Reunited (appledash)

By imtireddd820

8.6K 441 606

It's a few years after graduation at Canterlot College. Rainbow Dash has settled into her temporary placement... More

เผ„ห–ยฐ. notes .เณƒเฟ”*:๏ฝฅ
c1. The Incident
c2. Unforeseen Circumstances
c3. Pinkie's Unwanted Surprise
c4. Right, where shall we start...
c5. New Developments
c6. Memories And Mixed Feelings
c7. The Arm-Wrestle
Back To CHS - Chapter 8
Rainbow's Training Day - Chapter 9
The Show Off - Chapter 10
My Head Or My Heart - Chapter 11
An Honest Apple - Chapter 12
Twilight's Return - Chapter 13
ponytown #1
Truth Or Dare - Chapter 14
The Morning After The Night Before - Chapter 15
Rainbow Strikes Out - Chapter 16
ponytown #2
All Eyes On Her - Chapter 18
One Too Many Mistakes - Chapter 19
Feeling Unsteady - Chapter 20
I Can't Lose You - Chapter 21
The Meeting - Chapter 22
20% Better - Chapter 23
A Call Apart - Chapter 24
Rise and Fall - Chapter 25
Confessions and Concerns - Chapter 26
The Big Game - Chapter 27

Friends From Two Worlds - Chapter 17

224 17 30
By imtireddd820

We ended up at diner downtown, it was 1950's themed, full on retro americana. Funnily enough, I had actually been to this place a few times with Pinkie Pie ageas ago when she used to be a waitress here, so I already knew that I wanted their specialty double cheeseburger, with an apple pie for desert of course.

"Come on, there's a free booth round here." I say, leading the way through the familiar place. I felt much more comfortable already now that I was out of the bowling place. Thank goodness Rainbow suggested we go somewhere else, I don't know what I would've done if we stayed at that awful place. . .I don't know what Dash would've done if we stayed at that place. . . 

We take our seats at the booth, Rainbow sitting beside me, the others opposite us. Menus were already on the table so the others begin look through them as we chat, I already knew what I was getting so I keep my menu on the table.

"This is a nice spot you've found Applejack!" Twi says.

"Yeah, this is the place Pinkie used to work at, remember?" I reply.

"Oh yeah, right, that was ages ago. I only came a couple times, never had much free time on my hands being so busy with extracurricular clubs and all." Twi says, a genuine grin on her face.

Rainbow notices me not looking at my menu, "Already know what you want"

"Double cheeseburger, it's delicious."

"You know what. . ." Rainbow remarks, folding her menu and putting it down, "I'll have the same."


"Hey, if you say it's delicious, I believe you. Plus, you clearly have fantastic taste, especially when it comes to eating. . ." Dash says, referring to pleasures of the previous night. The corners of her mouth widen into a simper as her head tilts towards me. She spoke a little too loudly for my liking as Sunset and Twilight responded to the comment, Sunset with an amused snort and Twilight saying,

"Rainbow Dash! Not so loud!"

"Better get used to it babe, their insufferable flirting is unfortunately a regular habit of theirs."

Twilight freezes suddenly halfway through a playful eye-roll, as she notices a word Sunset used.


"Huh?" Sunset says, knowing exactly what she was doing despite playing innocent with the girl next to her.

"You just called me 'babe', just then." Twilight says, hiding a slight smile.

After a few seconds Sunset, ever so slightly, leans in closer to Twilight's now blushing face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. . ." In a flash, she eyes Twilight up and down, both of them now attempting to hide a grin. They hold eye contact for a moment before Twilight quickly clears her throat and buries her head back into her menu. You could almost see her heart beating out of her chest.

Dash and I look at them, proudly immersed in their teasing. As if we were two mother hens watching our chicks grow.

"And you think our flirting is insufferable. . ." I say to sunset in a quiet breathy laugh, quiet enough so only she would be able to hear me, something Rainbow didn't seem to know how to do. Despite the fact that she maybe shouldn't have made her comment at such a loud volume, I did find her lack of awareness attractive, as if she was living in her own world and wanted me to be a part of it, as if it were only her and I in the room. Of course the context of the comment was much appreciated as well.

Sunset replies by, unbeknownst to Twi, putting a finger to her mouth and shushing, a smirk under her finger that draws a scoff from me. 

A waiter approaches our table.

"Hey guys, welcome to the Sweet Snacks Café! I have a jug of water here for the table with a few glasses. . ." The waiter, with Rainbow's help, places the water and glasses on the table and fills them up, 'thank you's' coming from the others and I. "Perfect, now what can I get for you all?" 

