Love Rekindled From The Ashes

By Yuriballs

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Sometimes what it takes to fix everything is to start from the very beginning losing many things you have gai... More

Forgotten Regret
Reaper and Chaos
Time Duo's Chat
Rock in the Sea
Ancient Ones vs Haachama
The Three of Them
Within Her Knowledge
Sound of Failure
Can't Stop Death
Love and Devotion
Her Memories
The Mission
Finding Them
Emo Gals
The Lab
True Death
Horrific Alchemist
Destroying The Alchemist
Orca vs Shark
Who Is Boss?
Chained and Silenced
Absorbing Knowledge
Couples Argument
The History
Bone Cracking Battle
Role Of Civilization
A Toast
No Time To Waste
Bird's Eye View
The Sound Of Birds
Light Vs Sound
Rocking The Place
The Door
Twin Distractions
Twin Bonds
Why Is She Here?
The One
I Love
The Escape
Interest In Emotions
Wiped Out
Hell To Pay
The Nest
Brain Probing
Mind Broken
Deep Sea Rematch
Tentacle Burst
Winning The Battle?
Talking About Her
How She Changed
The Three
The Flames In The Prison
Are You Worried?
Into The Flaming Building
Another Beast
No Fight
One and the Same
Inner Conflict
The Darkness Within Her
Always Betrayed
Smooth Brain Rat
Blood and Sweat
Snakes of Time
When I Was Locked Up
Time To End
Within Her Thoughts
Icy Cold Pain
Angry Feeling
Her Pain
Worried Parent
Sister's Job
To Protect
Her Little Sister
For Eternity
When Did It Change
Another Talk
How She Was
How Things Are
Timeline Issues
Not Her Memories
A Choice
A New Possibility
What Is Needed
Gathering DNA
Not Needed
Memories In The Wing
Lost Mind
Through Insanity
A Life Long Battle
Two Sides
Broken Rock
Like Before
What Matters
Corrupted Nature
Taken Captive
Space Between Them
The Soundless
Over and Over Again
Deep Failure
Waiting On Her Body
Reaper's Rage
Flimsy Ideals
Next Up
Orca's Vanished
The Body
Blood Goes Deep
Trying To Remember
Not In Control
What It Does
Predator's Eyes
Missing The Owl
Rage and Anger
No Understanding
No Redo
An Option
Sea Water
Past Reminder
Bored Of This
What We Forget
Mentally Disturbed
What Does It Mean?
Fearing The Unknown
Teaming With
On The Top
Soon To Be Hunted
Lapse in Sanity
Swimmimg Quickly
When Justice Comes
Incomplete Justice
Complete Justice
False Justice
Arguing Justice
Just Us
Powered With Regret
Looking Over
The Real Monster
The Same Old
Back To The Top
Burning Passion
The Monster
The Beast's Plan
To Time
The Horrific Girl
Dragged Down
Fully Devoted
The Same
The New Plan
Twisting Memories
New Commitment
Lost Duo
The Burden
Our Trio
Trying to Escape
Sisterly Bond
All The Blood
What Her Eyes See
What to do Now
Mind Pain
Time Flows
Worried Tako
Ina's Plan
Feeling Hostility
Time Fluxuations
How To Fix Her
Lost In Her Mind
Worried Puppies
Sitting Around
Courtyard Too
Back To Basics
Needed Deep Down
Breaking Free
All Forgiven
Worried Kirin
Still Confused
Kirin Watching
Time Thoughts
Something I Learned
All Out
What We Are
Her Friend
Closed Eyes
Just Lip Service
Needing A Sacrifice
Second Hand
Flaming Soul
Needing To Help
Needing To Atone
Never Would Have Thought
Up There
Back To Back
Helping Them
Who Are You
Your Fault
Red Blood
Burning Up
Death Comes
Red Hot
Collasping Dimension

Thoughts On Arrival

27 1 0
By Yuriballs

Gura pov: this place is the same as it was when we arrived before this isn't normal..

As Amelia pointed out the dome was still up meaning it was like this before and I don't know what to think about that.

"This makes no sense..." I said as I tapped on what would usually be a bubble dome over Alantis. Thus was glass.

