoo! Now let's go! We've got more people waiting for us!" She grabbed Jisoo's arm and tossed the bike and suite towards Jeonghan like it was nothing.

"Wait, what? I need to give this back--"

"To the old lady! I know! We'll drop it off, don't worry!" Carat beamed dragging Jisoo towards the bus.

"Why do you know her, and where the hell are you taking me?" Jisoo tried getting out of Carat's grip, but it was no use, and Carat did noy answer him to top over that. He turned his head to look at the pretty boy for help, but...

"You'll get used to it." Jeonghan shrugged. "I'm Yoon Jeonghan, by the way.

"WHAT?!" Jisoo, without any warning, was hit with hot air that had the power to blow his body away as he entered the bus.

Jeonghan entered the bus too, managing to fit the bike inside with him as he was hit by the hot air before the doors slammed shut behind them.

"There we're all dry now!" Carat beamed, pushing Jisoo into a seat and putting the seat belt around him so that he would not move.

"What was that?!" Jisoo and Jeonghan asked in unison.

"Oh, I forgot to say! Hehe!" Carat scratched her head and took a seat in front of the wheel. "This bus is pretty high tech!"


"Haha! Anyways! " She laughed, making sure Jeonghan got into a seat and the bike made its way to the back before she began driving away. "I found you, Hong Jisoo!"


How are you doing? 💙

Love you! ❤️ Take care and stay safe, Infinity! ♾️

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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