We all placed our orders, Rainbow, as she creatively noted before, getting the same as me. Interestingly, Twilight also got the same as what Sunset ordered, chicken and waffles. 

"I'll have everything ready for you guys soon!" The cheery waiter walks off, notepad in hand.

"Well ain't he sweet." I say.

"Anyone's better than the dick at the bowling place" Rainbow responds as she slouches back into the seat and crosses her arms. Her comfortable position is suddenly put back to her previous upright as she hears her name being called from not too far down the diner,

"Yo, RD!"

Rainbow turns her head, as do I, to see a group of three girls, one with short orange hair, one with mid length golden hair and one with slightly longer dark brown hair, all walking this way.

Rainbow stands up at their arrival, "Hey guys! What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean 'what are we doing here?' I literally texted you yesterday morning asking if you wanted to come to lunch with us here today!" The orange haired one says, slightly angry, but keeping a playful tone.

"You did?" Rainbow says, getting her phone out of her pocket to prove their point.

"I texted you as well, literally this morning!" The golden haired one continues as Rainbow checks her phone.

"Oh yeahhh, right. . .sorry guys, I've been super busy the last couple days." Rainbow admits defeat, scratching the back of her head with her hand to show so. The orange haired one then darts her eyes to me. Robotic with her eye movements, she looks me up and down then switches her view back to Dash, tipping her head down and lowering her gaze knowingly.

"Busy huh. . .Applejack I assume?" she says, looking back at me.

"Uh, yes. . ." I reply, not really knowing what the hell is going on. I take a sip of the glass of water in front of me, out of confusion.

"The famous AJ!" The orange haired girl continues with an exaggerated excitement.

The three of them look at each other, "Yeah RD, I'm sure you've been superrrr busy." The brown haired one says sarcastically, laughing.

"Whatever, don't be mad that you guys aren't at the top of my list of people I wanna hang out with. That spot's been filled." Rainbow looks at me with her last sentence, sweetly smiling, which I do back.

"I'm sure that's not the only thing that's been filled." The orange haired one says, mockingly smiling and winking at Dash.

Sunset chokes on the glass of water she had put to her mouth at the comment, turning her head to look at Dash, "Do all your friends have the same humour as you?"

Dash responds to the comment as well, "Fire! Come on!" Hypocritically telling the girl, who I know now to be called 'Fire', to stop saying a version of something that Rainbow had pretty much said not 5 minutes ago. Rainbow turns to me to see my reaction, that being mostly baffled, but also slightly appreciating the 'Rainbow Dash' energy that the girl had. The more the merrier.

"I can say whatever I want, besides, your girlfriend likes it. I can tell." Fire looks at me, almost s if she read my mind.

"Well Rainbow, aren't you gonna introduce us?" I say, wanting to know more about the three mysterious girls.

"Oh yeah, this is Gilda, this is Lightning and the idiot in the middle is Spitfire. They're my friends from soccer. Guys this is Twilight, Sunset and--"

"Applejack, we know. . ." Lightning says, with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"You're basically all she talks about you know." Spitfire continues, looking at me as she does so. 

I look at Dash who wide-eyes Spitfire, as if to say 'she didn't have to know about that. . .'.

"I am huh?" I cockily say to Dash, leaning back and displaying a brash grin.

"Possibly. . ." Dash replies looking at me with captivating eyes of innocence and seduction, her answer leaning towards an agreement with my previous rhetorical question. Not knowing what it is she actually says about me when I'm not around making her seem all the more alluring, the mystery of what her inner thoughts about me would be, thoughts she maybe even felt too shy to tell me herself (although I find that pretty unlikely).

"Don't kid yourself RD." Spitfire looks to me once again, "Trust me, she can't get you out of her mind." I notice the golden haired Lightning's stature changes, her arms folding as she closes herself off, looking as if she were hurt by what Spitfire had just said. . .weird. Spitfire continues, "She gets so distracted in fact that she doesn't even realise how well she's playing when her mind drifts off, thinking about you."

"Well I'm mighty glad I make a contribution to the team." I joke to the friendly-seeming Spitfire, causing her to chuckle.

"You play well even without concentrating? That's quite impressive, Rainbow!" Twilight mentions.

"I'm a natural athlete, what can I say. I could play any game, anytime, anywhere."

"And act with modesty while doing so, of course." Spitfire mocks.

"Now you know what I have to deal with!" I amusedly jest with Spitfire, entertaining Rainbows ego.