"Gura, is it usually like this?" Watson asked.

"No..." I said

"Usually it's a bubble, so we can let water in and out, but glass doesn't work like that," Ina said.

"Gura, let's go in" Chloe said

I didn't want to go in but we have to find Shachi and Bao I guess.

We entered the dome and swam around.

I thought about the last time we were here and took a deep breath.

Sana glared at the three of us. We all knew she wanted us to shut up before we started saying things that may have messed up the world more than usual. I looked up and noticed that the flood gate was opening. Alantis was going to be filled with water.

This wasn't good It was needed but Sana and Watson wouldn't be able to handle this. I didn't want them to drown. This wasn't good. We could take refuge in a building but they'd be hunting or would they?
All of us need water at some point, so maybe we'd be able to hide inside for about a few hours.

"Watson, let's take refuge somewhere," I suggested.

"Why?" Ame asked.

I pointed to the floodgates and she nodded. We snuck into one of the houses as the gages opened and water flooded Alantis.
We now had to stay here because everyone was now outside and only Ina and I could breath, so we needed to stay put.

We knew that if we made any sound we could be found, so we tried to be as quiet as we could, despite the fact that we weren't going to be heard in here.

"Gura, I'd like to look into you..."Watson said

Was the pressure making her delirious? I wondered if she was just a regular human, not a goddess or possessed by the ancient ones, when she was just a regular human.

"Watson breath..." I said since she was hyperventilating.

I plugged her nose and leaned in to kiss her. I was going to let her share my breath since she was panicking.

"G-gwwa!" She said, while muffled. I pulled away, noticing her red face.

I wasn't going to go until my mother was found, so I assumed Watson felt the same. I wanted her to go, but she wouldn't.

Sana understood that we'd stay no matter what, so she couldn't ditch us here. If she did, we'd probably die or be captured Sana was our moral support. She was keeping us level-headed, which was good at this time.
We needed to approach things smartly. We couldn't make dumb moves. We had to sneak around and be stealthy.

I actually had an idea that maybe if Ina somehow went into her full tako form, maybe no one would recognize her, although that would be dumb.

There was a knock at the door, so all of us fell silent. We saw the doorknob slowly open as someone appeared. Ina immediately shot a tentacle out, stopping the person from speaking, and quickly knocked them out, closing the door behind her.

"This is annoying I don't want to be in hiding. Ina sighed.

"It's only for a little while," Sana said softly

Yeah, this could be for the rest of our lives, and who knows if we'd ever get out of it if my mother wasn't even in Alantis anymore.
Wait, she could be in the mystical forest now, but how would we know? We can't talk to anyone to see if she left at any point or not. Or was she run out?

Maybe these people wanted to force me into being Queen. I didn't want to be Queen, though they needed to get that through their thick skulls.

Me being Queen is the equivalent of Ame being a good detective. It wasn't going to happen ever since neither of us are good

"You have mentally insulted me," Watson said.

I shook my head lying to her face. She didn't need to know that. I wasn't going to tell her that I was lying to her face. She could probably figure that out anyway.
We always insulted each other. We were practically linked mentally too. We shared the same braincells.

I noticed I could lift up a floor board in this house, so I did so and it revealed a secret passage.

I decided to go down there since everyone else did. There was a tunnel. I followed it, wondering where it came out too. I was confused when it just stopped.
But thinking about it, I could hear that it was somewhere near my mother's, so maybe the tunnel was partially filled back up. That would make sense.

I definitely could see someone filling this back up after they kidnapped my mother or maybe they buried her. I really hoped that wasn't the case.

I had Ina use her tentacles to dig and Sana made a mini black hole to suck up dirt. When they were done, they revealed a hole. I hear Mumei found tunnels in the council, so it was our turn to explore.

"Shachi!!!" I yelled as we got to the throne room and the Orca came out and walked towards us

"Hey Gura..." She said

"Let's just fight..." I told her

"Wait we are fighting!?" Ina asked

"Of course..." Sakamata told us

The Orca called over two friend and then a third came down with her this is perfect

"Wait we have to f-f-fight!?" Aqua-senpai squealed

"Yeah this is why we came..." Marine-senpai said

That was the point. We have to prepare to fight those four now.

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