"You and me both, you don't want to imagine how she is in our gym sessions!" Spitfire replys in jest.

"I don't have to, we went together just the other day! I managed to put a few dents in her ego though, didn't I Dash?" I look to Rainbow who rolls her eyes in a smile, enjoying the fact that Spitfire and I are conversing so easily with each other.

"Far too big for her britches is Rainbow Dash." Spitfire scoffs.

"Yeah? Well you'll be eating your words in a couple days when we have our practice game. You'll be glad that my confidence comes into play then, you'll see." Dash replies, accentuating the word 'confidence' since that is how she envisions her egotistical nature, as pure confidence. Quite respectable if you ask me, irritating at times, but in a childlike way where you can only really laugh at them. I always found her lack of pretension rather adorable.

"Hey that's an idea, why don't you come to our game Applejack?" Gilda asks.

"You can all come if you want! The more encouragement from the crowd, the better we play anyway! What'd ya say?" Spitfire adds, once again causing an irritation from the 'Lightning' girl stood on the left, shown indistinctly by her in the form of a peeved off huff. I decide to ignore it and reply, excitedly,

"I'd love to come and see y'all play! You two down as well?" I look to the two girls sat opposite me, invested in the conversation.

"Sure, why not." Sunset says, displaying a face that says she'd be fine either way.

"Yeah, sure!" Twilight responds with a telling answer that says, to me at least, that she is only choosing to go because Sunset has agreed. I've never known Twilight to be interested in any kind of sports at all, since Sunset is going though, I wouldn't be surprised if she's only agreeing to go as an opportunity to spend time with her.

"That'll be awesome guys!" Dash beams with enthusiasm.

I smile at her beam, happy to see her so overjoyed and causing me to affectionately say, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, sugarcube." I follow by placing my hand onto her lower thigh under the table noticeably, drawing a more sexually influenced grin on the girl's face as opposed to her previous more sinless one.

Spitfire seems to notice the placement of my hand having had shift, smiling devilishly as she says, "How 'bout we leave you guys to your lunch, seems like you want your privacy."

"It was really lovely to meet y'all!"

"Right back at ya, Applejack. Glad I can finally put a face to the name, a pleasing one at that. . ." Spitfire notes to my delight, jokingly of course, knowing full well that there's only one person who gets to enjoy my 'pleasing' face.

"Fire. . ." Dash says, knowing that the girl is only messing around with her.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Just sayin' if it doesn't work out with you guys. . ."

"FIRE!" Rainbow enforces, a giggle coming from everyone else at the scene, myself included.

As if on cue, the waiter appeared with our selection of orders, each of them looking delicious as ever, making my mouth salivate.

"Hey, we'll see you guys in a couple days!" Gilda says as the group make way for the waiter, walking off in the direction they came from.

"Yeah! See y'all at the game!"

"Later RD!" Spitfire says, walking off next to the other two, the other girl Lightning not wishing the rest of us a goodbye, not even Dash. . .

"See ya guys!" Dash responds as our plates get served in front of us.

I take my hand off Rainbows thigh and prepare to dig into my meal as the other three do as well, the widened beam still not having left neither Dash's or my face.

I'm so happy to have met Rainbow's friends, finally. I know to some it might not seem like something to make too much of a fuss over, but I'm a firm believer that friends are one of the  most important assets you can have in your life. They often know more about you than even you do, they can teach you life lessons that you might not have ever been able to learn otherwise and most importantly, they can make a bad day better and a good day great. And these friends certainly made my day a heck of a lot better. 

Not to mention how happy I am to have been invited to Dash's practice match! I'd only had a glimpse of her playing before and I honestly couldn't tell you a single thing about the game, only that Dash looked incredibly hot while playing. I was more than happy to accept any invitation to see that again. 

They all seem to really care about Dash, joking with her in a similar type of affectionate way that I do, Spitfire especially, and looking out for her when I'm not around. At the end of the day, that's all I could ask for from Dash's friends, that they care, so I grant myself lucky to have people like them in her life as much as they'd now be in mine now that we're together and all.

And although one of her friends, Lightning, gave me some mixed signals, I'm positive that if I got to know her a bit better she'd be just as lovely as the other two. . .I'm sure of it. . .


Genuinely been such a hectic week so I'm sorry for not getting this out sooner!
Will try to update as often as I can I promiseeee!

Thank you for 100 votes btw! (Literally just saw that now lol) 
Votes really do help a fuckton so thank you all so much for your support! 

Anyway, night you guyssss 🫶

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